Thursday, March 31, 2011

Menstrual girls can actually have such a harvest!

 Amazing, boys are asked , and quickly tell your girlfriend ! menstrual girls can actually have such a harvest! Amazing, boys are asked, and quickly tell your girlfriend!

monthly menstrual period does not always have a few days drinking, K songs, eat spicy food ... ... but you know this time is in fact a woman becomes beautiful period? Breast, fat burning, improve memory, detox, etc. usually difficult to do things in this golden period can be easily reached.

than 400 women will experience menstrual life, every 2-8 days. So doing, the woman's life, 1 / 10 and the physiological are tangled. Dysmenorrhea, emotional, etc. Though it is the fault of the period, but the experts advise: time, breast, abdomen and other series usually something you can easily reach a headache!
1, breast
Sharon Stone business for when the chest was flat, a few years, rapid chest SIZE! Her secret is not filled breast surgery, with only the physical development of hormonal changes on the special diet.
American Medical experts say breast menstruation is the best time 1-3 days, 3 days because of chest fullness of ovarian estrogen secretion of 24-hour equivalent, can stimulate breast fat accumulation. If this 3 days eat carrots, potatoes, soy and nuts food, breast enhancement effect will be more than 3 percent better than usual. Papaya is recognized as the best breast food, but medical experts also stress that only the help of the lactic acid bacteria, the body can absorb the effect of a breast and papaya enzyme papain. So want to make a chest full, may as well give yourself a cup of papaya yogurt DIY.
In addition, the calcium in food is also very important, the latest German survey shows calcium can stimulate hormone secretion. You may try to 2 days before menstruation, oral calcium began to eat. Experts point out that human intake of calcium per 300 ml when less than or equal to absorb the best. So I suggest you choose a small dose of calcium, many taking small doses of calcium absorption is better than better off taking large doses of calcium.

2, Fat Burning
Dutch sports medicine experts point out that fluctuations of the fat-burning hormone influential. They menstrual period last 2 days and 1 week after referred to as During this time suggest that you burn body fat through proper exercise, especially abdominal fat accumulation. For your health, burn fat is more important than weight loss.
suggest you 2 days in the last period, daily 20-minute yoga, 15 minutes brisk walking and stretching a few simple little tricks. 1 week after menstruation, more than 30 minutes a day doing aerobic exercise. Sports medicine experts recommend 6.5 km per hour, brisk walking exercise, the most effective body fat combustion. Fast attention to the abdomen when the force, imagine the body hanging in the air as fast as walking, which is most helpful in burning belly fat, abdomen with unexpected results. Abdomen was tense after exercise is normal, this is a necessary process of decomposition of abdominal fat, 2-3 days after the abdomen will be able to recover soft.
a medical survey, women during menstruation, desire for food was 25% higher than usual degree. This is not a bad thing! At this point you can eat sweets rarely touch. Experts point out that 3 days before menstruation, the body's tolerance than usual into the high two on the decomposition rate of unsaturated fatty acids than non-menstrual phase high one into the half. These days, you can do things correct weight-loss food!
but do not order to consolidate the body effect, try a variety of diet pills. Worse during menstruation the body immune system, hormonal balance, diet pills can easily be disrupted in the chemical composition of ground, but negative body sculpting, or even result in menstrual disorders.

3, improve memory
German women's health experts say, women in the estrogen synthesis process, the need for a special aromatase, the enzyme by nerve conduction of the cerebral cortex responsible for memory cell stimulation. Secretion of aromatase in the physiological peak of the last 1-2 days, if you want to improve memory, might the tail end of the physiological, memorizing English words or poetry to do mental exercises.
You can also chewing gum while doing exercises, because chewing stimulates the brain in charge of memory the hippocampus. More importantly, the chewing gum can stimulate saliva production, saliva enzyme aromatase to work together to help, let the cerebral cortex cell activity 14% higher than usual, memory can be enhanced in the short period of time.
In addition, you can try odd Sid Row German medical experts to teach a small coup, he said: can allow the brain to get 'potential capacity'. specific methods is simple: from top to bottom with the thumb and index finger to gently massage the ear, 3 minutes, then index finger, press hard on the temple for 1 minute. This approach can promote cortical blood flow, eliminate fatigue and memory impairment.

4, found that small health problems
physiology of U.S. medical experts to as During this period the most of your immune system is weak, some hidden in the body of the health problems most likely a small leak at the time of sleep. But this is definitely not a bad thing! Because you can normally find difficult to show that the health warning, early detection can be improved early.

Question 1: pouch, black
obviously get enough sleep 8 hours, how can they withstand the bags under the eyes and dark circles? Japanese health experts say that means not enough blood circulation in your body, smooth, high blood viscosity, probably related with the excessive intake of meat products. Recommend a balanced diet, reduce intake of meat, dairy products in the diet and beans added.

Question 2: bleeding gums
Why is one physiological easily bleeding gums? This is not health-related gum is gum inflammation precursor. Recommended to the clinic after the end of menstruation scaling to remove tartar cause inflammation, to prevent further spread of inflammation, serious brush your teeth, gargle with salt water. In addition, large amounts of calcium, iron ions with the blood loss, which is the cause physiological causes of bleeding gums, recommended daily calcium, and adequate intake of vitamin D.

Question 3: hair prone to breakage
If your hair has become particularly vulnerable in the physiological, easy to break, it is likely that you have anemia at the edge! Menstrual period, the lack of amino acid supply of the hair, keratin protein content decreased, there will be Should eat more foods with iron minerals, such as spinach, etc., in order to improve the body anemia risk.

5, detoxification
Singapore medical experts found that women from the 1st day of menstruation, the body secretes a unit smaller than the cell proteins - enzymes. This enzyme can break down toxins, so that the blood changes from acidic to alkaline, and help detoxify the body effectively. Green, U.S. health experts said the snow Langdon, amount of drinking water period of great help to detoxify the body, so the physiological 1000 ml of drinking water a day is necessary.
medical experts said, the body of women during menstruation is 15% higher than usual sensitivity and gently tap a few special points, we can stimulate the body's metabolism, and promote the body toxins. But experts also emphasized that rather than be forced to tap gently massage.
Yongquan: When you force the toes bent when the front foot is Yongquan depression occurs. Gently tap the meridian passing through the role of Yongquan, regulate your autonomic nervous system, help you expand blood vessels, promote skin blood circulation, speed up the removal of toxins, reduce blood viscosity.

Zusanli: Associate with the right hand palm right knee at the top, fingers down, one finger out the middle finger to the top position is the right leg full three years. For the left hand in the same way can be found in the full three years left leg and gently tap the point, can promote the digestive system to speed up removal of toxins and boost the body immunity.
acupoints small way:
Zusanli knee on the outside now refers to four horizontal, tibial edge. Touch-up from the outside of the lower leg, left knee following knee can touch the bump (the lateral tibial condyle). Thus further out, a little below the place inclined, there is another bump (fibular head). It links two convex bone to the line, this line is the bottom edge down to make a triangle. The vertex of this triangle, it is Zusanli. Zusanli knee now 3 inches out from the anterior tibial crest a cross that, when the tibialis anterior muscle. Acupoints, the knee from the outside down the amount of 4 cross-refers to the eye, between the fibula and tibia, the tibia adjacent to open a cross-refer, where that is.

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