Wednesday, February 16, 2011

HAPPY TO BE SINGLE merry Singles

merry Singles
planning paper _ a chopstick gently broken, do not Baotuan four chopsticks, but Qiongqiong larvae became cute and Wei Li and figures: 11.11. which derived from the festival called A festival celebrating the natural to find the reason. so many single people, not happy few, to celebrate is to prove, but also to make himself joyfully to meet tomorrow, happy love may come.
Unlike any of the festival, not the origin of Singles legends, no records, not a word of mouth can be the history of the population, in fact, this festive holiday like the name because it seemed quite a bit tragic and self-deprecating . This festival is also not as exotic, it is native to us, the 90 century, several students in Nanjing and depression due to the long single worry and disappointment, and finally realized that large-scale single ethnic group in fact, no one ethnic group has their own festival, a single person should have the same
Singles in the past on this point, it is based on the rapid development of the modern city is not necessarily growing, but more and more self-conscious singles. On this day, single people who want to eat 4 fritters or ham, or behind closed doors and then thank-one listening to sad music, or anxiously rushed to dress up in all kinds of blind date that day intensive activities, and group dates. talking about this, should we be able to realize on the bachelor representation stored in a section marked as a holiday question mm, but still no one to celebrate it! as a holiday, it is almost like a shunned the memorial day!
Marx taught us to see through the appearance nature. Compared with male singles on this day the blood boiling, women appear to be low-key singles to many. ; feelings of hunting on conditions, gender differences in areas such as the impact on their self-deprecating that Singles is a celebration, probably makes them even more shame. the history of civilization in the sex, grab on the feelings were always in a passive position of women, will naturally they are Block Plain City, men with good performance, as always, won the favored life. A woman in Chengdu, Chengdu, may not have too much heart to heart girlfriend, but a group stands ready to obey certain orders of the male partner, male partner's identity is not complicated, clean and pure friends or colleagues, many years ago students, or the neighbor's aunt's cousin's nephew hh Third Sister is not nothing gallant, but nature dictates.
way, except it is unfortunate such as my people miserable, the heart is feeling hurt, the natural reason to look more mature, more calmly wait; those who take the initiative to give up, and naturally there are more important goals have not yet reached a brighter future not to be missed; those who will grasp firmly the right to choose mm in the hands of the feelings they are not do not believe, but from the position of perfectionism, need more attention in the vision, all the ambiguous ambiguous, but is a manifestation of narcissism, they said, do you still have questions, we This should be more love yourself.
from self-pity to self-pity, this is the most cause for celebration. when coupled with a little laugh, a single fact, but also as a floating joke. If we can self-satisfied, Why bother to worry about an uncertain future?
This is a holiday, please calm, please laugh.
celebrating the bachelor of
ambiguous in this city how can we not ambiguous
Yu Zhong Wen _ < br> Cyco
30 years old, married, single 2 years, Master, too busy working for two years, a number of corpuscles.
always a group of people so that ambiguity is perfectly justified, not because there is no sense of responsibility, but to their self-confidence, objectively speaking, there is the city's deep impact. Cyco, no doubt, love to be ambiguous is also the most attractive state. She likes the city ambiguous, because it must be the quality of life requirements of the city, the city's people, value their heart win through the external evaluation, so we prefer to love itself, not an empty marriage.
Chengdu, she is saying she's mean, Chengdu, has had the most comprehensive ambiguous terms, how can I fail? < br> Paris
to Chengdu as a hotbed of people like the ambiguous what? ambiguous nature is a city.
Cyco in Chengdu fully themselves, and the city she grew, she could face bright, able to Everyone has a talent praise, and in the most relaxed environment will be ambiguous in the end. ambiguous city can lead to two problems: first, did not encounter enough to make you the man to turn over deeds, not to will put their own arrangements for marriage, so, ah searched and searched to find as the older youth; second, older teens more than one, even more do not worry, because the object is more ambiguous, more ambiguous has run rampant. time, imagination, creativity is where it came from. Therefore, the total out of the city some neurotic genius geeks downright genius idea hh we are active, passionate about life and attempts. , Cyco opened five lines can enjoy all sorts of feelings. these things and these people, she can not hide it, surrounded by friends and colleagues know the future, most of envy is slightly open two jokes, such as worry about the deal Cyco to be wrong, there is always one or two of these men come out dissatisfied, then a crying two three-hanging drama of downtown also will to be true. In fact, the deal is indeed at fault, Cyco phenomenon called the wrong names have occurred, Although no serious consequences, she decided to call it after the unification of all Therefore, there is an ambiguous
Cyco has never met the man, because I heard her stomach and, therefore, the symptoms keep in mind, for her to see a Chinese medicine, sent one by one after the prescriptions; once an Cyco inseparable men, and she was eating, singing, playing, doing all the things that make her happy but never asked her any gifts; once had a warm, fatherly man, as she packed up the computer and then from the financial to the interpersonal aspects of workplace She only sit back and enjoy a variety of ambiguous hh are clearly their duties, Cyco's not a woman with dreams of the most perfect man, but it is every man's side the perfect superposition.
Nevertheless, Cyco but will feel sad, not sad but almost piercing pain in the middle of the night asking her girlfriends he or she will die alone, and then just wipe away the tears continue to Busy day in the never-ending work. but most of the time She is very happy somehow, and often have to feel like the happiest person in the world. Even in the search process, she will have some feelings of disappointment and stable, but more often, on the contrary, the more her feelings and more trust, and gratitude. ambiguous had so many people, she thinks very understanding man, it is necessary for marriage. If you want to get married, she said she would direct into the marriage than married people encounter there has been a good psychological preparation, will calmly accept his mentality is not good, non-principle error and so on, have a more tolerant attitude. But before that, she will not stop ambiguous.
The reason is simple Cyco The first is a fully capable of self-sufficient woman, and her work is often greater than the satisfaction gained a feeling of stability. . I like to be concerned about, like love or even become the object of worship, but if when I seriously fell in love with a person, and any woman would like to go low to the dust inside. in the face of reason when the ambiguous not so, because I have more than the object of these ambiguous strong, strong enough to not need to look up at it. really did not do a little trouble?
the environment I live: work, friends, social circle are all my single state without any bias, the only pressure is naturally at home, but never forced me to do What. the real problems, or from within us, not outside. I certainly had a psychological imbalance, such as when I saw nothing like a woman married a man who looks pretty good, there is room car was hh just love, I will adjust their mentality, so that they understand, each option has its own stand, or enjoyment. and this constantly think about their own process, but also the way we perceive the world right, of course, this process will be repeated.
2, do you think of a single woman to face the world, and married women are different? or special need something?
she first has to be sufficient narcissism. as reluctant to let their sad, so when the problem encountered When she got to fix it; when not solve, she must think hh and this result is she more powerful and beautiful. powerful, is due to increase her ability to solve problems; better because she has a more diverse perspective and peace of mind; Second, a room full of clothes shoes bags jewelry hh woman should be beautiful, especially a single woman. Although the feminist movement has been so many years, but the male is still thinking of the community the mainstream. So, we yielded to the use of their patriarchal ideology and make them appreciate the beauty of our sexy pay a price, this fair; again, the economic base determines the superstructure, which is always wisdom. When I am free to spend their money, that feeling that I hold your life, financial freedom and spiritual freedom is the interaction.
celebrate rare bachelor of
love what makes me happy
still working paper _ Zhong Yu
26 years old, unmarried, single 8 months, undergraduate, a well-known foreign financial officer
love experience: Leo's obviously cheerful, never missing around the opposite sex friends, although most of them a Xin students studying hard for many years immersed title only to the list, ahead of 18-year-old clearly had a domestic focus on financial institutions get the admission notice and started looking forward to college life; before graduation, when you only as a mighty force crush work, 22 years old, paid internships obviously already started, and even the first month of work to get more than two thousand yuan, and then miraculously direct positive, exceptional promotion as department head; further education, work, others saw the in clearly life, but it is a simple passing, but so easy to get.
with the stability of the work, when shopping at a date to eat, more and more girlfriends work the other half of pairs appears, clearly began to see the original feeling is slowly becoming the focus of her life, had 6 years because of work and love the pain And I remember her boyfriend apart, falling in love again or unwilling to let go because of work and took to heart, but fortunately, a friend, someone to accompany every night Shengge Fortunately, people like to own a fixed, cinemas tears by a shoulder, but fortunately have a job, and placed too much youth and blood hosts.
not no love, only is latent.
Unfortunately, we have the love of work halfway, In addition to diplomas and various awards in that paper, throw away the degree certificates plus a graduation photo action cap provisions, the only achievement was that she and X's feelings. early in the second year, clearly has a well-known foreign companies in Chengdu paid internships, to be her graduate, the position of the financial sector has long been reserved for business executives to her, only need to do is to work harder to achieve self-worth. At the same time, Valentine fell in love X 4 years have begun to a better tomorrow for them, out of the ivory tower into the society, the happiness of their own hard work. but, in order to have a better economic base, given his own e-learning professional, X go into exile, went to the IT industry is relatively developed coastal cities of Guangzhou, a result of the work The construction of the Chengdu - Guangzhou, which started a long distance relationship.
space, not as tired every day with the trivial, but gradually, when the work becomes an important part of life, they find that the crisis is quietly coming. clearly appears to look like there is regret, has that need to overnight a day or two to work overtime, when finally completed work can lie on the table when a break of several hours the next day's morning again unconsciously, not to mention the nature of psychological fatigue, feelings of neglect and the impact can be imagined. Trust yourself and X of love, obviously starting heart flutter at work, in particular, is absolutely required careful financial work, particularly out in the accounts is not part of the wrong one o'clock, the less a few calls, text messaging to send some little words, only faster the job done better, she thought her lover will understand will understand, but gradually, or change the taste of the feelings of .2007 by the end of June of the night, possibly drunk, possibly mood ring true, X dial to break the practice was obviously the phone, not enough mouth to say The children, two of several one to two rounds to go, obviously cruel finally turn off the phone, single-minded start accounting, as a decimal point error relating to the several dozen to one hundred million flow of money, but she did not expect that, hang up phone at the same time, the relationship between the two abrupt end to 6 years.
I am very happy I have friends and work buddies
the loss of first love to clearly understand the risks of a long distance relationship, she became the second affair carefully, carefully selected only the civil service Y from Chengdu, who took over a unit of roses. Unfortunately, as a result of obstruction, we finally separated. 6 Flying Thai tourism, honeymoon couples and the general differences were also invited along with a good friend Y, 5,6, the original Y intends to travel so clearly by his own friends know over and over, everything is ready due only Dongfeng, as long as clearly a nod, the team at once! just heard the news Y dream was obviously happy to embrace their own, the haze appeared, early critical period of financial accounting, 10.1 Golden Week is the company credited to the special period, it is clear As head of the company obviously can only stand absolutely still. is alone and, is not too happy, feeling the first three months have been a good time to train, missed this opportunity, although he said his mouth was forgive me, then I feel we were the middle of the old diaphragm, gradually feeling will come to an end. brought her a lot of satisfaction, to see the return, and will not wander. mix quickly to complete a project, negotiated a list, accounting for a set of data, the bar on a street in Jiuyanqiao always see clearly, and her friends figure, clink, dance, drink, do not have to worry about midnight l r persistently urge telephone, but also friends and family can care, they enjoy good old days single sway.
dialogue】 【
1. your ideal love is what?
Oh, maybe I do not like to be constrained, and I ideal state is to be able to love each other in space, I'm not stick together like the type at any time, in other words, even if in love, women have an independent, not only economic to have a world of their own thinking should also attach importance to their presence in the.
2.'s views on the current single status?
well enjoy it. I do not think nothing of marriage, I love my present life state. can no worries, you can first pick a few people can feel at the first, he may watch movies, and he could drink coffee, but definitely have their own principles, such as not cross the utmost limit, Oh, these people, they may be the same person, it could be different people, in short, is not bound to enjoy the single life, there are several regular people like me, a few good buddies sister can come out to play, there is a job to hold on to, very good, I am very satisfied. As for love, you may like my parents said, marriage is doomed, and I just did not find the right fills now, but I will one day meet, so I do not worry, I only static quiet waiting.
bachelor of celebrating the best is yet to come

_ Zhong Wen Yu
28 years old, divorced, college, shopping malls charge
love experience: the off wedding ring of the moment, as if the night growing up. No tears, no complaints are difficult to hear even sigh, perhaps a divorce for her is the transformation of caterpillars into butterflies, leave the shackles of marriage, she began to really understand what is what you want.
when promised eternal wedding ring, with the divorce agreement disappears from his left ring finger, good mood by telling Coke jewelry, but also use the new ring, with a small silver tail ring of small, independent start a new life. still to and from work, shopping and cooking is still life does not seem to change anything, if the only difference is that the dead of night to wait for men to go home less expectation of a mood, which in terms of Coke, is a huge burden, the burden is now lost, she began to have more time to face his own, what to wear, what makeup of, not because of man's wink to his less bleak, divorce half a year, she was pleased The discovery of the original 28 years ago, do not even have such a familiarity with and love yourself. and single identity, in fact, turned into a hope, she said she was quiet, waiting, in the past is the past, the best is yet to come.
sailed the seven seas make life difficult for the water
Coke said that as a divorced woman, as a friend in the eyes weak woman, signed between the early release, many of my friends have made comfort, those words still linger in her ear, saying, I feel curious to ask how they do not care about me, friends did not think that one voice, l call you every time, not busy, is very happy to chat, we feel that you have no need for comfort, your voice sounds better than a lot of it before the divorce but also cheerful! seems this marriage, you should be away from the fishes soon ah! r
priority to the family after marriage of Coke to give up many hobbies, sports, shopping, cooking, Kandie hh after the divorce to pick up the hobby again, and she quickly adapt and love this quiet, regular life, do not worry about her husband, as before, waiting for him every night of no return, and then he was anxious to guess where to go now, Coke just take good care of yourself, life becomes simple and clear, her physical health than before, a lot, mood a lot of pleasure.
the contrary, soon after the divorce, her ex-husband started to call regularly cola, pour him regret the divorce, after divorce, how hard his life, although he still has a lot of love to his roots, have more time and free to go to bars, and different girls to touch, to do anything they want, but he told Coke he was not happy. love me, although many people around him come and go, but he feels that she alone, because he no home, no roots. Love the man around, but now she has just to adapt to all this, she learned how to divorce himself and his alone. I do not want to go back, I do not hate him, I feel loved enough, but the divorce made me more mature, so I have to re-examine their own opportunities, I fell in love with himself now. is yet to come
herself, she began to feel that men have their own spin around once, everything starting from the concept of a man is ridiculous, she finally realized that Faye Wong that the first Love pave the way track to learn, work and marriage; Dimeishunyan husband's family in her husband after marriage, to be a good wife good wife, her husband felt he did not end because of the loss of passion and fun to be abandoned. less the shackles of marriage and family, and now she found, in fact, she was not without personality, she is simply too much care about other people's feelings. re-understanding of their own, like Coke, such as the outbreak of mad on their own good, make up, charging learning, vacations, put everything back subvert the same time, the day began to shine together. more and more friends around the Coke around, for she chose to accompany a movie, eat, travel, the pursuit of more and more attacks were launched, flowers, with rice, as well as the ambiguous calls at midnight . For these, cola accept all. , food to eat, phone can be connected, but the relationship is always still be friends, she seems in no hurry to step into the wedding hall.
do not panic, because after the last marriage, I came to understand, a single woman is concerned, is a perfectly normal stage of life, now I want to enjoy this unique stage of life, learn to himself and his alone, to understand their inner The most profound desire, as love, I do not worry, it is time I will come and stay in the final must be the most appropriate, I have to wait, and I like to wait for true love that comes on the process. br> dialogue】 【
If you need to give you the benefits of five single, what do you think?
1. You will have a better understanding of man, not looking to be a man tied in prison. to understand a man is always a woman good. as a universal man, the man is also part of this world, you need to understand these creatures; as a woman, when you see a man, but also I myself.
2. more care their hearts, know how to make yourself happy way; and this skill as important in your marriage, even more important. You see, happiness is contagious, if you are a happy perpetual motion machine, the people around you will be very happy to live with you. No one who likes to find people who hold a frown to sleep every day. If you have the power to always give each other confidence in life, then this person will never leave you.
3. You will be more beautiful. is very simple, you are single, you still have illusions of love, so you do not want to get married and have not yet become Huanglian Po, you will love and stability than those who pay more attention to appearance, courtship period very bright bird feathers, it is natural law. nice and makes you more confident, self-confidence will be more beautiful, they are always on each other.
4. have more life skills. because nobody who can make you safe to rely on hundreds of thousands, you have to exercise their own capacities, from work to relationships, to the mentality of a bowl of instant noodles and even how to do Xingshenjianbei, how to handle the most rapid accumulation of dirty clothes for a month hh All long-term single people, will have a stunt pregnant.
5. the benefits of too much: you will care about your health, because no one was sick in bed and give you some tea delivery of water; you would care Friends also willing to expand your circle of communication; when you have a holiday, you can pack up to travel immediately, rather than to wait for the other half, so 10 years have not got enough travel time; you will have time to read rather than abandon the mentally handicapped and housewives as TV drama also mentally until they are better than.
celebrate with my bachelor of
scapegoat, man left to listen to the > single, afraid of what, you know, under the authority of the report, is located in the southwest of Chengdu, the remaining disparity between the proportion of men and women left staggering, reaching 256:100, in other words, an average of one woman, but later followed by about 3 of men to choose from.
by statistical point of view, the number of You know, under the authority of the report, left Chengdu, the proportion of men and woman left the most poor, 256:100 represented not just 6 digits, also means that, in fact, been all over the dismal man woman looking for edgy, they or there In the bar, or lurking in the reception, or to answer the phone when you inadvertently so you should aim more eyes, and only one purpose: to catch you, stuck with you, and then hugged you through the streets and announced: I'm not single anymore. SO, no longer on his silent companionship around without any complaints
has been quietly by your side, without any complaints. my wife will be so fancy too; wife is willing to spend money; his wife have put up with tantrums; his wife would be flatter. what say? a woman born in the enjoyment of the loved. I come back wagging his tail, dark eat or sleep in a pitch-dark, cold pot of cold stove, lit the lamp reflector, the thought of these, like the hope that every time I got home from work, the family can turn on a gentle light , my dear, where are you? If you are willing to light the lamp to my house, I would like in the future no matter what twists and turns, we are with heating, with the face. I will send the door cards, door open, I want you to become home of the hostess. half of the ability to vary, some people left the peach blossom easily, some people are clumsy like a toddler, it is clear that I belong to the latter, if I may be small, but I honestly, in this complex society, what is more important than sincere it. If the commitment to sing songs like, hand in hand, I would quietly accompany you to the old. br> the same as the love of his family, loved his wife's family
got into bed at night. will certainly do good is my home, I would like the parents who love their brothers and sisters of his wife's parents are good. The promise is: Do not be afraid of falling in love to not have their own space, the less his own circle, they do not adhere to the principles of their own, lack the contacts to the circle to cut off the previous way of life. with me, definitely give you a space, not to say you can not go night-clubbing night, but to respect our way of life, I promise, will not lose their love for playing a friend, you are still you! that's all. > Liu Lin / 24 / freelance writer
do men make women feel at ease
spread around the kids all day maternity Yihuo the self-inflicted bad Huanglian Po? NONONO, this is not the life I want, but also do not want to be my other half lives. and I together, two people together, that is, two separate days, who can not bother, no one power can disturb us ...

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