Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feelings of longing

 Rong Er, you know what? On this night, I miss you. This morning the store exploded as heating, water droplets into steam when heated, drop into the result of the monitor can not display in the open, I do not have Internet access. But I do not anxious to repair the computer, because I'm waiting for your call. may have a nine, your phone has not come, I'll go fix the computer, because I am afraid you can not come to me and anxious. afraid of what took place that day, You ask me gone tomorrow, while the green is to tell you that I am dead, to provoke you lose your temper. to a computer repair shop, I saw the boss is talking, quickly through her computer on the QQ, really see your inquiry . this time having peace of mind my heart, I know my Ronger are thinking of me. can be your friend, not convenient for you to speak to me, and I was embarrassed because the borrowed computer has occupied the old, they all got it. safe as long as we know each other enough. Ronger, you know, your peace, health is the most important. I love you, money, status is important, a healthy body can not have life make recklessly spend that money, what is the point? that I do not love money, but I know people have had our hands, the money there is. Ronger, I told you, as long as two people together, love each other , mutual concern, that to me than to hand over clothes, food to mouth, can not even speak of people do not have a day a hundred times stronger.
Ronger, I want you. Do not always afraid of things back home . boat to cross the bridge. as long as we were together, I believe the difficulties will be overcome. we have the hands and feet, to feed her son and daughter should not be a problem. Do not worry, how to say I have done ten years of business, how I loved one will empty it. hee hee, baby, you put one hundred and twenty heart, and I will not be destined to experience poverty. I not afraid of hard work, not afraid of exertion. as long as her husband's wishes and care, I not afraid of anything. Of course, her husband's body to be up well, and so have efforts to protect me.
Ronger the future we must be loving this right. storms engine with an umbrella, we for each other to block the road of life's trials and tribulations, ups and downs with pass through. not abandon not leave, do you? I'm sure is. because we have experienced today the number of wind and rain, ah, that we came through the middle of the setbacks , then what other problem can be difficult to live with us? As long as we defend, we will certainly usher in a rainbow. I believe that our future will be happy sky of pink clouds.
Ronger, do not hesitate. back Come by my side. I will wait for you like, love you.

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