Sunday, October 24, 2010

2009 Kaoyan political thematic focus (c)

 Nine thematic understanding of the nature and process of

on the topic: the topic mainly discusses the basis and nature of knowledge; understanding the dialectical process of movement; truth; the basic method of dialectical thinking. Judging from previous years examination, the main role in the understanding and practice of the decisive role of knowledge, perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of the dialectical relationship between the truth and the truth of the relationship between practice and are focused syllabus.

main test sites scan:

1, perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of the process and the dialectical relationship. Perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of interdependence. Rational knowledge depends upon perceptual knowledge, this is the materialist theory of knowledge; perceptual knowledge to be developed into rational knowledge, perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of mutual penetration. Emotional factors in the penetration of the rational, reason was saturated with emotional factors. From perceptual to rational knowledge of the leap condition is: to be the true possession of the rich and sensual materials, the use of scientific way of thinking of emotional material for manufacture. From a leap from rational knowledge to practice, must have the conditions are: from reality, to integrate theory and practice of the principle of combining.

2, understanding the process of repetition and infinity, understanding and practice of the specific historical unity. Understanding of the process is repeated, people are often a complex understanding of things to go through from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, and then from rational knowledge to practice repeatedly to complete. The unlimited nature of the development of knowledge means that the development process for the passage of things, the human knowledge is endless, unlimited development, which represents the continuously goes to the advanced stage of the endless forward movement. This understanding of the infinite process of development is cyclical in form, in essence, move up. Understanding of movement and infinity of the repeated decisions of the subjective and objective, understanding and practice of unity is concrete and historical. Awareness beyond or behind the objective practice in the development stage, is to leave the subjective and objective, understanding and practice of the specific historical unity.

3, truth and objectivity. Absolute and relative truth and its dialectical relationship. Truth is objective things and the laws of human consciousness in the correct reflection. Those who have the objectivity of truth, objectivity is the essential characteristic of truth. Truth is both absolute and relative. Any truth is the law of objective and correct understanding of things, people are included does not depend on the objective content, which is unconditional and absolute. Recognition of objective truth, it must recognize the absolute truth. Each are on the unlimited access to the truth of the material world developing close, which is unconditional and absolute. The sum of innumerable relative truths constitute the absolute truth. Therefore, the recognition of the unlimited development of knowledge, it must recognize the absolute truth. Relative truth or relative truth is that people under certain conditions, the correct understanding is limited, and the truth is only a certain range of the objective world, a correct understanding of terms, to be extended; only certain things to a certain extent, the level of approximately correct understanding to be deepened, but a certain stage of development of things correct understanding to be developed. Absolute truth and relative truth is a property of the same double objective truth. Any objective truths are absolute and relative truth unity. Truth is objective, absolute and relative unity, truth is concrete, not abstract. Truth and falsehood in a certain range of the opposition is absolute, but beyond a certain range, they will be interchangeable, the truth into falsehood, falsehood into a truth.

ten thematic nature of human society and the basic structure

on the topic: the topic mainly discusses the essence of historical materialism on the human society and the basic structure of the main contents, including the material basis of human society, the nature of human society and social characteristics of the law; human society, the economic structure, political structure and the concept of structure. Questions from the calendar view, focus on the natural environment in the geographic and demographic factors in the formation and development of social role,Bailey UGG boots, the relationship between man and nature, especially the analysis of problems out more, and need to pay attention, in addition, academic and productivity, social production practices and the role of mode of production,bailey UGG boots, the nature of the relations of production and internal structure, the nature of ideology, the relative independence and focus on social function is investigated.

main test sites scan:

1, the geographical environment in the formation and development of social role. The harmony between human society and nature development. Geographical environment through human activities into practice the elements of social existence, social development plays a role to accelerate or delay. Rational use of natural resources, improve environmental protection and maintaining ecological balance, prevent environmental pollution, in accordance with the laws of natural law and social transformation of the natural environment and human survival and development of human society is of great practical significance. The relationship between man and nature is always the eternal theme of humanity has ever faced. Both human society and nature and there is a difference between contact with different law of motion must be coordinated development. Transformation of human nature, we must respect nature and treat natural, foster harmony between man and nature concept of ecological civilization and strive to achieve harmonious development between man and nature.

2, socio-economic structure of the content and functionality, productivity content, elements and characteristics. Science and technology and productivity. Social and economic structure is the same stage of development of productive forces must adapt to the sum of relations of production. The content reflected the economic structure of production relations, economic relations, manifested as a certain social economic system. Productivity is the human transformation of natural substances to meet the social needs of the power, marking the real extent of human transformation of nature and the actual capacity of the category, which indicated that the relationship between man and nature. Productivity exists as a system, which consists of a variety of elements. Science and technology are the productivity of knowledge form, it can penetrate into the workers of labor and labor objects and cause changes in these basic elements, into a direct productivity. In modern times, science and technology's role in productivity and becoming more and more important in economic growth, the proportion is growing. Science and technology of modern productivity growth point, a breakthrough, and the determining factor. Science and technology, social function and role in: science and technology into real productivity directly and creating a tremendous material wealth; history of science and technology play a huge role in promoting social development and the progressive forces is to push history forward powerful lever; in modern science and technology are primary productive forces; science and technology affect all aspects of social producers, and through the liberation of people's minds and improve the people's scientific and cultural quality, and promote economic development and social transformation shown. Productivity, including advanced, general and backward productive forces, which advanced productive forces are the most productive large-scale systems active part. Science and technology are primary productive forces, and the embodiment of advanced productive forces and the main signs.

3, the nature of ideology, and the relative independence of its social functions. Culture and civilization. The basis of ideology and who reflect the economic sense of the economic form of basic services. Including the political and legal ideology, moral values, religious ideas, art ideas, philosophical concepts, economic ideas and so on. Ideology is a reflection of social existence, which is the essence of ideology. Relatively independent of ideology, it changes with the change of social existence is not necessarily complete synchronization; the development of its historical inheritance; of a dynamic economic and political reaction.

4, social material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, ecological civilization construction and the coordinated development of harmonious society. People in the practice of transforming the objective world in the form of useful results, showing the development of material production and economic progress, that is material; formed in the political practice of the beneficial results of expression for the social and political systems and political life progress, that is, political civilization; in the transformation of the objective world, subjective world while transforming the formation of the useful results, showing the progress of spiritual life, that is, spiritual civilization; in the election process in the world, formed a good harmonious relationship between man and nature to ensure the natural environment and sustainable development constitutes an ecological civilization and progress. Socialist society is a material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, ecological civilization, all-round development and comprehensive social progress, the goal of building a well but also economic, political, cultural, ecological-round development. Continued to promote socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, the coordinated development of ecological civilization is the essential requirement of socialist society. November

topic of Marxism in China, Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong Thought and Meaning and the scientific evaluation of Mao Zedong

(on the topic: the topic around to the analysis of the main theme of Chinese Marxism characteristics, content and Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought and the scientific evaluation of preparation. This year we must pay attention to the Communist Party Congress's > main test sites scan:

1, the necessity of Marxism in China and the significance of

(1) the necessity of Marxism in China: ① Marxism with China's reality, is a Marxist internal requirements. First, the practice is the basis of the theory, theory and practice only can be developed only when Marxism with the concrete reality of it to life. Second,Discount UGG boots, the practice is growing, Marxism is only the times, to guide countries in practice. ② practice of Marxism with China is also the Chinese revolution and construction with the objective needs. In China, a semi-feudal oriental country to revolution and construction, the complex must meet a number of specific issues. By reciting the general principles of Marxism and copying foreign experience, can not solve these problems. In the late 20th century and before the mid-30s, the prevalence of the Chinese Communist Party dogma of Marxism, the Communist International and Soviet experiences of the resolutions of the erroneous tendency to make the Chinese revolution was almost desperate. Communist Party of China in order to develop the Chinese revolution and success, we must solve Marxism with China's realities and problems so that Marxism in China.

Marxism as the theory of proletarian revolution, its role is to guide the country to revolution and construction only when Marxism with national realities and to achieve its theoretical value. In this sense, the great strength of Marxism-Leninism, is that it is and the concrete revolutionary practice of all countries linked. This view has been the history of Chinese revolution and construction of the proof.

(2) of Marxism in China is of great practical significance. The current international situation is undergoing profound change, the world multi-polarization and economic globalization amid twists and turns in the development, technological advances, increasingly fierce competition in comprehensive national strength. In China, reform and opening up the party members and the people working and living conditions and social environment has undergone major changes, the new situation, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the times, Marxism in China to further promote our mission. We must further learn to apply the theory of Marxism-Leninism with China's specific environment, study new situations, solve new problems, as the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and make new contributions.

theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is included Deng Xiaoping Theory and This system, adhere to and development of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and embodies the generations of Chinese Communists leading the people out tireless explorations and practices the wisdom and efforts, is the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is the party's most precious spiritual wealth of political and , is the unity and struggle of people of all the common ideological foundation. Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the development of the open theoretical system. In modern China, adhere to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics means genuinely adhering to Marxism.

2, the content of Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought and the scientific evaluation of

(1) Mao Zedong Thought is Marxism-Leninism applied and developed in China, is proved on China revolution and construction, a correct theoretical principles and lessons learned, is the collective wisdom of the Chinese Communist Party.

(2) properly evaluate the merits and demerits of Mao Zedong's history, establishing the historical status of Mao Zedong Thought, Because: ① it relates to how the view of the party and the country's achievements in fighting over the past few decades. ② the party's unity, national and social stability. Because Mao Zedong Thought is the whole Party and people of the important ideological basis for unity. Evaluation of Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought unscientific, it will cause confusion in people's minds, leading to national and social instability. ③ This is related to the party and the country's future development. If you do not adhere to Mao Zedong Thought, we will lose the forward base, our cause can not be in the right direction.

realistic evaluation of Mao Zedong's historical position: ① 1981, the CPC Central Committee, adopted by the first six is a great proletarian revolutionary, strategist and theorist. But though he 'Cultural Revolution' in serious mistakes, but to his life, he's the Chinese revolution far outweigh his mistakes. His achievements is the first error is secondary. ② 1997, the Fifteenth Report of the CPC, Jiang Zemin pointed out: for a century, the Chinese people on the road ahead through three historic changes, resulting in three of the times the forefront of the great figures, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. ③ 2003, the Hu Jintao to mark the 110th birth anniversary of Mao Zedong in his speech also said: the correct path of democratic revolution, and completed the task of opposing imperialism and feudalism, the establishment of the Republic of China, established the basic system of socialism, and from China's actual conditions to explore the road of socialist construction, the ancient Chinese to catch up with the trend of the times , great strides toward creating a fundamental premise of prosperity has laid a solid foundation in theory and practice. br>
main test sites scanned:

1,cheap UGG boots, on the leadership of the new democratic revolution

(1) the general line is the core of the new democratic revolution must be made by the Chinese democratic revolution of the proletariat and its political parties - the Communist Party of China, which is different from the old democratic revolution, the fundamental symbol of democratic revolution. ① Chinese revolution must be led by the proletariat, the requirements of the Chinese revolution The decision is that the Chinese revolution, the inevitable product of historical development. ② the Chinese revolution must be led by the proletariat, is the special advantages of the Chinese proletariat determined. proletarian Chinese proletariat in addition to the basic advantages of the general, ie with the most advanced linked to the economic form, full of organization and discipline, there is no private ownership of production, there are many special advantages: first, sustained triple oppression, revolutionary most resolute and most completely; second, highly concentrated, easy to form a strong political force; third, and the peasant class have a natural connection, easy to form a powerful alliance of workers and peasants; fourth, embarked on a revolutionary stage, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party to become the best Chinese society compared a conscious class. these special advantages of the Chinese proletariat will inevitably make it a modern China to fight the class, take on leadership of the Chinese revolution responsibility. Chinese revolution without the leadership of the proletariat, not bound to win. < br>
(2) the Chinese Communist Party must fight for revolutionary leadership. ① the proletariat and the bourgeoisie must compete for leadership. ② the vanguard of the proletariat must, through their own - to achieve the Chinese Communist Party leadership of the Chinese revolution. ③ the issue of leadership of the proletariat, we must oppose the right and errors, leading to the failure of the National Revolution; is the revolutionary proletariat and its political leadership to achieve the key; must build a strong revolutionary armed forces, which is to ensure a strong pillar of the proletarian leadership; the need to strengthen self-construction of the proletarian party, which is the right leadership of the proletariat the fundamental guarantee.

2, on the nature of the new democratic revolution and the Chinese revolution stage

(1) the nature of the new democratic revolution. democratic revolution is the new, special bourgeois-democratic revolution. Mao Zedong pointed out: the revolutionary nature of the power of decision, is the main enemy of the revolutionaries and the main two. the old democratic revolution and the democratic revolution of the They are bourgeois democratic revolution, the process of democratic revolution in China in two different stages. the nature of the new democratic revolution, neither the general old bourgeois democratic revolution, not a proletarian socialist revolution , but the new, special bourgeois democratic revolution. New Democratic Revolution and the old-style bourgeois revolution compared to its , but the proletariat. Front view from the revolution, the new democratic revolution, the old world is no longer part of the bourgeois revolution, but part of the world proletarian socialist revolution. from the guiding ideology of revolution, is no longer bourgeois democracy, but Marxism. From the Revolution to see the future, no longer is to establish a bourgeois democratic republic, but establishing a new democratic people's republic, and on this basis, achieved by the new democracy to socialist transformation. Because of the correct leadership of the proletariat, the future of the new democratic revolution is socialism, the ultimate goal is to realize communism.

(2) China's two stages of revolution and socialist revolution. ① Mao semi-feudal society based on the nature of China that the Chinese revolution must take two steps: First, change the semi-feudal form of society, making China an independent democratic country ; the second step, the revolution forward, the establishment of a socialist society. in the Chinese Revolution kinds of tendencies: the first one is Chen's To insert a cross between the two phases dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the capitalist stage of development. The second is represented by Wang Ming's confuse the democratic revolution and socialist revolution, the boundaries in an attempt to stage two different kinds of revolution and make step, one stroke victory of the socialist revolution. These two views are contrary to the law of development of the Chinese revolution, has given the Chinese revolution have disastrous consequences and should be opposed. ② democratic revolution and socialist revolution and the associated difference: the historical process of the Chinese revolution must be divided into two steps, the first step is the democratic revolution, the second is social revolution. This is the nature of the process of two different revolutions. This is like between article and the previous article out and about relationships, only the articles do a good job, Xiapian to do a good job. democratic revolution is the need for socialist revolution preparation, the socialist revolution is the inevitable trend of the democratic revolution. 

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