Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tzu Chi heart light volume of Autumn

 Master Cheng Yen, the volume of Autumn

Buddha inheritance
gas for big must we press, and finally to the best of the bad air.
By volume of the gas to shun, and finally to air feet and round. < br> One time, Rahula and his master Sariputra alms out the way, a group of old scoundrel a small one to see them to come to teasing. some people within the sediment into the bowl Sariputta, Sariputta turn a blind eye also continue to move forward; Rahula walk was punched in the back, suddenly, the blood streaming down from the surface Jia. However, They still continue to move forward.
as far away from that scoundrel, the Sariputta of Luohou Luo said: I am grateful to the Buddha passed on to me kind of mind, tolerance features. Buddha's life to all beings. hard to educate, but still full of Zengji beings, try to be brave bullying, resulting in the scourge of society, the world's unrest. me because pity their ignorance only tears ah! Buddha in the past life, there I, as king. when he is serious Dharma study, and often think about: What Life is impermanent?
one day, with a lot of ladies relax concubines to the Imperial Garden. a blossoming flower is beautiful in full bloom, very enjoyable. the king to play ladies everywhere to play Ji example, walking into the pavilion break; Soon, he had fallen asleep.
Soon, the king woke up, see the ladies in their concubines play not far from laughing, walked over to curiosity; to their side, the king gave a long sigh: I do not know his own life, power and wealth at any time change may have silly, how stupid ah! Vaughn knows who the contractors for the teacher thing, but not the thinking precepts;
such as filial read parents, such as people read the diet.
a young man, a very sincere heart apprentice Method. Although both the master He did not pass by the road law, but over the years, he is still dead set on following the master.
one day, things go back to the master, because it is very tired, go out into the bed and forced to sit, and then fell down asleep, did not think even the algorithm of fault by a foot of the bed. He saw the master bed only three legs to Sign Dundao under the bed, the foot of the bed with a broken shoulder support, so the master can be secure in the bed.
day Master woke up and saw the disciple crouched beside the bed, and asked him why he sitting there? He put the whole story to announce his Master, Master listened deeply moved, but also feel very ashamed! for so many years, he not teach his disciples that humanitarian law. From then on, he began seriously to teach himself the key to his disciples.
over a period of time, the master to try the sincerity of his disciples, so one day he mixed with the salt in the water when the wine, pick up the salt water his disciples said: respect me, put something on the ground eating. eat something.
he rushed out, and quickly reached in to pull up the disciples, is moved to say: , I will pass on to you. A few years ago I went to the Presidential Palace, the then Vice-President Lee and I talk about religious issues.
He said: What? fight what? end of the day is not futile! like me, I am currently Vice President, but even to heaven, this pair is also the title of president and I did not want to do. Status of the high amount of money, have nothing to do with heaven; there is only one and we are closely related, and that is a good man to do; that is, you love to do a 『people, and everyone who loves you』. This behavior will be a relationship with the Church. In this world, want others to love you, you have to go love; struggle is not to achieve a goal.
Where is East
to review their own and not rely on feng shui.
status and educational level have a very people with high said to me: said I should not go to the recent East, including Japan, Hualien could not go. to the original place? Moreover, the whole world have been difficult to set the East, said in Taipei, Hualien is the east, in the flower be called even if that Taitung East, East is East past the West, the past is the West, in the end Where is the real Orient it? people as long as the heart is the fit, the natural good luck anytime, anywhere. Why are these nameless fear, bound our hearts? month, there are cool in summer and winter snow;
without big deal to hang in my heart, so is the human good time.
Chinese people have many rules, such as marriage to co-Bazi, watching hour; was reborn also depends on the hour, in order to avoid serious conflict. In fact, these are our own rules.
lay once I have a relative return from Brazil, he told me: on a Sunday; In addition, the person who died, must be within twenty-four hours in the funeral. Please architect. downstairs lobby, can provide the whole family on holidays as a leisure use, upstairs is the place where the coffin. on vacation and at leisure, can get together with their ancestors, many close to ah! br> Brazilian people, do not they did business, the family happy to live with you?
KUNG Hei sat shaking his chair?
do not believe in superstition as to peace, peace of mind first.
one person told me : moved six times, how can I do then? a stage, stepped down the decorations, accessories brought down, you are you, I am me, no mutual relationship between the stage play. is to let our children know that the previous ancestors come from? native of where? name? This is the root of life, let us know how their roots, often returns Fu Muen, instead we often worry about 『KUNG 』position. So, you just like the peace of mind.have a carriage ride through a place, just to have a child in the way a city built of clay.
Zi Lu was impatient for children, said: what? both hands to play Christine Zuo Yi said:
couple of rice cakes to sell themselves as bearish
Wisdom, Wisdom and comfortable due;
value that they are persistent, persistent worry for students.
a middle-aged couple from Tainan to, they are small businesses, pushed his cart in the street selling fried rice cake.
last year, they see the hard to participate in the two mutual aid will be bitter, is not it marked down to the master build the hospital? one to be afraid of being down, and secondly, is really the seeds of blessings.
too asked him: others eat three meals a day, we can only eat two meals ah! meals do not continue, and eat a meal it! So do not meet with me. because the next night but also to do business, they take the six o'clock the next morning the car back.
people ask them: : Tzu Chi Hospital, : > a pair of treasure without touching couple
as waste. wise person can use it derived from Ford.
a couple will donate their savings out of the jewelry box.
I asked the gentleman in What industry?
he said: home to discuss it and his wife, his wife immediately to rings, necklaces, bracelets and flowers to take down the child's hat to him.
she told the President: into the cause of saving lives. Although we have no money, but there are these things and put them all to donate gold go! From the tape of my speech, that we are moving to build the hospital, they put a necklace around the neck of marriage and children for a whole month of gold flowers, along with ten thousand yuan in cash, I asked members to bring.
they is not the wealthiest businessmen, to maintain their daily needs is not easy, but they lit the light of human sex mm light to others, but also illuminate their own.
Honey in the myth
risk, such as deep well of living beings Three Realms, the impermanent, such as mad as night and day, such as two mice,
ordinary life is no guarantee security; if known to the world music fan, you could not escape the pain of degradation.
there is a Buddhist story:
a man in the wilderness , was like a mad chase. He fled to an empty well in panic, we found that a root stretching wells, the well will taken refuge along the roots; approaching bottom, I saw there was a big Duron sheets with blood is basin big mouth waiting for him, next to the four poisonous snakes on his tongue tongue Zhang. He was terrified in front of the case, immediately seize the roots upward climb. Unexpectedly, the top of his head there is a black mouse and a eating rats are gnawing roots. this time, he really did not know what to do?
the occasion of the panic does not help, Inoue suddenly drop a drop of honey tree in his mouth; he was savoring the drop precious honey, actually lost in its delicious, forgetting to get out of the mouth of danger well.
we can through this analogy I myself is: is not it also often confused by worldly pleasures it? < br> rain leaking bad enough to live in happiness of heaven and earth
, often making a fuss,
because he did not understand the real pain.
couple surnamed Li, Ilan has a pair of day appropriate to the child with RBI working in the mountains; end of the day's work, and go home. Although poor, they do enjoy their grandchildren.
but did not last long, and one day working in the mountains when the two couples, the children play in the water to the beach, unfortunately, tragically drowned. am a father and neglect children because of work, only make the child was, unfortunately, so six months after the accident, he no longer working in the mountains and the nearby work engaged in fishing.
but his work on a ship On the third day, the ship encountered large waves at sea, from never to return. this woman lost a son six months ago, six months after losing her husband, mentally heavy blow! but the remaining four in order to raise her son, and perseverance have forced myself to continue to work in the mountains.
when she was working in the mountains, the home of two young children, one old, one-year-old, due to unattended at home playing with matches, inadvertently destroyed a hut. then she is really rather die! village who saw the woman surnamed Li, in less than a year's time, suffered three successive Unfortunately, very sympathetic to her. So, the villagers will work together for her at the beach simply made a house. But the house covered less than three months, but also caused flooding in a typhoon was washed away.
poor helpless in this woman, we found this case, and the villagers to work together again in the first city was built for them a house and finance their living expenses on a monthly basis.
one day, I went to review the poor households in Ilan, I thought: We cover for her house, probably almost finished, we decided to go and see her. to her house, the house had been covered, brick walls, the roof covering black oiled paper, over seems solid, but the door was locked and no one in the .
We are about to find out the woman's place, the neighbors asked me: Bit pathetic woman, better to have your help! last night bitten her children, now in hospital, may soon be discharged home. ? stay any longer, they will immediately rushed to the hospital. to the ward and saw this woman a look of ? inability to pay fees and medical expenses of serum. organized for the children to hospital procedures. I was relieved, but his heart aches! for the front of this mother and daughter on the poor, but also for the suffering of human beings.

full and hungry to help others, is to help yourself, because no one can live alone outliers.
Someone once asked: of Heaven, hell their chopsticks and chopsticks as long as sentient beings, able to eat and full and happy. Why is this? willing to pay for someone else, so never eat less than a thing; and Heaven mutually mutual aid, feeding each other, so we not only have enough to eat, but also eat very happy. In human society, but also everywhere.
who was more loved children who
laughter, is a parent's winter sun.
an eighty-year-old too, as the son and daughter to Hualien to see me. I said to her: The Buddha cultivated love child, so he can offer people, the interests of society; able to offer people, the interests of society, is to Buddha ah! since he is a Buddha, you are old Buddha had! nice, I am grateful to you! because you make my son and daughter get along well and I no longer have to worry about. They will argue before the two are. > Since then, the couple if there is a conflict, they will also think of > be able to use what training the mind to control the mind endless hunger,
and experience the joy and satisfaction after paying.
have a child only seven years old, all his savings in order to donate his father's name to Tzu Chi.
the mother just before his early thirties, looked delicate. She said to me after listening to a child's words, was moved to tears!
She said: In the past, I always feel that life is missing something, always have the feeling can not be filled; but today I feel like the happiest person under the sun. , as a mother I am, how as a child? I use my son's name to donate three hundred thousand yuan. services. She used the time to work while studying to raised enough she had the heart and donated three hundred thousand yuan.
a letter she wrote to his son, said: your voice, is to donate to save telephone charges 』『 Tzu Chi. Although we separated time and space away from so far away, but his heart is firmly linked together. child! you want to appreciate my mother! Imagine: She first came to the United States, complete stranger, unaccompanied, life must be very hard, but she was able to overcome the missing son of the heart, the affair sublimation up a long love and dedication into the situation, it is impressive! < br> elderly ax
> there was a helpless old man, his life of poverty, rely on logging to sustain life, the ax has followed him for decades.
One day, a businessman from abroad, accidentally saw the old man in the hands of an ax when suddenly eyes light up! because he see that this is not a common ax, but the world is a rare treasure; Unfortunately, this ax paid by the elderly take it split firewood, so wear a big slice. Although so, the knowledge treasure, or the elderly businessman, said: firewood, maintaining meals ah! pay attention to him.
merchants that pay is not enough, said: angry and said: immediately corrected himself and said: up.
traders reluctant to sell that old ax to comfort him, said: , sobbing, said: how do I not sad? said: days ago, I played two successive Foqi. home, sir, regardless of the family blame me, it will not let me out.
She said: go back, sir, do not curse me out to say. Two days later, I told him to play Foqi Kaohsiung, sir, are not causes for my house tidy and go to. the first two days home, they had a big meal! afterwards I feel very bad, that the activities of Hualien to play Foqi, thinking worship Buddha, the mood may be more cheerful. . Because of you come here to worship Buddha, the family is starting trouble. because you believed in Buddhism, so the whole family against the Buddhists, they will build in the community, how much karma? This is because you did not do the duty of a housewife No wonder the President will oppose you. A spinal tumor from Chiayi to patients with right foot has shrunk slightly. He at Tzu Chi Hospital run hospital procedures, they and much to the monastery to see me.
He said: We participate in Tzu Chi 』『. I have always had a wish, hoping to see 』『 Tzu: The surgery, completed just one of two would like to. word, to tell him how to eliminate the industry?
I said: br> Then, after him, I went to the hospital to see him, was asked the doctor: he was awake yet? really happened, he woke up when I spoke, and immediately he said: br> I asked him: . if you want to eliminate karma, do not suffer pain. If sick, I feel both pain and suffering, suffering because you planted, you will often painful, you should be open minded, happy to be here the last! joy accept it, the disease can be healthy and happy fruit. disease for many years. when she checked out of hospital in Taoyuan have to do open surgery, that adhere to the referral, take care of her sister laughing, did not see the sickly.
I asked: 』.stupidity are often carefully build sturdy walls, confined himself;
wisdom are able to tear down this wall, so that the personnel is more harmony.
ancient times there was a chin-shih Chang Britain, Germany and profound learning, won the Emperor esteem.
Once he patrolling with the Emperor Quartet. next door neighbor would take the opportunity to knock down the two shared a wall, will be extended three feet of his house. Scholars son can not stop, had to write to please his father back home treatment.
Zhang Ying read a letter from his son since and did not leave to return home, only to send his son wrote a poem:
miles Letter to the wall only,
him three feet a lot?
still ringing in the Great Wall today,
not see then emperor.
son received the letter, no longer held. the neighbor that Zhang Ying was removed write such a letter, Heart ashamed! not only returned The original three feet of land, but also automatic withdrawal of the feet.
Zhang returned home after the British to see this situation and would not be entitled to recover its own three feet of land, so it became a neighborhood known for Tzu Chi hospital.
knife the next day she was finished, I went to the hospital to visit. When the room door open, did not see the patient in bed, because she is sitting in a chair beside the window.
I said: has been completed, and the body does not feel any pain in the evening I had the toilet on their own. Here's physician is not only highly skilled, and very caring. The chanting sound, how you can hear a clear and forget the pain of surgery, it is your sincere sense ah! forgive once, a little more blessing.
years ago, one day, my mother called to Hualien, told me a very sad thing that she was my little brother mm was missed in the military killed. mother ask me how to do?
At the time, I was to console his mother:
would not encounter such a situation. your mind should be converted, for the sake of that missed the killer's mother, her mood will be more painful than you! because her heart in addition to extreme guilt, the more afraid of her children would be subjected to stringent disposal. manipulation of her child's fate is in your hands; as long as you an idea of compassion, sought acquittal for the child, you can put him a way out. brother has passed away, you should universal love for all living beings the Buddha's heart, others child is your child ah! you must patrol missed victimizes the people your son. : extremely grateful to; more to the young man a chance of rehabilitation.

value underestimate the importance of pain pain, that is, sell yourself; look down on their own to not go beyond.
one Tzu Chi member died from lung cancer she did not hear before Buddhism, has complained that their experiences; contact with Tzu Chi, I often heard saying: I then thought: lot easier. I should've listened to the words of the master. She admitted to the intensive care unit.
she said: easy to go.
when she was dying, her daughter back from Brazil to see her, she reminded her daughter to come see me.
her daughter told me: . can ill happy, sick chic! heart very earnestly. In Buddha However, a long time, there is still one point his heart can not open the contradiction. Even so, he still kept open the mind to find parties to the conflict.
one day, Heaven suddenly from the mountains to see a haoguang place straight into the temple. He saw something strange, and asked the gods: impulse to reach all parts of the sky. the moon, the water moving on to break. Is Snow practitioner who is really up in the Tao practice? Road, the heart quickly retreated. But the practitioner is not the same; he can tell the Bodhi Road, make persistent efforts, has never turned back. I went to try his Tao heart. reciting ancient scriptures left by the saints. He is the soul that can not break through contradictions frustrated the occasion when he suddenly heard the sound of an extremely soft and clean. He listened carefully and heard a very clear verse Man: mind like The results found in Shen Jian, there are array smoke float upward; soon, there have been ugly face of a ghost; his eyes as big as a bell, neck is very small, but big belly like a drum.
practitioner see this ghost, I felt no fear. He thought: If people around can not find, then, just the sound of a ghost who must be issued to, since he will get half of the Jiwen, it must be Students in the past had received the teachings of saints.
So, he said piously: Professor Duan Jiwen the other half to me please? I taught you the other half of the course, no problem! but I have not eaten for a long time, and stomach hungry! How can I teach you the other half of the strength Jiwen it? , need food to sustain life; and I is the spiritual hunger, need for Lotus to extend wisdom. I am willing to my body, to exchange the other half of the Jiwen. The other half will say ...

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