Thursday, December 16, 2010

By perseverance the first 10 million 10 million by the second method

 You do not fiscal, financial ignore you. For the young white-collar family, the cost-conscious financial planning is absolutely before the coming Year of the Dog wealth for the first item.
If someone asks you, what are your sources of income? You to the answer is likely that only income from work. In fact, for the salaried, if the collected information, the use of wisdom, financial income can be another source of income for you.
earners for the young, the accumulation of the first life 10 million, usually requires considerable perseverance, even if the fixed deposit to be determined how much money each month, often because of busy, forget, extra expenses and other reasons make strong desire
compulsory savings gone. Many times We also understand that a monthly income set aside the necessary living expenses, and spend several hundred dollars to several hundred dollars less to spend on basic no effect on our lives, the key is, how free we have not finished before consumption, in a timely manner to spend these funds may be spent from time to settle down.
and the second to the accumulation of 10 million, there are many shortcuts, and because of the financial management of the capital, making money with money much easier to .28 years of age Ms. fortunate to have the relationship the parents donated 20 million yuan, the bank has put it on survival, when last year's earnings by 3.4% of people pointing the RMB to buy financial products, actually earned 7,000 yuan in vain for the stream before had repeatedly complained to the silver. This is important at this stage reflects the financial sense. There is a saying that if a person 30 years of age, 50 million, he does not do anything else to take care of only sound, then this person will retire a few hundred dollars or even thousands of yuan.
accumulation of life of these two 10 million, the actual need to use different brain nerve, need to gather a different financial management skills, need to have the same financial management concepts. Today, the wealth of life.
10 million first phase of wealth accumulation
fund investment income wage higher than the installment savings Savings Act
Card Account: The contract savings transfer
You may not realize, as white-collar you, when the monthly wages have been hit directly in the card, how much to take their number, the monthly savings on the card to eat some of current interest, the majority of my colleagues have adopted this practice has been to You lost about three times in vain periodic interest, seemingly dozens of dollars to several hundred dollars difference, the loss may become significant over time. More importantly, this approach is not conducive to capital accumulation, such ; not finance services, users can pay by card and valid ID document, open the service to the bank counter, and set a dump point for funds in fixed deposit and call transfer between accounts automatically. Through this service, salary earners can be the full realization of financial solutions tailored for their own purposes, such as setting the amount of pocket money, choose the regular savings rate and duration, to achieve capital in the Current, fixed, notice deposits, deposits and other account transfer agreement between the independent movement to improve financial efficiency and the capital gains rate. According to statistics, the average allocation for the three months if the funds on a regular basis to two years on a regular basis, a year down to about 1.75% to an annual rate of comprehensive income. However, it should be noted that the starting point of different banks and dump hours vary.
example, if your monthly salary is 6,000 yuan, and payroll savings bank signed an agreement, entrust a bank account in his current salary of 2,500 yuan each month to retain the remaining funds by 20%, 30 % and 50% of, respectively, dump three months, one year and three years of regular sub-account. If you are spending money more than 2500 yuan, the bank will be according to the principle of minimum loss of interest by the computer system on a regular basis from sub Select the most recent deposit account time deposit early withdrawal, but if the day make up the withdrawal, it will not result in loss of interest.
month fixed deposit amount, usually 5 yuan deposit, deposit of points one, three, five years, the deposit amount set by the depositor, deposit once a month, paid principal and interest due, the interest calculation method and Lump on a regular basis the same rate on savings deposits. half-way, such as tainted memory, should be filled in the month, not those who make deposits, and deposits by maturity until the time of the actual deposit amount and period of notice to withdraw the current People's Bank of Japan interest rate .
installment savings deposits can be said that a mandatory approach, the same month a fixed amount of money deposited, to do ; a good habit.
Monetary Fund Class Savings Act: the so-called Monetary Fund Savings
is a major investment bank bills, book-entry treasury bonds, financial bonds, deposits and other protocol-based financial products robust open-end funds, because, unlike other open-end funds as a subscription and redemption fees, so investors can put it as All Rights Reserved.
purchase funds at fixed
at fixed wage earners to purchase fund is suitable for compulsory savings goals. have listed the number of all open-end fund has reached the hundreds, their main distribution channel is Bank. So, the bank frequented earners, may wish to select the consignment of a fund, signed an agreement with the banks charge a monthly amount each month after the funds from your bank account will be deducted from the agreed payment plan to fund completion of the Fund's subscription account. in this way is conducive to spread the risk, value-added long-term stability. This investment law, do not have the expertise to master too much, do not bother to buy the selected point in time, just be patient and long-term holders who insist Yes, and in normal circumstances, the Fund will be higher than fixed deposit, fixed income investment interest. For this reason, it is even earners reserve education for the children of pension payments or planning a good choice.
at fixed Buy Fund, which funds were particularly important selected. Generally speaking, the investment for equity funds or partial equity hybrid fund, an important criterion for selection is to look at its long-term profitability.
Bank In late January the bank agreed financial plan, the bank released last month on the 1st of foreign earnings and allow investors to 5 to 25 per month to terminate the program, to ensure liquidity, expected return rate of 1.7% to 2.05%.
the second stage of wealth accumulation
10 million into the hold onto five, five as yuan deposits, can take care of what years of savings, it accelerated the pace of their value.
first half of the savings should be placed in bank deposits or bonds on the role of the money is not to increase revenue, but the preservation and prevent the control of wealth is not the risk of exposure to the next.

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