Sunday, February 27, 2011

Three gave birth to the role of organizational culture of innovation

 As the situation is more complex business world, most of the world's large enterprises have innovation as a lasting source of competitive advantage, more and more business leaders will be the top priority of innovation included in the practice of projects. However, apart from passion , we Beijing industrial and commercial registration experts believe that in order to build lasting success must be a strong culture of innovation.
culture of innovation to improve the efficiency of the best weapon
culture of innovation in today's organizations is not widespread, but to establish a culture of innovation is not easy, leaders need to face great resistance. For example, business development often want to keep the stability and predictability, because these factors make it easier to get profits, but the key to innovation is to change and adapt, which make it difficult to cope with business and profit.
However, the trend of modern management is through standardization, rationalization and simplification of processes, allowing businesses to operate smoothly and effectively, no one of these factors conducive to innovation But innovation is to promote simplification and efficiency of the most powerful way. This is why companies such as Apple, Cisco and Toyota where the wisdom of their leaders seem to have found a way to standardize the process of innovation, so that novel the generation of things, a continued output of the organizational culture, they create a real culture of innovation. do approach and commitment of senior management have started the company, which is very rare feat.
However, Beijing Companies Registry staff believes that the successful examples are few, unless the innovation is the manager's choice, otherwise you will gradually be lost in the management. the more common phenomenon is that managers ultimately did not innovate, or simply not to try innovative . Therefore, a lot of innovation needed, various forms of insight, and innovation in the face of pressure from various anti still consistently adhere to innovation is the key to nurture culture of innovation.
three species based on the role of nurture innovative culture
here a little test: Can you think of counting the true culture of innovation of enterprises with the number of home? 5? 10?
This is a subjective issue, we can bold guess. Maybe you can come up with one or two companies, do you think of innovative enterprises are not many, and very likely you want your company to be more innovative than it is now. This means you see the innovative benefits, to the development of innovation culture. So, the development of innovative culture the most basic elements required for what?
When members of an organization actively integrated into the following three basic roles, the culture of innovation to gradually produce the.
innovative genius: the ability to search for a view, and its development as a concept, then into value-added innovation.
innovators: they are widespread in the organization to contact and communicate all possible creative people, support innovation, to help creative people to overcome the obstacles that hinder its innovation.
Innovation leaders: they are conducive to innovative companies to develop goals and policies, and lead the direction and areas of innovation.
Figure 1 is a genius for innovation and innovative pioneer and innovation leader may face an overview of the difficulties. left stick to the status quo culture, the right is a culture of innovation. browse and see the characteristics of the left column shows the number reflected in your thinking and your organization behavior. In the right column, you will see the same concept in the context conducive to innovation will be different.
Now, we're going to explore the role of these three.
creative genius
Who came up with a new beginning mm insights, and these insights into innovative ideas and thus become? people who can do that is innovative genius, they can be any one organization. Innovation is the genius who can often reduce the organization with the customer and the distance between the front-line staff person. They may be senior managers, senior managers, after all, can be exposed to new trends and new ideas; they may be middle managers, middle managers are just as at all meeting place of the flow of information, you can catch the others may miss opportunities for innovation.
, of course, innovative genius who may be outside the organization, extending from the organization's business ecosystem, such as suppliers, partners and consultants. In some areas, they can provide most of the innovative ideas.
our Beijing industrial and commercial registration experts believe that the genius of innovation need to have the following characteristics:
first, with innovative tension, and continue to overcome difficulties.
the main characteristics of innovative genius is not only able and willing to see the appearance of things, but also be able to see things may change and development. This capability is called creative tension, to promote innovation in human history a powerful power. Whether in the arts, sciences or business areas, people will feel the creative tension of being inspired from the heart, and make changes. they want to own things to the imagination and speculation to reality, with dedication and perseverance overcome their difficulties along the way.
, for example, Fred. Smith through many hardships, it created the Federal Express Corporation; and Jeff. Bezos has proposed a new concept of consumption mm development online consumer market, was only confirmed after many years of practice. These so-called innovative entrepreneurs show the genius of insight, because they know how to make a business, a product, a service is different from similar, and have power to do so. Therefore, to overcome the difficulty with the visionary insight, is a key element of innovative genius.
Second, the industry has internal knowledge of the objective and independent look at the outside.
creative genius of the other bright spot is that they not only has the knowledge within the industry, but also look at things with an outsider's perspective. In other words, because they not only satisfied with the status quo, but often from outside the field of access to new knowledge, which help them to think from a different point of view things, and capture the opportunities others might miss.
In fact, almost every modern history as a breakthrough type of business concept innovation is reflected genius success is not dependent on the company's original founder, but rather rely on Howard. Schulz the outsider. Howard has a founder can not imagine a more broad market perspective. Another example is the success of Southwest Airlines is not the industry new ideas that they are derived from the exchange with the outside people, such as suppliers, peers and partners. You can also apply equally important principles: to ensure that innovation and talent within the company departments and organizations can be exempted from the constraints, the contact is more a wide range of external knowledge; to ensure that they have the opportunity to explore new areas, gain new experience.
time is the key factor supporting growth
naturally to some people to grasp the details of the creative work, while others are in need of counseling or training to master. but even that is easy to create people who need help to plan the structure of their own efforts.
practice to master the innovation process takes time, so to support the growth of innovative genius of the key factors is the time to pursue insights mm time and insights with the ideas generated by the development of the time then. If the time pressure, difficult to generate new ideas, innovation and his ilk will be depleted. Conversely, if people have time to explore, study and discussion, they can accomplish great things, which is why Google and 3M will require employees to spend 20% of the working time in the choice of projects. We are in possession of inside each of innovative talent, just need the support of atmosphere and curiosity. Only in the environment for circumstances, it will burst out.

innovators innovators in the organization refers to the new insights spontaneously, in the ad hoc initiatives, or in highly structured innovative projects proposed to encourage, stimulate, support and drive innovation of individuals and groups. They put forward for the effective practical methods of innovation: new ideas to share and develop guidelines for the work, both inside and outside the organization wide range of talent and encourage them to find innovative new ways of thinking and work to help them find new ideas may have new experiences, creating a regular working environment.
the role of innovators and characteristics
by Malcolm. Gladwell book and innovative pioneer in the effective dissemination of new ideas to play three roles:
First, the ; the role, influence others to take action;
Third, the persons, departments and managers, general staff or first-line operators. This is the essence of the role of senior managers in the strategic direction and focus of daily front-line workers to set up a bridge between. They will work to show the following Point features:
First, understand the organization who has mastered the technology and resources to quickly identify the need these people, then the two together to accelerate the innovation process;
Second, spend a lot of time understand the business needs of employees and customers and lead to opportunities for innovators to Innovation;
Third, through training and mentoring to help others access to technology;
Fourth, to collect all kinds of interesting information, such as books, websites, papers hh Find a variety of opportunities to share learning experiences with you, such as meetings, discussions, outside activities, and training.
in a small and relatively compact organization, and even occasionally in large organizations, innovation is itself a pioneer in high-level leaders are often , in addition to the strategic and operational management responsibilities as.
left the company in which the size and position is not that personal, innovative pioneers for innovation provides practical support and guidance. pioneer of innovation that led to the organization and supporters In efforts to cultivate innovation played a real role.
two functions First, the establishment of cooperative relations and effective cooperation based mm trust.
In fact, culture of innovation is built based on the culture of cooperation, because innovation is the joint effort, bringing together many from outside the industry and industry participants in the effort. Conversely, no innovation is the non-cooperation, cooperation is not established and no one based on trust.
Second, build the infrastructure to support innovation.
The infrastructure may include a variety of collaboration and communication tools, such as online vision library, Wikipedia, knowledge management tools and network social networking tools.
in the soup. Triplex Scott latest book, emerging business models tools to the advantage of using the Internet to acquire knowledge aggregation business model changes. Case of four core principles:
First, this is a global phenomenon regardless of frontiers;
Second, this model is built on the basis of information sharing;
Third, to grow through partnerships ;
Fourth, due process, content and form of the encouragement of openness.
In addition, the innovation infrastructure not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world are embodied. So and innovation infrastructure is another tool-face collaborative environment. Unfortunately, the current architecture and interior design industry, by the office furniture industry and, to the monotony of the conference room as a design concept of the standard that you would always sit Regardless of the perspective from which a very boring office desk. This style comes from the company's conference room, a table while sitting in the boss, on the other side sat his subordinates. The design's original purpose was to emphasize the class and rights But this is not an environment conducive to innovation and creativity to explore the office environment and will play the opposite effect entirely.
innovators how to deal with failure
as an innovative pioneer in special projects may be involved in the supervision and inspection. In this, their role is crucial, because the effective pursuit of innovation will inevitably encounter failure, and failure is often a very sensitive topic organization. Failure Is should be avoided, ignored, tolerated or encouraged?
If avoid, ignore or tolerate the failure, it implies that our members prefer to make their stay comfortable regions, unwilling to accept the challenge or to find new solutions. Of course, this approach implies a self-destructive seeds, because the changes in the external drive, and ultimately will choose this path of the company to be a fatal blow. Therefore, in the face of innovation may soon encounter failure, innovators should do the following three points:
first, innovators should fail, in particular welcomed the intelligent failure, because failure is a very good learning opportunities;
Second, innovators should be ready to accept the accident, because accidents are likely to represent changes in the market and innovation opportunities arise signs;
Third, innovators and business development should also be concerned with the latest data related to market changes, in particular, is contrary to our general understanding of the data because these data may be a precursor to innovation and change.
members with a wide range of communication, innovation and a pioneer in communication throughout the organization to insist on an attitude: innovation for the entire company is very important that all members should support innovation together to help creative genius, play to their maximum potential for the development of the company contribute to innovation.
innovation leader is to influence organizational innovation leader
core structure and basic services, while emphasizing the support and leadership of innovative people.
core organizational structure, including organizational planning, organizational policy, evaluation and reward basic principles; basic operations including the budget and work processes. these areas may contribute to innovation may also hinder innovation. they are not specific, but can be changed, the key is to be subject to all the factors design and screening within the organization. These rights generally are vested in the hands of senior managers, they have a way to organize the urgent need to introduce innovative, and have the power to organizational strategy and operational processes of the decision, which allows them to reduce or even eliminate inhibition of barriers to innovation. responsibility on the part of power makes a unique innovation leaders, is essential.
key organizational innovation leadership
first, the innovation leader's attitude.
innovation leader is the senior general managers. They ultimately depends on the behavior and attitude of their management philosophy. managers is the belief that Innovation is very important, so there is no innovation will not be able to trust.
Thus, senior managers can be a powerful defender of innovation, but also stifle innovation in the clouds can be. We believe that Beijing bookkeeping personnel, depending on whether the leaders can ensure their words and deeds to support the promotion of innovation, but also on whether they are committed to eliminating barriers to the destruction of creativity and creative. Here, try answering the following questions to see if you ready?. your budget , includes hope the investment seed fund new ideas? Yes funding and organization of a team trying to sub-concept within the existing mode of seed funds? If not, these ideas, how to get support it?
mm if not rational use of these tools, when the innovation occurs only when the progressive development must take the constant flow of product and service management. And far from a breakthrough innovation, developing new business and new business opportunities will not appear.
According to a recent McKinsey on never be realized.
another McKinsey survey has revealed the fact of the departure, because the CEO is only 24% of respondents said they would develop innovative budget, 22% of the CEO, said innovative planning their annual planning part of the process. If neither the budget nor the planning, innovation will happen? may not, opportunities will always belong to those who are prepared.
second set innovation goals.
innovation goals can not be too conservative, should in fact be very radical. to set higher goals will make managers with emphasis on the pursuit of innovation and organizational strategy linkages between them from a strategic perspective to measure innovation. Conversely, if senior managers not to innovation as a goal, or no lofty ambitions, then other members will not focus on innovation.
Third, for the assessment of contributions and rewards innovation.
We all understand that: If enterprises do not have the staff to assess and reward the contribution, then contributions made by employees may be to no more than the actual can be done, innovation is also true. in determining the innovation goals, senior managers should be clear priorities to achieve targets, evaluate the contribution of innovation. celebrate and reward success, and properly handle failure.
As innovation is almost always due to the result of joint efforts of many people, so the incentive mechanism for innovation and the development of a team is better than individual innovation incentive mechanism. But this is still a controversial topic, because some people believe that the only suitable reward incentive mechanism should be every company, individual incentives will lead to internal divisions.
Source: Beijing company registration website:

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