Monday, February 21, 2011

Watch the stock market on February 18

 [2009-2-18 8:59:47]
1, the Dow plunged 297 points, oil prices fell, gold prices shot up; Russian stock market collapse, the three million Hong Kong stocks fall - as investors on the global economy worried about the prospect of the United States fell sharply Tuesday, as of the close, the Dow fell 297.81 points to 7552.60 points, down 3.79%; the S & P fell 37.67 points to 789.17 points, or 4.56%; the Nasdaq Composite fell 63.70 points, to 1470.66 points, down 4.15%.
2, yesterday, yesterday's 22.7 billion net outflow of about 22.7 billion net outflow of funds, net inflows larger plate is: Bank (-21.5 billion), steel (-19.7 billion) , real estate (-19.5 billion), chemical fiber (-17.7 billion), coal oil (-17.2 million); and non-ferrous metal plates, about 600 million net inflow of funds.
3,1 months in nearly the size of non-underweight three-month high, the actual reduction ratio of A shares fell last December to open the broader market continued to rebound after years of outside capital both had a strong attraction, but also still hold the cash the opportunity. Although the two cities ban in January, the actual reduction of the size of the non-volume declined in December last year 36.1% and 30.7%, but accounts for the month between the two cities the size of non-reduction of the proportion of the total volume was the highest in nearly three-month high.
4, This round of the market, the ; liquidity Last week, the stock jumped to 427,000 accounts, fiery as the market price of the continuation of unprecedented willingness of investors enter the market. According to the board's latest statistics released in recent weeks the number of consecutive double the stock account, New accounts, the two cities last week, jumped to 42.7 million, a record since early April last year, a new high.
6, running the social security fund admission data, the end of last December, a total of 920 fund accounts, 1 month Add accounted for 1.3%; Social Security Fund account number 132, 1 month Add accounted for 12%; QFII account for a total of 122, 1 month Add accounted for 4.9%. Although the current rally started in November last year, , but the market is to accelerate the beginning of January this year, so the two cities account for the situation to know January is particularly important in judging the outlook. Yesterday the company announced the board, Fund a total of three bodies last month, up to 34 new accounts, second only to last July, since the current bear market hit the main body second-highest monthly number of new accounts.
7, the Ministry of Finance on behalf of the hair, Since the local bond issuance is about to start in November last year the State Council announced a total of 4 trillion economic stimulus plan, the related financing the preparation work has been in full swing among the .17 at the Eleventh National People's Congress Standing Committee Eighteenth long meeting was briefed on the ability of local governments can apply for long-term bonds, for the solvency of the weak local and central government will increase transfer payments. This year, the central bond issue size will also record high.
8, Orient Securities: History 7 times display the current bull market has not yet made the top - on the history of Orient Securities 7 a statistical bull market and leading shares in the market by studying the top of the role of pre-judgment that the market has not yet made the top. Orient Securities, said prices in the previous in most of the leading stock index peaked in early. average, 63% of leading shares index reached the market early in the peak, 13% is synchronized with the index peaked, and 23% are lagging behind the index peaked .
[2009-2-18 9:01:15]
Although President Obama signed a 787 billion U.S. dollars economic stimulus plan, last week launched a mortgage assistance measures, investors still can not eliminate concerns about the global economic outlook. investor concerns a bleak economic indicators is being strengthened. New York manufacturing index for February from -22.2 in January and further to -34.7, new lows, that the U.S. economy is further decline. the world's second largest economy, Japan's GDP last quarter fell by 12.7% year on year, the highest since the 70s of last century the largest decline since the oil crisis. banking risk has not yet eradicated, falling corporate profits, short-term do not see economic recovery plan effects, worries and fears gripped the market, February 17 Wall Street fell sharply, bank stocks fell once again become the main driving force. blue chips fell 297.81 points, or 3.79%, the Dow Jones index closed at 7552.60 points. Bank of America fell 10.2%, Morgan Chase down 9%, Wells Fargo fell 7%. General Motors fell 12.8%. technology stocks fell 63.7%, down 4.15%, the Nasdaq index fell to 1470.66 points. Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 37.6 points, or 4.56%, to close at 789.17 points, falls below 800 points mark
[2009-2-18 9:02:03]
news today focus on 1
[2009-2-18 9:08:04]
today News focus attention 2
[2009-2-18 9:08:23]
key news today concerns 3
[2009-2-18 9:10:51]
smooth tape today rebound and gradually recovered lost ground, to see a rebound today, the vanguard of performance
1): Leading shares (600030)
market expectations after two sessions, the market launch of the GEM will make it clear, the concept of speculation focused two GEM.
2): Daqing China Branch (000985)
acetonitrile after the Spring Festival market price is only half of the time to hit 12 yuan / ton (with packaging) price level rose over 6 million before the Spring Festival.
market rumors Daqing China Branch (000985) profits have soared 10 times acetonitrile, although the relatively small proportion of the industry accounts for the main, still cause for concern.
3): HTC shares: Hongda Group, or the White Lithium
In order to speed up sipping Kika comprehensive utilization of mineral spodumene, as soon as resource advantages into economic advantages, to achieve , Kangding county government led by Mayor Xu Jie, head of the relevant convened in Chengdu Co., Ltd. Ganzi financial shareholders of Guangzhou, Li Jie Group Financial Investment Co., Ltd., Sichuan Province Mining Ltd. responsible person, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Lithium Co., Ltd. is responsible for financial people, Sichuan Hongda Group Leader to finance up to lithium-Ganzi Prefecture in Sichuan Hongda Group Co., Ltd. to develop sipping Kika spodumene ore were consulted.
active coordination in Kangding county, the melting of lithium industry HTC Group Company and sipping Kika to develop a consensus spodumene ore, the two sides will convene as soon as the board, shareholders meeting in June 2008 reorganization within 30 days and further negotiate the specific program, July 30 completed Ganzi State of Lithium Co., Ltd. financial restructuring. Kangding County will further urge the enterprises to speed up corporate restructuring, the mining industry to become bigger and stronger advantage.
project development funds now appears not be a problem. If the lithium prices higher, Ganzi melting of Lithium Co., Ltd. does not lose the amount of lithium products, mining in Tibet.
HTC BYD shares of large shareholders and the third largest shareholder of Ganzi, Sichuan, Guangzhou Rong Jie Li-hui to develop a quarry, surface mining , reserves and second in Asia, whereby estimates, Honda should be more than the price of mining in Tibet.
[2009-2-18 9:14:32]
stock opened today, is not optimistic, driven European and U.S. stocks plunge collective stock market fell around the same time, news of last night, calm, not too much positive support, while the magnitude of yesterday's pullback large open lower today, perhaps inevitable, lower support position, 2300 to consider appropriate to do under the rebound, but requires control positions, to prevent risks. Today the trend is a key rebound if they can recover lost ground, as well as continue to attack hope that, if once again fell sharply, which can be announced that the rally came to an end .--- unilateral decision-making king
2009-2 - 18 9:23:30]
yesterday, the amount of open market repurchase three months soared to 1,200 yuan, hit a record of its history. The market speculation, the central bank move may be intended to short-term liquidity through the fine-tuning, rapid months of modest bill to stabilize funding. In addition, the huge amount of structural adjustment is withdrawn from circulation, loose financial situation did not change, the current market is still open net to put money market. the central bank yesterday in the open market option to repurchase 91 days varieties of positive return to operation, the amount of repurchase of 1200 billion yuan, 2.4 times the previous operation, the yield was 0.96%, flat with the previous operation. this week, efforts to increase the return of funds open market is clearly maturing funds large release. because a lot of votes on the central issue of the year, central bank bills due this week and the total amount being purchased reached 156.5 billion yuan, an increase of more than 112.5 billion yuan the previous week, for the February release of its biggest weekly funds. So , the open market to increase capital returns necessary efforts to avoid excessive liquidity put, one hundred billion does not exceed the amount of repurchase operations market expectations. However, this behavior may offset ordinary bears another layer meaning. this week open withdrawn from circulation marketing tool used by 91 Tengen repurchase, and after 7 days the open market usually chosen period of 28 days, the two varieties to adjust short-term liquidity retractable, is involved in regulation of a month or more often opt for direct distribution of funds three month central bank bills. the open market to increase capital returns necessary efforts in order to avoid excessive liquidity run. one hundred billion is the amount of repurchase operations is expected to not exceed the market In 2009 the overall banking supervision requirements are: to maintain growth, anti-risk and promoting stability. central bank liquidity but not a substantial recovery of credit to maintain steady growth.
[2009-2-18 9:31:34]
from the opening situation was beginning to spread panic, low open lower go directly to 50 points, but it indicates that opportunity again, such a large gap in funding to the hunters brought hope, short-term rebound opportunities almost certain. .--- recommended at this time in no hurry to sell into the decision-making king
[2009 - 2-18 9:40:14]
broader market rebounded slightly after opening lower, then die, but do not be so pessimistic, the market's rally today, the process is repeated, so the gap does exist covering a large request, but need to drive Caixing many efforts in the stock. But a substantial profit prior disk stock everywhere, so not a very strong desire to move up, and that the prices move up too fast under the pre-start the stock to avoid making .--- King
[2009-2-18 9:43:03]
Lianhu today many investors do not understand, we can not help but recall its shares last year, some of the monster. What monster is no reason to rise and fall search, volume appear baffling, confusing the reorganization of assets, limit limit-down routine of the stock. we reviewed today in the Watch under the 2008 top ten monster.
[2009-2-18 9:45:34] < br> prompt rebound early pioneer in pre-Daqing China Branch took the lead in the attack, or a lower opening morning, but now has to limit the impact, and now within the top ten gains have his plate, the current decision-making king rose 7.38% ---
[2009-2-18 9:48:56]
information cause the market today there are two full attention, one Wall Street Breakdown 7600-point support, directly test previous lows, and further established the second U.S. and European stock market probe the end of the trend. Second, the social security fund run admission, a large number of accounts opened, causing the market for new capital concerns. But U.S. and European stock markets, after all, the second bottom trend shows that the economic outlook is still not optimistic, so the admission is only the social security fund weakened the market, short of energy, did not change the trend of market adjustment, so the A-share market to undertake early Tuesday opened sharply lower than Viagra .---- band King
[2009-2-18 9:57:52]
fact, global stock markets in the 08-09 three is not smooth, they fall into the common term, global economic integration so that China can not dance alone, but in 2009 a substantial move up to a lot of life out of the fantasy , fantasy, the Chinese economy is totally out of the independent market, so the Chinese stock market has also become the world's strongest stock market in 2009, but the reality is cruel existence, in fact, many facts from the side we can find, such as reduced overseas orders again and again, employment decline in the number of enterprises and gradually spread the crisis and so on, so when the Chinese economy shattered dream to beat, we do not need to sigh, when most of the half or even a lot of stock prices appears to double the stock situation occurs, we should thank you that we have The only bull market to go global decision-making .--- King
[2009-2-18 10:03:02]
data showed on Monday following a substantial net outflow of 8.0 billion capital Tuesday after net sales to accelerate market forces out net outflow of funds of 101 billion. flow of funds from the industry point of view, iron and steel, real estate, chemical industry ranked among the top three net outflow of funds, but the main funding for the printing industry, mining industry against the other five industries City of net buying. turbulent markets, the main positions we are constantly adjusting the convertible, it is necessary, dead clutching his stocks, especially stocks are high, is likely to take the elevator.
[2009 -2-18 10:04:09]
Shanghai, Fu Jen Catholic concept of continuous multiple daily limit is the advantage of market trends
following yesterday's daily limit, the Shanghai Fu Jen (600,781) limit again, to buck the trend for two consecutive days limit can not be main is not to say that tough.
cities is extremely rare as a set of Shanghai local shares, pharmaceutical, venture capital and equity brokerage several hot spots in one of the cap, lower undoubtedly worthy of focus. to medicine, wine industry as the leading industry of the Fu Jen Catholic Pharmaceutical Group to become the largest shareholder, the company's main business of the changes that transformed itself from the textile industry to change the production of proprietary Chinese medicines, the health care reform has become the topic of the public are most concerned about two of the Unit also has a deep concept of venture capital, as Shanghai shares Fu Jen Catholic heavily Innovation Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai, while Shanghai is the biggest innovation is the Shenzhen Venture Capital venture capital firm's core subsidiary, so that its future launch of the GEM speculation is a big subject. It is noteworthy that, the company also holds 101.2 million shares of SWS.
--- turning point
[2009-2-18 10:11:26]
[2009 -2-18 10:12:17]
the only auto stocks have become a hot plate, but the proportion of auto stocks of the plate is not large and the spending power of the car is not for all the public, although the state promote the car to the countryside again and again, but under the influence of the financial crisis, under the influence of severe drought in the north, farmers and friends the first thing to do is ��� their own pockets, so change the concept of purely market speculation, improve the performance .--- a temporary decision-making in the planning stages Bale King
[2009-2-18 10:19:20]
10 Chinese mythology Ten monster monster pk08 1
[2009-2-18 10:27:23]
Wednesday Tuesday morning market continues to adjust the pattern continues, the current stock Pudie, volume a bit smaller, off-market funds is not very positive attitude.
plate, the military sector, environmental protection stocks, plates and other traditional medical benefit cap stocks two strong capital inflows significantly; and pre-fund Shigekura coal, steel and other cyclical industries top decreases. does not exclude funds with fall in the hands of switching chips, to benefit the two organizations share the layout in advance .---- band King
[2009-2-18 10:33:21]
registered company announced yesterday in the types of institutions last month, up to 34 new accounts in total, second only to last July, since the current bear market hit the main body second-highest monthly number of new accounts, while the main agencies to do more is no doubt the recent market rally A major reason for these long-term funds into the market is conducive to the long-term development of the stock market, which led the stock market will not easily at low tide.
the broader market fell again and hit a new low today, but at this time can be said to sell into cents meaningless, the vast gap that bounced up the space still exists, does not exclude from the disk to see a run on early space intentionally to facilitate the smooth progress of the meaning of a rebound, but the rebound is still a small number of shares led the gains, so the value of the stock texture and speculation directly determine the strength of a rebound Tuesday .--- market rumors making the king
management will investigate whereabouts of loan funds in January, causing panic in market sentiment, the stock market crash.
Wednesday But a routine check, not for the stock market.
the peak of bank lending, and this time, the CBRC will also pay close attention to this, almost the same time will send personnel to conduct research across the country, this is routine.
rumor from the speed point of view of management, management deep layer of the stock market will want to take a good, warm air is still the policy to defend the market turning point .----
[2009-2-18 10:47:56]
up the process yesterday, I said, When the tape was close to the meteoric rise of the time, but did not see the super market shares of the movement, in the most need them, they like to reach an agreement with the British aristocracy of Ireland, ruthless betrayal of Wallace (see Movie: Brave heart). So the broader market yesterday, thousands of miles a vent, with the large-cap stocks is directly related to the relentless retreat, large-cap stocks once again today to play such a role, no one is doing intraday market shares to fall mainly large-cap stocks in the current round of market smallest increase, profit at least, do not mind a grievance? but not super-large cap stocks intraday movements hunters the confidence to make decisions greatly reduced .--- King
[2009-2-18 10:49:56]
10 Chinese mythology Ten monster monster pk08 2
[2009-2-18 11:00:42]
prompt rebound in early trading in pre-pioneer of the two leading stock began to fight back, following the morning Daqing Huake after the first attack, leading shares in the break after a morning attack, the current began to rise rapidly, currently close to 5 points in early trading was opened down 3 points, 8 points amplitude of making the king
.--- [2009-2-18 11:03:33]
rebound in fact the vanguard of the last HTC shares open lower as 4 points in early trading, but now a point higher, the actual increase has reached 5%, in today of the stock market, the early performance of these stocks should be said that compliance is fully capable of making the king ---
[2009-2-18 11:06:01]
NDRC official said on Tuesday a possible devaluation of the RMB to around 7 yuan, raised RMB exchange rate volatility in overseas markets, analysts believe that the remarks about Hillary Clinton's visit to China with U.S. Secretary of State related to the incident, perhaps the only game before the Sino-US dialogue. Since the international financial crisis, the international trade The problem has increasingly become the main topic of concern to all nations, especially China and Japan are highly dependent on the international market of two large countries on this issue is very sensitive. This the fourth quarter of 2008 from Japan dropped by 12% of the level of GDP (since 1974 biggest drop since a) can be seen, export-oriented economies in the wounds of this crisis can not be ignored, although China's official figures are not so powerful, but we all know the official figures are not reliable In fact, the trauma of what has been, and now can not be underestimated
[2009-2-18 11:06:22]
on international trade, in fact, on two issues, one is trade protectionism, but also One is the exchange rate. Although the question of trade protectionism in Japan and other export-oriented economy desperately opposed, but that is bickering, people do not dump you, so no use shouting. Now we use the exchange rate means in addition to a certain extent, compensate for vulnerable than we are basically no other way out. This is my official visit to China on the eve of the Clinton speech made the purpose of depreciation, which is a warning to the United States, if you do not remove trade protectionism, then the I let the RMB devaluation. But the warning on how the role of the United States, and for now, the effect is probably very little that Obama's economic policies we have analyzed many times, the typical trade conservatives, so protectionism is certainly is to implement, so hit China's foreign trade is certainly continuing, in addition to depreciation to stimulate exports of no other way, but depreciation will lead to hot money outflow, and thus an adverse investment market, a rebound on A shares will constitute a very a big impact. so late that we should pay attention to, and if the RMB started to fall, then the A shares will rebound further narrowed the space
[2009-2-18 11:12:56]
two days, Yang million is aroused the confidence of many investors, investor confidence in the market for a big time, but suffered a blow today, 09 years, the biggest decline in investors different degrees of damage. how it was, a very interesting article called [2009-2-18 11:16:26]
alert! so do not hold the stock software already
decision-making king of the stock in the 16 made a comprehensive diagnosis, the face of such market price , you really feel at ease in the hands gripping the stock it? fell today, and tomorrow? day after tomorrow? when out? When into? What you really know?
[2009-2-18 11:27:22 ]
early rebound was rejected time and again, the market rebound depression is very obvious, to keep space to wait for a rebound in the afternoon, perhaps it is considered that the main purpose, no need for investors to sell into this position, the gap objective decision rebound in the broader market at any time, automobiles, machinery, new energy, the concept of such futures rebound stocks are likely to be the main force, the vanguard of course we are also gearing up the rebound, the performance of individual stocks is perhaps the afternoon time in the morning, let's push hard big Pandie These decisions it .--- King
[2009-2-18 11:29:03]
10 Chinese mythology Ten monster monster pk08 4
[2009-2-18 11:33 : 32]
broader market slump in early trading, eventually closing day low point, but we should not blindly sell into here yesterday, when the tips do not take into account the risks lighten up, but here is obviously unwise to blindly sell into, has been Watch to watch our friends should know that we have been asked to position the day before yesterday, only three percent. and should not be here today, and blind panic to escape, we see the disk space seems quite down to wait for higher meaning, and 600028 may be able to stabilize the lead Sinopec temporarily stabilize the large-cap stocks fell heavyweight trucks, although the intensity of the afternoon the broader market rally we do not expect, but as long as the broader market for a stable, stocks grand debut performance time, and we continue to test the afternoon of making the king head to be .---
[2009-2-18 13:06:22]
inertia of the broader market opened down midday, but the sharp sell into action to stop, how can the afternoon rally, the fund Awkwardness is still the key, but the disk to see everyone a little bit discouraged, from the technical analysis, effective today if there is no rebound, and that short-term efforts to increase the market's become very limited, the introduction of the new policy for the country's expectations will be unprecedented, but now it is nothing too much policy be out. from technical analysis, personal adjustments that limit the broader market in 2180 points, but not today be able to, but most look at the market's strong support for decision-making .--- King
[2009-2 - 18 13:12:59]
from a purely technical point of view, the gap left by today, if that day will be filled then the outlook is very short adjustment time, but if the gap left behind, the afternoon time will be adjusted policy will be extended unless there are special incentives. So line 10 will become a fierce battle, 2300 points above the accumulation of a large number of lock-plate combined with early profit taking, long a substantial upside to meet resistance. As Mencius said, ; to the Shi Shi, you can only then only getting better, our long-term bullish on China stock market, but need flexibility to respond to the bottom of the shock.
[2009-2-18 13:13:11]
currently two places in progress, two of the country will also be held soon, it seems the market has Quotes of the two organizations began to hope. Of course there are stock market situation. Chen Dong Qi said: time in May of this year should be or 10 months. two can boost market confidence, investors will look like? everyone to predict it
[2009-2-18 13:14:23]
Although the recent stock two days green everywhere, environmentally friendly enough, but short-lived fad or does it give up no less than (and so most people can put down, the stock market tend to have a play.) film of the investors to make love when entertainment did not forget stocks, particularly introduced several and stock-related film and television. edge entertainment side of stock, stock index rose to expect happiness.
that a stock is probably the most famous movie, but to be honest, entertainment of really BAD. say that the mainland stock market early 90s, starring Pan Hong. if there is Lau Ching-wan?
, the mainland took the drama, the novel I have read, the content in general, investors do not know why the election this electric shock, in fact, and fiction and a lot of stock-related. However, I heard that TV ratings are also OK.
some time ago, hit TV, her friends have long praised the show look good, although primarily about real estate, but there are also related to stock and index the content, can be considered a bar. highly recommended .--- Mulan
[2009-2-18 13:22:55]
read the comments is really quite a lot of Mulan feeling, when I also fascinated by the big time , I remember that was the time of the last century is the age thing, it can be said at that time wholly unknown in China's securities markets imperfect, while he is at that time by this drama began a fascination with the stock market, the time flashed by, a decade between the command shells , but the time never gave me the deepest inspiration, such as interest on the stock market, such as Vivian's pure, such as the beating heart to see the stock up and down, are not forgotten. (Attachment: the prevailing note is that Hong Kong's stock index, and not a specific stock, and now still no Chinese market this product, stock index futures not yet been launched, in 2000 launched the era sequel, but never making the first king of the classic ).---
[2009-2-18 13 : 27:19]
final choice of the broader market hesitated for a long time or Powei down 2 points with 2:30 drive time is a variable, but at this time began to sell into today's rebound indicates that the limited basic income has been negative a foregone conclusion, the market shares of no action, although the stock from the morning to drop between now not large, but the blow to the confidence of shareholders is critical, when it can rebound, rebound a few days after this week how to operate a fixed Wang stressed .--- decision
[2009-2-18 13:28:47]
10 Chinese mythology Ten monster monster pk08 5
[2009-2-18 13:41: 07]
remember I once wrote an article called We stock rose rallies to lighten up and control risks.
[2009-2-18 13:49:07]
nearly 2 points trend of the broader market rebounded gradually, but today we still can not rebound height expect, the only talk is to distinguish between stocks, defensive stocks was the strength of the rally was big, early today, before we say the vanguard of the three pressure on the broader market rebounded a day, but the decline is far less than the broader market, and most now ...

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