Thursday, November 18, 2010

Off the Olympic Games in China

 This 2 days the media have begun reporting all the information the Asian Games, I'm also concerned about some news, of course, the Games for China, it is just a warm-up before the 2008 Olympic Games. Suddenly want to look up a while ago Topics for the In addition to the management of migrant workers is not very respected humain rights.
also quite interesting to say, the host his story will deviate from the topic, involuntary and guests spoke on the impact of China's economy and foreign trade practices of business ( It should also be one of the hottest topics in the new century), this point can be seen in France or even the whole European community for the rapid development of China's jealousy and anxiety (as the U.S. and Japan now).
On China's economy Xianlie Ju is to be regarded as a bunch of face data to highlight China's nearly 20 years of achievements in reform and opening up, Dangran touted just a prelude. The real is that they want from the Chinese market, there Fendao a big cake, is evident from President Chirac recent visit to China can be seen 2 times, each time the Chinese were considered to meet the French face, (the huge Airbus aircraft orders, large orders for high-speed trains, pollution control equipment and nuclear technology), however this is not to give white China is a political bargaining chip in exchange for the exchange and access to high-end from the project core technology. By contrast, in France 90 years suffer from depression and unemployment rates continue to increase, and African immigrants (illegal or legal) to the entire social security system pressure, the only elements can give them new vitality in the country and only have the strength of China, and China's super-order to reduce unemployment and increase the profits of foreign trade of France, the French small and medium enterprises will be smart to invest in China, after all, only in China to reduce their production costs to a minimum in order to gain maximum profit. those experts when in comes to these areas is deep emotion (China's abundant human resources, and the relative character of people are very hardworking yield) but is somewhat more rogue (French naive lazy, like to enjoy but also attracted many immigrants to join the enjoyment of the camp), to see the kind of host expression of admiration and had the tone of exaggerated way, I really want to say a: do not balance, the principle of competition is not your most admired you!
then spoke about China in Africa to implement the new Power is also the largest investor in Africa, there are more than 20 countries have been 大概 a French colony, and still is French. smart made in China with Chinese businessmen opened the African market, commodity Huan resources in Africa to develop a broad approach of the market, do not forget to oil resources in Africa but after the Middle East, and Africa has abundant mineral and forest resources in the fight for resources in this respect our government to show more initiative has also given strong support at the front stage Time is not in Beijing to open an African martial arts What the General Assembly. Programme in an interview on an African simple picture: The Chinese are coming here once gave us build hospitals, schools, roads, bridges, if these projects to assist the United Nations may still in discussion, so they discussed over, these projects already completed, and the Chinese people in here helps! indeed the case, for the Africans that they need most is the material assistance, and not passed to the developed countries their set of values that, perhaps they are rich, values may well be the foundation of a nation. But the French people think that China and they take resources, the way Chinese people are too pragmatic to even frightening, they think the Chinese do not to care about the human rights situation in African countries. does not know that Africa and China were once colonized countries, the number of national ideology is similar to all the powers, some resistance, this will come together more easily, they also want China to become the only smaller than a soft core of the United States. It is said that some countries in Africa, Chinese language has become compulsory in some schools, one of my buddies also asked the students whether it is true in Africa, they said come to our country to do business in China, but they do not speak their native language, and that only by us to learn Chinese to communicate, not to mention Africans usually English and French (Anglo-French colonial). to the end of the show, when do we support people have asked guests not any way to prevent or limit Chinese, African a: 2008 Beijing China Rising 

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