Sunday, December 26, 2010

Watchdog dialogue on business history writing

 Ling Zhijun recently watching a more famous read Wu Xiaobo's believe that their writing skills, he can not do in-depth core of an enterprise, so his book is very superficial and can not reach a real people thing.'s blog today to see Wu Xiaobo, see him on business writing and Yuan Weidong a dialogue popular feeling and lessons learned, go back to write another.
Yuan Weidong mm bound old rules, the creation of new rules people. These people created one of the New World, they are determined to take control and not control others mm longer be fair, the 250 years since the United States gave birth to a number of corporate culture and . Company History Writing completely different flavor.
10 years ago, I came across in the Haidian Book City, thing. that sense of excitement and shock of a student of history to some inexplicable excitement. At that time, the company is landed on China's stage time, and soon became master of the transition era of power, and some degree > of history and the times in order to coordinate system on the calibration of the location of Lenovo, too back in history, sort out the issue of Chinese people, and Lenovo solution. Chen's writing into the final grand narrative, and that he can return to writing even bad quality of Chinese people that the discussion on China's system of absurd accusations. Not surprisingly, the critical point then is that Chinese enterprises. This seems to be called the Enlightenment for the company and business. Indeed, the Enlightenment who wrote of how the role of the temptation to China .
Although the association is only a specimen of the company. But this inertia and type of the writers in China have been the most used type. in the PC market, Lenovo became the leader of China, especially when done in its defeat transnational corporations With this in mind, the association was interpreted as a coordinate, World torrent of evidence. this kind of logic is not absolutely today.
even transferred from the political writer, can not break this inertia. When Ling Zhijun from the He left the times in the chest. and Reform of deep disappointment, historical value and values. In that era, is a sample as the carrier tries to write to the era. They have a natural fate of China's anxiety. Perhaps this sense of the times too anxious, and that they can not escape the history of complex interventions. it makes them unable to stay in a quiet specimens of a company. They are always trying to bridge the bear and an era has broken sky. They are always trying to one chance encounter with the great historical power, or synchronized forward and meet the magnificent future, or the failure of rude sad .
This prevents them from questioning the company's authentic, restored the prototype. Therefore, they both can not details, arrived at a Baptists Angels and Demons, one of the wealthy life, not to mention the achievements of John. Nathan in the The , age difference does not exist. they just show the facts would be sufficient. a considerable extent, the Americans have represented the era itself, and our corporate and commercial value just to make up for this gap is born.
But the company and the business will eventually return to its original meaning. they do not naturally have the kind of grand historical and social significance, will be delivered to the future of Chinese society such a , on the whole they are only competitive in a country based on law of the jungle in the world system, as well as the coordinates of such pragmatism. But even Peter Drucker, in the , the last the search for the He went to sort out intellectuals and businessmen and merchants, their mission, and for entrepreneurs, intellectuals, trying to equal social and historical activities of the mission remain vigilant and criticism. Wu has been realized here is the actual arrival of the Chinese business community is not the kind of intellectuals who desire the value of the business community. In other words, the bourgeois revolution did not happen, the public was far better than the. Miss China to see such scenes, and some anger, so He wrote some very commercial cautionary motto. So, not surprisingly, this is among his best-selling author of Chinese Business History after the very popular book.
they can reach the heights and limits have been carved . Intellectuals and businessmen of the farming business a lot more sense? particularly when it is in reality a business is increasingly becoming an interest in politics, contradictory things. Perhaps there is a self-deprecating remarks Wu Xiaobo, ; you?
Wu Xiaobo response mm article called anxious. Perhaps this sense of the times are too anxious, and that they can not escape the history of the complex intervention. It can not quiet them to stay in a specimen of a company. They always try to bear and the bridge had broken the sky of an era. They which is always trying to peek into power with great history, or the synchronization forward to meet the magnificent future, or the failure of rude sad. It prevents them from questioning the company's authentic, restored its prototype. said, r. Writing the history of high-level business seminar, Weidong by writing a we are going to be a good business watchdog.
dog analogy, from my 17 years ago when he was studying at Fudan University's first class. in that industry, three basic principles, one, what is news, the teacher said, dog bites man is not news, man bites dog is news. Second, what is a good news reporter, when the prey in the house when the dog was a competent kicked out from the gate after the inroads certainly go again from the window. Third, the reporter's responsibility is to be a good civil society of course, has been the principle of this as my career. do not know is not the teacher, and guidelines in such a way to educate their students.
Weidong question let me state of mind a mess. He's behind the problem There are too heavy and sad loss of no solution rude.
However, I still can not agree with him that you ask the question, although I have no way to answer him. Perhaps, the watchdog of China's business really does not need, but , we still want to be a watchdog.
we want to be a dignified Sipilailian watchdog. door what is not important, we need the door if the owner is not important, we may be the door and those outside of the common attacks, we would be reckless and shallow laugh, we would be chasing too much bruising but not sympathy. for any of the blame and curse, we do not have much defense and parry moves, We even do not know what will get the benefits from the janitor. However, we still see the door.
teacher is the way to teach us. we are born in this gate. we are doing such a job.
a big possibility is that we can not stop anything, such as a description of China John King Fairbank, ; China, yesterday, today and tomorrow seems to be a jis the fate of the road, in more, we are engaged in a powerless profession. our hearts are very weak and struggling, but we have to stop There, the rising and falling month, day and night, like a fully redundant, being hated of watchdog.
many years, people from the text, images, and many look back to the memory of the oral history They will see us. They would say, that society still has a bottom line to draw the line on the bottom line of the foot that Sipilailian watchdog.
to go there for other words, we should not despair of their own, should not be slack.
I want to write down these words. so, I have asked the question may be out of Weidong's only the courage to continue my writing.

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