Monday, October 18, 2010

How to improve the level of spoken English articles

 Today about how to improve spoken. We first wish to summarize, if their English is not good, why? Say less? Listen less? Vocabulary is inadequate? Pronunciation is not good? Not a solid grasp of sentence structure? We have to find reasons to find the appropriate solutions. Through these years of teaching, I summed up a bit, everyone speaking the bad reasons, mainly from the following areas: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, tone, tone, language sense and context. In the next article I will slowly analysis of each one of the reasons with you, and the corresponding solutions. Speaking today in terms of the first comprehensive study to improve practice methods.

improve spoken, I summed up all eight characters, that is: chorusing imitation, reading recite. Before speaking with reference to the dictation hearing. If we implement these ten words, I heard that the level will improve.

follows to read and reading to recite not to imitate reversed. Some students asked me: teacher, if I have all the original hearing back down, you say I will not raise the oral hearing? Will of course increase, but the speed and effectiveness are not going to repeat it after you copy fast. If not listen until the sound material, do not understand the tone of voice tone, etc., the blind read recitation, may make the wrong sounds in your ears, the brain is constantly strengthened, so that is not conducive heard. Therefore, we must first repeat it after imitation, to the more familiar tone of voice, the go read recite.

follows to read the principle of imitation is not to read together and sound materials. Not a word more like a word to read. But listen to the tape read one, then press pause, to repeat it after imitation; listen to one, and then imitate. When watching and imitating the original, you can put the word pronunciation and intonation mark on the book. After reading this recitation, you can prompt you to do the mark compared to standard reading this sentence means. If the level is relatively weak in some of the students, do not expect from the beginning sentence sentence imitation, you can start to imitate sounds inside words the phrase began to change phenomena, such as the words together, loss of blasting, or the incorrect pronunciation of his past individual words. Usually extensive listening, they can repeat it after you copy anywhere. More effective way to improve is to repeat it after you imitate, they can put their own voice recorded. Listen, and compare the original, more easily find themselves in the presence of oral problems. That is, we often say, there are relatively only identification.

read the recitation of the principle, the most important thing is: If we want to read, it is necessary to read it aloud. Not the hysterical cry, but the sound must be great when read aloud. Otherwise, read silently, completely not a voice. Most affect your ability to learn quickly is to read in your mouth and whispering in English. As a result, after seeing what the article, like whispered in grumbling, would seriously affect our reading speed and comprehension. Does not suggest that you back when you recite the whole of the article. Because the back post, a lot of energy in the end is what the recall context, and we at this time is more concerned about how well each sentence in the end said. I went so many years studying and studying English for so long, that helped me most is speaking to high school every morning from the middle of the morning reading lesson. That was one morning to read in English, one morning reading the language. Morning Reading began to not like. To school early that morning sleepy. Slowly I can find, read aloud the morning is actually the most effective way to improve spoken! And if a man well spoken, the hearing will not be worse.

what kind of material suitable for us to repeat it after you copy it? It is recommended two. One is the original hearing the old TOEFL. If you feel difficult to repeat it after you can start to imitate spoken words. Take the time to transition to the paragraph. Note: Whether you take the TOEFL exam, TOEFL old oral hearing is to improve the best information. The reason is simple, TOEFL listening materials in the content, is an exact reproduction of U.S. campus community is in their daily lives every day to say.

also recommend using It combines the most commonly used foreign people around the classic nine hundred sentences. Each sentence has derived out of many similar sentences. Mastered the nine hundred most commonly used sentence patterns, you may create a nine thousand life sentences. Readers of this material sounds, I heard the audio books in the American pronunciation is clear and the materials and in particular, but also sounds closer to readers and Tuofu Lang materials. That is, we say that the United States in Mandarin. Nine hundred English reading speed fast, so it is suitable for you repeat it after imitation, reading recite.

In addition, we corrected a misunderstanding here. Many people mistakenly think that improve the spoken English is the mother tongue will have to get people to learn to improve. In fact, the improvement of spoken truly effective is to yourself and your practice. Many students may have had and the experience of foreign friends to practice English. Not know whether there always seems to feel the same words and sentences and then speak to them. Said a long time, their pronunciation may be a lot better, but it seems to improve spoken more slowly. This is because, speaking of two parts: the learning of spoken and to practice speaking. Members and foreign friends, practicing mainly in the finished part, and the learning part of the work, you need to implement their own. Even if not spoken to foreigners, we can also speak English very well. Because the sound material there everything you need.

Gendu imitation, recitation is the process of learning to read. In addition to the process of practice and foreign friends to chat, you can also do a very effective job is: to repeat a story or talking to himself in the exercises. Such as listening to an article you read, you can use their own language to repeat once again the story again. Himself mean, I could set myself a little writing propositions, only the preparation for 15-25 seconds after the beginning of the answer to the subject himself. For example: Who do you admire most? A little think about it, then start to answer. Best while recording. This exercise, and the new IBT TOEFL speaking test is similar. Head in such a practice is to exercise our ability to think quickly.

learning about the general practice approach, and then we analyze specific issues. Speaking first in terms of bad first reason - vocabulary problem.

I have heard many students complain about not speaking, and said: My vocabulary is too small. Want to say, can not find the appropriate words expressed. However, let us look at a lot of people surprised by the figures. According to statistics, the Americans finished the basic daily communication, the most commonly used words that only five hundred. And many of our students vocabulary than five hundred, but why will not feel spoken, can not successfully communicate it? Recall that the process we learn English right. Nodding yes, shaking his head no, come come, go or go. Every word we can only reflect a basic meaning, do not know how the word in the end with how to use. Are basically in mind the Chinese one by one to find the corresponding words in the English word. Some students mistakenly think that every Chinese words in English have to directly correspond with the expression of the complexity of the vocabulary, the more we do not know the vocabulary, using it only the more significant level. In fact, the pursuit of the spoken language simple but effective. Constitute the core of the vocabulary is the verb sentence. We have to improve the oral level, we must first fully familiar with the most common verbs, such as come, do, get, give, go, have, keep, make, put, take, and so on. For example, you want to say, reducing costs,Discount UGG boots, reducing the term, many students will come up with reduce, in fact, you can also say cut down the expense.

summarize common with these verbs is not difficult. We only have free time in the open dictionary, one or two each day, some with common verbs, but also to see more listen. Keep at it a month, you will find that the core common use of the verb would be better grasp of the. Here referred to the dictionary. I said look, what we learn English Dictionary it. I am inclined to recommend that the Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Modern. Because the term of the interpretation and comparison with the whole. Of course, the Longman's bilingual dictionary is also very good. Longman Dictionary of the biggest advantages is that it's relatively easy to understand English interpretation. Oxford English word is sometimes used to explain itself a bit complicated. If the United States out of the English examination for students, such as TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, LSAT students, can have a Webster's English Dictionary. This dictionary, popular to say, when the Americans Xinhua English dictionary. If we are to participate in national examinations, you can consider choosing English-Chinese dictionary.

talk about voice, tone and intonation problems. Voice in the practice, I have seen some students, less emphasis on pronunciation, often by their own preferences to read English. Such as identifying the pronunciation of a word, he would have re-read about different places, and then compare that reading along which to decide which pronunciation. The result is that many times we say the words of other people do not understand. Learning English in China, and is only to be accurate pronunciation sounds like English-speaking countries, people, but it takes a long time continued to practice possible. And if our own to speak Chinese dialects used if there are some words, it will affect our English pronunciation. Students such as Hunan and Hubei, which may be L, N will encounter difficulties in pronunciation. One of my colleagues, is from Hubei. A few days ago told me that a place name, called the Southern Star positions, he said that Lan Xin Chang. There are for example milk, some might say Liu Lai (this time give the word, will not let people sensitive.) So, that English is also a similar situation. For example I know, some students will be sent as I low. Northeast students in z, c, s and zhi chi shi may be confused on. I am a native of Liaoning. My dad said if the Northeast. Once asked what his lunch, he said, buns (Bao Zhi). Asked him to buy a few, he said 10 (Si Ge), asked him to eat a few, he said, four (Shi Ge). Tongue flat tongue all in turn, said Alice. The pronunciation of English will be the event of similar problems, such as pencilbox. That voice should be in the end we got to what extent? Look at a new test score, I think this should be our normal practice to grasp the basic principles of voice: We understand the pronunciation of people from different countries will be with a certain accent, but this does not become the standard deduction; but If the pronunciation errors, which affected the understanding of the meaning, it will be penalized. We should grasp: we speak the words of the basic principles can make yourself understood. We say that the content is the core. That have content, pronunciation is slightly flawed, so too perfect pronunciation, but content empty and tasteless. Therefore, more time to practice pronunciation should continuously enrich our content and strength in their own language when carried out simultaneously, and do not necessarily have devoted a period of time to practice only the voice. No need to look in the mirror every day, what tongue of air vibrating vocal cords location. With the most user-friendly to master the most natural state of a communications tool bar.

I think one of my college classmates, a very correct attitude towards learning English. His stationery always have these two tools in the mirror and tweezers. Mouth with a look at the mirror, tweezers to clip the tongue. Sometimes spend their own fingers, a sound made to measure whether the hair in place. I was just like he joked: I admire your attitude, but this way I think a bit before.

many students learning English was very hard. Some sleep talking in your sleep are published in English. I was also a relatively hard one. Because I like English. Every day I Song Jin Ji Hu Ying Pan Xiu spit hurried home for small boat called the T to get that jacket weapon Travel Gui Lian Lian ダ know bad ⑽ G: choke pull Ю Ge Shuo Ying Shen said Ne-baked League of pure Ciqie ┑ Lian mark wood cutting Dou da pipit about skeletal O gizzard Yi Huan irregular basket for trapping fish Ц said bi mu ah ah a string cutter Gadfly Buddhists converge One dark sedan chair shaking Arts loquat N drops too Hui Yi Song Yi K bare buttocks satisfied loquat skeletal narrow saddle ⒁ Tam Shu step on K Han-Nan University in the spring, the daily morning to evening, often read aloud in English, we feel no need. The results people get so good school. I regret that did not also insist loudly as she read. an Asian English-speaking tone, the basic ability to judge whether the person is Chinese. Let the tone of the Chinese people speak English are very similar tone. Overall, it is rather flat, not too many ups and downs and tone. or is there tone and downs, but in the wrong place, rather strange tone and the ups and downs. Many people say that speaking English is not like, such as stereotyped in the study.

tone of voice tone, practice methods to use repeat it after I mentioned on an imitation of the method. Some students prefer the teacher recommended a lot of practice material. and then will buy all of these materials home, and then set a study plan, and my heart to feel particularly at ease. But over time, passion vanished, not any of the motivation to buy the book only the first few pages are black volume, buy the tape CD, only the first disk is open cellophane, very likely, or to test sound open. So, everyone began with the need to find new ways of learning, expect to find the magic recipe for what to learn English. This is actually like to get rich quickly became famous overnight, is a small probability event. learn English the most important thing is: persistence. we will not Book wandering in the vast sea, with more learning materials to make up their own practice of guilt can not be sustained heart. Do not grab a handful of East, West, grab a handful, which is not in-depth systematic study of materials. I think a lot of learning GRE students memorize GRE vocabulary book, which is the famous Little Red Book, back the most familiar word is Abacus, because it is the first word of the year the Red Book. life does not allow us each a limited reinvent the wheel, we need to accumulate more. So we voice of tone in practice, do not aim too high, bite off more than can chew. For example, you can first ask themselves at least a 1 minute per week of articles, reading and others are very close to the soundtrack. In fact, a Posts 1 minute article, we say that already contains a lot of English voice phenomena encountered. also ask your 20 words per week and are close to acoustic. if this persistence to accumulate, your voice of tone will gradually improve. Do not expect to eat a fat one, is likely to indigestion Oh.

on the road each struggling to learn English in the students know that this process is sometimes very boring, very frustrating. But at least things we can control it. introduce a light-hearted approach to practice it, that is, to practice listening to English songs. English song in fact contains a lot of voice phenomena, such as loss of blasting, tonal and so on. So if your English song imitation is authentic, it will increase the level of speech, while speaking to enrich the content is also helpful.

addition, we use some slower than normal speed to repeat it after you copy the material, would be more easy to enhance confidence and help raise the level. Recommended VOA Special English VOA Special News. This speed is probably the normal speed of 2 / 3, is a good supplementary materials to improve speech.

course, if high levels of some of the students can also choose to contact a number of Podcast, such as Science America, youtube, itune, new york times, cnn, bbc, many places have short podcast. just to note that these are rapidly Speed applies only to repeat it after a high level of training the students to imitate. other students to practice extensive listening with these podcast will be more effective. At the same time, be sure to practice spoken choose to imitate the original material chorusing. extensive listening material is also the best with the original. Of course there is no text under special circumstances, they do not give up the opportunity to listen to each exercise, such as walking on the road, watching TV, listening to English broadcasts. or phrase: Choose to have the order, you have to Set Priorities .

well, said the following about the syntax and language sense. you will find in the grammar issue, we Chinese people learn English, and foreigners to learn Chinese spoken language are very different. we will more carefully to pull each sentence composition and syntax in which the phenomenon. and foreigners to learn Chinese is a one school, forcibly it down, learn the way to continue to use it wanted out. This is why many foreigners come to China, half a year to quite fluent in Chinese, can do basic Chinese exchange. and our English in school for so many years, it seems that progress is still slow. That is because we are learning English, because too much emphasis on the learning process, too when it learning science as a treat, but seriously neglected the nature of language, its use is the process of exchange. Remember: Language is mainly for you to use, not just to study! Do not die the most important thing is to pull the ,Bailey UGG boots, not a dead end. Most of our people do not learn English is engaged in linguistic research. So, to have the spirit to sell off now, and more importantly the attitude to use and learn.

grammar book or not Look, we should. but never all right to hold the grammar book and felt weak foundation in English, then turn to the end of the book from scratch. you will find that, even if you put grammar Ken Wan, and speak English or do not know what sentence, the time is still to be committed with a syntax error. because you read a grammar book when they only stay in the learning phase, but did not fully grasp the opportunity to use the knowledge acquired points. So, grammar book should be a tool more often book, we do not know when the access point to use a language, but no need to treat it as a textbook, a one Sike page by page. As for what grammar books, a certain period depends on your purpose of learning English. If to a specific test, the best choice for the exam out of the grammar book. If it is not too specific purpose is to improve, then integrated, thin ice, Zhang Road, really, can the.
< br> As a high state of martial arts is no stroke of victory have strokes, the syntax of the high state is formed sense of language. do not split then the fragmentation of the sentence, it will not say a word when the squeeze out a word, but the language had a feeling, will naturally form a phrase or sentence expression. how you do it. is an old saying in the familiar Three Hundred Tang Poems of the truth. did not do it because we simple-minded, stupid, because we are lazy lazy . form a sense of language is the best way to read a large number of additional reading. Ask yourself, for so many years learning English, we can say there are a few good English sentence, I mean the contents are authentic pronunciation of tone. Is always stay in: How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? I am fine too the stage? even at this stage, many of us had not yet made the sentence sound correct it. do not believe you read try! attention to his hair how, thank, and you, fine the words.

look at context. that when a word Situation. Back when I learn English, the teacher taught us how to make sentences. But I think a lot of examples are not interesting, and some we might not have access. For example: I opened the door and saw the door with a bowl of noodles. Though boring, but we can derive a lot of which we are interested in and practical. Therefore, we practice speaking, the best picture from the outset to form a sense of a word when the brain should not be a flash in the spelling of a word, but should be a situation, a picture. continue to repeat this in order to The same situation occurs in the next, or picture, the blurted out that we want to say. I give you an example, tell you that this feeling it. in fact simply is that we should continue to set the scene, do replace the practice. to learn by analogy, would say one would have said 30. How's your interview (coming along)? When we see this sentence, what would be the scene picture it? should be a man asked another person about the interview now. but you never should only stay in it as it appeared at the scene, it should come out to think that this sentence can also be where I am. For example: How was your test? you how to dance class? school published, the teacher will let us Nice to see you do, but we made a stop at the correct sentence. does not really think about it, my life sentence can be used on the scene and the picture is. and then do a role play, situational practice that is self-assumed twice, extremely rich out of this saying. If you would always practice, so that the real scene and the picture appears, the sentence will be blurted out. You will find in life if you truly say that a sentence out of time, than in the classroom, books, exams are useful to see the five.

spoken today to talk about the impact of culture on. culture can affect a person's habits of mind, naturally, will be reflected on the language of expression. Since the difference of thinking, we even speak the same topic, there will be a different expression. here is not possible to list all the cultural differences, a few examples illustrate this point. I believe we continue to learn and experience, and he is able to understand and summarize more.

An example is the difference between concrete and abstract. you will find that foreigners say a word, no matter how abstruse, they are more inclined to to describe with specific details. What is the details, such as numbers, specific characters, events, etc. These call details. remember that a student had written instruments to study the application materials, to ask me what she wrote. She wrote this passage : My friends, classmates and my parents think so. When I go to school drew a picture, after school teacher looked at the judges also think that I am very creative. description. always someone complained that foreigners can not understand why the deep I thought, why do they always can not understand that I want them to understand the depth of that layer. That is because we make things abstract, and complicated, He considered it difficult to understand what you say in the end. He believes that simple and direct way is to use examples and details to show.

first look at the image of a living example of the more. Take it for cooking. Many Americans would have said, and the kitchen timer. they will strictly follow the recipe on to say, time quantitative operation, so simple, but the flavor would not have much new. and we Chinese cook delicious, world-famous . However, many of their craft out of the experience difficult to replicate. For example, some cooking show might say: a little sugar, a little salt, moderate heat. This expression is more abstract. referred to the cooking method that requires continue to practice in order to better grasp.

I have seen this slogan to the effect that: If you do not cherish water resources, the world's last remaining water will be a tear. The slogan Of course, some people will wake up the conscience, to cherish water resources. consciousness is not high, but for some people, the significance is small. some people's psychology is: What are the things to worry about the future of people, and I live anyway not so long, dry day is definitely not my tears. Our slogan is similar to many of the above kind, is to awaken people's conscience and moral awareness. Another example: To the rich, first build roads. fewer children and more planting trees. This is to tell you what to do. does not say that, if not the, to happen. the effect is clearly not as good as this: a person able to bounce back, the whole village ligation. This certainly looks very reasonable, too human, but just from the effect of speaking, certainly more work than the above two.

call love in a foreign country will have a conscience, but to see more of is this: In this high-speed road casually throwing things, a fine of 2,000 dollars. walking the dog not to walk the dog's stool collection, a fine of 100 dollars. In this section a fine of 500 dollars horn. In Singapore, if the chaos by an emergency call, penalty of 5,000 Singapore dollars; do not allow smoking Local smoke, fine NZ 1000; everything he has standards, quantification, and this is the difference between concrete and abstract. In China, we talk about people at the beginning of the good. but good man may be evil in a particular case will thing. social rules and norms needed, use the standards to curb those who do evil, to be able to protect these good people, not trying to get good people to continue to improve, to infect or affect evil person, or by calling the enthusiasm good people into evil. Westerners also believe that standards and systems. Their idea was more that as long as there is a bad person, there is a possibility of evil, there must be a system stuck in this evil person , let him have the opportunity to be evil or good people affected. I always believed: the system of moral education and supervision are equally important. Many people do immoral things, because immoral gains by more than large enough to adhere to ethical more, and they seem not to pay any costs of unethical behavior will not receive any punishment.

English, too, must be specific. For example, you write the application materials abroad, must use concrete examples to prove your point, do not use an abstract to explain another abstract. As before, a student complained to me of his little dormitory. I said: how small. He said: very small. I said it was much smaller. He said: in particular very small. He said these words when he found quarters with a small increase in the tone and mood is more wrinkled brow. but my mind is still no picture, do not know in the end is how small. can be We look at the expression of the students: I am a small rented house in the United States. a door to go to bed, because only put down a bed. This image has too much. do not just very small, very very small. see can not see I can hardly turn around in it. in which all will not turn inside out over the.

Another difference is the difference between individuals and groups. I was a child to be educated, more respected strength in numbers , pay attention to unity. preached more of sense of community. teachers do not have much to tell us how to be a yourself. foreigners even more respect for the uniqueness of the individual. They often feel that I am a taxpayer, I support my country . The Bush administration first proposed 7,000 billion bailout plan not previously been subjected to a lot of opposition, people think it is using taxpayers money to pay for the mistakes of Wall Street do? from spoken English will be able to demonstrate this point. a child you get home, parents may ask the teacher about your school today, what? the relationship between you and the students at how ah? using the word They said my professor to my professor,UGG bailey button, my doctor my doctor, my country my country. So since you are speaking English, I am afraid have the habit of thinking in their language, to clearly reflect what you mean, you think, your features, rather than what everyone thinks.

another example, many Americans are notoriously fond of dogs. I in the United States, see a report. skyscrapers in a folder of the United States dog, the dog trapped inside get out. So they sent a lot of rescue team dug into a floor below, this puppy rescued. They feel that a dog is man's best friend, so Chinese people eat dog meat to hear,UGG boots clearance, will feel awful, I feel like in cannibalism. This is the cultural differences. So if your American friends to China, do not ask him to eat dog meat, oh. I also do not eat dog meat . I raised a dog, called Tiger. has been adopted by some stray dogs, favorite animal is a dog. day in Bali and saw a stray dog crossing the road, the results of a car rushing rapid, almost this puppy got hit. Puppy quickly walked the roadside, hung his head, severely scratched his head and claws, apparently suffered a shock, but also seemed to reflect: how do I do not look at cars. drive to the left the vicinity of the dog, I see, all her body rotting, and skin have turned up, and above all the blood. crackling my tears to flow down. long before Huanguo Lai. As many Americans are dogs love, you'll hear, they will use he, she described the small animals, not our child to learn English, said animal it. because they have a lot of people have put the animal as a member of the family.

Also, they praised the one thing a person, usually in a more direct way to express. but if rejected, often would be more tactfully. so we would often hear one person ask another person, you Tonight I want to go to the movies? another person is often used in sentences: I'd love to, but ...; I wish I could, however ... and so on. Another example is if they are in a restaurant complaints that you want to eat, they say: You know what, I hate to complain, but ... by turning to politely refuse or express negative views.

by the other party's customary to say that their language is a kind of respect for their culture. maybe we inadvertently violated the others can not accept the cultural taboos, and the other if it is kind, generous person, may not point out, but it may pull away each other distance. Therefore, learning the language, a very important task is to understand the learning culture. We use the language they understand, and ways to communicate with them. and not blunt the Chinese directly into English. to improve the way to is to do more culture-related books, materials, film and television work. Conversely, when the school every sentence spoken sentences, do not meet the master word or sentence, but to understand more the culture behind the language. This is actually a more direct effective approach.

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