Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Limited in your own country is not a regional power China's first marine ... ---

 CPPCC member and former director of the State Oceanic Administration, Zhang Dengyi raised during the two sessions this year: to vigorously promote marine science and technology strategy, to seize the opportunity to develop the marine policy of the 21st century.
Zhangdeng Yi told reporters that the food of marine resources, oil and gas resources, water resources and strategic development base metal resources. At present, China's maritime power fails pinching 60 billion yuan to 1.2841 trillion yuan in 2004, accounting for the time when the national economic output value of 11 trillion yuan of one-tenth. and last year the nation's major marine industry output value reached 1.6987 trillion yuan, increasing the value of GDP 4%, close to the world average growth rate far higher than the national growth rate. This fully shows that the marine economy has become a new growth point of China's national economy. relative to the development of marine economy, marine science and technology in China Zhang Dengyi Development of the evaluation is: basic adaptation, some lag.
under the will achieve new breakthroughs in marine science and technology innovation system is basically sound, significantly improved capability of independent innovation; marine science and technology on the marine economy, marine management, disaster prevention and maritime security capabilities and support; Marine Science and Technology of the ocean economy contributed up to 50% ; marine science and technology to optimize the allocation of resources, marine science and technology the number of high-level personnel increased by 30%, marine science and technology as support and guide the development of an important sea power. to 2020, the overall level of marine science and technology to achieve the level of moderately developed countries over the same period for the construction of marine power lay a solid technology base.
how independent innovation of enterprises. The third is clearly the marine science and technology platform, marine science and technology education.
Zhangdeng Yi told reporters that the introduction of the China's first national marine scientific and technological development, its main purpose is to accelerate the development of marine science and technology, promoting the national marine science and technology innovation system building, and enhancing our marine scientific and technological level and ability to sustain and boost the rapid development of marine economy, protection of maritime safety, to shorten the gap with foreign countries.
the air. the system code.
Shanghai Maritime University and sea logistics technology Professor Lin Guolong, deputy director of development, the formulation of first National Plan for Marine Science and Technology happy exception, an early start to understand the key elements.
. where l system r, not necessarily military control, and more is produced by the impact of science and technology. the face of the sky, vast, ocean and virtual space, any geographical area limited to their own countries It is not a real power. At present, China is experiencing a geographically large country by the power into the process of modernization, but also the face of these three standards. China launched the Shenzhou spacecraft continuously, actively preparing for Chang plans to develop space technology; capacity from the system code, said China in recent years great efforts to build the information superhighway, universal network, development of information industry, is the top priority of the State; ability to run from the sea, the state issued the % to 70%, and the dependence is very high; 80% of which rely on sea transport, can be said that the ocean is our to develop marine science and technology, is a necessary choice.
it is in this context, the plan called for the deepest impression.
Why? time, our understanding of the oceans, development and use, are extensive, the traditional type. such as logistics, as is transportation. In fact, modern logistics also includes services such as allocation, distribution and processing. Now we have these aspects of modern logistics is difficult to be aware of, but with the high-tech development, the importance of logistics will gradually appear, move more quickly to the modern. found in deep-sea oil. So then, we must consider how to develop, transport, ship to unload, connection, this can be a reasonable allocation of resources, improve efficiency, and this is done the modern logistics, technology and logistics industry in this each other. In other words, a high-tech advances, will lead to the modernization of a number of industry changes. The state should increase the contribution of marine science and technology is to enhance the marine industry, marine industry usher in all a great opportunity for development. point of the overall development of the marine industry development plan, right time. several marine institutions and experts, and Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Academy of Engineering Fellow of the marine sector took 8 months to complete the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee, the National Natural Science Foundation of China jointly issued.
Secretary State Oceanic Administration, Sun Zhihui said: This is the development of marine science and technology a milestone.
Chinese Academy of Sciences Su Jilan bluntly: Ocean Development in the 21st Century competition, in essence, high-tech competition between countries.
General Secretary Hu Jintao this year, National Science and Technology address the General Assembly stressed: The 21st century is the century of hh
ocean and the world advanced level, the overall level of China's marine science and technology are still a wide gap, and the National Oceanic and still not meet the requirements of development. A fundamental reason is that technological innovation weak.
large number of facts show that the marine science and technology has entered the forefront of global technological competition. development of marine technology, especially high-tech marine technology revolution has become an important part of the new. Ocean science and technology has become a measure of the overall level and the national science and technology an important indicator of marine power.

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