Thursday, February 24, 2011

Professor Zhi Xiuyi Progress On Record prevention of lung cancer

 Interview topics: Lung cancer Awareness Month - Professor Zhi Xiuyi about the progress of lung cancer prevention and control of new
guests: Capital University of Medical Treatment of Lung Cancer Center
Thoracic Surgery, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital University of Medical Director Professor Zhi Xiuyi

following interview Record:
the 12th World Lung Conference expert consensus
Moderator: some time ago just in South Korea held the 12th World Lung Conference, the General Assembly in the lung on which new research results can talk about with our friends.
Zhi Xiuyi: The South Korean held in the 12th World Lung Conference, from 67 countries worldwide over the past six thousand lung cancer prevention workers attended the meeting, of which Asia accounted for nearly half of lung cancer experts, about 530 Chinese doctors. In addition to convenient transportation reasons, lung cancer incidence in Asia, the mortality rate increased sharply in Asia, experts are concerned a major cause of lung cancer. < br> consensus of experts meeting in four points:
one, requiring workers to make the world more work Cancer forward, attention to the prevention of lung cancer. In the past we have breast cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, and other cancer prevention have done a lot of work, but the current five-year survival rate of lung cancer, early detection is low, and lung cancer mortality is still high, prevention is worth attention.
first, doctors and patients tobacco control should recognize the importance of the prevention of lung cancer.
Second, from the perspective of the government, promising environmental remediation: including environmental pollution, air pollution, water pollution.
Second, the requirements of clinicians with the strengthen the integration of basic research personnel, in-depth study of lung cancer genes, diseases, development, transfer rules and effective treatment. now all over the world have done a lot of clinical research, basic research is still limited, there is no conversion to clinical up.
Third, call a doctor to standardized clinical diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer. At present not only in China, in the developed United States, Japan, there are similar cases, chest radiograph and chest CT, clinical data, different chest physicians do have different guidance, different guidance to bring a different treatment. This different understanding than doctors, hospitals use different levels of health resources, but also suggest the existence of the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer is not standardized.
standardization of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment guidelines not only is the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and organized by the Chinese Medical Association advocate, the world's countries have advocated the standardization of lung cancer treatment. It is for this reason that the United States NCCN clinical guidelines for diagnosis of lung cancer, the Chinese non-small cell lung cancer guidelines update a couple of years will time, because the treatment technology is changing the level of awareness of the disease in the raise, the corresponding new treatments are constantly listing, update clinical guidelines, allowing patients standardized to better serve the people.
Fourth, clinical experts called for more cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, R & D cancer drug health, complementary advantages.
smoke, passive smoking and interior decoration of the incentive of lung cancer do?
Moderator: General Assembly this year's World of lung cancer in lung cancer, the clearly the cooking fumes and lung cancer in interior decoration as an incentive, is that right?
Zhi Xiuyi: epidemiological survey data through a number of expert evidence and Japan: the husband-smoking, self-non-smoking female lung cancer passive smoking likely than non-smoking husbands of female 7 to 10 times.
environmental carcinogens, especially the indoor carcinogenic factors in recent years attracted the attention of experts in the industry. For the public, we do control their own is away from tobacco. The Government should strengthen the tobacco control efforts, and strengthen environmental management, in particular, should promote green interior decoration, so that our living environment more healthy.
lung cancer at the 12th World Conference of the opening ceremony, South Korea Prime Minister to nearly six thousand workers in the global prevention and treatment of lung cancer described in the South Korean government's determination to increase tobacco control efforts and specific practices. he clearly stated at the meeting in 15 years to reach South Korea does not produce tobacco, do not sell tobacco, do not sell tobacco, not smokeless tobacco use real country, a small state such a big commitment to make such a decision, the reason heart health of the people or the government, which is worth learning the Chinese government.
Moderator : Tobacco Control is a need all the people should actively participate in, especially in the management of advocacy.
Zhi Xiuyi: Yes, because China now, the real work involved in tobacco control is mainly a small number of health workers, from government level also need more specific actions the Chinese government signed .2005 Implementation Coordination Group, which points from the NPC and the CPPCC National Committee, including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Ministry of Health, Food and Drug Administration to participate in such activities, and will definitely push our country's progress in tobacco control.
relationship between lung cancer and smoking, how much?
Moderator: Many users do not understand how lung cancer and smoking in the end, and there are some figures can not explain how much harm caused by smoking in the end?
Zhi Xiuyi : This is an indisputable fact. tracking report shows that: the amount of smoking and lung cancer incidence and mortality are associated. Even if the middle-aged to quit smoking, can also reduce the incidence and mortality of lung cancer.
many current smokers to quit have some errors on the the concept, saying that after the sudden cessation of smoking is not good. In fact, we have conclusive evidence that, as long as smoking cessation, there will be related to lower prevalence of disease, and even some smoking-related cancers, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases may be reduced.
tobacco is not the only factor for lung cancer, only one of many factors, not the absolute factor, but we need to know, smokers risk of lung cancer than non-smokers must be higher .
A survey shows that: male smokers, smoking 20 cigarettes a day, continuously for 20 years of smoking, lung cancer we call the smoking index, if the index is greater than 400, the composition of risk of lung cancer in men non-smokers were 20 times 7.
In addition, for the 30-year-old to 45 years, 45 to 60 years old, 60 to 75 years age group, studies have shown that smokers and non-smoking life population difference of 10 years smoke.
but quit after, depending on the age, are available to extend the life of the corresponding.
the Beijing municipal government launched a series of measures to ban smoking
Moderator: on Tobacco Control, Beijing municipal government recently launched a series of measures to ban smoking, which have not achieved some results, some time ago that the cab is smoke-free, except for taxis outside, the next step may be to promote smoke-free places where?
support repair benefits: Beijing as the capital of the country in the forefront to do tobacco control in 1996, Beijing People's Congress promulgated the In theaters, airports, transport hubs in the waiting room, smoking is prohibited.
present in some hospitals, doctors, especially surgeons, teachers, especially teachers, and some civil servants, the three populations smokers are more top-level officials of a unit if smoke, smoking in the meeting room is hard to do; if a president of the hospital to smoke, director of clinical departments to smoke, smoke-free hospitals will be difficult to achieve. < br> current tobacco situation is serious in Beijing, while also facing a good background of the situation: First, China began to carry out this year, in May, chat with the taxi driver on the road, chatting with some restaurant managers, can be seen on this call and initiatives are welcome. With the Olympics coming, more restaurants will be smoke-free restaurant into.
present with the national economic level, people's health awareness increases, people in public places Do not let the consciousness of second-hand smoke, than ever before in the capital city of Beijing is still a great improvement. you smoke it does not matter, but do not affect others, this year's theme is to create smoke-free environment for the control of passive smoking. You can smoke, but go to outdoor pumping, not pumping in the workplace, not in public places smoke. This is, Beijing has a lot of progress, with the smoke-free meeting room to promote the testing, specifically put into the workplace smoking regulations in public places.
how to prevent lung cancer in smokers, and how early detection of lung cancer?
Moderator: talk about following through on smokers What measures can prevent or early detection of this. a lot of friends to ask questions when there is a concept, a finding that lung cancer is to the late, especially those who smoke.
Zhi Xiuyi: Unlike lung cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, cervical cancer, as a good method of early diagnosis, which, once discovered, more than 80% are late, lost the best treatment. There are three 80% of the industry to describe the incidence of lung cancer: a diagnosis confirmed by , 80% were in advanced; in lung cancer population, 80% of non-small cell lung cancer; in non-small cell lung cancer, nearly 80% of lung cancer.
80% for the three, not only for smokers, including on healthy people, the first emphasis is to adhere to the health examination each year. physical examination, not only according to chest, chest neither evidence, they do not see the small early lung lesions; simple anteroposterior chest film does not work, will heart shadow, the heart of the phrenic angle tumors are missed. So in the physical examination should at least according to anteroposterior and lateral chest. for smokers, if smoking more than 20 years, smoking more than one pack per day, so I suggest people do a conditional low-dose spiral chest CT, are now in the chest radiographs and low-dose spiral CT of the price of almost, not to the general hospital of 200 dollars, so you can find more early lesions by physical examination and early treatment .
the second case, should pay attention to early detection. lung cancer early symptoms are not typical, not specific how to do? general non-smokers, cough, suddenly appeared, certainly to go to the doctor. But smokers are not, even if cough, cough with bloodshot eyes and may even, and would be seen as tired these days, smoking too much. This omission is unacceptable. I remind you, once the irritating cough, cough uncontrollably. or cough law, changes in the characteristics of cough to be vigilant.
bloodshot if sputum or bloody sputum, should be on high alert, I suggest you to respiratory, oncology seek medical help.
third case,By understanding not only the common people to improve their scientific knowledge to judge the disease, medical workers should be more popular practice of cancer prevention information.
really want to control the cancer or to rely on early detection and early treatment.
diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer Specification how they should be?
Moderator: Many cancer patients heard, especially lung cancer in a hurry, wanted to find a special magic as one method of treatment, we know that in the treatment of any disease requires standardized, step by step, the support Professor with the users can explain how a cancer diagnosis and treatment norms, and many friends at this time relatively anxious, easy to believe the other.
Zhi Xiuyi: got lung cancer after a career in medicine do not blindly. At present lung cancer mortality rates so high, in the end is what causes it? First, we lack an effective means of early diagnosis. Second, many patients is a clinically diagnosed late, lost the best opportunity for treatment. At this time, because the public do not understand the current treatment and effects, all kinds of error messages so that patients greatly affected the quality of life, and even some people are scared to death. Third, part of the cancer is letter recipe led to disease progression, and even lost their lives. In view of this situation, we should strengthen the popularization and told to calm anti-cancer patients, cancer science. On the other hand, different hospitals, different levels of hospitals, different levels of hospitals the doctor not the same level of medical treatment, for the same CT films, the same period of other lung, the different views of a doctor's clinic is not the same. for the blind treatment, the status of non-standard treatment, we call for: people who want to cancer, cancer science Brain magnetic resonance imaging, whole body bone scan and abdominal ultrasound or abdominal CT scan, we must first figure out early, middle, and then begin treatment of advanced lung cancer.
China has lung cancer treatment guidelines do?
Moderator: Is there a lung cancer treatment guidelines?
Zhi Xiuyi: Ten years ago, the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association and the Chinese Medical Association has edited a variety of common tumors published clinical treatment guidelines require clinicians to follow the treatment guidelines for patients with cancer check , diagnosis, staging, and then select the surgical treatment, drug treatment, radiation therapy, or treatment in the comprehensive treatment of several .2007 Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Medical Association and the Chinese Anti-Cancer Society of Professional Committee of the two has been based on a variety of common Progress in diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors in clinical diagnostic and treatment practices were revised, such as the br> Moderator: After the past few years development, China is now the treatment of lung cancer is not very significant level of improvement? do have some new progress?
Zhi Xiuyi: The first cases of lung cancer surgery from the beginning to the present, the Chinese chest Surgical treatment of lung cancer has been 70 years, senior professor of thoracic surgery in several generations of efforts, the current surgical treatment of lung cancer in China has reached international standards. the major cancer centers, cancer diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer patients treated annually, much higher than the U.S. and European countries. thoracic surgical treatment of lung cancer is the first significant progress in getting lower and lower rates of lung cancer thoracotomy, resection rate higher and higher; the second progress, more and more low operative mortality, was first 5-15 %, now included in the resection of lung cancer mortality in the municipal hospitals have been reduced to below 1%. Beijing, Shanghai and other provincial hospitals are in the thousandths of the following, such a high safety factor of operation, but also make the current treatment of lung cancer surgery be enhanced. The third progress, with the perioperative management of scientific progress and the establishment of modern intensive care unit, lung cancer surgery significantly reduced the incidence of complications. The resection rate, mortality rate, complication rate, China thoracic surgery has been synchronized with the international.
medical point of view from the tumor (medical treatment more dependent on the health of new cancer drugs), the current lung cancer drugs from the first generation, second generation, third generation, now has the first four generations of chemotherapy drugs. In the 80's anti-cancer drugs, single drug has less than 10% efficiency, and side effects, adjuvant limited; now a new generation of single-agent chemotherapy more than 20% efficiency, 40% combination therapy 70 %. for chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, leukopenia, bone marrow transplantation has also been a very good supplementary drug. drug treatment upgrading and supporting the emergence of a more safe and effective treatment to patients, and no obvious side effects, for lung cancer patients treated with dignity and have a good quality of life. Especially in the past two years, appeared targeted therapies, the efficacy of these targeted drugs with the chemotherapy drug is almost close to a new generation, and targeted anti-cancer drugs only, not killing good cells. The emergence of targeted drugs and clinical applications, and to make our treatment of lung cancer patients and quality of life a step forward. we predict: the treatment of lung cancer in the future history of future, targeted drugs is likely to account for Home field of the main stage lung cancer treatment.
third radiotherapy, before the limitations of the radiotherapy equipment, radiotherapy eyebrows and beard had been grabbed, radiation pneumonitis occurred in radiotherapy of lung cancer, esophagitis, and a relatively high risk of myocarditis, affecting the patient's compliance affect the treatment. Now a new generation linear accelerator and a new generation of CT positioning system computer to make it possible for precise radiotherapy.
with thoracic surgery, oncology, respiratory and radiation science and technology field, especially with the surgical intensive ICU intensive care unit and the establishment of disciplines, so that the safety factor of lung cancer treatment, are increasingly effective.
In addition, in recent years, minimally invasive thoracic surgical techniques and new technology development is also more rapid. We lung cancer , in particular, II
of the above set of non-small cell lung cancer as a systemic disease. In the past, cancer surgeon concept of radical treatment of malignant tumors is to cut how much to cut, radical mastectomy was extended mastectomy , joint pectoralis major, pectoralis minor muscle are combined resection; was radical surgery of advanced lung cancer lines and expand the chest wall resection of lung cancer resection, extended atrial resection. However, extended resection of lung cancer for decades, a number of recent national cancer center and a large Thoracic Surgery, Cancer Hospital Review summary of information: long-term survival after lung cancer surgery does not improve, which indicates that the scalpel alone can not solve too many problems. Now, thanks to a new generation of effective chemotherapy drugs, especially with the target After the therapy, multidisciplinary treatment of lung cancer possible in order to ensure quality of life in lung cancer patients began individual therapy a good trend, especially in minimally invasive treatment methods and technology made great progress.
ago The traditional recovery after lung resection surgery in patients with long, visible scars are not attractive. Now incision minimally invasive thoracic surgery was significantly reduced, some only 7-8 cm. modern thoracic surgery lung surgery have good equipment, television assisted thoracic surgery, the hand into the chest of the device without surgery, hand-assisted thoracoscopic lung resection shorter than before, and trauma reduction. pneumonectomy in patients with the minimally invasive surgery, after three days could be the following, the four can be discharged home five days. This minimally invasive surgical instruments, not just the field of thoracic surgery for lung cancer, including laparoscopic cholecystectomy done, many surgical fields to enter the era of minimally invasive surgery. so that our lung cancer patients will no longer bear the wounds as before the surgery so much. be sure to tell you that, with minimally invasive surgical solution to the traditional surgical solution before the effect is the same.
how staging of lung cancer? survival time How much difference?
Moderator: I just talked about lung cancer in four phases, I and II, an early stage of lung cancer, the cancer would be able to survive more than five years?
Zhi Xiuyi: different treatment of other cancers not the same. I and II of early lung cancer is lung cancer, early stage lung cancer patients by surgery can make long-term survival of advanced lung cancer by surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy to patients with cancer, long-term survival. tumor areas of professional terms used to evaluate the long-term survival mm year survival, if patients survive five years after the operation, called long-term survival. has to be every three months after surgery, the hospital must be reviewed every six months after the operation after five years without review reviewed (every year to participate in routine physical examination). I five-year survival rate of lung cancer up to 70-90%, II period of up to 50-70%.
III non-small cell lung cancer, lung cancer mediastinal lymph node metastasis N2 after surgical resection alone to die, to surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation technologies. At present we 1B-III non-small cell lung cancer, as a by the surgery small cell lung cancer adjuvant chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer after surgery, II-III to be done 4-6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy, or as a treatment for non-standard (non-standard in two ways: one is over light treatment, one is over-treatment) .1 B of the above non-small cell lung cancer by surgery, combined with adjuvant chemotherapy may extend the five-year survival rate in some patients.
before and after surgery for lung cancer need comprehensive patients, oncology and thoracic surgery surgeon doctor to discuss joint research determined that cooperation is very important surgical.
User: What is cancer, what is lung cancer, what type of lung cancer is more serious? lung cancer If after the lymph node metastasis, but also with the surgical treatment? Or only medication, lymph node metastasis after treatment with targeted still relevant? or the first cut with a targeted therapy or targeted therapy, or the hours before and after.
Zhi Xiuyi: Let me answer the first question, according to the lesion we have two types of lung cancer: central lung cancer and peripheral lung, central lung cancer occurs in the tracheobronchial tumor cavity, this generally occurs in patients with lung cancer Comparison of early respiratory symptoms, such as cough, fever, pneumonia, hh, early detection rate. peripheral lung cancer is a long bronchial level III hospitals in the lung tissue, the early detection of difficulties, to a certain degree of tumor growth, apparent only to the clinical symptoms hospital. peripheral lung cancer if not through physical examination, early detection is difficult. another kind of classification, we divided into small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer growth and more rapid, relatively high degree of malignancy of the more sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs. non-small cell lung malignancy poor than the low level of small cell lung cancer is divided into adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous adenocarcinoma, and large cell lung cancer. different types of lung cancer is not the site of predilection Like, for example squamous cell carcinoma and small cell lung cancer is the most central type of lung cancer, more common in men, is closely related with smoking, the evidence more. Lung cancer is usually peripheral lung cancer, more common in women, and smoking relationship is not close direct evidence related to few studies have shown that: the passive smoking (passive smoking) and environmental factors related to cancer.
second question, prone to lymph node metastasis of lung cancer. lung cancer lymph node metastasis in three cases: one is hilar lymph node metastasis N1, N is the abbreviation of lymph nodes, such as we lived 201,200 and 202 is the N1, N1 lung cancer surgery can be curative therapy well after the operation confirmed pathologically N1 hilar lymph node metastasis in patients with postoperative increases adjuvant chemotherapy may be extended on a five-year survival rate. that then next 203, that is, N2 mediastinal lymph nodes, lung cancer with N2 mediastinal lymph node metastasis in a foreign country is not surgery, in our field of thoracic surgery in China, we believe that surgical treatment by adding on adjuvant therapy can be a good clinical effect. N2 mediastinal lymph node metastasis in lung cancer patients, there are two treatment options, surgical treatment or surgery. There are three cases, one do first neoadjuvant chemotherapy , usually for two cycles of chemotherapy, to be reduced after the lesion surgery; Second, direct surgery to remove the surgery done after 4-6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy; third situation is chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy, such as local lesions good control may also create conditions for the surgical treatment, rest two weeks after surgery. If the contralateral lymph node metastasis of lung cancer occurs, we call it N3, such as the right lung, left hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes is the N3 of the , N3 patients is certainly not an operation. I live on the second floor of 201, 200 and 202 is the hilar lymph nodes, mediastinal lymph nodes is 203, N3, 303 is three, and the second floor of the lung lesions and lymph nodes removed, three-tier lymph node removal can not be real, so complicated with N3 of lung cancer is surgery.
users based on the mentioned issues, my answer is that lung cancer with lymph node metastasis, the extent of lymph node metastasis according to treatment decisions program, if the ipsilateral hilar lymph node metastases is surgery plus chemotherapy, and if the ipsilateral mediastinal lymph node metastasis in three cases listed, you can choose the first post-operative chemotherapy, after chemotherapy, surgery can be, depending on the clinical surgeon surgery experience, surgery must take the hilar and mediastinal lymph node dissection. conditional cancer center, going do first preoperative chemotherapy, control of local lesions and micrometastases may exist, then an operation may reduce the spread of surgery help to prolong survival, if the contralateral hilar and mediastinal lymph node metastasis, surgery do not do it.
third question, there is lymph node metastasis of lung cancer patients in the end do not do targeted therapy? targeted treatment is systemic treatment of lung cancer is an important component of comprehensive treatment, targeted therapy can be combined with chemotherapy, can be combined with surgery, radiation therapy can also be combined with, nothing to do with lymph node metastasis. If you think that patients need targeted therapy, according to the specific decide comprehensive treatment program, you can do targeted therapy before surgery, you can also do targeted therapy after surgery, more clinical research is the current first-line chemotherapy after failure before making a targeted therapy.
lung cancer and lymph how to transfer the choice of treatment?
Zhi Xiuyi: lymph node metastasis of lung cancer in three, according to the distance between the transfer is divided into N1, N2, N3 (N is the node short.) N1 hilar lymph node surgery plus chemotherapy can choose way.
is far away from the lesion N2 mediastinal lymph node metastasis, surgery is generally not in a foreign country, and In China, most hospitals have adopted the method of surgical treatment, through domestic bulk data and clinical summary information available, you can get a good clinical effect. But when the N2 mediastinal lymph node metastasis treatment strategies can be divided into three situations: do first chemotherapy, the disease control, and then surgery; do chemotherapy first surgery; chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy.
support Professor The answer to the users friends
DD: my colleague's father, until a bone metastasis of lung cancer do not know cause of lung cancer. has been treated as joint disease, and later check found Beijing bone metastasis of lung cancer. how to avoid it Yeah kind of happening?
Zhi Xiuyi: I just talked about 80% of lung cancer is advanced, including the transfer other than the lung, lung cancer the most vulnerable parts of the transfer of four, the first is the brain metastasis, some lung cancer patients because the first brain metastases, surgery and pathology report came back only to find lung cancer metastasis; second bone metastases, and some cases have found that multiple bone metastases; third is the transfer of liver and abdominal viscera. The fourth also contralateral lung transfer. So I have often stressed: we must first staging of lung cancer after treatment!
users: the family of advanced lung cancer, and pleural invasion, said lung cancer is the pumping of water different from time to pumping and very painful, in the end of the should not have drawn it? now only symptomatic treatment, try to extend the life of the?
Zhi Xiuyi: Clinically these patients see, almost 30%. The pleural effusion in two cases, one is no pleural metastasis, due to atelectasis after the effusion, such patients can be surgically removed, a radical treatment. The second, pleural effusion with cancer metastasis, when the usually bloody pleural effusion, with pleural metastasis, from CT can see that there is transfer of the pleura, the lung surface metastasis also belongs to IIIB lung cancer, we used to do nothing, can now be better by minimally invasive surgery and other techniques can make life better for these patients. preferred by VATS mirror the pleural lesions removed specimens for pathological determine the pathological type of lung cancer. The second step, according to pathology results to decide whether application of targeted therapy. The third step is to put all the suction clean pleural effusion, pleurodesis to chest wall friction, so that Both adhesive does not produce pleural effusion. video-assisted thoracic surgery for malignant pleural effusion IIIB non-small cell lung cancer treatment, professional term is > User: Someone has cryoablation treatment? how this minimally invasive treatment effect?
Zhi Xiuyi: Over the past decade, there has been a new method for local treatment of lung cancer, new technologies, such as the tumor heat death, died of a heat therapy and cryotherapy, or cold and hot mm and cryosurgical treatment, as well as to block the tumor blood vessels, starving the tumor of the intervention treatment. Each method has its own advantages and limitations sex, according to the site of lesion, according to the specific circumstances of the patients, help patients select the method used to solve the problem, of course, more importantly, the current medical resources. In addition, the doctor's clinical experience is also very important. The same emphasis on comprehensive treatment.
User: My father, 62, 20 September to the hospital, do CT report: left superior pulmonary see the like of a size 2.5t3.5 cm round mass in its doctrinal and the density of the edge was clear. mediastinal not See specific lymph node enlargement. Bilateral pleural effusion is no. Diagnosis views: left lung placeholder, please enhanced CT or biopsy. private consultation with the oncology doctor, said the disease made little difference with and without surgery, survival is limited. I think that fathers had a lifetime of suffering, of our bringing up. Now, it should be enjoying, and did not think had this disease. I think the initial test results from the current view, should be early, there are the chance of operation is good to surgery. want to give expert advice, thank you.
Zhi Xiuyi: From your description of the situation, the patient is early lung cancer patients without hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes can determine a lung cancer. tumors smaller than 3 cm, called T1, lung cancer sub-T, N, M stage, T is the abbreviation of the tumor, according to the size of the tumor T, the scope and extent of violations of sub-T1, T2, T3, T4; divided according to the scope of lymph node metastasis N1, N2, N3, M represents whether there is metastasis. The patient is T2, no lymph node metastasis in patients with early. recommended to do further checking stage, in addition to chest CT, but also do bone scan, cranial Brain magnetic resonance imaging and abdominal ultrasound, such as pulmonary metastasis is not identified, then specific treatment plan.
friends: my father was 78 years old, left peripheral .7 locally advanced lesions when identified 19 5 * 7 to check tumor markers objects were within the normal range. In Beijing hospital x knife radiotherapy effectiveness. Now she recovered. Would you still can not he this minimally invasive treatment. there is no possibility of cure.
Zhi Xiuyi: 78 years count for elderly lung cancer, and now we say that age is not a contraindication to surgery, depending on the physiological age, if the patient, cardiac function, pulmonary function well, and no brain metastasis, bone metastasis, peritoneal metastasis, can withstand general anesthesia and lung resection to be resolved through surgery, particularly non-small cell lung cancer, is not sensitive to chemotherapy, surgery will also be able to solve. Conversely, in fact, is a minimally invasive concept, not a specific proper noun, is a minimally invasive means, we adopted minimally invasive surgery to achieve the purpose of minor trauma, if the lesion in the left lung cancer patients by lobectomy solve the problem, surgery can be done.
Professor of public support the recommendations on the prevention and treatment of lung cancer:
Moderator: Finally, Professor supported some suggestions of our users.
Zhi Xiuyi: First, it is recommended you take advantage of useful information. The present era is an era of information, not only to find the doctor got sick after consultation, to take the initiative by other means of information from the Internet, from popular science books on the understanding of the basic knowledge of prevention and treatment of lung cancer, lung cancer sub-centers to know the type, peripheral, lung cancer sub-one, two, three, four, with these basic common sense and common treatment, to the hospital the doctor said it is easy to clearly understand in a very short period of time which type of lung cancer, what stage, by which method better. full use of modern means of information, access to relevant information, not just the patients themselves have the benefits of choosing the right doctors for patients, scientific and rational choice program is also essential.
second, or emphasize prevention. At present, many with advanced lung cancer, once discovered is, so called ...

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