Sunday, April 10, 2011

There is a love can not afford to wait

 There is a love, can not afford to wait - why did not you tell me, your love is waiting, like, I will waiting for the love ...... < br> Sammi has a pair of laughing eyes, looking at a person, that person will be trapped in there can not extricate themselves. If, like moths to a flame until love with her. Friends called for the Taohua Yan eyes.
Sammi know that the pursuit of a woman's life is, so I stay with the man beside her for three years, Sammi is not the final destination. Sammi the same even if in love with the man, but men without wealth, so Sammi only willing to live with him but never said marriage. In fact, already selected Sammi
her future husband candidates, in many of those who pursue her, a man named Jack, is the son of Sammi company manager, the only a successor. Driving a BMW car, when Sammi sat in his car the first time, Sammi know, this life she stuck with this man.
Sammi dinner with Jack, his eyes looked at Jack laughed, laughed, until completely passed out, where Jack, Jack can not get out of love until the eyes . Sammi won again, a woman's beauty is natural wealth, Sammi has been not think so.
night, Sammi back to a man's home, men do not sleep again, just sitting on the sofa, looking at magazines. Sammi came back, the man asked, eat it? Sammi nodded his head, a man walked in front of Weijin his arms, the men's magazine into the hands of one side, snout man's lips.
man from behind tightly in my arms will Sammi, Sammi feel like the only way, Sammi men only feel pity for her heart Perhaps this is the kind of love, but Sammi can not afford.
The next day, Sammi was still dating the same Jack, Jack racking their brains to plunder a stomach joke, told Sammi to listen, Sammi laughed until the tears, until Jack to lip kiss Sammi face of tears. When Jack is about to snout lip when Sammi, Sammi avoided, Jack hugged Sammi arms. Sammi know, Jack is no way to leave, mouth overflowed a smile, cold, see through everything.
night, Sammi home, men are still looking at magazines, is still asked her to eat it? Sammi is still nodded, leaning when the man's arms, take away a man in the hands of the magazine. Sammi asked the man, if one day I left, how do you do? Man laughed and said, forget you! Sammi micro frown. Men went on to say, forget, you will live happy and you happy, and I happy. In fact, men have been known, Sammi is not always with him, even if Sammi loved him.
Sammi looked down, tears in front of cohesion. Sammi head high once looked up, want to force back the tears the eyes never shed his eyes. Men turn off the lights, do not see. But the man's hand is in the dark as long as the eyes, and wipe those tears, and Sammi did not know.
man has been accompanied Sammi, Sammi even come back later and later, men were sitting there, holding a magazine. Until one night, Sammi night did not return. Man put down the magazine, the cover of the magazine tear fell, after all, so do not come back.
Sammi wake up in Jack's bed, looked on Jack's arm. Sammi suddenly found to have the slightest strange. Loss of a man's arms, seems to have lost the most precious things in life. But Sammi still got what she wanted, a diamond ring and a rich wife of the promises.
Sammi back to a man's home and saw a man being packed up, the man looked at Sammi stopped the action.
Sammi said, are you going? Forget me?
man laughed and said, I go back. Forget you, and perhaps can not, but I will try to do, and you have to forget me, because you only forget, is happy, and I will be happy.
Sammi cried, and tears of a man's lip lip snout. Just hugged and kissed, and finally Sammi was crying on the man's arms.
men came, Sammi did not go get him, but secretly lived in their house jointly bought it, does not change the face of which any of those things. Although men make Sammi forget, but despite how, Sammi also can not forget. Jack woke up from the arms of each, Sammi is still felt strange, even if she is the wife of Jack justifiably.
Sammi back and the man's home, holding a man often read a magazine, only to find a search of the whole house only to find that men look at this one. Sammi suddenly feel that they did not understand a man's heart. Just reading a magazine, just waiting for a woman to return.
Sammi open a magazine, find it written on the title page, then is the only thing I really have a happy time. In fact, I know if I love you persist, you may stay, but you certainly will not be happy. so, it might as well make your own choice. I would rather stay at home so you gave me the final answer. you choose, I leave. you give up, I married you. and then run out of love of my life to love you, slowly accompany you always go ... ... finally, I began to understand you choice, so I eventually chose to leave. I hope you can forget, I hope you can be happy, the election of your life, the real opportunity... . Turn page after page, know that only this man really know how her heart.
Sammi started insomnia. Sammi will be to take sleeping pills every night, because the dream, she will return to the past and the men had. And Jack, as always, good for Sammi, Sammi heart do not know the story.
night, Sammi also sit on the couch, holding a magazine waiting for Jack's return. Until then, Sammi was discovered that waiting is a strange feeling empty and helpless. Tears suddenly flooded out, she remembered that such a man waiting for her day by day, waiting for her choice, and so she left, so she lost the original is the only love of life.
So, Sammi finally understood that there are a love, can not afford to wait ... ....

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