Thursday, March 31, 2011

Menstrual girls can actually have such a harvest!

 Amazing, boys are asked , and quickly tell your girlfriend ! menstrual girls can actually have such a harvest! Amazing, boys are asked, and quickly tell your girlfriend!

monthly menstrual period does not always have a few days drinking, K songs, eat spicy food ... ... but you know this time is in fact a woman becomes beautiful period? Breast, fat burning, improve memory, detox, etc. usually difficult to do things in this golden period can be easily reached.

than 400 women will experience menstrual life, every 2-8 days. So doing, the woman's life, 1 / 10 and the physiological are tangled. Dysmenorrhea, emotional, etc. Though it is the fault of the period, but the experts advise: time, breast, abdomen and other series usually something you can easily reach a headache!
1, breast
Sharon Stone business for when the chest was flat, a few years, rapid chest SIZE! Her secret is not filled breast surgery, with only the physical development of hormonal changes on the special diet.
American Medical experts say breast menstruation is the best time 1-3 days, 3 days because of chest fullness of ovarian estrogen secretion of 24-hour equivalent, can stimulate breast fat accumulation. If this 3 days eat carrots, potatoes, soy and nuts food, breast enhancement effect will be more than 3 percent better than usual. Papaya is recognized as the best breast food, but medical experts also stress that only the help of the lactic acid bacteria, the body can absorb the effect of a breast and papaya enzyme papain. So want to make a chest full, may as well give yourself a cup of papaya yogurt DIY.
In addition, the calcium in food is also very important, the latest German survey shows calcium can stimulate hormone secretion. You may try to 2 days before menstruation, oral calcium began to eat. Experts point out that human intake of calcium per 300 ml when less than or equal to absorb the best. So I suggest you choose a small dose of calcium, many taking small doses of calcium absorption is better than better off taking large doses of calcium.

2, Fat Burning
Dutch sports medicine experts point out that fluctuations of the fat-burning hormone influential. They menstrual period last 2 days and 1 week after referred to as During this time suggest that you burn body fat through proper exercise, especially abdominal fat accumulation. For your health, burn fat is more important than weight loss.
suggest you 2 days in the last period, daily 20-minute yoga, 15 minutes brisk walking and stretching a few simple little tricks. 1 week after menstruation, more than 30 minutes a day doing aerobic exercise. Sports medicine experts recommend 6.5 km per hour, brisk walking exercise, the most effective body fat combustion. Fast attention to the abdomen when the force, imagine the body hanging in the air as fast as walking, which is most helpful in burning belly fat, abdomen with unexpected results. Abdomen was tense after exercise is normal, this is a necessary process of decomposition of abdominal fat, 2-3 days after the abdomen will be able to recover soft.
a medical survey, women during menstruation, desire for food was 25% higher than usual degree. This is not a bad thing! At this point you can eat sweets rarely touch. Experts point out that 3 days before menstruation, the body's tolerance than usual into the high two on the decomposition rate of unsaturated fatty acids than non-menstrual phase high one into the half. These days, you can do things correct weight-loss food!
but do not order to consolidate the body effect, try a variety of diet pills. Worse during menstruation the body immune system, hormonal balance, diet pills can easily be disrupted in the chemical composition of ground, but negative body sculpting, or even result in menstrual disorders.

3, improve memory
German women's health experts say, women in the estrogen synthesis process, the need for a special aromatase, the enzyme by nerve conduction of the cerebral cortex responsible for memory cell stimulation. Secretion of aromatase in the physiological peak of the last 1-2 days, if you want to improve memory, might the tail end of the physiological, memorizing English words or poetry to do mental exercises.
You can also chewing gum while doing exercises, because chewing stimulates the brain in charge of memory the hippocampus. More importantly, the chewing gum can stimulate saliva production, saliva enzyme aromatase to work together to help, let the cerebral cortex cell activity 14% higher than usual, memory can be enhanced in the short period of time.
In addition, you can try odd Sid Row German medical experts to teach a small coup, he said: can allow the brain to get 'potential capacity'. specific methods is simple: from top to bottom with the thumb and index finger to gently massage the ear, 3 minutes, then index finger, press hard on the temple for 1 minute. This approach can promote cortical blood flow, eliminate fatigue and memory impairment.

4, found that small health problems
physiology of U.S. medical experts to as During this period the most of your immune system is weak, some hidden in the body of the health problems most likely a small leak at the time of sleep. But this is definitely not a bad thing! Because you can normally find difficult to show that the health warning, early detection can be improved early.

Question 1: pouch, black
obviously get enough sleep 8 hours, how can they withstand the bags under the eyes and dark circles? Japanese health experts say that means not enough blood circulation in your body, smooth, high blood viscosity, probably related with the excessive intake of meat products. Recommend a balanced diet, reduce intake of meat, dairy products in the diet and beans added.

Question 2: bleeding gums
Why is one physiological easily bleeding gums? This is not health-related gum is gum inflammation precursor. Recommended to the clinic after the end of menstruation scaling to remove tartar cause inflammation, to prevent further spread of inflammation, serious brush your teeth, gargle with salt water. In addition, large amounts of calcium, iron ions with the blood loss, which is the cause physiological causes of bleeding gums, recommended daily calcium, and adequate intake of vitamin D.

Question 3: hair prone to breakage
If your hair has become particularly vulnerable in the physiological, easy to break, it is likely that you have anemia at the edge! Menstrual period, the lack of amino acid supply of the hair, keratin protein content decreased, there will be Should eat more foods with iron minerals, such as spinach, etc., in order to improve the body anemia risk.

5, detoxification
Singapore medical experts found that women from the 1st day of menstruation, the body secretes a unit smaller than the cell proteins - enzymes. This enzyme can break down toxins, so that the blood changes from acidic to alkaline, and help detoxify the body effectively. Green, U.S. health experts said the snow Langdon, amount of drinking water period of great help to detoxify the body, so the physiological 1000 ml of drinking water a day is necessary.
medical experts said, the body of women during menstruation is 15% higher than usual sensitivity and gently tap a few special points, we can stimulate the body's metabolism, and promote the body toxins. But experts also emphasized that rather than be forced to tap gently massage.
Yongquan: When you force the toes bent when the front foot is Yongquan depression occurs. Gently tap the meridian passing through the role of Yongquan, regulate your autonomic nervous system, help you expand blood vessels, promote skin blood circulation, speed up the removal of toxins, reduce blood viscosity.

Zusanli: Associate with the right hand palm right knee at the top, fingers down, one finger out the middle finger to the top position is the right leg full three years. For the left hand in the same way can be found in the full three years left leg and gently tap the point, can promote the digestive system to speed up removal of toxins and boost the body immunity.
acupoints small way:
Zusanli knee on the outside now refers to four horizontal, tibial edge. Touch-up from the outside of the lower leg, left knee following knee can touch the bump (the lateral tibial condyle). Thus further out, a little below the place inclined, there is another bump (fibular head). It links two convex bone to the line, this line is the bottom edge down to make a triangle. The vertex of this triangle, it is Zusanli. Zusanli knee now 3 inches out from the anterior tibial crest a cross that, when the tibialis anterior muscle. Acupoints, the knee from the outside down the amount of 4 cross-refers to the eye, between the fibula and tibia, the tibia adjacent to open a cross-refer, where that is.

Driving Test Tips can not read through!

 Driving Test Tips can not read through! ! Do not keep the test first while being so anxious to find the time and no place to go! ! ! Shorthand way!
1, subjects in the To determine all questions right.

2, on the subject of kilometers: 50 km elected city streets, the remaining 30 Select 30. Up to 70 high-speed, high-speed low 60. To determine all questions right.

3, motor vehicle license revoked for two years, motor vehicle license revocation for three years to five years of drunken revoked, suspended due to the escape of a lifetime, is called .

4, the injured first aid knowledge: multiple choice: A, B, C, Determine the problem: only the

5, Dangerous Knowledge: the title where to find

6, points question: subtract 1 point: Subtract 2 points: ramp passing (high speed), less than 20%, a cell phone in violation of Logo, 4 hours, there's no center line, internship, intersection. Determine the question: The rest is all wrong. Button 3: lighting, lights, license plate, speed, trailer, determine the title is all wrong. 6 points deduction: alcohol, more than 50%, more than 30%, learning to drive (high speed), do not follow the stop (high speed). To determine all questions right. Deducted 12 points: drunk driving deduction card, escape, driving through the card, more than three months of unpaid fines, driving do not meet the models, forced through. To determine all questions right.

7, a fine title: There are Other Select the largest problems. Test to determine the amount of fines Select the correct title.

8, the number of days on the subject: Just remember that an election 10 days of mediation, and the remaining 15 days of election 15 days, not 15 days to choose 3 or 90.

9, on high: a

10, on the role of

jingle to learn to drive off as long as the mind can test prospective

I just learned today the vehicles, but also as inseparable from other students essentials and clear action sequence, Yi Shangche not forget that this action is to forget the action, sometimes nervous, my mind will be temporarily First reading, to see a jingle feel very good, under action essentials, wrote the jingle first learn to drive.

report on the train shouting!
sliding the left foot, called the examiner seated, smiling face with a pear vortex.
closed deep breath, sitting to your picnic.
view the neutral position, the ignition should be gentle.
direction Do not forget, Guadang to simply, the hand brake to let go.
started to ask the examiner, to look at rear view mirror, horn to tits.
clutch relaxed, good half-connections, start to be trustworthy, do not let the examiner Akira!
shift in time, add block to quickly and met people to brake, do not be too far.
turn to slow down immediately by the next block, see more stop, safe and secure in the.
shoulders should be relaxed, his hands into position, the posture should be natural, MO panic due to the examiner.
self-confidence, are not afraid of hard, bold and cautious, courteous, do not forget.
just keeping in mind, the examination standards can be too!

Tips road driving test examination: road driving school, road test (9 September election VI) exam techniques, precautions and Tips
step process
1, adjust the seat
2, left and right view mirror and side mirror to view the hand brake lever and gear shift position
3, hang up the seat belt
4, left hand grip, right hand door switch discharge location
5, left foot the clutch pedal - Separation Clutch
6, light stepping right foot brake pedal
7, the gears into neutral position
8, open the startup switches to view the instrument panel
9, confirm without exception, his right hand into the starting gear gear
10, left open the left turn signal
11, around the eyes and observe the vehicle condition, mirrors about the situation
12, three linkage started
< br> specify: Three linkage - refers to the throttle, clutch, hand brake for the specific operation with the action
as: clutch release point of contact, increase the throttle a little light, while light to let go the brake lever .

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

When you read the first few heartache

 I thought the bird, but the sea is that the birds do not fly over the sea of ​​courage, a decade later I found, not the bird not the past, but the sea that one, had no wait ... ...

2. the day you left, I decided not to tears, eyes propped against the wind force does not blink ... ...

3. thank you for the unfeeling, so I learned to give up hope ... ...

4. with a cigarette. wandering ... ...

5. wood on the fire, said: off his own ... ... When the wood is destined to fall in love with the fire burns ... ...

6. When the tears stream down, know, separate is another to understand.

7. I really love you, close your eyes, thinking that I could forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves ... ...

8. I cried the way home , tears once again crash relic. powerlessness that walk, no longer afraid to be proud to carry on. I can say what I can do? I really hope that you will hear, because I love you, let you go ... ...

9. Do not say love, a promise is a debt owed!

10. is my `I have always been my one passing you, after all, you still do not love me,` `you and I meant what will happen is destined to` doomed `` No matter how I only meant No matter how I want to cross close to you or will you leave `` I `I miss you miss miss miss you` Good to see you

11. face to the happy, other people see. Who can feel the pain of my heart.

12. Can not be friends after breaking up, because the two sides hurt. Can not do the enemy. Because loving each other too, so we become the most familiar stranger people.

13. Some people like a meteor encounter between the instant the spark burst out of envy, but destined to just go by.

14. Time trying to settle, some people will in your heart slowly blurred. Learn to let go, you need to own sake of happiness.

15. I can feel your heartache, you have no choice ... but you can not say you do not care to make an appearance, the more uncomfortable the more you so I `
< br> 16. Some of the time, it is just to love quietly escape. escape the figure, it is immune to the feelings quietly share.

17. love to be shared was precious treasure a lot of people do not understand. only to lose only to see, in fact, that most familiar is the most precious.

18. sometimes , love is kind of hurt. cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to injure themselves.

19. you go, with all my love is gone, just a break. I have endured tears watching your back and wanted to finally hold you once said you really want in a fairy tale has been slowly melting.

21. Since love, why not say it, something is lost, but also come back in!

22. love is a feeling that when this feeling is not, I still struggled to get their own, called responsibility! Breaking up is kind of courage! When this kind of courage is not, I still encourage their own, called tragic! -

23. More than life, lonely endless. None lonely life love, the theme of loneliness is love forever. Me and my shadow alone. It said it had a private message to tell me. It said it was the original `^ I miss you and I both think you` shadow `

24. in a perfect side just staged a tragedy, all the blood and tears in the withered thorns breeds a bud, it will cycle through the seven thunderstorm, and then bloom in the humid air in ... ...

25. fish bait, it is because the fish love fisherman, it was willing to give their lives to Bo fisherman smile ... ...

26. like to leave your body belongs to me mark, but not have to remember you never belong to me ... ...
If one day, not like you, I would like a previous life as degenerate, decadent ... I do not want any kind of life, Therefore, I have not given you before, you at least like my ... ...

27. In fact, I have been waiting by your side, waiting for you on my shoulder to tell, will not have so One day, you belong to me gently, I will not let you feel bad, let your tears flow again!

28. you when I was a kite, or put me, or else with a good income home, do not mind sees with an invisible tied me so that my heart hurt.

29. out of the window under the snow, a cup of coffee, cold grip to it, before we know they think of you. How can I expect you to know!

30. for the first time crying because you're not the first time met you laugh because the first time in tears because a smile can not have you!

31. years like a river, left bank is unable to forget the memories, grasp the right bank is worthy of their youth, the middle of fast flowing, the young faint sad. There are many good things this world, but it really is not much of their own. Pretrial see the flowers Rongrubujing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, fate has no intention. Fun around in the secular world, to learn to treat a common heart all around, also a state.

32. we live there are too many helpless, we can not change, but also unable to change, even worse, we lost the idea of ​​change ... ...

33. see Pretrial flowers open flowers, Rongrubujing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, fate has no intention.
34. in the numerous secular around the world, can learn to treat a common heart all around, also a state.

35. life is most regrettable, than to simply give up that should not give up, and stubbornly, insisted should not adhere to the ... ...

36. simple and quiet life is not really `So I just embrace the happy moments and lasting feeling of extending` Happy `I do not believe only an instant.

37. Some are doomed to lose, some fate is never a result. would not necessarily have to love a person, a person must have a good love her ... ...

38. the heart is dead, the tears are dry, bitterly painful soul has led. dreams awakened, not love, ma'am, a lot get rid of. are also virtual reality, but also love is also hate, Yela silent flower self-mutilation. people say that, look for and searching, desolate, desolately Cancan sad; but helpless, forever and sometimes do, of sorrow was everlasting.

39. in the world nothing can be eternal. If it flows, it flows away; if it is kept with it dry; if it grows, it will slowly wither away.

40. the pain of a woman to do: When she and the man she loved had physical relationship, she is very natural to this relationship as a forever, but it can be different men, they may only think that it is the way to survive yet another interpretation. As the book says: men and women, in the absence of pre-commitment of marriage, or to maintain the simple relationship for good, otherwise, really do not have years to go back.
41. If not happy, if not happy, then to let go; If, reluctant to let go, it would distress me.

42. Through thousands of years, you do not leave any regrets, Laugh, cry cry, when the love is meaningless to oppress yourself. Depression in life there are two, one desires have not been met, and that it had been met.

43. The so-called polygamous, that is with love and bread, the mood would also like to eat cake; the so-called affair, is the potential of the siege, fall into the trap; the so-called romantic, that is, the time to help his wife buy a cabbage, but also smoothly back to a rose; the so-called kitchen, that is, marriage leads to a red carpet in front of the ... ...
44. that dare not speak, because I am timid, because if you refuse, I will not be able to see you again , and rather quietly in love with you, can not let you know, until, until you dropped into someone else's surrounded!
45. a good thing people want someone to accompany you. A man lost his. I wonder if there is not expected to be in the chase.

46. the world is so imperfect. What do you want to have to lose something.
47. love, emotionally, when you want to conquer each other, to some extent actually conquered by the other side. The first is to attract the other side of you, then is your desire to conquer each other.

48. I put down the dignity and the personality down, put down a stubborn, only because does not fit you.

49. If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity. Rash, may make you regret it for a while; cowardice, it may make you regret it for life.

50. did not experience the love of life is not complete without experiencing the pain of love is not profound. Love makes life rich, suffering the sublimation of love.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Burning Life

 Early in four wedding night, my father in my new room lit two candles. According to the custom home, called Mandarin candles, Nanzuonvyou left candles on my behalf, on behalf of his wife the right side of the candle. Requires two candles lit at the same time, while the natural off, meaning the new all safe, the same fate, life of conjugal bliss, the meaning of life together.
However, that night I left that candle which represents the right side of the candle burning candle in less than a third over when they have all been burned. Father saw the situation, his brow wrinkled. Completed all the guests, the father cried my room alone, seriously said to me: When I saw the father's eyes were moist, his father went on: IX, nineteenth and twenty-ninth, do not go out as much as possible. If work needs do need to go out, we must be extremely careful. Today they see the candle burning speed so fast, but also adds a worried and concerned about my heart. / p>
my father told me finished, and devoted to his wife made a special account, so wife reminds me more and care, which also add a concern and his wife care. Father also told the two sisters, two sisters also told me everything carefully. Speak for my wedding because my father is busy all day, after the guests while supplies last, the father will rest. Father had just lie down for a while, I cried the bed again, Ping Fu bless you in peace!
because of his work the next day early in the morning is the fifth day, I go back to Shenzhen to work. For my father up early to do breakfast. Before his departure, my father let me on the road trip to take snapshots in time to him. Sister, sister, I am on the road trip is also time to call me and ask me peace situation.
ninth day today is the lunar calendar, last night my wife and specifically called me and asked me to be all careful.
poor parental love, thanks to care about my relatives! Yes ah! Everyone is not live for themselves. Suddenly found himself no longer a single man who fed hungry family, and he is about the father, is about to be on the old and the family under a small pillar. Whether custom or superstition worth mentioning, for themselves and to their families, to decide in the days after all the careful and to wish his all in the new year safely and smoothly! -

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First grade math lesson plans the next volume of

 A situation analysis
(a) Class Analysis:
I (2) classes after a semester of mathematics learning, the basic knowledge, skills basically achieve learning goals, learning mathematics has a certain interest, willing to participate in learning activities. In particular, some hands-on learning content need to collaborate more interested in both. But in the more difficult problems encountered Sikaoshendu, there flinch emotions. only in the classroom and learning activities in mathematics in order to fully reflect the true state of a child to learn. So for these students, I should be concerned about more is that the interest has been basically formed persistent efforts to maintain and step by step guide thinking of the fun, successful experience gained in the joy.
(b) of the material of
this semester course will include some elements of the following: location, within 20 to step down subtraction, graphics assembled, the number of less than 100, recognizing yuan, less than 100 decimal addition and subtraction to step down (a), recognizing that time, to find laws, statistics, math practice.
Second, teaching this semester the guiding ideology
1, attention has been the experience of students based on knowledge and life experience to provide students familiar with the specific scenario to help students understand math.
; 2, increasing to contact the actual content, in real life for the students to understand mathematics, mathematics and everyday life experience in close contact.
3, children pay attention to the rich taste of select learning materials and activities, stimulate student interest in learning, access to mathematical learning experience enjoyable.
4, attention to guide students to self-exploration, cooperation and exchange of learning, for students to explore cooperation and exchange with the atmosphere of self-learning. < br> 5, grasp the teaching requirements for students to develop appropriate methods to improve assessment of students, such as the establishment of their students to speak, , the infiltration of ideological education of environmental protection, to love nature, love all kinds of flowers and trees around us to protect the school's all green plants.
three teaching focus on key teaching points
: 100 number within the knowledge of 20 step down within less than subtraction and addition and subtraction 100 port operator.
teaching difficult: addition and subtraction within 100 port operator, as well as training in mathematical thinking.
four teaching this semester the main purpose of the request
1, awareness counts The number to the number of master 100 is one of several composed of ten and a few master sequence number less than 100, the number would be more the size of less than 100. will use less than 100 the number of things that everyday life and estimates and will be a simple exchange.
2, can be more skilled to step down within 20 to calculate the subtraction will be calculated within a 100-digit addition, subtraction, and the entire ten digit number, experience with others the process of their algorithm, will use addition and subtraction calculation knowledge to solve practical problems simple.
3, found from life experiences and ask questions, problem-solving process, to experience the daily life of mathematics and the close links feel the mathematical role in daily life.
4, will spend, down, front, back, left and right describe the relative position of objects; able to use their language to describe the rectangular, square edge features , the initial perception of the relationship between school graphics.
5, recognized unit of RMB yuan, angle, point, know the angle of 1 yuan = 10, 1 angle = 10; know the love of RMB.
6, will read, write, when a bit, knowing that 1 = 60 points, know the value of time.
7, will explore a given number of graphics or a simple arrangement of the law, the initial the formation of the United States found that the awareness and appreciation of mathematics.
8, the initial experience of data collection, collation, description, analysis of the process, will use simple methods to collect, collate data, an initial understanding of statistical mechanics and statistical bar table, according to data presented in charts and answer simple questions.
9, experience the fun of learning mathematics to improve the learning of mathematics held to establish the confidence to learn mathematics.
10 , to develop a serious job, writing clean and good habits.
11, through the practice of mathematics and everyday life experience of close contact.
five, the term concrete measures to improve teaching quality
1, starting from the age characteristics of students, to take a more game-like teaching math to guide students willing to participate in learning activities.
2, in the classroom teaching, more attention to understanding the problem of child benefit, rather than to the hard, wide. should consider the level of the students actually thought, more care and thinking Slowly Zhong Dengsheng students.
3 , furnished some of the more interesting jobs, such as hands-on job, less rigid practice.
4, to strengthen family education and school education links, appropriate for parents to teach children some of the guidance to learn the correct method.
six hours arrangements:
all books teaching arrangements: about 60 hours
location ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 class
20 within the abdication subtraction ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 hours
graphics assembled ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 hours
understanding of the number less than 100 ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 hours
RMB ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 hours
100 addition and subtraction within (a) ... ... ... 15 hours
know the time ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 hours
to find regular ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 hours
< p> Statistics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 hours General Review ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5 hours

Valentine's Day Games

 February 14 , most do not want the day off , the reality meters have a boyfriend , really shy ah !!
Fortunately, I love this stuff, has been the attitude of the
opportunity which can not all with Edge of chanting, is my happiness will come !
certainly crestfallen after work escape home !!
husband said the game valentine day to accompany me , haha ​​!
may riddles The reason is that in reality can be something you will never get !
such large sums of money, beautiful clothes, beautiful body , beautiful cheek , but no shortage of suitors !
illusory in True feelings, find a hurt you, know how to care for you , all you men only !
he will accompany you to where you want , stay the night you see the beauty of West Lake , fireworks you see, send you roses Flowers !
Maybe this is false . But enough. want? that is not to love ! just a game !
Wake up to the end !

Sunday, March 20, 2011

150 knowledge of nurse must know

1. Toothache: Acetylspiramycin Tablets + metronidazole -
Acetylspiramycin anti-inflammatory tablets +】 【Calculus -
Acetylspiramycin Tablets + sugar sterol tablets -
2. Dry cough: Lily fixed oral Yangyinqingfei -
3. White phlegm: cough coupon cream -
4. Yellow sputum: acute bronchitis cough syrup mixture, and so the lung power. . . . . . -
white and yellow sputum sputum can be used: Zhenkening tablet -
5. Ophthalmic: Compound cartilage sulfate (Run Jie) 【Health】 -
naphthalene Min Wei (Run Jie)】 【anti-inflammatory -
Trachoma】 【 chloramphenicol eye drops -
6. Myopia: Pearl eyesight eye drops -
four-layer ice Jane B flavor drops (eye drops specified value) -
eye drops, once opened, use it up within a month, or will oxidize -
7. Chronic rhinitis: rhinitis tablets (in conjunction) Park rhinitis thousand pieces (odd star) Rhinitis Tablet (German minority) -
nasal beclomethasone dipropionate aerosol (Berkner) fluticasone propionate nasal spray (auxiliary Shu Liang) -
8. Gastroenteritis: gastrointestinal safety pills -
9. Corn: acid phenol Plaster -
10. To any cold medicine containing component be sleepy -
11. Tonsillitis: a clear yellow capsule beings silver particles laryngitis pills -
12. Conditioning Sleep: Night Zao Ren Granules Capsule Compound (Hill peace) Ganoderma Capsules -
13. Children
14. Children
15. Bunao: Walnut -
16. Weight Loss: Cassia + lotus -
17. : Terbinafine hydrochloride cream (Kang) compound ketoconazole ointment (Wang Pi) biphenyl azole cream Bian (Fu Qi clotrimazole cream miconazole nitrate cream (Miconazole) Nai for fun hydrochloride cream (Showtime) -
18. Eczema: compound dexamethasone acetate cream (999 dermatitis skin) of sugar to acid mometasone cream (Yiluo Song) -
send cream Hydrocortisone butyrate (Zhuoer) triamcinolone econazole cream (Pevisone) sulfur ointment -
19. Burns: Jing Wan Hong MEBO (U.S.) Blue Oil hydrocarbon compound Healing Cream -
chlorhexidine gluconate cream (Shunfeng baby) erythromycin cream 20. Herpes: acyclovir cream compound Pien Tze Huang cream -
21. Urticaria: Loratadine tablets (open Ruitan) tablet loratadine tablets (Lei Ning) Loratadine tablets (astemizole card) -
22. Asthma: budesonide aerosol (Pulmicort) inhaled salbutamol sulphate aerosol (Ventolin) -
salbutamol aerosol (Xinyi) -
23. Motion sickness medicine: phencynonate hydrochloride tablets (Flying Competition music) benzene Hamming tea tablets (Huating) -
motion sickness cool stickers (Lotus) attached to the ears 【】 -
24. 』『 First three months of pregnancy, drug reference drug should be avoided (certainly cause harm): Thalidomide -
sex hormones (androgens, estrogen) oral contraceptives, diethylstilbestrol ; progesterone promote protein synthetic drugs tetracycline nicotine (tobacco) male hormone-like drugs (used to increase appetite and body weight) of colchicine cyclophosphamide -
25. Only necessary to use drugs (with the potential for damage): Amphetamine-type anti-cancer drugs barbiturates oral anticoagulant Ka Maxi class chloramphenicol, chloroquine cortisone class of polymyxin E kanamycin metronidazole haloperidol ; to the nalidixic acid type A flutter of amitriptyline epileptic phenytoin ketone propylthiouracil ; Quinidine Reserpine streptomycin game birds diuretics tons of ammonia vancomycin thiophene sulfone Purple ADM -
26. As much as possible to avoid or reduce the use of drugs (possible damage): phenoxy acid acrylic acid drug aspirin Furosemide Gentamicin microphone iron indomethacin Bian K nicotinamide methoxy pyridine ; oral hypoglycemic drug sulfamethoxazole weak antipsychotic Vitamin C (high dose) ; vitamin D (high dose) -
27. Pregnancy, 4 to 9 months 『』 drug reference -
completely avoid the use of drugs: drugs promoting protein synthesis (male hormone-like drugs increase appetite and body weight) oral anticoagulants Aspirin (long-term or high dose) of chloramphenicol diethylstilbestrol iodide class nicotine (tobacco), nitrofurantoin, sulfonamides Sex hormones tetracycline class of oral hypoglycemic agents (after taking 33 weeks) -
28. Prescribed use of drugs: amphetamine-type strong acid analgesic drug narcotic drugs ( sodium ions) barbiturate class of anti-thyroid drugs cortisone-like drugs chloroquine bromide ergot laxative naphthalene amine acid phenothiazine given flutter meters ketone quinine ; propylthiouracil streptomycin thiazide diuretic class of weak stability of amphotericin vancomycin Purple Vitamin C (high dose) vitamin K (synthetic chemicals) K carbamazepine polymyxin E cyclophosphamide to kanamycin A phenytoin propranolol amitriptyline Kuining Ding reserpine -
1, usually within hours of ingestion gastric lavage in the most effective
4 ~ 6 hours
2, heavy metal poisoning antidote with which of the following best?
Ding disodium dimercapto
3, rescue of respiratory failure caused by barbiturate poisoning, the most important measures?
keep the airway clear, artificial respiration
4, coral snake bite deaths mainly due to respiratory failure

5, snake bites the most effective method of early treatment of anti-venom unit
< br> 6, the most effective snakebite treatment is
local early local injection of trypsin or sets of letters
7, what kind of food poisoning to neurological symptoms as the main clinical manifestations, and mortality is high
botulism food poisoning
8, due to respiratory and cardiac arrest on the drowning, its emergency measures are
artificial respiration and closed chest cardiac massage
9, severe asthma, what measures should be taken
oxygen, improve ventilation, bronchial spasm, infection control, correct water and electrolyte imbalance, glucocorticoid
10, severe asthma is severe asthma attack for at least time?
24 hours
11, severe asthma, the daily dose of intravenous aminophylline should not exceed
12, severe asthma, the general saving measures?
intravenous aminophylline, intravenous corticosteroids, oxygen inhalation, intravenous fluids and
13, bronchial asthma disabled
14, bronchial asthma is characterized by
recurrent paroxysmal dyspnea expiratory
15, principles of treatment of acute pulmonary abscess
active anti-infective, supplemented by postural drainage
16, acute primary lung abscess characteristic clinical manifestations a lot of foul pus
17, a small amount of hemoptysis of tuberculosis (blood stained sputum) treatment is
quiet rest, remove tension
18, hemoptysis choking rescue, the most critical measures
immediate use to lift the measures of respiratory tract obstruction
19, pulmonary tuberculosis hemoptysis, the most dangerous complication of
20, hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis to the affected side lying
, Treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis the most important infection control measures are

22, sudden onset of inspiratory dyspnea, the most common clinical foreign body in trachea or obstruction

23, What kind of disease, the most prone to respiratory failure and obstructive pulmonary emphysema

24, hypertensive heart failure patients with the earliest symptoms of exertional dyspnea

25, the diagnosis of acute pulmonary edema, the performance of the most significant feature is accompanied by severe breathing problems
pink foam sputum
26, diagnosis of right ventricular dysfunction, the most reliable signs are
jugular vein engorgement, and positive signs of liver jugular vein reflux < br> 27, the most common difficulty in breathing
left ventricular dysfunction
28, which conditions produce acute pulmonary edema, to use morphine in acute myocardial infarction
persistent pain
29, heart of the source Asthma and bronchial asthma
main difference is that with enlargement of the heart gallop
30, the earliest signs of heart failure is
diastolic gallop
31, left the most serious manifestations of heart failure pulmonary edema is

32, right heart failure is
main clinical manifestations of venous circulation and edema
33, acute pulmonary edema, the most characteristic performance is slightly large pink bubble
34, have clinical manifestations of left heart failure, mainly
pulmonary congestion, pulmonary edema
35, dyspnea first appeared in
left heart failure
36, had supraventricular cardiac What
speed up occurs without structural heart disease
37, stimulation of the vagus nerve using the method to correct the arrhythmia is paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

38, Wolff syndrome most often accompanied by tachycardia
39, the most important features of pre-excitation syndrome is
QRS wave group started the Department of blunt
40, the most powerful diagnostic ECG VT evidence is there
wins were ventricular or ventricular fusion wave
41, manifested as bradycardia - tachycardia syndrome patients, the best choice to install on-demand
artificial cardiac pacemaker
42, ventricular tachycardia with severe hemodynamic disorder, the onset of the preferred measures to terminate
43, III degree atrioventricular block associated with paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, ventricular preferred
44, left bundle branch block, treatment should be used
placement of pacemaker
45, the following, the most likely to cause which of A - Adams syndrome
III degree room Room block
46, after the occurrence of atrial fibrillation can lead to complications which
circulation artery embolization
47, mitral stenosis due to massive hemoptysis in early bronchial variceal
, rheumatic mitral stenosis after atrial fibrillation, a common complication is arterial embolization

49, what kind of heart disease, not to use vasodilators
tamponade symptoms
50, mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation, ventricular rate 120 beats / min, the preferred treatment is
cedilanid ventricular rate control
51, angina and syncope in aortic stenosis is common in

52, II tip valve stenosis in sinus rhythm as fatigue and acute pulmonary edema, the most appropriate treatment is
53, mitral stenosis caused by pulmonary edema was mainly due to left ventricular failure

54, rheumatic heart disease and major cause of death was heart failure

55, the earliest symptoms of mitral stenosis is
exertional dyspnea
56, with the slow rhythm of digitalis poisoning disorders when used
57, premature ventricular contractions due to digitalis toxicity, treatment should be preferred
58, digitalis poisoning is common ECG ventricular
premature beat bigeminy
59, premature ventricular contractions due to heart failure without digitalis therapy should be preferred

60, acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock is mainly due to cardiac
blood drastically reduced
61, acute myocardial infarction (24 hours) is the main causes of death
62, acute myocardial infarction morphine for pain relief is appropriate to

63, nitrate glycerol relieve angina pectoris
direct expansion was mainly due to coronary artery
64, acute myocardial infarction ECG show br> 65, more than half of sudden cardiac death in patients with coronary heart disease found in what disease

66, a sudden increase in blood pressure, severe headache, convulsions, coma patients, diagnosis may be what?
hypertensive encephalopathy
67, hypertension is the most common cause of death
cerebrovascular accident
68, what prompted the performance of the most radical vision
rapid decrease hypertension, retinal hemorrhage and exudation or papilledema
69, treatment of hypertensive crisis, which should be considered a drug of choice
70, pericardial tamponade with right ventricular failure, which of the identification of the most meaningful
odd clock
71, acute pericardial effusion
most prominent symptom is shortness of breath
72, which is seen more death
cardiomyopathy hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy < br> 73, which caused the shock of their disease, peripheral vascular resistance will be decreased
gram-negative bacilli sepsis
74, male, 20 years old. Suddenly collapsed after intramuscular injection of penicillin, undetectable blood pressure, the most important immediate rescue measures are
intravenous epinephrine
75, the basic cause of shock is inadequate
effective circulating blood volume, organ microcirculation perfusion bad
76, cardiogenic shock caused by the most common cause of acute myocardial infarction

77, which shock alone vasoconstrictor effect
anaphylactic shock
78, tips gastric perforation is based on the most significant signs of pneumoperitoneum

79, the most common complication of peptic ulcer bleeding is

80, upper gastrointestinal bleeding is the most common cause of digestive
81, hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis is characterized by
navel and waist skin was black and blue
82, with acute abdominal pain with shock, the most common cause of acute necrotizing pancreatitis
< br> 83, hepatic coma, irritability, and convulsions, which of the following selection of drugs most appropriate
84, of the nephrotic syndrome is the most effective treatment of glucocorticoid
, the most common complication of nephrotic syndrome is
86, correct acidosis in uremic patients after the occurrence of seizures, the most rapid and effective treatment is intravenous calcium gluconate

87, uraemic the performance of patients in critical condition is
88, uremia is the most common cause of death heart failure

89, treatment of uremic heart failure is the most effective way
90, chronic myelogenous leukemia acute left upper quadrant pain, first consider the diagnosis of splenic infarction

91, died of diabetes in China is mainly due to
cerebral vascular accident, coronary heart disease
92, spinal shock occurs when symptoms
or quadriplegia paralysis of both lower extremities, and hypotonia, areflexia, urinary retention
93, hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage best part of it is fat
basal ganglia
94, cerebral hemorrhage is the most common site of lateral internal capsule

95, brain hemorrhage the most common disease because
96, hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage The most common predisposing factor for the
emotional or excessive force
97, acute cerebral vascular disease with the formation of brain herniation, the most urgent measure is
intravenous infusion of mannitol
98, high intracranial pressure to do lumbar puncture cerebrospinal fluid of patients after discharge, sudden respiratory arrest. This is because the induced
tonsillar herniation
99, uncus herniation of temporal lobe ipsilateral mydriasis appears common causes of nerve compression

100, herniation foramen magnum herniation The organization is
cerebellar tonsils
101, herniation foramen magnum herniation with temporal lobe uncus
main point is the early identification of respiratory arrest
102, due to fatal brain herniation
brainstem compression
103, the treatment of cerebral edema, early use of adrenal cortex hormones

104, cerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage important difference whether the positioning point for the
105, Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage
antihypertensive treatment for reduction of intracranial pressure of mannitol to maintain water and electrolyte balance, antibiotic treatment to prevent infection
106, the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage cerebral artery in congenital
107, subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs most frequently
meningeal irritation
108, subarachnoid hemorrhage is the most reliable diagnosis is based on uniform BCSF

109, subarachnoid the treatment of acute hemorrhage selection
110, the most common cause of cerebral thrombosis is cerebral atherosclerosis

111, do not stand with acute cerebral infarction vasodilators, is Because the brain can cause
steal phenomenon
112, should be used in the treatment of cerebral thrombosis
113, in acute cerebrovascular disease, the onset is most acute brain
114, a common cause of epilepsy caused by brain tumor birth trauma cerebral cysticercosis encephalitis

115, status epilepticus is a comprehensive
tonic - Chen twin frequent seizures, intermittent period is still consciousness
116, a comprehensive tonic - clonic seizure, the first note to
117, the treatment of acute dichlorvos poisoning cholinesterase agents are
dual complex P
118, the organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning caused by paralysis of respiratory muscles should be used
119, acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning pulmonary edema, the primary rescue measures are
intravenous atropine
120, the cause of death in acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning, the most important
respiratory failure
121, acute carbon monoxide poisoning, the primary method of treatment
oxygen therapy
122, severe active bleeding distal lower extremities when the tourniquet bar area in which the most appropriate?
thigh in 1 / 3
123, limbs, open injury, vascular injury combined use of a tourniquet, the continuous block the flow of time must not exceed:
60 分钟
124, the time to stop bleeding in trauma care , commonly used methods to stop bleeding:
Acupressure hemostasis, pressure bandage, tourniquet to stop bleeding, stop bleeding limb padded
125, is characterized by traumatic asphyxia
face, eye conjunctiva, the chest congestion
126, chest trauma, chest wall softening, the main pathophysiological disorder as:
carbon dioxide retention, hypoxia
127, open pneumothorax first aid, first:
quickly closed chest wound
128, serious multiple fractures of multiple ribs and chest wall
emergency treatment is bandaged
129, first-aid measures tension pneumothorax:
coarse needle decompression exhaust
130, trauma hemothorax simple and reliable diagnostic method is:
131, chest stab wound, shock, jugular vein engorgement, the first cardiac tamponade should be considered

132, abdominal injury intraperitoneal puncture, do not pour out the blood, should be diagnosed as
Visceral rupture
133, abdominal trauma with hemorrhagic shock, the main principles are
shock while in the active treatment laparotomy to stop bleeding
134, X-ray findings of gastric perforation was
subdiaphragmatic free gas
135, the clinical symptoms of acute appendicitis is usually
first order of epigastric pain, nausea or vomiting, and then the right lower quadrant pain
136, simple appendicitis is the nature of abdominal pain or dull pain

137, acute gangrenous appendicitis, the appendix wall when, after full-thickness gangrene, abdominal pain, persistent pain is the nature of

138, acute appendicitis, when the pain has not yet shifted to the right lower abdomen before the diagnosis is of great significance
been fixed in the right lower quadrant tenderness
139, high small bowel obstruction addition to abdominal pain, the main symptom is
140, bile duct stones and acute cholangitis acute typical triad is
-right under the xiphoid paroxysmal sudden cramps, chills, fever, jaundice
141, acute pancreatitis , the law of blood amylase as
3 to 12 hours after onset increased from 24 to 48 hours of peak
142, following which renal injury occurs most frequently renal laceration
143, the triad of increased intracranial pressure is
headache, vomiting, papilledema
144, Acute foramen magnum and tentorial hiatus hernia is the difference between the most important severe headache
, rapid and reliable diagnostic indicator of cardiac arrest is
artery pulse disappeared
146, cardiac arrest, circulatory arrest time is to rebuild artificial
cycle time
147, the recovery processing time to waste, the most important
for the purpose of rapid recovery of cerebral blood circulation
148, once the diagnosis of cardiac arrest, must strive to rebuild in a few minutes breathing and circulation
4 ~ 6 分钟
149, addition to chest shock flutter, the electrodes should be placed in the position of the second intercostal space in the
the right anterior chest wall, apex, or apex after chest wall
150, heart rate recovery, the most prone to pathological changes in the secondary is
hypoxic brain damage.
1, whole body bone and joint tuberculosis is the highest incidence in the (spinal tuberculosis). -
2, diagnosis of infective endocarditis is the most important (blood culture). -
3, rescue of ventricular fibrillation caused by a cardiac arrest, the most effective way is to (non-synchronous electric cardioversion). -
4, found that the most significant early rectal method Ca (colonoscopy). -
5, the most common uterine fibroid degeneration (hyaline degeneration). -
6, the performance of nephrotic syndrome is the most basic (urinary protein greater than 3.5g/24h). -
7, most reliable way to diagnose the tumor is (pathology). -
8, Faro quadruple the performance of the main symptoms is the first and (purple). -
9, on the primary chronic adrenal cortex hypofunction diagnostic blood test result is the most significant (cortisol down). -
10, recovery treatment, recovery measures to ensure that all work is most important is (cerebral resuscitation). -
1, causing periodontal abscess is the most common pathogens (alpha hemolytic streptococcus). -
2, the body parts of the highest CO2 partial pressure is (tissue fluid). -
3, translocation of 21 - the most common trisomy is 〔karyotype 46, XY, -14, + t (14q21q)〕. -
4, digitalis toxicity is the most common ECG (ventricular contraction). -
5, identification of edema and hemorrhage necrotizing pancreatitis is the most valuable (Cullen sign). -
6, the prevention of postoperative atelectasis is the most important measure (turn over more and more deep breathing, encourage coughing.) -
7, the most common complications of ovarian cancer (torsion). -
8, acute leukemia, anemia is the most important reason (erythroid leukemia cell proliferation by interference.) -
9, acute myocardial infarction treatment is the most important (myocardial perfusion). -
10, colon cancer is the earliest clinical symptoms (bowel habit and stool changes). -
1, led to the most important factor is the perforated appendix (appendix lumen obstruction). -
2, first put forward the -
3, the most common female genital TB is (tubal tuberculosis). -
4, hemianopia most common type of visual field defects (pituitary adenoma, suprasellar development). -
5, gastric ulcer is the most common location (antral lesser curvature). -
6, most of the diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma cells are (RS cells). -
7, right heart failure diagnosis in patients with the most signs are (left sternal border and heard 3 to 4 intercostal diastolic gallop.) -
8, typhoid fever is the most serious complications (intestinal perforation). -
9, the most abundant plasma proteins is (albumin). -
10, after the mediastinal tumor is the most common (nerve tumors). -
1, deep vein thrombosis is most common in (deep vein). -
2, normal distribution of numerical variables data, describe the selection of the best indicators of trends in the discrete (SD). -
3, the status of the investigation of chronic diseases, the most appropriate indicator is calculated (prevalence rate). -
4, after colorectal cancer diagnosis and monitoring of the most significant tumor marker is (CEA). -
5, the right side of the general form of colon cancer is the most common (mass type). -
6, gastric ulcers is the best surgical procedure (subtotal gastrectomy with gastroduodenal anastomosis). -
7, burn the most common cause of death is (shock). -
8, acute infective endocarditis is the most common pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus). -
9, in the infection process of the 5 lowest proportion of the performance but the most easily identifiable is the (dominant infection). -
10, understand the cyclical changes in endometrial diagnosis is based on the most reliable (diagnostic curettage). -
1, difficult to identify the kidney and renal cyst is the most reliable methods of identification (renal artery angiography). -
2, the most important muscle in the deamination way (purine nucleotide cycle.) -
3, Medical Ethics in the oldest and most vital areas of medical ethics (medical privacy). -
4, the most helpful diagnostic pathology is Crohn's disease (non-caseating granulomas). -
5, the most common disease induced DIC because (Gram-negative bacterial infection.) -
6, serum CA125 in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer detection value is the most specific sense (serous adenocarcinoma). -
7, elderly patients with heart failure symptoms have increased the incentive is the most common (respiratory infection). -
8, within 24 hours of myocardial infarction with acute left heart failure, the most appropriate use of (digitalis). -
9, pituitary hypothyroidism the most common reason is (a variety of pituitary tumors). -
10, the control of central diabetes insipidus and polyuria in patients with the most appropriate drug is 〔desmopressin (Mi condensate)〕. -
1, causes congenital hypothyroidism is the main reason (thyroid aplasia or hypoplasia). -
2, diffuse capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis is the most important lesions (capillary endothelial cells and mesangial cell proliferation.) -
3, chronic myeloid leukemia and leukemoid reaction is the difference between the major (Ph chromosome positive). -
4, magnesium sulfate poisoning first appeared in the (knee reflex) (assistant repeated this question in 2008 reproduction). -
5, the most common type of uterine fibroids (intramural fibroids) (assistant repeated this question in 2008 reproduction). -
6, the implementation of scientific and rational clinical use of blood, the main purpose is (to protect blood resources). -
7, causing brain atrophy is the most common cause (cerebral atherosclerosis). -
8, the following organizations most likely to complete regeneration of the (epithelial tissue) (assistant 2007, this question time and time again.) -
9, early atherosclerotic lesions, first to enter the arterial intima cells (macrophages). -
10, AIDS patients with opportunistic pulmonary infections are the most common pathogens (Pneumocystis carinii). -
1, community-acquired pneumonia is the most common pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae). -
2, diagnosed with high functioning thyroid nodule, the most significant check is (radionuclide scanning). -
3, tuberculous nodules in the diagnosis of most cell components (Langerhans cells and epithelial cells). -
4, the maximum UV absorption of nucleic acids is the peak (260nm). -
5, during storage of whole blood is the main active ingredient (RBC). -
6, diagnose iron deficiency anemia is based on the most positive (bone marrow particles may be iron staining disappeared). -
7, upper abdominal pain in patients with peptic ulcer is the best (proton pump inhibitor). -
8, epidemic encephalitis B disease is the most minor part (spinal cord). -
9, left-right shunt congenital heart disease is the most common complication (pneumonia). -
10, the cell membrane in the resting situation, which of the following ion permeability of the maximum (K +). -
1, causing the secretion of antidiuretic hormone is the most sensitive factors (increased osmotic pressure in plasma crystals). -
2, in the cardiac cycle, ventricular pressure rise the fastest phase (isometric contraction). -
3, bile is the most abundant organic compounds (bile acids). -
4, surgical patients are most vulnerable to water and sodium metabolism is (isotonic water shortage). -
5, the most vulnerable to influenza virus components of variation (in the neuraminidase and hemagglutinin). (The title is very important, a combination of current events) -
6, acute myocardial infarction, serum enzyme specificity is (CPK-MB). -
7, dysentery intestinal lesions most significant part of it is in the (sigmoid colon and rectum). -
8, early diagnosis of acute hematogenous osteomyelitis is most valuable (local hierarchical puncture.) -
9, the value of tumor types metastatic to the pelvis, the most common is the (gastric). -
10, desensitization therapy is the best adaptation levy (phobia). -
1, tibia 1 / 3 of the most common complication was fracture (delayed union). -
2, lumbar disc herniation is the most common site (L5). -
3, chronic bronchitis, emphysema into the process, the first occurrence of pathological changes (not completely block the bronchioles). -
4, elimination of bronchial inflammation of asthma is the most effective drugs (glucocorticoids). -
5, war of increased intracranial pressure, signs of a hernia, immediately following which drug best (20% mannitol). -
6, the most common intracranial tumor is (neuroepithelial tumor). -
7, to improve the symptoms of acute left heart failure is the most effective drugs (diuretics). -
8, the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis and the most widely used laboratory indicators (serum amylase). -
9, most patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis diagnosis check is (heart auscultation). -
10, of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) the strongest of the aminoglycosides is (tobramycin). -
1, the lowest normal cerebrospinal fluid content of glucose (2.5mmol / L). -
2, a cross-sectional survey of physicians in adopting the method of investigation of hypertension in the population distribution, select the most appropriate indicators (incidence). -
3, identification of pyelonephritis and lower urinary tract infection is the most significant (urine tube in the white blood cells). -
4, high-functioning thyroid adenoma is the best check (thyroid scintigraphy). -
5, patients with severe carbon monoxide poisoning is the preferred oxygen therapy (hyperbaric chamber). -
6, the first choice in patients with variant angina drugs (nifedipine). -
7, exertion angina and syncope episodes when the preferred treatment for patients with aortic stenosis (aortic valve replacement.) -
8, old myocardial infarction, electrocardiogram showed frequent ventricular contractions, the drug of choice is (B-blockers). -
9, according to the signs and symptoms suggestive of pleural effusion, pleural effusion must determine whether the inspection is to be preferred (chest). -
10, ventricular tachycardia with severe hemodynamic disorder, the termination of the preferred method of attack is (synchronized electrical cardioversion). -
1, the chronic myeloid leukemia drug of choice to achieve hematologic remission is (hydroxyurea). -
2, SLE, lupus nephritis (type IV pathology) was the preferred immunosuppressive agents (cyclophosphamide). -
3, following the treatment of choice for Legionella Infections drugs (erythromycin). -
4, generalized tonic - clonic seizures and absence seizures merger occurs, the drug treatment of choice (VPA). -
5, treatment of choice for pneumococcal pneumonia is antibiotics (penicillin). -
6, baby ring suspected purulent meningitis combined subdural effusion, the preferred diagnostic method is simple (cranial light examination). -
7, the treatment of chronic myelogenous leukemia, the first choice (hydroxyurea). -
8, the preferred variant angina (diltiazem). -
9, the preferred treatment of meningeal leukemia drugs (methotrexate). -
10, metabolic acidosis, circulatory failure in the absence of development to the extent, the preferred treatment should be (cause the implementation of treatment). -
1, patients with septic shock for the rapid correction of blood volume is low, the following groups are preferred liquid (mainly a balanced salt solution, with the amount of plasma and whole blood). -
2, suspected pituitary adenoma, the diagnosis of choice (MRI). -
3, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy with convulsions, the preferred drugs (phenobarbital). -
4, the preferred treatment of chronic aplastic anemia (intramuscular injection of testosterone propionate.) -
5, Hyperprolactinemia drug therapy (bromocriptine). -
6, the preferred diagnosis of urinary tract stones is the X-ray (KUB + IVP). -
7, first choice for trigeminal neuralgia (Kaba Xi Ping) -
8, combined with bilateral renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients should not be the first choice antihypertensive (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) -
9, coronary artery spasm angina of hypertension should be preferred to (B-blockers). -
10, prepared for the bone marrow of patients shift lever to improve the symptoms of anemia requiring transfusion, blood products of choice for the (small white blood cells red blood cells). -
1, adult femoral shaft fracture, and dorsal and posterior tibial artery pulse, thin, and its preferred method of treatment (open reduction and internal fixation.) -
2, diagnosis of gallstone is the preferred way to check (B super). -
3, I endometrial cancer patients of the treatment of choice (surgical treatment). -
4, following the treatment of choice for Legionella drugs (erythromycin). -
5, adolescent goiter, enlargement is clearly the preferred treatment (oral thyroxine tablets.) -
6, to determine the puncture site or surgical abscess drainage into the road, auxiliary examination method of choice (B super). -
7, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, in order to find the cause of bleeding, the preferred way to check is (gastroscopy) (but not fecal occult blood test, or upper gastrointestinal barium meal). -
8, the normal full-term children's skin is characterized by the appearance (ruddy complexion, subcutaneous fat plump.) -
9, the main characteristics of visceral disease (positioning inaccurate) (rather than stretch-sensitive, or there must be no pain involved.) -
10, the clinical features of acute appendicitis is (appendix easy to ischemia, necrosis).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Attribution & Zodiac Club ---- cake

calendar in ancient China, the A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Xin, Wang, Kuei-called , f, afternoon, no, shen, Xu, Hai called the mainly used for minutes a day in ancient China, in addition to discipline had also dated, Calendar, when discipline and so on. So, the inventor of Day law who is it?
Although research Ganzhi following statement to the origin, but Who invented? first occur? always been a mystery.
around late in the Warring States period, based on long-term national historian of material accumulated in the history books, compiled for six decades a large radius, feeling of the five elements, representing bucket machines built for the B to the name at the beginning, that the dry; for Zaichou to name months, that the branches, something in the day by day is, something in the way you use the month, the yin and yang of the other, and therefore, the branches were too. Act naturally occurring, mostly created by people of Yin. As for the Chen and the twelve Earthly Branches, are from the ancient Babylonian zodiac evolved. its way into China, can be boldly suggested that perhaps the commercial nation knowledge taught in the ephemeris, after which Turkey adopted into the Xia emperor of ancient lineage and the king of Shang Tang emperor's name in all of the following to explore the ten days of dry words have been used in the name of this unique phenomenon. for the split Lunar outside, Chen Gui compliance in the , legend, is the concept of the decimal method when the reflection in the century, hunting and fishing should be produced in the era of primitive society; produced in the Shang Dynasty, before gradually evolved into twelve Chen. So, MK Cheng concluded: Xia has ten minutes a day of dry method, Shang minutes a day in the summer on behalf of the Heavenly Stems, based on the further use of Day Act, which the ten days together with the dry and the twelve Earthly Branches to form sixty minutes a day cycle method.
the meaning of ten days dry < br> attribution of meaning, in the means that all things born, pumping rolled out.
C is a Ping-meaning, refers to a see all Bingran.
D is a strong meaning, refers to all things Dingzhuang.
E is the meaning of Mao means all things flourish.
that he is the meaning of discipline, that discipline knowledge of all things visible can be.
G is more meaning, refers to a real convergence of all things.
Xin is a new meaning, that all things are the beginning of a new harvest.
Wang is any meaning, refers to any support of all things under yang.
Premier capric is the meaning that things can be Kuiduo.
Thus, ten days dry and the sun come and go, whereas the the cycle of solar cycle, have a direct impact on things.
the meaning of the twelve Earthly Branches is hereby
child means that all sprout at both moving hereby under yang.
ugly is the New Zealand yang is not falling in the.
Yin is the shift of the meaning of lead, means the beginning of all things natural raw Yin also.
is Mao Mao, Mao also made all things.
Zhen Chen is the meaning of an object by vibration and long.
Pat is, the means of-sheng yang.
afternoon is the opponent means that all things grand Zhike clouds.
not a taste, all things are as enjoyably too.
application is the meaning of the body, the body that things have been achieved.
unitary meaning of the old, of all things old also.
Xu is the meaning of destruction, everything Jinmie.
Hai is the core meaning of things collection.
Sixty Years sequence
six decades, Yi Chou, Bing Yin, Dingmao, Boshin has Shangsi, Gengwu, Xinwei, Ren Shen, 癸酉,
Jia Xu, Yi Hai, C son, Ding Chou, Tiger, has d, Dragon, Government House, Horse, 癸未,
Jiashen, Yiyou, BingXu, Ding Hai, Wu Zi, had been ugly, Gengyin, Xin Mao, Imjin, Kimi ,
Jiawu, Yi Wei, Bingshen, Ding, the Reform Movement, has Hai, Boxer, Boxer, Ren Yin, mao,
Jia Chen, Otomi, Ping Wu, DingWei, Shigenobu, is unitary, Geng Xu, Xinhai, Prince, Guichou,
Jia Yin, Yi Mao, Bing-Chen, Dimba, Wu Wu, has not, Gengshen, yau, Saigon, Guihai
Jiazi satisfied tone
ten days dry and the twelve Earthly Branches in order to match any two, from six decades to Guihai, a total of sixty combinations, called Sixty Years. and each of two groups of five elements with a satisfied tone, in the end what it meant, is still a mystery .
Jia Zi, Yi Chou, with the sea of gold;
Bingyin, Dingmao, with furnace fire;
Boshin, Baba, with large trees;
Gengwu, Xinwei, with road next to the soil;
Renshen, 癸酉, with Janus gold;
Jia Xu, Yi Hai, with mountain fire;
Rat, Dingchou, with holes into the water;
Tiger, has been d, with walls of earth;
Dragon, Government House, with ash gold;
Horse, 癸未, with willow trees;
Jia Shen, Yiyou, with spring water;
BingXu , Ding Hai, with housing on the land;
Wu Zi, Year of the OX, with thunderbolt fire;
Gengyin, Xin Mao, with pine and cypress wood;
Imjin, Kimi, with regular water;
Jiawu, Yi Wei , with golden sand;
Bingshen, Ding, with mountain fire;
Reform Movement, Yi Hai, with plain wood;
Boxer, Boxer, with walls of earth;
Renyin, mao, with gold foil gold;
Jia Chen, Otomi, with Buddha lights;
Ping Wu, DingWei, with the Tianhe water;
Shigenobu, Jiyou, with large Station soil;
G Xu, Xinhai, with Chai Chuan Jin;
Prince, Guichou, with Sanson wood;
Jia Yin, Yi Mao, with large streams;
Bing-Chen, Dimba, with sand Turkey; < br> Wu Wu, Ji Wei, with heavenly fire;
Gengshen, yau, with pomegranate trees;
Saigon, Guihai, with large sea water.
following excerpt of ; of satisfied tone images not deliberately perform mud.
husband from the child to the Hai Zodiac, each with gold, wood, water, fire, earth of the genus, beginning from the child as a positive, and finally six Yin Hai, which belongs to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, in the days to five stars, the ground for the Five Sacred Mountains, in Germany as permanent members, in the human internal organs, but also for the five elements of its life. Therefore in the case of six decades is to be of the order, then I, a matter of life . it sounds like a cycle or satisfied, sage Metaphor, and as a matter of who I, too. He made almost?
Zaichou two, yin and yang before pregnancy, in birth, physical possession of his roots, not the international career; Mao Yin two, yin and yang, involute, who gradually grow in order to split a physical, social and Pa gradually profile, such as people will conduct him; Tatsumi two, yin and yang and fit, when the Chinese show material, such as people thirty, forty while the conduct of land, beginning with the signs of progress; afternoon, not two, Yin and Yang Chang Lu, things become strange, people to fifty, sixty, wealth and rank shows, Fan Bai seen the rise and fall; Shenyou two, yin and yang chill , and material has been harvested, people stranded, all-win static carry; Xu Hai two, yin and yang occlusion, material gas return to their roots, when the rest of people, each Guizhao. Details of this Shiyou Er bit late, you can sequence and Xiao Sixty Years .
Jia Zi Yi Chou Why take the gold, as is the sea? cover gas in the harbor, the famous invisible, still person in the womb also; Renyin mao Jedi gold deposit, gas is still weak and thin if the tie stripe, Gu Yue Jin Park Jin. Gengchen Government House land to fire home the gold, the gas has occurred, gold is still mine, sending the hometown shaped gave birth by Stern, the West, is said Ash Gold; Jiawu Yi Wei of the gas has become, since the solid material , mixed in the sand and the other in the sand, living in the fire and refining in the fire, said the sand is gold also, Renshen 癸酉 very arrogant thing, when the convergence of the power facilities, Ying Fengrui the edge off. orthotopic gold cover Shenyou dry values Jen-kuei, Jinshui invigorated, so they chose gold as the blade and the function of most station; to Xu Fu Hai gas is gold, form has been disabled, exercise jewelry, has become the state, possession of the boudoir, we should do nothing to and the gold of the function Bi, Gu Yue Geng Xu Xinhai Jin Chuan Chai.
Prince Guichou Zhe why Picking mulberry trees? cover home plate bent air, the shape is not stretched, living water, the silkworm decline of the month, San Zhe bullied, whichever time is born; Gengyin Boxer of the gas is by Yang, have cultivated the forces that it is like also, Chennai home gold, where gold and cream Su Jian, living under trees obtaining the prosperous, post-Cold Weather Diao, whichever of the firm are, twenty years before pine wood, Boshin Baba is not a volume of gas, and materials in a timely manner, lush foliage, Yu natural forest, whichever wood Sheng also, twenty large trees; Horse 癸未, wood to the afternoon and died at the tomb is not, so Yang Liusheng summer withered leaves, stems weak, whichever is the flexibility of also; 故曰 willow wood; Gengshen Xin, five elements are satisfied that the sound is a gold and wood, in order to obtain the phase g it. covered timber of Sim who, only pomegranate trees; Shenyou gas go silent awe, had become the real thing, wood home gold, its flavor into a symplectic, Gu Yue pomegranate trees; concept of wood to the afternoon it die, provided that wood to afternoon and Wang, whichever side of the can; Reform Movement of Yi Hai, gas reservoirs owned by V, yin and yang block, wood gas return to their roots, and fell almost soil, twenty years before the plains of wood also.
Rat Dingchou how to take the water like a stream ? cover gas did not pass the economic, non-flow of the high segment of base is water wet town, by the way the Bank of China, twenty years before the water stream; Jia Yin Yi Mao, gas out of Yangming, dependable source of water potential, east Tao Note , its potential HKBU, twenty large stream; Imjin Kimi, potential extreme southeast, near the palace gas, fire out is powerful, the water may return library, Pacific Century backward, is also said long-running water; Heigo DingWei and gas when the lift , in the smart-fire, water Allied Zuolin to economic fire water, but the sky is there, Gu Yue Tian water; Jiashen 乙酉, atmosphere quiet, picture-the same position, a rather poor, drain and inexhaustible , is said Jingquan water; Saigon Guihai, the day the door of the land owned by blocking air, water everywhere but not trends, potential peaceful serenity of the place go to the non-poor, inclusive of non-profit, is also said big water. < br> Lunar Year of the OX why take like Thunderbolt? cover gas in a positive, shaped living water, water, fire, non-Dragon no, Gu Yue Thunderbolt; Bingyin Dingmao, gas gradually made hui, which was due to pay , yin and yang to rule heaven and earth for the furnace, said furnace is the fire; Jiachen Otomi, gas-shaped sheng, the potential set Takaoka, Chuan Ming following the dark, picture each other, is said, the lights are covered; Wu Wu has not, gas off of Palace, heavy from the meet, C Ling cross light, fat-hui Yan, and is said, the fire of heaven; Bingshen Ding, breath-shaped reservoir, forces Tao light, retreating against the position, force micro frail, clearly less than far, the fire is said foot; Jia Xu Yi Hai said that the fire of those hills, mountains are hidden form, the first is for light, within the specified otherwise dark, hidden and not obvious, flying light cast dry, attributed to break into, Gu Yue mountain fire also, like the walls of the Boxer Boxer How to take soil? gas residence block, property is still harboring a cover shaped to cover them, both inside and outside do not pay, twenty years before the wall of earth; Tiger JiMao, gas can into the matter, work in education materials, motivated by the roots, almost calyx strong core, said the city is the first soil; Dimba Bing-Chen, Cheng Yang Qi to occur over and into the future, Sha said China and Turkey are also; Gengwu Xinwei, gas when forming, material to Road Chang, tangible can be quality, a property can be Akira, is said Lubang soil also, Shigenobu Jiyou, gas rates have been normalized, objects when the convergence, retreating back busy, no matter the United States, is also said large relay earth; BingXu Dinghai and gas into the matter the government, a matter to the dollar, lunisolar calendar times, the potential was during the said housing is also on the soil.
I see the street of the soil, sowing yield a hundred valleys, afternoon is not the land, when its almost Sheng Long Yang ? large relays soil accessible Quartet, Shenyou place, its almost too friends Lincoln of the reason? city wall of earth embankments to take the power, the public relies on the five, founding and the people also, the wall of the cosmetic use Thummim , Chen Shu seniority ruling Article at home and Yuan also; sand in the soil, soil who is also the most profit, soil Run the students, so into the future and useful; house on the soil, soil of the winners are, successful static Therefore, not only must move. cover living among the five elements, the line load of the order, the right to primary care, with God all five elements must not be lost, at the derived position compete with, ranking the four seasons and active, gold was the Fengrui Xiong Gang, Fire was the bright light, wood was the British Hua Yuexiu, water waves do not have the abuse of Pan, the help out with farming land was more abundant. gather the dispersed, will be able to mountains, mountain, and higher also; bulk of the non-Poly, will for the land, and, the original also. with the infinite, the Health and the she went, a large carry on holy soil of the function!
five elements for images, begin to treat the points of yin and yang, that always changes. If six decades of the Yi Chou Jiawu Yi Wei, sea, sand, water and soil Distinction, rigid of the other also; Gengshen Xin has Gengxu Xinhai, pewter chai chuan, dry Sunda different parties, but also the best in form, color; Prince 癸酉 癸未 on the Horse, Sang Zhe Yang Liu, a soft song, not too many quality-shaped; Gengyin on Gengshen Xin Xin Mao, pine pomegranate, a firm of a Sim, but also taste different; Boshin Baba on the Reform Movement of Yi Hai, Daelim the ground, a Sheng a decline, the Sunda special dry side also; Lunar Year of the OX for Wu Wu Ji Wei, break the sky, thunder whiplash, day out the same without her; Bingyin on Bingshen Ding Ding Mao, Zhongshan furnace, the burning of wood, H.-S., Kim stir to destroy him; Jiachen Otomi of Yi Hai Jia Xu, cover light mountain, Han Guang fear the wind, but also cast light only Gen; Boxer Boxer on Gengwu Xinwei, wall street, form sub-parting, life and death categories also; Tiger JiMao on Shigenobu Jiyou, city head of Station, Old, Kun Gen orthotopic also; Bing-Chen Dimba on BingXu Ding Hai, the sand in the house, the wet and dry interoperability, change always has. circle to see side view, no more than the death of Hugh Wang Xiang; for nearly taken away, Mok fled Five Elements. the Lunar and distribution of the five elements, yin and yang of the Ming dynasty has always been. Tiancheng phase and Human Health and Wang died out and the class.
Alas! sixty But by his six decades as the saint of his reasons, with the element nature, texture, form, color, function of all the good fortune to make music without Yuyun Yi.

what zodiac zodiac zodiac
Eleven originated from animals in nature that rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, pig, and formed the legendary dragon, for the record, the order for the offspring , ugly cow, Yin Tiger, rabbit, Chen Long, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, Rooster, rooster, dog and pig.
Zodiac origin
a long time, many Wang Han materialist thinkers will masterpiece The birds, dogs also. hh afternoon, a horse. Son, rats also. unitary, chickens. d, rabbit also. hh Hai, hog too. is not, and the sheep. ugly, cattle also. hh Shangsi, snakes. Shen , monkeys. , will complete the zodiac.
Bianqi narrative to be days of bit. Lunar tells the story of origin: . Xuan Huang said: l This is the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches revolution of God to control things around. r Thus, for they were named, with husband and wife, into the yin and yang. the men referred to the Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches woman was. stories, tell Ganzhi, Xuan Huang stresses God, Goddess God, heaven and earth speak of yin and yang, the Lunar's Mother, do not correspond to the twelve Earthly Branches, said the second child. Han Yong, the name of months, that the expenditure. Ganzhi match to become sixty. . dry and support matched in order, from six decades Yi Chou Guihai hh has been ranked as the sixty to right, just dry, sticks were used last one, then bowel is re-started by the six decades, this cycle is called a six decades. which appears six times each Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches appear five times each.
zodiac generation, has astronomy background. In primitive times, the ancestors experiencing the cycle of alternating cold and heat.
Song Hong Hao, have found that the lunar cycle can be used to measure the length of years and found a twelve-year-old full moon, this discovery is the outcome of the initial calendar one of the most accurate, ; days of large numbers. the twelve animals of the Zodiac?
Qing Liu Xian then the gas is not open. rats, the consumption of insects also. So central yet night, is that the mouse was waiting, so the child is a rat.
to the provision of the ugly, and cattle are also open to things, so ugly ox .
life in Yin, their remaining there to kill. the killers, tiger, and Yin, who fear too. awesome Morrow Tiger, so Tiger Yin.
offenders, the rising sun waiting. Japan from body, and in essence with the lunar rabbit, Gu Fan is a rabbit.
Chen who, in March of hexagram, when the rain line is GDI, so e is a dragon.
Pat who, in April of the hexagrams, When Mao in the grass, while the snake is well spent. Also, Sishi not on the road snakes, it is a snake.
afternoon who anode and a negative Fusheng. horse to health and leave the ground, overcast class also, so afternoon the horse.
sheep when the grass and rodents Zhuo not, it is not sheep.
GENOTYPES, sunset Yuanti, and the outriggers are, give an example of the fate will be rampant chaos is mad, so applications monkey.
moonrise when the bucket on the body, including the Golden Rooster in the fine, so this is a chicken.
Haishi, pigs are known to none other than eating, so Hai is a pig.
another way, the selection and arrangement zodiac is based on the daily activities of animals, the time determined.
at least from the Han Dynasty in China, we have the sun rising time will be divided into ten a day and night two hour time by using the twelve Earthly Branches used to record the second hour (large), each hour is equivalent to two hours, so day and night is now known as the round the clock.
to eleven o'clock at night am is the hour of midnight, when mice are most active.
one o'clock to three o'clock is the Chou Shi, cattle are ruminants. It is said that the time is cattle farming began.
three o'clock to five o'clock, is the yin shi, this Tiger feeding time wandering around, the most ferocious.
five o'clock to seven, in order to commit the time, when the sun has not risen, the moon still hanging in the sky, rabbit pound medicine is busy at this time. Shared rabbit began to come out feeding.
seven o'clock to nine o'clock, as chenshi, this is a good time rain dragon line.
nine o'clock to eleven o'clock, as Sishi, the snake became active.
eleven o'clock to pm, yang Masamori for noon, when it is abstract.
one p.m. to three o'clock, is not, the sheep grazing at this time, more strong president.
three p.m. to five, in order to GENOTYPES, when the monkeys alive.
five o'clock to seven o'clock, as you shi, night fell, began to return the chicken litter.
seven p.m. to nine, in order to Xu Shi, the dog began to vigil. JOL
to eleven, in order to Haishi, then silence, pigs are Hanshui.
arrangement on the zodiac, there are various legends, such stories, or like happy break up the monotony of the joke, promote good or evil fable like derogatory, doctrinal and literary composition. However, the scheduled seating Lunar New Year, certainly not overnight, nor can complete a generation. the first is not necessarily a nominated twelve, perhaps only four or five, Perhaps there had been over the situation, and later survival of the fittest, and personnel quotas and positioning, and has been spread today.
1, the origin of the Lunar New Year
old folk as a cultural phenomenon, the ten Second, the origin of the Lunar New Year, history scholars, different opinions. Some people think that the Lunar New Year and the Earthly Branches origin, the legend can be traced back to prehistoric times, is a reflection of these claims, scholars believe that talking about here refers to the zodiac Jiazi. Zhao Yi Qing scholars think that the first Lunar New Year from the nomads of northern China, in his test s, again four weeks communicators also. subjective right and wrong, but through a lot of literature shows that originated in the Chinese Lunar New Year indeed, is the Chinese ancestors animal worship, totemism, and the crystallization of early astronomy.
records on the zodiac, the existing literature in order to afternoon with the horses is the corresponding example. can be seen in the spring before and after the twelve Earthly Branches and the corresponding relationship between animals and spread has been established. In 1975, the county in Hubei Yun Meng ten Tomb sleeping tiger bamboo slips unearthed further evidence of already exists in the spring before and after the Zodiac. bamboo slips unearthed in the Port hope to be, hh ugly, cattle also, Pirates of the big nose and long neck who, hh Yin, tiger, Pirates were like, hope to be, face black Yan. d, rabbit also, Pirates were the first large area. Chen, 〔Original lacuna〕 Pirates are men, young red hh is, insects also, Pirates of those long, black snake head. afternoon, deer, Pirates of those long-necked small-Xing, and its body missing. hh not, horse, Pirates who long to be ears. Shen , ring also, Pirates of those round face hh years), so the production of zodiac can be traced back at least before the Spring and Autumn Period of Qin. Scholars believe that this is so far found in China but on the Zodiac's first documented systematically.
and today Zodiac popular view is fully consistent record of the Eastern Han Wang Chong Wang Chong also. hh afternoon, a horse. son, mice also, unitary, chickens. d, rabbit also. hh Hai, hog too. is not, and the sheep. ugly, cattle also. hh is, the snake also. Shen, monkeys. has the bit in the southeast.
to the Northern and Southern, has been the widespread use of the Lunar New Year, Southern Twelve Zodiac poetry, its Yanyue:
Abstract Malan Fang Yuan, the sheep began Chunzai negative.
shame Fang Li monkey fruit, clean cup chicken anvil cited.
dog whose pregnant thing, the pig Li subterranean leisurely. This poem is obviously the first twelve animal signs of the twelve Earthly Branches with animals, according to the order written, indicating that the zodiac has been very familiar to people.
is clear from the above literature, the source of culture in the Chinese zodiac. based on the view outside for the Lunar New Year, Lunar New Year is introduced to China from the Middle East Han Dynasty, with the introduction of Buddhism is almost time, we have proved from the above literature as early as the Spring and Autumn Period of China on Lunar New Year will have the record (), indicating that the generation of Lunar New Year and Lunar New Year with the Earthly Branches of the match as early as the Han had before, so be sure animals are derived from an ancient culture of the local. So what is the origin of the Lunar New Year from? ancients Why Twelve of these animals? The problem has always been the attention of scholars, made explanations.
some scholars believe that the zodiac originated in the primitive worship of animals, Mr. Zhang Binglun China University of Technology will be held this view. He believes that low productivity in the primitive society, understanding natural ability is extremely limited, and animals with their own lives, to produce a sense of dependence (such as horses, sheep, cattle, chickens, dogs, etc.), to endanger the safety of the animal to produce a self- fear (such as tigers, snakes), some animals more than humans have revered sense organs (such as a dog's sense of smell, etc.), resulting in the worship of animals. is the twelve zodiac animals in the animal worship of the people under the influence of primitive beliefs generated for Calendar, Ji animal calendar month.
primitive worship of animals is also reflected in the original dance on the Nuo dance, exorcising some produced in the Zhou Dynasty before and after the big Nuo ritual and ten's protagonist is Fangxiang the second animal. drive select twelve animals Nuo Dance, is primitive worship of animals, psychological performance. Nuo ceremony, a large animal of the twelve selected (or the second God) is to take care of twelve months a year in order to month peace, get rid of four infected ghosts, take care of twelve orientations. on the orientation of the care of twelve course involves twelve, so linked with the zodiac, the displacement of the twelve Zodiac Nuo ritual was used in good luck bear. It can be seen second animal, Zodiac is the same strain, the source of all their common worship of the original animal.
ethnologist Mr. Liu Yaohan that the Zodiac and Yi minutes a day and so three for the month, total thirty-six days, a month thirty-six days, it was ten months a year, which is the later October calendar day produced in Yu times (see Liu Yao Han of later developed into the Zodiac.
about the origin of the Lunar New Year inevitably linked to the Lunar New Year with attribution. Modern unearthed in the Yin Ruins in Anyang of the oldest extant Lunar tables, in the Shang dynasty of Day date skillful. Lunar over time after the function of the gradual diversification of its label as a unit of time as one hand extended, for the Annals; on the one hand reduced, for the record (for the twelve hour day ). According to historical records and studies have shown that animals are following the Where there is attachment of the Earthly Branches are the animals, thus the twelve animals used for dating, discipline and calculated at each of the Zodiac. It can be seen, Zodiac and the twelve Earthly Branches are inseparable. for a long time Some scholars have found twelve since the ancient word that implies the zodiac information, they will be twelve zodiac ancient word and comparing ancient glyphs found twelve and twelve animals have some contact. careful observation can be found there very much the same place. Han Xu Shen, Earthly Branches and the Lunar New Year text word word similarities, it is conjecture, it is the twelve zodiac animals, pictograph, the twelve mixed Zaichou Mao Yin easy to remember, people will be replaced with the twelve animals to animals to the number of symbols by a Preface , and Earthly Branches match, a Chronology of the symbol system. Although the above conjecture has some credibility, but in reflection we can judge, twelve can not be the twelve animals of the pictograph, as already mentioned twelve in the Yin when skilled operators use, and animals are producing the Spring and Autumn Period, the two are different sources. If at the time defined in the Private, Earthly Branches and the Lunar New Year will be the case, the Lunar New Year is it not also have the Earthly Branches up?
comprehensive Lunar New Year on the above I believe that the production of later than twelve Earthly Branches, but has a close relationship between the twelve Earthly Branches, the Lunar New Year is the twelve Earthly Branches of the laws will, as the twelve animals chosen as a symbol instead of the twelve Earthly Branches, and animals from the worship of the ancients.
2, selection and arrangement of the Lunar New Year zodiac
Han choice of the twelve animals is not complicated, it is with the Han people's daily life and social life, close to, is you can guess. twelve zodiac animals in can be broadly classified into three types: one was to have been domesticated, domesticated economic or other purposes, accounting for half of the twelve animals. ; represents the family of a flourishing population, good luck. Spring Festival, people usually mention the daily and social life is closely related to animals, they are tiger, rabbit, monkey, rat, snake, some for fear that people involved in human life, such as tigers, snakes; were for the people to hate, taboo, but dependent on human the survival of rodents; more loved by the people, such as rabbit, monkey. The third category is a traditional symbolic mascot mm long, the dragon is the symbol of the Chinese nation, is a characteristic of many animals in one of the ; man-made, is not a random selection of animals, but have a certain meaning, people are animals selected for different angles, and with a certain sense.
twelve animals then this is arranged in what order it? As mentioned earlier, produced in the ancient zodiac animal worship, totemism atmosphere, it is only a Preface by the number of animals by matching symbols and Earthly Branches, Why did you choose the twelve animals, who should, after whom, according to what order is not conclusive, because animals are produced in the ancient old culture, old people because of the time ordered mind has lost, the people of the legendary stories attached to it will only, only dependent on the legend and imagination. on Lunar New Year of the Arrangement to the following three aspects of interpretation.
First, the story of the zodiac folklore arranged. Han Chinese story: Huangdi year as a court to choose the second animal guardian, the cat with mouse application, mice to forget , the result is not selected on the cat, and mouse forged from enemy. elephant to ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ray Wang blind date experiences, such as rice

 Four to sixth days from the beginning, I breath for three successive phases. Ironic experience for me to be a blind date through the day and a half to find happiness disappear. Why? That is in fact a lot of people are like me, Bride and Groom three days of intimate experience. the other is a typical hearty male voice really is a big opening, scary jump. but generous man will not leave a bad impression of the total. However, the good impression was short-lived, all the other macho approach began emerging. entered a four-star hotel, I recognized him (read the introducer to the photo): a generous face, a pair of huge hands, a look that is rich Zhu Er Mao You have to.
just sit down, not enough time for anything under the self-introduction, and he handed me put the menu, but I did not react in time when they took back. points, ah, I ordered! . until serving, phone calls stopped, just about every time he talks to me, the telephone rang Fed. more times, and I used to, also busy with their own cell phone text messages went. finally a telephone call no longer sounded, he said to me: time, my mother was too anxious, it is best to get married tomorrow. to your house, my house big enough to live three wives. terrible, but not money to eat less, why look like a pair of E Sigui reincarnation? watching three empty plates, I think he said three wives living, this man also Intuit generous of the bar, three wives really made me feel uncomfortable Shen, can I give him a wife when the three, this association makes me very unhappy.
However, the details of the next place, I fled the scene is the direct cause - his phone ring tones rang, very clear. It turned out that he and I a sample routine. It seems busier than I am him, still waiting for their next appointment. we are going through the motions, ah, thinking about all kind of shame. Well, more than that no good, or withdraw it as soon as possible.
blind date and then talk about the experience the first month.
the look refreshed and dressed appropriately, is a handsome guy. feeling good, so I simply take the initiative, with greet each other, try to look graceful. I did not realize the man but a little nervous. intimate with each other several times what kind of work do not ask, the Cha Hukou to find out. do not know each other in the end because he was nervous or are there other reasons. somewhat inarticulate feeling, does not seem to be in sales. Next, the salesman said a word at least five minutes, just worried to death about. I called t peak, in a car ... ... ... ... ... ... 4S shop salesman ... ... emergency, but people listening to almost suffocating. had ten minutes, he finished all over an hour, he can sell the car so the mouth, I do not believe.
looks in good condition otherwise However, I lost interest. I deliberately sent a message to his brother and told him to call me immediately put out the fire, a good excuse to leave. Before I left, I still look back a moment he, unfortunately, ah, how to say is also a handsome guy, but I can not tell there is a language, communication impaired people with, ah, even if a guy does not work. So then end his brother's phone, and leave a handsome Raymond.
Chinese New Year, I for one tone series of phase four. ironic experience for me to be a blind date through the day and a half to find happiness disappear. In fact, many people are like me acting better prepared.