Sunday, November 28, 2010

Collection of jokes

 1, the two soldiers
frank and fred summoned the same day received, and they do not want to go to military service. Frank heard people say that the military do not charge people who have no teeth, so they regarded the two all the teeth to pull out.
day in the physical examination,Bailey UGG boots, both of whom ranked team in the same row, but there is a big man, covered in hair and odor generated by these blocks inserted in the midst of them truck drivers.
discharged when frank team ahead, he told the squad leader said he did not check the teeth, and that cadets should he opened his mouth, then his gums with your index finger around the circle and said: Yes, you do not have teeth, not a soldier!
Then turn to truck drivers, non-commissioned officers say, what is your problem? truck driver said, I am suffering from severe hemorrhoids. squad leader bent over to that guy, with his index finger in the anus turn a full circle and said: No wrong, your situation is very serious, failed!
again turn fred, squad leader asked: What is the problem that you?
fred gaze of his index finger, replied: No, squad leader, I do no problem.
2, white doctors to practice medicine
an African tribe, a white doctor to practice an African tribal chief on one day
Mrs. ........ chiefs angrily after birth to questioned doctors:
Why am I the son of a white wife?
radius of hundred miles, only you are white, give me a reasonable explanation for??
physician calmly said::
called mutation, as if you are white sheep give birth in the last week of a black sheep is not also do?!
chief thought for a moment,
Well, count the more you read the book, I did not hold out.
followed by the physician ear whispered:
But you must promise me not to tell anyone what the sheep Oh!!
3, cattle cosmetic
X Journey cosmetic changes to the Korean guy. to the ballroom to find beauty, passion, beauty After Pig Q: I know how ugly before? I Pig. beauty shocked: two brothers, I'm old sand!
4, why do dogs Lift one leg pee
saying for thousands of years ago, both the male dog or a bitch, when they are with the squat to urinate.
until the Tang dynasty, And what a change you listen to Emperor hh
before! he raised a pair of old Pekinese, and once on the Mountain Emperor Heaven, brought the pair to hh
halfway festival, Bitch suddenly in urgent, so he ran to a tree to solve, br> When in Heaven This is very disrespectful behavior, so angered the Jade Emperor,
Emperor ordered Thunder hit a mine, just playing in the trees, the tree collapsed, crushing a bitch, after seeing male dogs very afraid hh
Since then, the male dog urinating under a tree when the time will extend one foot, forced withstand the tree,
so that the tree fell down close to their hh
5, your company leaving a shortfall of people do?
provision of a male writer, a column in a magazine, exclusively for readers to solve some of life's problems.
day, a letter to readers: I am a male, a female shoe store clerk, I have a very disturbing thing, I do not know how to solve. because I serve the house shoe business is booming and jam, the customer is always an endless stream, so I had to squat for the guests a pair of shoes every day. Although This is just pieces of Zhimaxiaoshi, but you know what? There are many female guests did not wear underwear, so when I was her pair of shoes, always saw things that should not see. That makes my heart beat rapidly, flushed, ask each time it is an impulse to want to touch, you say how can I do?
the writer's response was: impatient, flight attendants. She said:
Magic Lamp: disdain and said: Look at what? a new car on the road ride, some friends stopped him and asked him how he got the car, he explained: One day I sat by the roadside out of my business, a pretty girl asked me, l would like the car you? r I to go in, driving in the countryside, she stopped the car, we came out, she said: l kiss me r! so I kissed her, she is a stunner, then she began to undress, until the remaining section underwear, she said to me: l the things I belong to you! r I think her and I do not wear pants, so I took the car.
a married couple, daily opened their super busy business, so that no time cooking chores at home, so they hired a foreign maid to help.
one day, the maid sweeping bow, and suddenly wig fall, after the maid reported fact, the couple did not know she is not only bald, but her body will not be long hair, which caused great interest in her husband.
husband whim fulfilled the requirements of his wife, to design for nothing left to see the maid his hairless body look like, ask his wife can not stand his pain, also agreed.
night, his wife told the maid, hoping to see the naked style, the maid is somewhat the nerve to say: She went into the bathroom, bathe naked. When it's brilliant spring is peeping after her husband returned to his wife within the room loud roar: : ah! found that students are taking advantage of his time writing on the blackboard wall clock with a rubber lost, but the professor is not quiet, it's still the bell on the class. Not long after, the final exam to, the gang is hard at exams, I saw professors holding a blackboard eraser In practice there lost bell.
12, ass worse than the tiger (not suitable for children)
saying that the mountains have a male donkey and a male tiger, as very hungry, to the mountains in addition to all other than They move < br> gave dry dead things. Later, no way, two guys conspire piece, and discuss the tiger and said: things have not worked,
Dry each other than us, right?
ass a ,bailey UGG boots, like, OK, anyway, nothing to do, and say: Well, you are the king of animals, you first come dry me.
a tiger, was not and got up, the donkey in order to create atmosphere, pull Open throat, Toru Valley ah roar of the earthquake, the tiger had never heard such
Jiaochuang Sheng, the tiger that was great hh
for a while, Tiger finished, and the ass. ass did not say a word to fiercely did continue, Heixiuheixiu's done a long time, no gas out of the old
tigers, donkeys do not want to, and casually finished, and asked the tiger down panting, and said:
said my brother, you are too boring now, you do me, I am to meet you, and what to bring you cool
it! be my turn, how do you gas is not out of it? engage in the human heart is wow cool wow cool! I do not want the loud noise, but one thing always stuck in my throat
Yaner, I wanted to call not yell ah hh !!!After the laughter,UGGs, delivery nurses were very surprised,cheap UGG boots, surrounded observed little fist clenched, break apart and found that an abortion drug, just listen to children, said: TMD! want to kill me? not so easy!
on patient story
14, there is the old man went to the doctor, tell the doctor his stomach problems.
doctor asked him: eight o'clock time stool. ;
15, and a banquet Xiaoqing physicians chat by God. Xiaoqing asked: Some simple questions, if they hesitate, I can probably know that they have a problem of consciousness. me? , a little embarrassed to say: do not see it?
Doctor: I do not see your tongue, I tell you his tongue sticking out, just want you to be quiet when my prescription?
17, a medical certificate
department stores , fabric counter, a saleswoman at the request of a customer patiently to buy cloth of her torn little 2-inch-long strips of cloth children. tear finished, the customer also requested the clerk to children of these small strips of cloth a knot, when the clerk finally hit the half can not stand, she said: funny speech
18, my mother called Pippi get up: ;
19, daughter of the navel is very curious and asked his father. my father and maternal fetal umbilical cord attached to the truth Simply put a little, said: a knot, and later became the navel. you had two little brother. you say something to the teacher on the line.

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