Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bullish on gold and emerging markets

 The overseas investment manager of JP Morgan Wang Bangqi
this century, the gold price from February 2001 to $ 253 off the end, the continuing rise in the past eight years, to November 25, 2009, about $ 1,180 an ounce, up 366%, the time when the gold off the bottom, the Dow Jones index of 10 779 points, to 24 November 2009, only 10 433 points, marking more than eight years, while the Shanghai A share performance a little better in 2009, 2 received 16 May 1942 point to the Nov. 25,UGG boots cheap, 2009 received 3290 points,Discount UGG boots, then taking into account a total of 2005 against the U.S. dollar appreciated by 21%, the total return of 104%, but compared to gold, but eight years to bring out the gold eternal glory.
what reason, cause such a rise of gold, my view is as follows:
First of all, originally recognized as the world's largest gold producer in South Africa, current gold production continued to fall this year, eight fell 8.4% year on hold in September, down 15% analysts had previously thought it was a power shortage in South Africa itself, interrupted mining factors, but later found out was not really digging; since 1905, the market has been the world's first gold a major producer of the 1970s, as much as 1,000 tons of annual production capacity fell to 134 tons in 2008. the traditional gold producing countries in the depletion of a significant reduction in the supply of gold.
Second, central banks had sold gold annually , the average supply over the past two decades,UGG shoes, the market is probably about 20% gold, sell gold over the years, including Britain, France, Italy and Switzerland, the central bank, but not this year, the central bank will not only sell gold, but started buying gold, first The People's Bank to increase gold reserves to 1,054 tonnes, India's central bank to buy from the International Monetary Fund, 200 tons of gold, and other countries including Russia and the Middle East more or less continued to increase their gold, it is worth noting that gold holdings this year emerging market central bank is the one economic upturn in emerging market itself, and secondly, all the emerging market for global excess liquidity began wary.
Third, the gold market and fixed income markets has been the relationship between reverse simply speaking, when the market interest rate is low, especially when money market yields lower, give up parts of interest income and the cost of obtaining the gold down so sharply, the price of gold above the wave of the 1980s, the high point of observation, until the love of cigars former Federal Reserve Chairman Volcker to raise interest rates sharply only after a wave of gold near $ 1,000 from the previous high of pressure off, give up to buy U.S. dollar assets to buy gold or a higher return on assets in emerging markets, is the main axis of the wave of market, which is a carry trade (Carry Trade) concept, developed markets,UGG boots clearance, the overall flow of funds from the gold, but also flows to emerging markets is the rising price of gold is observed whether the emerging markets continued to rise in the key. < br> recognize these three viewpoints, you know, global capital outflow from the dollar zone, gold is an important indicator, the trend goes on, more than is the trend of gold prices, emerging markets also benefit from this trend, as long as the funds will continue to flows to emerging markets, the central banks of emerging markets have the pressure to buy gold, gold prices rise, also on behalf of the emerging markets of the stock market continued to reinforce each other. I am bullish on gold, but also optimistic about the global emerging markets.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A, QC business-related operations

 1, QC contract in order to be confirmed receipt of orders received information is complete, if not complete, should the company sales and sales to recover in Fujian to take, if not take a moment to recover, you need to clerk to give a reasonable explanation.

order data elements are as follows:

A, contracts and package information, dated and signed confirmation sample, producing a single operation.

B, trademarks and requirements (including size,bailey UGG boots, pattern, color, etc.)

C, with code, last bottom length and other aspects (such as the shoelace length, shape, thickness of the bottom etc.)

D, is the side-Mark standard, washed Mark's request.

E, packaging requirements:

Packing: carton thickness, carton printing (positive side of Mark and special requirements), sealing method, in container, outside carton label.

Inner packing: shoe box, shoes support shoes placed inside the shoe box method, wrapping paper, drying requirements, mold requirements; bar code, the price scale, composition standard tag, Zi Mukou, security standards and so on.

F, customer special emphasis on the written notice.

2, assessment of new plant, including the development of capacity assessment, management, production capacity, product quality, with the intention, plant capacity, the price level.

Second, the test preparation

1, Setting the Stage

A. After receiving the inspection data QC, must pay attention to the contract delivery. QC should be 30 days before the delivery period,cheap UGG boots, the production schedule requirements of the factory exhaust cross our company as a test track basis. Meanwhile, QC should also pass the relevant clerk will schedule.

B. QC should be scheduled promptly check whether the progress of factory jobs, if unusual, should be required to re-development of the factory production schedule, and promptly inform the relevant amendments to the progress of the business, while reviewing the progress of the amendments is to ensure product delivery on time. Products such as the production schedule can not guarantee delivery on time, even though the factory should be required to take measures to address and report to the relevant clerk.

2, tried on charge of the sample confirmed

QC module responsible for the company products in the amount of private pre-confirmation, as follows:

A. General wear test sample size: weights Men 41 #, women 36 #, 31 # big boy, the child 25 #, 18 # children (or the same size, close to the other regions, the state size)

B. Try checking the length of sample, fertility, the location, whether the toe Camber requirements (ie can not wear shoes,UGG boots, how the tension, whether forward or backwards, etc.).

C. Check the kind of comfort fitting that the top of the foot pressure by the thumb is, if the upper pressure foot, the latter is out with the heel, the bottom insole is consistent with the soles of the feet, walking foot feeling is discomfort.

D. The confirmation process, if found any of the above problems should be immediately asked the factory to stop operations and technology officer and corporate development center to review the verification; only when the issue is resolved before the case informed the factory to continue operations. Confirmation of results should be tried on record keeping.

3, complete a full set of test

try to do is help to test the surface in the volume of the whole number of pre-existence of technical problems,UGG shoes, and assess whether these problems will affect the production quality, a full set of try confirm the identify and try is divided into cardboard knife try to confirm. When the company private mode products that do try hard copy confirmation, confirmed by the QC manager and director of technology development center and factory version of the division-led operations. Male-mode product identification and wrecking hard copy try try confirmed by the QC technician-led operations with the plant director. QC must be involved throughout, and understand and master the key quality control.

A. Try to do a full set of hard copy according to the order confirmation

required to do each number pair left attached at the end, climb the right foot does not stick well to help the end. Try to do all the same kind of material must be recognized.

(1) test to help determine the resulting problems and issues

A: toe lasting bit too little: the performance of the shoe is too short to determine the reasons:

(1) hard copy too short.

(2) elongation of fabric or lining is not enough.

(3) reinforcement, or gluing, bonding and other operational reasons, to reduce the original estimate fabric elongation.

(4) inside cardboard too short.

joint results:

(1) to help end bit easy to break.

(2) shoes, hose point rise, effect and wear off last.

(3) design of the line shift.

(4) years before the liner and the former is not smooth.

problem B: toe lasting bit too much: the performance of the shoe is too large, the reasons for judgments:

(1) hard copy too short.

(2) elongation leather miscalculation.

(3) Results to help pull too much.

(4) hard copy errors caused the structure to be helped by strong end to shape.

(5) joints are not allowed.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Liu Youcai that I want to go home

 Jingzhe Wei Wang Peifei

Liu Youcai that I want to go home.

Ma Weiguo surprised that home? You're not just at home back?

Liu Youcai said something at home, may I go back to do. Estimated half past one when you can not make the boss you need to see Hao, say hello for me.

Ma Weiguo said OK. But I no see above him from yesterday. You leave me address to you that maybe someday play.

Liu Youcai joked that my poor place, Bataidajiao not to lift you, to stay Han.

Ma Weiguo Liu Youcai they took out 200 dollars, said to the children inside to buy some food.

Liu Youcai not refuse, to the sound Xie, picked up.

Farewell Ma Weiguo, Liu Youcai back to rental housing, end the rent, take the package to Ben the bus station, on the one sent to Yenan from Yinchuan coach. Waiting for departure this time, Liu Youcai heart Huang Huang's eyes kept looking around the vehicle, what a nervous look.

afternoon bus out of the Ningxia boundary into the northern land, rolling land endless mountains, ravines, those familiar with the scene, real unfolded in front of Liu Youcai mind was at ease a bit. Dangerous roads winding up, or the side of the deep valleys lofty or towering cliffs on both sides, people live in fear. Foot of the mountains far away, some sporadic scattered irregular small building or cottage.

evening, the bus into a winding dirt plateau was Goukan, Liu Youcai out of the car, on a bend in the high and low of the loess. Few pedestrians, Liu Youcai the front, only one old man holding a cattle walking in the sunset quietly. Although over the Spring Festival, the evening breeze is also very cold, like a knife piercing. Liu Youcai wearing shoes in the foot, one will be frozen, while Rush had stamped the side of the jumping to keep warm. While, the old man, and cattle are stopped, followed, on the road more steaming pile of cow dung, slowly heat up, very attractive, Liu Youcai really want to get his legs to get a moment of warmth. But his feet did not stop, did not see the old man, but head down, speed up the pace over.

turn the two small hills, before the plateau of Mizoguchi below, lying in an abandoned village, Liu Youcai family originally lived here. Very steep ditch, dug caves and mountains and most of the pieces scatter like a plateau at the foot of a small stream from the valley, and through, free to bend to bend, to stay in front of the house of a household other people bend out of the large and small pieces garden. Together with the fence will stand with the stream to the advantage of the opportunity, in the spring planted red Zhilv fence, summer greenery Zade, autumn fruit fragrance, became the mountain scenery. I do not know when, in the small stream that flows did not, but often fierce not to come to a wave filled the small cover to the flood, not only rushed the garden, the volume of the cattle and sheep, grain, and destroyed the cave, but also often hurt . Two years ago the government moved to the village after the people on the plateau. Not far around the plateau for some people to idle tools and forage has also been placed here, and some people will do the kiln waste sheep.

Liu Youcai's home in the village is connected to two cave, the outside courtyard with a tree ring. No one care of a few years, the cave after a storm washed the mud walls of shabu, the exclusion exclusion exclusion exclusion sets; yard piece is stamped feet of loess child, because no one is around, the top covered with Artemisia wormwood grass. Only the front of the tree L., shows the tenacity of life, and some branches even pounced the kiln top, like a guard, keeping watch Side yard. Tree, a mountain sparrow kept jumping, twittering chirp, as if in welcome the arrival of the master cave.

This is where ah live a lifetime! Liu Youcai the hearts of a fever.

kiln used to ditch the old abandoned after the plateau back to the new home, the day has a large black, day walking, Liu Youcai whole body tired like scattered aircraft. Brought back to eat bags of instant noodles from Yinchuan, drank some cold water on the whirring of sleep. Moment, a group of masked men broke into the room, the vicious as he was surrounded. A stout man with the pipe thousand, smiling that talented brother, you're not mean, Zeneng neglecting it? Said right-handed flick, raising a cigarette to: Myanmar goods, taste?

this person, it was Hao boss.

Liu Youcai know a catastrophe. This addictive cigarettes smoked, you have family members dead. Do not smoke, Hao Guangming will not spare him. Hands-on thing? More useless, Hao Guangming is a will shijiazi. Heroes do not eat the immediate losses, said Liu Youcai Hao boss for mercy. Hao Guangming without a word, just bare two gold front teeth, Zizi sneer, Liu Youcai cried in despair, look, eyes empty, had a dream.

Liu Youcai lingering fear, jumped up quite a fight, looked all round no difference, then took a stick, put the door on top, this slight worry, supporting the ears to sleep.

next morning, Liu Youcai packed house, with a 2000 dollars to the father at home. Since he went out to work, home, land contracted out to other species, and Po Yi to take baby back to her family.

Fort father home in fifth, his uncle Liakou baby will walk the baby just leave the elderly, but also go out to work, the old couple alone, put the girl to call back companion. Liu Youcai common people do not want, did not walk on the path, walking path is a sheep, seven Shui bend to spend a lot of eight-hour, and at noon only to the father at home. Family were surprised to see him suddenly returned, and asked ye back? Liu Youcai said that factory workers downturn, open the low wages, friends say city people like to soft food, let him come back. Po Yi said, with spring rain, to the soft food is not young and old, I went back to help you close it? Liu Youcai said no need, I might have a few days left, you Mo back.

In fact, Liu Youcai is worried that Po Yi and baby go home, that thing, but exposed by a wind, if that group of people recruited, is done out of losers. He wanted nothing happens as long as three months, that is, children of the intricate case.

evening, Liu Youcai to that of 2000 to the Po Yi, also told her son Rao Zhaowan Zhilengzhire midnight, then let her pay attention to body, body to buy good clothes to wear, buy a bottle of good oil paint on the face paint on skin care hand; had her honor the elderly, a son with a good will, let him go the right way to study. Po Yi Lian Lian, first moved to tears, and then surprise was a pair of big wide open tears, said: Come ye are you? And I want a divorce or a loud noise?

Liu Youcai heard a hug to the arms of the Po Yi, close to her ear: Do Xia Xiang, I am not infrequently at home, people young and old to you a thing to worry about. Po Yi heard, this calm down. That said you just a few words to all scared to death, I thought you had it out of losers.

morning, Liu Youcai got up early to tidy up around their houses a lot at home father. After breakfast, there is strife, pig manure, to the field, returned to the guillotine a bunch of cattle fodder; though out of a sweat, do not feel tired, and my heart feel that a lot easier. Ate the noon meal, due to heart problems, got up and left. Wheat in the yard side of the haystack, the son and his little cousin took the comic, lying in the hospital turned the field of haystacks hole, the scene evoked Liu Youcai sweet memories in my heart. Rongrong in the moonlight night, with the young Liu Youcai and partners lying in the fragrant straw, sucking the breath of autumn, mature, looking up at the clouds of reverie to grow up to be a People's Liberation Army, to be a train driver ... ... Liu Youcai just did not think,bailey UGG boots, today, who walked the ramp so.

Liu Youcai went over, bent down picked up his son, the little pink face in another pro-pro, tears paste the son of his face ... ...

Fort back from the fifth home the next day, Liu Youcai went to visit his father early in the morning.

father in the mountain, and his younger brother to live together. Last year my brother and Po Yi also gone to work with children, leaving

a flock of sheep and 3 mu of farmland by the father care.

the mountain after the plateau, on a sunny day in the highland village house will be able to look after the people, can really go to the mountain, climbing around the streams in low mountain would have to go small long time.

February in northern Shaanxi, Ningxia, then do not like cold, morning air with a coolness, a plume of orange sun shines on the yellow ground, added a bit of warmth.

after a long while into the village when Liu Youcai child. Brother home is in the village,Bailey UGG boots, in the yard outside his younger brother, Liu Youcai to see seven or eight sheep are grazing, one side has one large and one small two goats, sheep and lambs in the arms of the big arch, a large sheep bent gently touch the neck touch with horn sheep, but also deviates from the two hind legs, so that the lamb's small head attached to the Kuajian, where warmer. Lambs will be small head soft in the belly much arch a few times, comfortably, Into the yard, Liu Youcai see his father in the sunny wall in the quick fix, clear eyes closed nap, coke powder scattered light brown to yellow according to his father, the father's face in the sun, such as Man on the old brass kettle charcoal flame, but not the gloss; and head hair is black and less white and more, such as the sparse grass, howling to stick in the head.

Liu Youcai Sese cried loud.

collected Keshui father, asked in surprise ye back?

Liu Youcai not say the truth, the remarks of his in-laws house that lies repeated.

father does not believe, looking puzzled, said Liu Youcai: is the resumption of soft, this is not a season, to the March rain and we have to grow, when you come back to doing?

Liu Youcai not with the father's gaze, but also could not bear to deceive the father, but the reason they told him that things can not be said that his father Zhunde mad. Father was a battalion of accounting, can be very good friends that his father, with a key steal, stole his father's drawer 70 dollars, depriving the father was given a one count of embezzlement, squatting behind bars for two years. The summer of the storm 87 days, but never his father's house is about to collapse of the cave house, saving his family. To this end, Liu Youcai complaints should save them, father stare that you know Gesha doll house, life is not bad conscience. Him from his father, Liu Youcai realize a conclusion: good people do not know how bad the bad guys, bad guys do not know how good a good person. And their own to this point, is it not the bad guys you met Ma Weiguo! Well, stupid ah! Liu Youcai heart sighed.

Liu Youcai to sit down, pulled out a cigarette, point to his father, but also to coax his father said, working outside is not easy, trying to come back, side to soft-farming side dishes to do business.

father heard nodded and said: so and plan. We lost the field farmer, went to the city, people living room to eat people food, is definitely not based, even a pit plate board are the people, that day can live comfortable?

father's words in the Liu Youcai expected. He knew who the foot of this land is the root of his father, where is his father's blood, but old people several lifetimes are thriving here, working hard, this land has penetrated into the father's blood.

father and son for a moment, then said, Liu Youcai into the room to do a pot patch, and his father ate the meal, but also helped his father from a sheep's dung, to the field, returned to guillotine a bunch of cattle fodder. West saw the sun fall, and Liu Youcai forced upon his father 1000 dollars, and told his father until after the Awakening of Insects, and he came plowing, plowing their father not to rush to open.

left his father, Liu Youcai preoccupied right again along the way steps Maibu Kai heavy legs and feet. Until the time when the whole village house has been without any light. Entering the house, he ate food, clothing and did not off to sleep.

press down the days to come, Liu Youcai worried all day, living the days of fear. He is the only pray that time go faster, can suddenly after 3 months, 3 years is best. In this way, that thing, give that person forget, also a blessing in disguise of their own. However, Liu Youcai hand piece of 35 dollars to buy the electronic form, but not experienced man Italy, has not rash, upset not slow to walk, suffering the second minute, Liu Youcai nerves. Liu Youcai lips bubble also worked tirelessly to counter-balance the fire, bright in like a bunch of purple grapes set. His heart, congested with fear, worry, anxiety, worry, regret, and has no place for a quiet star, and were glad the slightest.

worry anxiety in order to resist shock, Liu Youcai sometimes the village take a turn in the village are mostly elderly and women and children, one of the few young adults are also busy, tell him over and over again Trading of the land of soft food is not interested. In desperation, Liu Youcai had to return home, squatting yard piece of vegetable, the one who put the dead to pull out the weeds. In recent years migrant workers, for a long time do not do farm work, but he is still doing it is so handy, fingers went, roll a piece of thatch to the sky, dark land of a mixed flower blooming spray, the fragrance of the soil drift in Liu Youcai side, so he got a temporary calm the mind of God Ning. Later, he simply deep plowing this land again, to a block of land Ke La Niede crushing, the boss of a mirror combing Vegetable Side flat.

finish these tasks, Liu Youcai but my mind was increasingly Konghuang anxiety, night after night to sleep, and a shut our eyes to the nightmare continued, always felt himself buried in the earth mountains, scared He again covered in cold sweat Jin-Jin.

That evening, in order that they can sleep, drink half a bottle of dry white wine Liu Youcai, numerous liquor power, he turned a moment to Hunran sleep. Middle of the night, he suddenly saw that his family spent two hole kiln, several people familiar surreptitiously looking for something, scared Liu Youcai fear, cry, wake up, or a nightmare.

morning, Liu Youcai got up early, want to go to waste kiln look out the door early in the morning to go over there want to run, it is inevitable people will doubt. To have patience and do breakfast, eat only move the body.

March has been a time of spring, the fields along with busy. Liu Youcai know, in the country, the real spring, should be counting from March. Because at this time, to air has moved; dead of night, heard something under the bed in the ring. During the day, visible on the ground that soft weaknesses, revealed one small trachoma. Ditch pond, it will emerge rather abruptly a large group from a large group of air bubbles. Smoked by the breath of this land, the mountain is pleased to have a business. At this time in previous years, Liu Youcai will select a soft block, Tuo Lexie, stood still, the breath sink into the body, then, a breath of fresh, warm, slightly more humid atmosphere, through the feet, into various parts of the body and blood together, to break down every crazy and armpit, comfortable death.

but this year, Liu Youcai not such a mood.

way, Liu Youcai ran into Liu Dabo. Liu Dabo carrying two bottles of West Phoenix, said the spring moisture big, body bone too much at night a couple of drinks, active active muscles. Liu Youcai has also requested the past, he points where there are mountain products, just drinks. Liu Youcai listening, warm heart warm, he kept thanks. Looking at the back of Liu Dabo, Liu Youcai momentum in my heart and melancholy. In the past, although the day the poor, they do flies gusto. But now, alas! Liu Youcai suddenly realized, much or how little, eat delicious NAO, are not a good feeling comfortable. But his momentary obsession, lost the good feelings, fear is never regained.

to the front of the Gully population, Liu Youcai live feet, looked around seen a personal video to turn the inside to the front of his yard, Liu Youcai really see one set of footprints, the heart could not help pulling up, busy Open the gate woven twigs, carefully inspected, the man went into the yard, this calm down. Into the cave entrance, see weaving spider on the doors is also very complete, Liu Youcai mind at ease some more. They took out a cigarette, points, and squatting door, directed at the yard in front of the hill silently sucked up.

hill side, the mother resting place.

death of the mother was not sick, just go to a large hospital is able to be cured. Home life can be difficult, not the mother, said she was resistant to the past, save money for his son to college. But the son of 17 points margin, the mother of life come to an end. Before death, the mother told the father not to give her money, to save money for both a son get married. His mother was buried, his father wanted to take a decent coffin mother, though everywhere ask for, or not to liking. If today, he would take his mother to Yinchuan to Xi'an, or the best doctors optimistic about the mother's illness. But the mother is gone, how much money will not lead back to his mother. Liu Youcai suddenly realize, money is not everything; it can help, but also lethal, but they are not is to be its victims do not become a ghost does not ghost you!

affixed to the sun, the Liu Youcai got up to go home. However, he fears that attract attention, not on the road, but a small stream turned the corner along the ditch after the plateau, the Mizoguchi, the one I do not know come from the old brown boots, attracted the attention of Liu Youcai. Only boots in the sand Jianbian forced to stop in her tracks, boots, the poked a delicate apricot seedlings to it in the evening breeze kept swinging like it tough to survive in the show instinct. Liu Youcai been touched, like the other boots it, it was a small stream running through it? It also gives birth to an apricot it? Moment, Liu Youcai took to heart the taste of a difficult speech. Suddenly my heart leapt to survive a wave of desire. Apricot able to survive in the boots, the world is so big, can not I Liu Youcai the way out it? This fear, hiding by day it's not human! If things do not come out that Hao Guangming, then the own fortune; if the out, then go to surrender, to fight for government leniency. Thought of this, there will be some sort of heart Liu Youcai sense of relief.

back home, a half pot of boiled potatoes Liu Youcai pimple face, a perfect place to eat 2 bowls, ring ring made some burp, close to bed, while on thin snoring sounded rough. sleep the sleep

fun,UGG bailey button, until the big lit Liu Youcai was only awakened by a knock on the door. He rubbed his eyes and opened the door, in front of him stood a most unwilling to see.

you - are you hanging here? Liu Youcai horror, the eyes are convex out.

come is the reason to leave a address Ma Weiguo Liu Youcai.

Ma Weiguo sideways into the room and said look at it brother.

Liu Youcai stabilize the heartbeat, said do you know my family here?

Ma Weiguo said that you have registered working units, a check came out.

Liu Youcai said Brother are you doing here?

Ma Weiguo Liu Youcai that I've come to understand what things to Say what? In addition to that 200 dollars you brother, and nothing to me Sha items?

Ma Weiguo said it brother, you do not fool, and have consequently not to mention, I tell you, Domingo did not die, it exposed a hole in the kiln head, Domingo, 3 days trapped A shepherd saved him. He did not want quiet, in the Salt Lake hospital for two weeks in hospital, in addition to lame leg, and consequently good.

Liu Youcai heard, the mind hum slamming his face became a dead fish belly, legs tremble. Thought to myself: this ye be? Loess collapse down the hill like a semi-groove are buried, Hao Guangming ye would survive? Alas! Really wise man, yet to be. This is really a catastrophe under. The tone will defend the country by begging, I saved your life, you will not be helping the others to harm me?

listened to the words of Liu Youcai, Ma Weiguo reddening, Peizhao Xiao said it brother, I Zeneng harm you? You left something for me just fine. Said Ma Weiguo from the waist and drew a dagger inlaid with precious stones, and said it brother, you must have seen this knife is that the other waist Domingo. He took the things I use it to clean up after you. You are my savior, do not report saying there is a villain ex, I Zeneng hurt you. But do our business, sometimes cruel to plant, and even life can not hold. Your culture, but also a wise man, this Mo cried out, people know you and I had to lose his head in jail. You left something to me, friendship is still us, you're still my savior. I'll give you 2 million, to buy you a seal. Domingo, where I give you settle, there are difficulties in the future, then look for brothers and me, I will full Xiangbang.

Ma Weiguo's remarks to Liu Youcai how much heart a little quiet, like it is against the law do their own scandals, came to Claudius had commanded and shame, If you can not mountain dew were to end, and that, but Burning incense is also hard to find high-thing. Stop stop stop, put the packet to him, Ye Hao re-living their own. Wei said, I put something to you, you have to mean what they say, can not lie to me.

Ma Weiguo put away the dagger, boldly said, only brother assured, I have to lie to you is to animals.

Liu Youcai say that I'll take you to get. Ma Weiguo hastily led out the door.

this time, the sun has increased, the plateau on the shaman of the warm spring, the same sky blue as the water washing over the distance, sounded strong cattle cries melodious chant, which is Wu Taibo in plows plow it. Liu Youcai suddenly remembered that today is the Waking of Insects, Nongyan said, Jingzhe turned around the whole field, can reduce water evaporation, but also drought and soil moisture.

father opened the plow, right? Its good to help his father plow the original said, it seems, can not go today, the father must be expecting me. I do not know these things can just quietly dealt with, in case of trouble, not only over their own, and that the father and baby are doing harm to Po Yi, called How did they see living it! Alas! Good day, however, a quick to unwittingly embark on this road to ruin it? Should we blame Ma Weiguo Hao Guangming it? Is their own greed Yeah, was anyways.

Liu Youcai tears.

the original, two years ago to work in Yinchuan Erotic Liu Youcai, was shot saved bricks, dying Ma Weiguo, Ma Weiguo also introduced the open mahjong he met Hao Hao Guangming Museum boss, to unwittingly do trouble themselves do not know these things. Hao boss once a packet will be stored in Liu Youcai rent houses in and gave him 500 dollars. Later, Hao Liu Youcai letting the boss had sent him something twice, each time they gave him the boss Hao 500 dollars. Then Hao Liu Youcai has been vaguely understand them they are doing, but Caimixinqiao, there is no suspension of contacts with them.

13 on the morning of the first month of this year, Liu Youcai arrived at home after New Year a few days in Yinchuan, Hao boss to take the shuttle bus to take him to the law. On the road, Hao Liu Youcai boss to a tray filled with shopping bags, and repeatedly told that the matter should be kept confidential, not to anybody. Ningshan the car at the junction of a dirt ditch, both men out of the car, Hao boss called and led Liu Youcai down earthen trenches to go inside, to the gully before the next row of the cave collapsed, Hao boss Liu Youcai hand over the bag, so Liu Youcai here waiting for him, Wang Qianmian the peak of their own fire station without leave to go. Little while, Hao boss came back, not a hand bag, shoulder more than just dirty yellow bag. Hao boss gave Liu Youcai yellow bag that I facilitate, do you wait for me. Mizobe immediately went to the cave walk, walk a few steps, then turned around said, we do understand your heart, eat a bullet that went out, you are working, as long as he did not say, no one doubts you.

Liu Youcai gripped hear these words. Hao boss you want a dog day why I tell the truth, Do you want to say, is that something went wrong I'm only a wage, and Han did not know, you're in that do not harm me! I do not become accomplices of you! Want this bag containing what what, could there be drugs, right? If I can not give him back. Quietly opened the bag to zip, which turned out to be two thick bundles of hundred dollar bills Pier, but not too much a full 20 million. Between being horrified to hear the muffled thunder sound wildly roaring, smoke bottle fog cover half the fleet there are collapsed ditch, gully under the row of loess cave was buried. This is the result of collapse after the rain is a common geological disasters Loess Plateau.

any death it! Liu Youcai and frowning cried, flapping wildly crazy the past, while Hao Hao boss boss cried, while hands and feet pawing Pa collapse of the earth, just picking a piece of a large basin, rolling down the mud gave fill cliff on, and the more hard digging, and that the more fierce the Loess slide, just this much to get big meaning of living is also boring. Emergent power in the face of nature, human power is so weak. It seems difficult to live Hao boss. Not to mention the individual, is a cow, also died of suffocation. Liu Youcai no choice but to stop your hands, and retreated to safer places, think of the benefits of the boss Hao, Liu Youcai not help crying.

small Loess Plateau soil moisture, wind strength is great. Blink time, the collapse of loess soil becomes and the original one color. Shock after Liu Youcai bag in front of 20 million dollars of the desire of ill. Like grass horse manure and night, who, without outside financial non-rich. Anyway, not my boss Hao victims, no one knows this money, but do not know who is back, simply to hide their own, a chance to use a few years.

or evil life, Liu Youcai jumped up, facing the collapse of the loess looked at that piece, then hastily left.

order not to make people suspicious, Liu Youcai night night bus ride back to Yinchuan, pick up something, the next morning, in order not to doubt the future of his Ma Weiguo, to pretend nothing's like, to Ma Weiguo say goodbye to home.

However, Hao boss did not even die. And also remember that sum of money! At first, I have not seen if the financial spur of the moment, the bag is not sent to his home would be finished. Hao boss could lose me?

Alas! Unexpected outbreak of it! Liu Youcai rash on their own intestines are too young regret it! Had not climbed to the cave on top of regret to see Hao Guangming is dead or alive, but also to tease people complain about God, since you can put Hao Guangming buried ye leave a breathing hole it? This is not me killed you!

turned over several soil ridge, several loess package, into the top plateau of Mizoguchi, Ma Weiguo Liu Youcai received the home straight before the old kiln, Chequ woven web, open the door, was filled with broken finger The Tukang, he says in dismay, the thing in Kangdong inside, so I used 1 million.

Ma Weiguo do not expect things to be so smooth, so easy, all right side of his mouth can not wait to Fuxia Shen son, clawed through blocking the hole on the brick kang, grab hand entered, touch, hand and place the empty to readily take fire from the side of the probe drive a stick, really explore the inside of objects, also at this time, Ma Weiguo what was back of the hand was a prick, digging carefully pain. Busy hands shrink back, see the two small wounds on the back of the hand, was oozing of it is black Xuezhu pan, and instantly feel the exciting moment the hand was numb uncomfortable.

see Ma Weiguo Liu Youcai dig for a long time, did not come out to bag Canoeing, not help panic, to lose this money if the fear is real in this life gone. Busy came over to see what happens. Ma Weiguo met with was surprised,UGG boots, like when he attacked me I'd just like to take this country? Quickly got up and said it brother scratched my hand, you come to dig it.

Liu Youcai say OK, you're not familiar with the flue, not dig. They knelt down, pulled down the adobe kang mouth around, get on the ground body, hands and head are in the probe into the Kangdong. By the weak light, Liu Youcai saw the bag still, my heart feel a relaxed. This package of money for their almost lost his life, it seems that life is not the life of the rich. But when he grabbed the heavy bag, the heart and regret, you want to just get on the ground of money Ma Weiguo If a brick according to his head, this is something without anybody knowing. Is thought to myself, the Liu Youcai Xixi heard a voice, followed by face before the two great big bright flash, as well as a slender volume of what stretched it out to come to his face before the probe. This is valid and something? Liu Youcai shocked, until he stretched it out like a closer look when the volume of material that has been in his eyebrows even on the discrepancies in the actual species of camel pain. Then it became clear that what things Liu Youcai attacked him, then follow the cave all sounded Liu Youcai split liver and gallbladder was scream.

species of the rest of my life to the Liu Youcai, forget Jingzhe this day is the day of awakening per worm damage.

Thoroughfare scared and run away is carry on.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

After a tough year-old off-week

 Finally I want to leave friends

Penghu Rights

plane to the sun, sand, sea, cacti and so there are a bunch of bikini

have not actually wrong 
under the heavy rain the weather report yesterday, said although there are two low pressure may the formation of typhoons Note

but not so die I met it

luggage ready to do a partnership with Peng brother ride along the way to the original Songshan Airport

But after Jen-ai Road ring and then suddenly it began to rain up to see the oil table

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we arrived at the Penghu Ma

After receiving public and airport luggage to the rental car to catch a connecting

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< br> riding a totally free way to have finally arrived home after the foot Island Bed and Breakfasts (many gifted than I thought yeah)

boss politely invited us to eat the local people immediately produced the ㄧ ..

delicious brown sugar cake ..... delicious delicious ~ I could not help nibbling around half a disk and then

next to dress up a simple
< br> to start our first day of the trip

after the first bridge we took some random pictures

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Monday, October 25, 2010

100 background music (2)

 51. Right Here Waiting

this song, it goes without saying, I believe we are all familiar with, but I've listed, too classic. 

Casablanca that on the one, I always think of the song, they are like brothers, do not want separation, or the same as the father and son, 'll stay. The same classic.

53.Loving You (Shanice)

favorite Shanice's version, it is difficult to imagine that such a weak woman, even dolphins have such a strong voice, but also There was background music, you seem to see a beautiful picture, with laughter, chasing the screen, the screen is full of laughter and joy. 

Nutcracker Waltz twists and turns, they calmed down, such as a parabola, and if the slope. 
55. Mononoke Symphony

suspense, and mystery, bit by bit to unlock, you just quietly, you can.

56.Encore une Fois

a very nice French song, in the noise when listening to this music, you will be a beautiful thing . Might sound, I thought it was Charmed by three quarters in the episode, the melody very similar. Lyrics is the soul, always bring people moved, and smile. 
57. familiar

This is what I often hear the background music, a program of the opening song. Deja vu, from the beginning to the end, a bit like reading a novel, read it, kind of familiar.

58. deja vu (violin)

accidentally when searching, I feel pretty good, and the different style of music.

59.Love Songs On The Radio

prelude to something like Faye Wong's voice, with a sad mood, as if slowly, telling about life, destiny, life in the topic. At the very end, when, smiling away, left the

... n% 20The% 20Radio.wma

60.lovemetender Elvis

many people,UGG boots cheap, the dead can not always listen to the song, perhaps at a specific time Listen, what is the specific time? Remember is when, exposed to such a voice, just know that it is a very cold night, walking aimlessly in the street, his voice sounded, I was so stunned, like a peg as beginning to like such a voice.

61.Me in you (Korean)

light melody, the two boys singing is in place, to this music adds a lot of energy, happiness is so simple original.

62.cascades rhythmoftherain Doublemint ad song

this music is not strange, very light, happy people, very clean, like a boy again, back to to the good of a deal. 
63. migratory birds Masters of the Field Bruno Coulais Travelling Birds

just think this song a bit special, like, like the road of life, full of confusion and ignorance. 

your hand is pure piano music, like watching the flowers bloom slowly, like fragrant.


voice reminds me of the theme song for the graduates, as with one voice. Very nice, very calm, but inside some fluctuations, a small ripple Yi. 
66. bamboo like bamboo dance

inserted in the water, from roots to issue the kind of sound. There are rhythmic, very wonderful voice. It turned out that this is the bamboo dance, the platform on the water, free to play. 

bamboo wind like listening to music, could not help think of the The elegance of disabilities. 
68.Angkor Wat Theme Finale

the Mood for Love movie episode, the flowers in full bloom, the flowers are sound. 
69.Here without you

do not want to do more evaluation of this song in a long time ago, I have heard, makes me cry listening to , in silence, not sad tears, but it is run from the bottom of my heart. 
70.Main Theme

Fortunately, this song can not say what, really do not know. Or have some passion, a little bit to make you drunk, and make you smile a little bit. Only this and nothing, only so be it. 
71.Pretty The Cranberries

touch you through the bones, and remembered over and over again, and accompanied by such a voice, really have such a mood. 
72. background music, Ge You spoke of the background music, soundtrack, there is laughter, a very good song. 

encounter day encounter with this music, and was awed by the sound, as in the street, see a very, very familiar faces. 
74. elegy Inuyasha

listening to this music, could not help think of   some of the fragments, like flying in the air, cold expression, quietly beautiful face. 
75. on behalf of the more え を い Inuyasha

ru like sounds, with some sad song, pear-like rain. Impressive, whom heart rate, heart crazy. 

very classical charm, fine.

77.Inuyasha beautiful sad music

inadvertently harvest, music so beautiful, wonderful.

... _694.mp3


Inuyasha music sounds like, a little bit of decadence, a kind of dead than alive, able to come up Xiabu Qu feeling as in the struggle, hard ground.

79. World Top Ten Soccer Goals background music

I think the fans should not be unfamiliar with this music, now we come to share this wonderful the moment.


very impressive Grand Canyon of a song, people could not help thinking of the canyon customs million, that magnificent momentum.


blue sky, the sound of a stream, and slowly pull it beautiful melody, the natural, harmonious, smooth, I think many people heard is not new.


a relatively sad song, very beautiful song, push the!

83.Underneath you clothes --- Shakira (Nokia propose ad background music)

heard, only to find it is so familiar. The melody is very light, such as cool as the water swept over the foot, such as wet hair as take in the face.


85. the background music of Chopin piano music

full of deep emotion, such as trickle, especially in the dead of night, listening to such music, give you a lot of inspiration.

86. Naruto Voice of the white death

passionate spirit, positive attitude, give me a deep impression.

... sic/Naruto/Wind.mp3 are my love

very pleasant voice, reminds me of cute little elves in your jumping around, I do not know fatigue.

88. swallow

yesterday to see United States, but also made me feel some faint pain.

89.CCTV the color of the music. One said it named

90. Many friends have never heard of.


home saxophone music sounded,bailey UGG boots, the pace began to slow to move forward, holding your heart strings the most vulnerable of the Okanagan, so you think of a warm, happy, happy of these words is also a worry hi, a touch of nostalgia, a touch of sweet.


past ever the same as the cool breeze blowing gently, tears in his eyes, because it is the wind, or because of something else. Afford standing, but their heart into another world,Bailey UGG boots, to move you, make you warm. In which the body but not touch,Discount UGG boots, do you think have, hold on, but in an instant, gone.

93. good evening heartache

Tokyo Love Story episode, the sad piano music, like Li Xiang looked at completed treatment in the eyes of the little sad smile curved, it is difficult to tell, but one can see ... ...

94.tears in heaven

a certain period of the day, I heard this song, turn the clock back and return to the previous. Little old house looked like before, more of the light passing Banlan, Qin erosion by time, still glowing yellow light. People, already old, and just smile still around, the familiar feeling is back.

95.Heaven on earth heaven on

inundated with snow in the night to hear it? Or in the starry night to hear? Look up at the night sky, stars, the moon is still there. They sang this song, heaven on earth, heaven on earth. One in heaven, one in the world.

96.Blues In My Heaven

slowly feeling like this, girls sing to the special significance of this music. Added a point as drinking water, like lemon, a little different kind of taste.

97. Heaven Shannon Morx Marx

lively melodies, coupled with the sound of Su days, people are very memorable. With the music off, as the leaves dance, which is youthful feeling and happiness.

98. clank off seven silk strings Tung Plum must

seven silk strings Tung Plum clank off water network must exchange opportunities Alpine Concert

99. mountain stream

one of ancient China top ten songs, popular with Bo Ya, Zhong Ziqi story through the ages.

100. chrysanthemum Jiro's summer Hisaishi

very light piano, will be reminiscent of childhood summers with joy.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

2009 Kaoyan political thematic focus (c)

 Nine thematic understanding of the nature and process of

on the topic: the topic mainly discusses the basis and nature of knowledge; understanding the dialectical process of movement; truth; the basic method of dialectical thinking. Judging from previous years examination, the main role in the understanding and practice of the decisive role of knowledge, perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of the dialectical relationship between the truth and the truth of the relationship between practice and are focused syllabus.

main test sites scan:

1, perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of the process and the dialectical relationship. Perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of interdependence. Rational knowledge depends upon perceptual knowledge, this is the materialist theory of knowledge; perceptual knowledge to be developed into rational knowledge, perceptual knowledge and rational understanding of mutual penetration. Emotional factors in the penetration of the rational, reason was saturated with emotional factors. From perceptual to rational knowledge of the leap condition is: to be the true possession of the rich and sensual materials, the use of scientific way of thinking of emotional material for manufacture. From a leap from rational knowledge to practice, must have the conditions are: from reality, to integrate theory and practice of the principle of combining.

2, understanding the process of repetition and infinity, understanding and practice of the specific historical unity. Understanding of the process is repeated, people are often a complex understanding of things to go through from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, and then from rational knowledge to practice repeatedly to complete. The unlimited nature of the development of knowledge means that the development process for the passage of things, the human knowledge is endless, unlimited development, which represents the continuously goes to the advanced stage of the endless forward movement. This understanding of the infinite process of development is cyclical in form, in essence, move up. Understanding of movement and infinity of the repeated decisions of the subjective and objective, understanding and practice of unity is concrete and historical. Awareness beyond or behind the objective practice in the development stage, is to leave the subjective and objective, understanding and practice of the specific historical unity.

3, truth and objectivity. Absolute and relative truth and its dialectical relationship. Truth is objective things and the laws of human consciousness in the correct reflection. Those who have the objectivity of truth, objectivity is the essential characteristic of truth. Truth is both absolute and relative. Any truth is the law of objective and correct understanding of things, people are included does not depend on the objective content, which is unconditional and absolute. Recognition of objective truth, it must recognize the absolute truth. Each are on the unlimited access to the truth of the material world developing close, which is unconditional and absolute. The sum of innumerable relative truths constitute the absolute truth. Therefore, the recognition of the unlimited development of knowledge, it must recognize the absolute truth. Relative truth or relative truth is that people under certain conditions, the correct understanding is limited, and the truth is only a certain range of the objective world, a correct understanding of terms, to be extended; only certain things to a certain extent, the level of approximately correct understanding to be deepened, but a certain stage of development of things correct understanding to be developed. Absolute truth and relative truth is a property of the same double objective truth. Any objective truths are absolute and relative truth unity. Truth is objective, absolute and relative unity, truth is concrete, not abstract. Truth and falsehood in a certain range of the opposition is absolute, but beyond a certain range, they will be interchangeable, the truth into falsehood, falsehood into a truth.

ten thematic nature of human society and the basic structure

on the topic: the topic mainly discusses the essence of historical materialism on the human society and the basic structure of the main contents, including the material basis of human society, the nature of human society and social characteristics of the law; human society, the economic structure, political structure and the concept of structure. Questions from the calendar view, focus on the natural environment in the geographic and demographic factors in the formation and development of social role,Bailey UGG boots, the relationship between man and nature, especially the analysis of problems out more, and need to pay attention, in addition, academic and productivity, social production practices and the role of mode of production,bailey UGG boots, the nature of the relations of production and internal structure, the nature of ideology, the relative independence and focus on social function is investigated.

main test sites scan:

1, the geographical environment in the formation and development of social role. The harmony between human society and nature development. Geographical environment through human activities into practice the elements of social existence, social development plays a role to accelerate or delay. Rational use of natural resources, improve environmental protection and maintaining ecological balance, prevent environmental pollution, in accordance with the laws of natural law and social transformation of the natural environment and human survival and development of human society is of great practical significance. The relationship between man and nature is always the eternal theme of humanity has ever faced. Both human society and nature and there is a difference between contact with different law of motion must be coordinated development. Transformation of human nature, we must respect nature and treat natural, foster harmony between man and nature concept of ecological civilization and strive to achieve harmonious development between man and nature.

2, socio-economic structure of the content and functionality, productivity content, elements and characteristics. Science and technology and productivity. Social and economic structure is the same stage of development of productive forces must adapt to the sum of relations of production. The content reflected the economic structure of production relations, economic relations, manifested as a certain social economic system. Productivity is the human transformation of natural substances to meet the social needs of the power, marking the real extent of human transformation of nature and the actual capacity of the category, which indicated that the relationship between man and nature. Productivity exists as a system, which consists of a variety of elements. Science and technology are the productivity of knowledge form, it can penetrate into the workers of labor and labor objects and cause changes in these basic elements, into a direct productivity. In modern times, science and technology's role in productivity and becoming more and more important in economic growth, the proportion is growing. Science and technology of modern productivity growth point, a breakthrough, and the determining factor. Science and technology, social function and role in: science and technology into real productivity directly and creating a tremendous material wealth; history of science and technology play a huge role in promoting social development and the progressive forces is to push history forward powerful lever; in modern science and technology are primary productive forces; science and technology affect all aspects of social producers, and through the liberation of people's minds and improve the people's scientific and cultural quality, and promote economic development and social transformation shown. Productivity, including advanced, general and backward productive forces, which advanced productive forces are the most productive large-scale systems active part. Science and technology are primary productive forces, and the embodiment of advanced productive forces and the main signs.

3, the nature of ideology, and the relative independence of its social functions. Culture and civilization. The basis of ideology and who reflect the economic sense of the economic form of basic services. Including the political and legal ideology, moral values, religious ideas, art ideas, philosophical concepts, economic ideas and so on. Ideology is a reflection of social existence, which is the essence of ideology. Relatively independent of ideology, it changes with the change of social existence is not necessarily complete synchronization; the development of its historical inheritance; of a dynamic economic and political reaction.

4, social material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, ecological civilization construction and the coordinated development of harmonious society. People in the practice of transforming the objective world in the form of useful results, showing the development of material production and economic progress, that is material; formed in the political practice of the beneficial results of expression for the social and political systems and political life progress, that is, political civilization; in the transformation of the objective world, subjective world while transforming the formation of the useful results, showing the progress of spiritual life, that is, spiritual civilization; in the election process in the world, formed a good harmonious relationship between man and nature to ensure the natural environment and sustainable development constitutes an ecological civilization and progress. Socialist society is a material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, ecological civilization, all-round development and comprehensive social progress, the goal of building a well but also economic, political, cultural, ecological-round development. Continued to promote socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, the coordinated development of ecological civilization is the essential requirement of socialist society. November

topic of Marxism in China, Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong Thought and Meaning and the scientific evaluation of Mao Zedong

(on the topic: the topic around to the analysis of the main theme of Chinese Marxism characteristics, content and Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought and the scientific evaluation of preparation. This year we must pay attention to the Communist Party Congress's > main test sites scan:

1, the necessity of Marxism in China and the significance of

(1) the necessity of Marxism in China: ① Marxism with China's reality, is a Marxist internal requirements. First, the practice is the basis of the theory, theory and practice only can be developed only when Marxism with the concrete reality of it to life. Second,Discount UGG boots, the practice is growing, Marxism is only the times, to guide countries in practice. ② practice of Marxism with China is also the Chinese revolution and construction with the objective needs. In China, a semi-feudal oriental country to revolution and construction, the complex must meet a number of specific issues. By reciting the general principles of Marxism and copying foreign experience, can not solve these problems. In the late 20th century and before the mid-30s, the prevalence of the Chinese Communist Party dogma of Marxism, the Communist International and Soviet experiences of the resolutions of the erroneous tendency to make the Chinese revolution was almost desperate. Communist Party of China in order to develop the Chinese revolution and success, we must solve Marxism with China's realities and problems so that Marxism in China.

Marxism as the theory of proletarian revolution, its role is to guide the country to revolution and construction only when Marxism with national realities and to achieve its theoretical value. In this sense, the great strength of Marxism-Leninism, is that it is and the concrete revolutionary practice of all countries linked. This view has been the history of Chinese revolution and construction of the proof.

(2) of Marxism in China is of great practical significance. The current international situation is undergoing profound change, the world multi-polarization and economic globalization amid twists and turns in the development, technological advances, increasingly fierce competition in comprehensive national strength. In China, reform and opening up the party members and the people working and living conditions and social environment has undergone major changes, the new situation, vigorously carry forward the spirit of the times, Marxism in China to further promote our mission. We must further learn to apply the theory of Marxism-Leninism with China's specific environment, study new situations, solve new problems, as the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and make new contributions.

theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is included Deng Xiaoping Theory and This system, adhere to and development of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and embodies the generations of Chinese Communists leading the people out tireless explorations and practices the wisdom and efforts, is the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is the party's most precious spiritual wealth of political and , is the unity and struggle of people of all the common ideological foundation. Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the development of the open theoretical system. In modern China, adhere to the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics means genuinely adhering to Marxism.

2, the content of Mao Zedong Thought Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought and the scientific evaluation of

(1) Mao Zedong Thought is Marxism-Leninism applied and developed in China, is proved on China revolution and construction, a correct theoretical principles and lessons learned, is the collective wisdom of the Chinese Communist Party.

(2) properly evaluate the merits and demerits of Mao Zedong's history, establishing the historical status of Mao Zedong Thought, Because: ① it relates to how the view of the party and the country's achievements in fighting over the past few decades. ② the party's unity, national and social stability. Because Mao Zedong Thought is the whole Party and people of the important ideological basis for unity. Evaluation of Mao Zedong and Mao Zedong Thought unscientific, it will cause confusion in people's minds, leading to national and social instability. ③ This is related to the party and the country's future development. If you do not adhere to Mao Zedong Thought, we will lose the forward base, our cause can not be in the right direction.

realistic evaluation of Mao Zedong's historical position: ① 1981, the CPC Central Committee, adopted by the first six is a great proletarian revolutionary, strategist and theorist. But though he 'Cultural Revolution' in serious mistakes, but to his life, he's the Chinese revolution far outweigh his mistakes. His achievements is the first error is secondary. ② 1997, the Fifteenth Report of the CPC, Jiang Zemin pointed out: for a century, the Chinese people on the road ahead through three historic changes, resulting in three of the times the forefront of the great figures, Sun Yat-sen, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. ③ 2003, the Hu Jintao to mark the 110th birth anniversary of Mao Zedong in his speech also said: the correct path of democratic revolution, and completed the task of opposing imperialism and feudalism, the establishment of the Republic of China, established the basic system of socialism, and from China's actual conditions to explore the road of socialist construction, the ancient Chinese to catch up with the trend of the times , great strides toward creating a fundamental premise of prosperity has laid a solid foundation in theory and practice. br>
main test sites scanned:

1,cheap UGG boots, on the leadership of the new democratic revolution

(1) the general line is the core of the new democratic revolution must be made by the Chinese democratic revolution of the proletariat and its political parties - the Communist Party of China, which is different from the old democratic revolution, the fundamental symbol of democratic revolution. ① Chinese revolution must be led by the proletariat, the requirements of the Chinese revolution The decision is that the Chinese revolution, the inevitable product of historical development. ② the Chinese revolution must be led by the proletariat, is the special advantages of the Chinese proletariat determined. proletarian Chinese proletariat in addition to the basic advantages of the general, ie with the most advanced linked to the economic form, full of organization and discipline, there is no private ownership of production, there are many special advantages: first, sustained triple oppression, revolutionary most resolute and most completely; second, highly concentrated, easy to form a strong political force; third, and the peasant class have a natural connection, easy to form a powerful alliance of workers and peasants; fourth, embarked on a revolutionary stage, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party to become the best Chinese society compared a conscious class. these special advantages of the Chinese proletariat will inevitably make it a modern China to fight the class, take on leadership of the Chinese revolution responsibility. Chinese revolution without the leadership of the proletariat, not bound to win. < br>
(2) the Chinese Communist Party must fight for revolutionary leadership. ① the proletariat and the bourgeoisie must compete for leadership. ② the vanguard of the proletariat must, through their own - to achieve the Chinese Communist Party leadership of the Chinese revolution. ③ the issue of leadership of the proletariat, we must oppose the right and errors, leading to the failure of the National Revolution; is the revolutionary proletariat and its political leadership to achieve the key; must build a strong revolutionary armed forces, which is to ensure a strong pillar of the proletarian leadership; the need to strengthen self-construction of the proletarian party, which is the right leadership of the proletariat the fundamental guarantee.

2, on the nature of the new democratic revolution and the Chinese revolution stage

(1) the nature of the new democratic revolution. democratic revolution is the new, special bourgeois-democratic revolution. Mao Zedong pointed out: the revolutionary nature of the power of decision, is the main enemy of the revolutionaries and the main two. the old democratic revolution and the democratic revolution of the They are bourgeois democratic revolution, the process of democratic revolution in China in two different stages. the nature of the new democratic revolution, neither the general old bourgeois democratic revolution, not a proletarian socialist revolution , but the new, special bourgeois democratic revolution. New Democratic Revolution and the old-style bourgeois revolution compared to its , but the proletariat. Front view from the revolution, the new democratic revolution, the old world is no longer part of the bourgeois revolution, but part of the world proletarian socialist revolution. from the guiding ideology of revolution, is no longer bourgeois democracy, but Marxism. From the Revolution to see the future, no longer is to establish a bourgeois democratic republic, but establishing a new democratic people's republic, and on this basis, achieved by the new democracy to socialist transformation. Because of the correct leadership of the proletariat, the future of the new democratic revolution is socialism, the ultimate goal is to realize communism.

(2) China's two stages of revolution and socialist revolution. ① Mao semi-feudal society based on the nature of China that the Chinese revolution must take two steps: First, change the semi-feudal form of society, making China an independent democratic country ; the second step, the revolution forward, the establishment of a socialist society. in the Chinese Revolution kinds of tendencies: the first one is Chen's To insert a cross between the two phases dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the capitalist stage of development. The second is represented by Wang Ming's confuse the democratic revolution and socialist revolution, the boundaries in an attempt to stage two different kinds of revolution and make step, one stroke victory of the socialist revolution. These two views are contrary to the law of development of the Chinese revolution, has given the Chinese revolution have disastrous consequences and should be opposed. ② democratic revolution and socialist revolution and the associated difference: the historical process of the Chinese revolution must be divided into two steps, the first step is the democratic revolution, the second is social revolution. This is the nature of the process of two different revolutions. This is like between article and the previous article out and about relationships, only the articles do a good job, Xiapian to do a good job. democratic revolution is the need for socialist revolution preparation, the socialist revolution is the inevitable trend of the democratic revolution. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1, Zhongyan interested in

 Zhongyan-year-old world when his father died. The mother was poor, did not rely on. To remarried to a Chu Changshan. (Zhongyan) grow up, know their students the world, say goodbye to his mother in tears, left the South to be Tianfu school building are reading. (He) during the day, all night reading seriously. Five years, not even once take off her clothes to bed. Sometimes feel sleepy at night, often the irrigated in the face. (Zhongyan) often during the day and studying, eating nothing, until a little something to eat before the sun west. In this way, he realized the subject of the Six, and later set out for the benefit of the world's aspirations. He often his sermon: Zhu. Is long, know family, the mother Ganqi speech to the Southern entrance homes. Day and night of hard study, five bed clothing solutions bad idea. Lazy or faint night, Noir fertile surface water. Mi porridge is often not sufficient, at Jackson before food, then the aim Six Chase, generously interested in the world. Often from the chanting, saying: at the head and worry about the world, after the world to enjoy.

2, Chen Fan Chen is willing to remove the fan world

fifteen years old, had to live alone in a courtyard and the houses are messy. Xue city friends of his father visited him frequently, said to him: house thing.


Francisco fifteen years, in a room free taste, and Yu-Ting Wu years. Friends of Tong Jun Qin Xue parent to designate it, that fan said: Church of the.

3, Ban Chao Ban Chao Toubicongrong

man with lofty aspirations, do not care about the little things. However, filial piety at home, hard-working, live is often hard physical exertion, not to work as a disgrace. His eloquent, crude view of the many historical books. AD 62 years (Yongping five years), older brother was called to do Collator Ban, Ban Chao and his mother was with Class Kwu to Luoyang. Because of family poverty, extraordinary for the official Transcription in classes to earn money to support the family. Copied his long, hard work bear, once he stopped the hands of the job, threw a pen exclaimed: , set a great service in their native place to get Monkey, how can long-term in the pen, too much to do between Yan?


Ban Chao Zi Zhong L, Fufeng pingling people, Xu Biao of the minority carriers that also. Man with ambition, not repair details. However, like the filial piety, duty home often bitter, disgraced disgrace labor. A mouth defense, and studied under Shu-chuan. Yongping five years. Yi Collator brother called solid, with ultrasound and the mother to Luoyang. Poor family, and often official commission to support the book. Long labor, industry, investment and pen try cease sighed and said: Chao said: His uncle Bing, learning well but refused official. Que small, Bing asked what he grew up ambition? He replied: to have been robbers robbery. Que was only 14 years old, but fighting with the robbers to come forward, looked into a dozen robbers hit records, simply could not now house. At that time everything is fine, a little-known people believe that learning is a positive business culture acquire fame. Bing because of high learning, we all like to follow his reading of the Confucian classics. The Que and love martial arts as self-willed, so do not be praised fellow.


Que characters do, Nanyang Line yang people. Noble uncle, Ping-Bushi. Harcourt was young, David asked his blog. Harcourt said: more than everyone loose, not burglary. No matter when the world, and to literary scholars for the industry, high-Ping Su section, are eager to learn from the thinkers group, and Que weapons of any gas well, it is not mentioned in the rural music.

5, Zu Ti dance

had chickens, Fan Yang Zu Ti people, young and there were great ambitions, and Liu Kun has served as Secretary with the state's main book, and lay Liu Kun, midnight hear the cock when he kicked awake Liu Kun, said: After crossing the river, left him as prime minister Sima Rui Army Advisory libation. Hem to live in Jingkou, gathered from a brave and strong warrior, Sima Rui, said: Rong and Di person to make advantage of the loophole, the scourge throughout the Central Plains. Now the Jin dynasty of the adherents were destroyed after injury, we all think of self and work hard, you really can send King generals shuaibing apprenticeship, so that people like me, the military command to recovery of the Central Plains, around the heroes, there will be people who hear of response! His thousands of rations, three thousand cloth, do not supply weapons, raise their own way to hem. Hem to lead his troops were more than a hundred private households across the Yangtze River, paddle in the river beating, said: Huaiyin presence, building furnaces smelting casting weapons, and recruited a thousand people and then move on.


Fan Yang hem, little ambition, and Liu Kun both the main book for the State Secretary, to lie heard crowing in the night, made overnight sleep Kun said: also! And cross the river, left the prime minister that the Army Core Public libation. Di Jingkou home, gathered Xiao Jian, Yan Yu Rui said: Adherents of both residues were thieves, people think self-Fen, Wang Cheng to life the great apprenticeship, so that if Di were to re-unification of the Central Plains, gun hero, there must respond to those who carry on the lookout! Fen Wei general, Henan provincial governor, to the thousands of barns, cloth three thousand,UGG shoes, not to battle armor, so that self-recruitment. Ti-steps hundred to cross the river stream, hit the oath Ji said: .

6, unyielding

Guang-Guang-painter is Hefei, when the home was originally Rip nunnery. Rip Van Winkle to serve the time when the painting in around a long time to good at drawing, especially good at drawing horses, made almost the same Lipper. Jian Yan years, he landed Kinbyo hands. Kinbyo heard he is good at drawing, let him draw a woman taken captive. Zhao Guangyi natural decline painting, Kinbyo threatened with a knife, did not succeed, it will cut off his right thumb. And Guang-is painting with his left hand. After the pacification of the situation, Guang-Shi Guanyin only draw. A few more years, Guang-dead, now standing by the reservoir of intellectuals Yin Bo-time painting, mostly Guang-the mine.


Chiu Kwong, Hefei. History of the Rip Van Winkle when small, when Bo painting, each about the paternity. A long time then good painting. Horse paintings, especially workers. Few can be the real thing, Jian Yan in the depression thieves, thieves heard the good painting, to map the woman prisoner, Kwong decided not draw in real speech, threatened with knives, not from a broken right thumb then sent to, by extension his life for his left hand. Random set, but who painted it Guanyin. Also a few years, is dead, the Tibetan scholar Peter when this Guanyin, and more widely pens.

7, Su Wu Yang Wei Law

the North Sea after all, not stress that Su Wu to surrender, reports the Chanyu. Chanyu more to make him surrender, put Su Wu imprisoned, placed inside a large cellar, do not give him drink, to eat. The world of snow, snow, Su Wu was lying chewing, swallowing eat together with the wool felt, die a few days. Hun that magic, move to the north coast Su Wu took no place, let him grazing ram, the ram that had the lamb until it was Gui Han. The same time his men and their entourage were often relocated to other benefits and other places. Su Wu moved to the North Sea, the food not transported, stored only by the digging of wild voles fruit to eat. He leaned on the character of Han Ting section shepherd, sleeping, are holding up, so that in the section on the Department of yak tail hair all Tuojin.


threat of legal knowledge is not the end arms, white Chanyu. Chanyu increasingly want to drop it. Wu is a secluded, set in a large pit, not diet. Days of rain and snow. Wu gnawing lying snow, and felt the hair and throat, a few days died. Hun that God is no one in the North Sea at the armed resettlement, so that grazing ram. Ram milk trusted by return. Do not their regular benefits and other Guanzhu, the home of his. Wu Ji Zhi sea, the barns food is not to dig, the voles go and eat real grass. Section of the rod Han sheep,UGG boots cheap, lying from manage, do jerk off section.

8, sparrow know that the young swan

Sheng, had been hired to give farming farming, and once, he suddenly stopped farming in the hand and walked on the ridge, trouble resentment for a long time, the partner said: sigh: said:
9, Xiang Yu Xiang Ji Zhitaicaishu

young, reading is not achieved, to leave the reading to fall asleep, and nothing. Xiang Liang was angry. Xiang Ji said: learning tactics, Xiang Ji happy; but just know a little art of war to the effect, but never learn in the end the.


term membership is low, not a science book to learn the sword, but also accomplished. Xiang Liang anger. Ji said:

10, Confucian mentoring the

Yan Yuan Yan Zhi, Zi serve in the Confucius side. Confucius said to them: , let the young people miss. Confucius said: Son ambition heard. book to follow their own. To the advantageous place, wherever called retire inquire into the details of the servants, and sometimes the situation and went normally found in the know do not match to the inn to the market, open the books and check correct it. Sometimes directly to a flat walk along the road, not worth it to stop and visit, to read silently on horseback all comments commented on in the ancient classics; what occasionally forgotten, went to the inn, open the book to review carefully .


Mr. Van Tour, written by two self-contained with Masan mule. Suozhi Esai, that death inquiry call back its twists and turns veterans; or heard with the usual substandard, then Stanford in the Square, while the survey made of the book. Or may directly Plain Ono, without enough attention, then in the saddle by the silent recitation of various commentaries; sometimes forgotten, is that Stanford Square complex in fat and cooked the books.

12, try to figure out gubei

Ouyang Xun Ouyang Xun was the way in hurry to see a piece of Bricks, is written in the Jin Dynasty calligrapher Suojing. In view of his horse monument, a long time before leaving. But had not gone far, he returned Beiqian, dismounted and stood with, carefully watch. Until tired, put the leather on the floor, sit down and carefully try to figure out. Looked for a long time, he could not bear to leave. So he live next stone. So for three days, he reluctantly left.


Ouyang Xun try line, see the Bricks, Jin Suojing the book. In view of the horse, a long time away. Few hundred paces complex trans, dismount standing, and fatigue, is the concept of fabric fur sit, because places the next three-day party to go.

13, Wen Zheng Wen Zheng posted

copybooks to write Write for his life, never sloppy sloppy. Sometimes people replied, a little bit of dissatisfaction, some repeatedly to rewrite it, do not trouble. Therefore, the more his calligraphy to old age, more and more sophisticated fine.


Wen Zheng temporary write His life in the book, struggling a bad idea, or answer the person who Sapporo, less improper means, the tire will be repeated easily, so the old and increasingly more sophisticated.

14, Wang Mian Wang Mian Sengsi night reading

in Zhuji County. Seventy-eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on horseback, he secretly ran into the school, listen to students to study. After listening, always quietly remember. The evening to go home, he grazing cattle have forgotten. Wang Mian's father was furious, beat Wang Mian meal. Later, he still is. His mother said: One night, he secretly came out and sat on the Buddha's lap, holding the book long before the light to the Buddha's light reading, the book has been read sound rhyming morning. Mostly clay statues, one grim evil, scary. Wang Mian, although a child, but look Enron, does not seem to see it. Anyang, South Korea of heard, that sets him apart, a student of his income, (Wang Mian) then learn to become a learned Confucian scholar.


Wang Mian who Zhuji. Seven or eight years old, Fuming Long on cattle, stolen school house, listening to all students recite the book; hear is, Noir memorization. Mo go, forget the cows. Tart of the parent angry. Have been undone as ever. Muyue: A night dive, seated Buddha lap, executive policy reflects long light Reading, rhyming Titan. Buddha even more land, odious terrible; coronal children, Tim, if not seen. Wen Han Hueiji vary the sex recorded as a disciple, Sui Wei Tong Ru.

15, Sun Quan Yu Lu Meng reading

first, Sun Quan on Lu Meng said: Sun Quan said: So you used to start learning. To look after other Lu Su Yang, the one you used to talk with the military, very surprised and said: Do not see eye-phase. Big Brother views on why so late to change it!


beginning of the right that Lu Meng said: Right said: Yang and Lu Su had to find, with Mongolia on the meeting, was shocked, saying: peace!

16, Lu Chao

book building my house, and some books piled up in boxes, some are on display at the front of the book, some books on the bed, looked down, all around Looking around, there is not a book. My daily diet, illness moaning, sad, sad, angry, sigh, have not been not with the book together. Guests do not come to visit, the children did not meet his wife, while wind, rain, thunder, hail fall (weather) change, do not know. Occasionally you want to stand up, but the clutter of books around me, like product with a leafless tree,Bailey UGG boots, and sometimes can not walk to (the point), so they laugh at my own, said: invited guests closer look. Guests started not to enter, has entered the room, and can not come out, so (guests) also laughed and said: within the room, or the habitat in the casket, or Chan in the former, or membership in bed pillow, pitch books are nothing more than look around. My daily diet, disease, moaning, sad Anger sigh, not a bad idea with the book club. Guests not to, I did not face-to-face, while the wind and rain do not know Ray has also hail the change. Between a desire to play, and chaos around the book, such as the product is issued sticks, or until no rows, Noir, smiling, saying: This Fei-wu called nesters yeah! Naiyin off to view it. Can not start off in, both into and not out, is also laughter, saying: letter almost, its like nest!

17, director of the event about the . means the event director, said: :

someone from the scholars, the case would not teach, and says: Words: Case of words: Yan Temple, for many years to learn calligraphy, after ten urn (cylinder) to write bad brush head, each urn has a few bear (so heavy). Please write to strike a plaque ink and many people like downtown, the place where the threshold was taken so the hole, so he was covered with iron barriers, known as Buried after the written, called


Wuxing Yong Yong Yan Temple of public living, Jinian school book, written after the bald ten urns, each urn are a few stone. People to seek books and asked questions such as the amount of those cities. Home users through whom the limit points, is wrapped in leaves of iron. Have argued that the After taking written bury (yì) s,UGG boots, the number of

19, Kuangheng dig Jieguang wall

Kuangheng very hard, but no candles, candle neighbors but not shine (his room). Kuangheng so he made a hole in the wall for the introduction of candlelight, with the spots of light to read the book. There is a rich family called the local paper did not know the family very rich, the book has a lot of house for the workers Kuangheng give him, hard labor without requiring compensation, the master was surprised and asked Kuangheng, Kuangheng replied: read the book over the master.


Kuangheng Diligence and candle, candle and incompetent neighbors, its value is introduced through the wall of light, hair light reflection and reading of the book. Man does not know the surname Yi Ren, Fu many books at home, value is not its claim for commission. Host Strange asked Heng, Heng said:

20, Zhang Pu and burned; then copied, like this did not stop six or seven times. Where the right hand to hold a pen, fingers and palms have a cocoon. Cracking of the skin due to exposure to cold winter day with hot water several times. Later named the study of reading is called Parties to request, and (Chang Pu) do not drafted in front of the guests swipes, soon completed, as this is why (Chang Pu) a very high reputation at the time.


(Zhang) Pu child addicted to learning, the school will hand notes, notes have been, read over, the burning of; and notes, in the case who has been sixty-seven before. Pipe at the right hand, his hand into a cocoon. Winter hand chap, at Wal-soup several times. Zhai said after the name of reading the

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chu contempt Austrian police officers wearing the new overcoat Love

 Chu contempt Austrian police officers wearing the new overcoat Love, holding a small package, through the market square. Behind him, followed by a patrol, the Health and the brown-red hair, carrying a Luo screen, above the container of confiscated gooseberries, packed full. Silence all around the square ... ... did not even figure. Shop and open the door to the hotel, listlessly face of God in this world, like a picture of hungry mouths. Even a beggar near the shop did not.

Love to the Austrian side of the Chu smear a look, see Chu Beijing businessman he sprang to a dog in the wood field, with three legs at running, could not help looking back. Behind it, a man chasing them, wearing a starched cloth shirt and open waistcoat pregnant. His hot pursuit of the dog, to explore the body forward, throwing himself to the ground, grasp the dog's hind legs. Followed came the dogs barking and people shouting: the same.

Austria Chu contempt Love the body slightly to the left of a switch, moving the crowd to walk over there. Field in the wood door, he saw the man that stood open waistcoat, raised his right hand, stretched out a bloody finger to the crowd to see. He goes on half-drunk's face look like: Austria recognized Chu smear Love jewelry maker He is the man to stay gold. Sudden, the culprit of this trouble is a white fur the dog, pointed face, the back has a yellow spot, this time the crowd sat in the center of the ground, front legs split and trembling. It reveals that tears in the eyes of anguish and fear.

Couzhuo empty fist cough, speak. children are detailed. It was only as a sum of money I lost because I have not used this finger for a week ... ... the law, sir, there is no such one, said people were on the beast's victims endured . ... ... If everyone were dog bites, in that case do not live in this world of good. ... ... coughing, moved his eyebrows. ! wait until the penalty has been made, he, the son of a bitch, will understand dogs and other animals to let out what end! I want to give him some powerful look ... ... leaves Erde Lin, survey clearly this is someone's dog, make a report up! dog had killed it a success. must not delay! that most of it is a mad dog. ... ... I ask you: This is someone's dog? br>

thing I do not understand: how it will bite you? Such people, ah ... ... Everyone knows that is what large ones! I know what the hell you guys stuff! happy. It does, refuse to do a fool to bit him. ... ... He is a ridiculous man, sir! sensible, I can see who lie, who is the same as the front face of God speaking our minds. ... ... I want to blah, I let a good mediation before a judge. His law written to understand. ... ... Now we are equal the. ... ... ... ... Honestly you say when my brother in the military police. ... ... ...

child. ... ... He will keep this old dog?! your brain on where to go? If this dog run into people in St. Petersburg or Moscow, you know what? there was no matter what the law is not law, a blink of an eye the effort called it off the air! you, He left gold, by the suffering, it can not let go no matter what. ... ... have to teach them about! is time. ... ... General dog may be ... ... .

, where to ask. ... ... you say my dog found it, send you sent to the. ... ... you say this will not put it in the street. may be valuable dog, and if each of Piggy are Cigars poked face to get it, or how long it will be able to spoil death. dogs are delicate animals now. ... ... you, fool, put your arms down! do not need to put your fingers out of Flanagan stupid! This is blame your own bad! ... ... dogs. ... ... is your family do? a? ula Jimi Er? Ivan Ivanic here? caring brother. ... ... But I do not know yet! so this is his old dog? very happy. ... ... you take it go. ... ... this puppy a good strange. ... ... very clever. ... ... put a finger bitten by this guy! ha ha ha ha! ... ... Hey, why do you tremble? hum, hum ... .... ... ... It was angry, little rascal, a good dog ... ... ... ... Seoul blame the dog over, take it out of the wood market. ... ... Group of people to stay in front of He Jin laughed.

Fiction Appreciation

In this famous novel, his exquisite artistic techniques, create an overbearing, bullying under the mei, the sell out to expediency of the tsarist autocracy lackeys of the typical image. The contents of comedic fiction. A dog bites a finger goldsmiths, the inspector came settle a lawsuit Rove contempt Chu Austria. In the process settle a lawsuit, he General of the dog is or is not the point home constantly change their face. Austria Chu smear Love this figure, from his subordinates, the language of the people, the performance of his imperious and domineering; from his person concerned with the VIPs, and even the language of dogs exposed to his flattery despicable shameless; verbal abuse from his filthy smoke casually dignified to kick him just inside the vulgar Maoruo boring. At the same time, the author wrote his appearance rarely intentionally demeanor, it is conceivable: the people say this series of unspeakable language, turned out to be the face do not change the normal heart does not jump, which is more prominent in this Figure ugly faces, dirty soul.

My uncle Jules

abbreviated version of Maupassant

I was a kid, home in Havre, is not enough money, but also Bale is just enough of life. My father was doing something, come back late from the office, not make much money. I have two sisters.

my mother lives in our constraints are very painful. The family had everything to be saved, was asked not to eat is never promised, so as not to return the; buy daily necessities, but also often buy price reductions, the end of the auction to buy goods; sister's gown is to do their own, buying the 15 coppers lace of one meter, often half a day in the price regardless.

But every Sunday, we have dressed up neatly bridge walk to the beach. At that time, as long as the sight of the big ships come from afar, imports, her father would say if his sentence will never change:

surprise Yeah!

said that he did behave badly, ruin the money. In poor families, this is the greatest sin. In the rich people, a person regarded as silly fun music is nothing more than ridiculous, everyone laughs and says to him Difficulties in family life, a man who is forced to parents move their money, that is bad is that rogue is a rogue. Uncle Jules was part of their own heritage to be erased after eating, but also much of my father should have to take that part.

people in accordance with the prevailing practice of sending him to New York from Havre merchant, sent him to America to go. Le

my uncle at a cook out there I do not know what to trade, and soon wrote that he earned some money and want to compensate the loss of my father. This letter touched our family deeply. Jules, we believe that Jules is worthless, suddenly became a person of integrity, a conscience.

A captain told us that Jules had rented a large shop, doing a great deal.

Two years later received a second letter, the letter said: Tomorrow I leave for South America to make long-term travel. may take years not to write to you. If you really do not write to you, and you do not have to worry about. I made a fortune will be back to Havre. I hope that is not far off , then we can live together happily had.

Sure enough, 10 years, no further letters from Uncle Jules. But the father's hope is growing. Mother used to say: passing to smoke on the horizon, my father kept repeating the words of his sentence will never change:

> then we just like to see him waving his handkerchief soon shouted: to use his uncle's home a house of money. I am not sure my father is not for this program is carried out negotiations.

my elder sister was 28 years old,cheap UGG boots, 26-year-old sister. They could not find the old object, which is something the whole family are very worried.

finally have a sister who fancy door came. He is a civil servant, no money, but the honest and reliable. The reason why I always think that this young and determined no longer hesitate to marry him, because one night we showed him a letter from Uncle Jules.

our family quickly agreed to his request, and after the wedding, the family decided to race the island to play a Ger. Ger Island is the poor game play the best place. The island is a British tube. Road not far, by small boat through the sea, they arrived. Therefore, a Frenchman who sailed for two hours, can go to a neighboring country, look at this country's national, and look at the British flag covered with the customs of the island.

Ger travel season has become our mental, was our desire and dreams all the time. Then we finally get going. We are on the ship, leaving the bridge, in a calm sea like a green marble table towards the distance. Just as people who rarely travel, we feel happy and proud.

father suddenly saw the two gentlemen up and dress up in your wife to eat oysters. A ragged old clothes, holding a knife about forced open the oyster water, and gave two gentlemen, two ladies then they gave. Their way of eating is very elegant, with one small handkerchief holding oysters, head slightly reach, so dirty robe; then slightly move the mouth quickly, put the juice sucked, oyster shells into the sea.

Without a doubt, his father is touched by this noble way of eating, and walked around my mother and two sisters asked: mother of a little hesitant, she was afraid to spend money; but my two sisters in favor. So very happy mother said: As if Joseph, he did not have to eat this kind of thing, do not spoil the boys. I have been staring at my father to see if he solemnly took his two daughters and son-in ragged old clothes to the sailor who walked.

my father suddenly seemed uneasy, and he took a few steps to the side, staring at seeing the look crowded around to sell the daughter of oyster-law to come to us quickly, his face was very pale, two eyes are not the same as with the unusual. He whispered to my mother said: Yeah my brother. ... ... I do not know if he is now in the Americas, a very good position, I would think that his miles. You're crazy! Now that you know not him, why nonsense? get hold of clear, your eyes to see. I also looked a bit the man. He was old, dirty, wrinkled, eyes never leaving his hand, doing job.

mother back. I see her shaking. She quickly said: I can follow him this time, the heart extremely nervous. His father and the captain politely, then catch the one hand, compliment, asking about his career on the side of things, such as Ger race is important, what produced, population size, customs what the nature of how the land and so on. Later, we took about the only Finally, my father finally said:

captain remarks of the talk has been impatient with my father, coldly replied: Seoul there are relatives, but he would not return to their side, because he owes them money. His name is Jules ... ... Total Mountain Division name - I do not know, or Dar Wang Division, in short, just like this one then a name. I heard him there, over a period of generosity, but you see what he is today fall into the fields! ah! I see ... ... so ... ... I saw it long! ... ... Thank you, captain. Mother quickly said to him: asked: , sooner or later we will come back to re-drag. Now give the money to, if Joseph and told him the money to pay for the oysters. unlucky enough, and if recognized by that beggar out of this ship may exuberant. Let the other end to go, do not call attention to the man near to us! I asked the man selling oysters: him, he found the money.

I looked at his hand, it is full of wrinkles of a sailor's hand. I looked at his face, it is an old and poor face looked very sad, find any. I thought meditation and said: He hastened to thank me: The. 10 coppers to get to this one, give the rogue!

later we all stopped talking. In front of us, distant horizon, as if a purple shadow drilled out from the sea. That is Ger game Island. when we come back

switch to Sheng Maluo ship, so then met him.

theme of the novel:

the way of the use of contrast, describes the younger brother Philippe in Le couple before and after treatment of different attitudes, draw a picture of capitalist society, poverty is not the brother identified as the brother shocking tragedy, revealing the art of capitalist society is the relationship between people Necklace Maupassant

moving world of beautiful women, often wildly like the fate of the errors, was born in a small staff of family; we say this is the case. She did not dowry, no expectations, no means of making a rich and distinguished people know her, know her, love her, marry her; to the end, she will and will to a little clerk in the Ministry of Education married.

not be adorned, she is simple, but unfortunately, like a fall out of her; because women have no caste, no descent points, their beauty, their remains charming and their The temptation is for them to make use of birth and fortune. Their native keenness, their instinct, flexibility of mind, are their only level, but also the daughters of the people and the highest lady was as high.

she felt fine this is for all things luxurious and all born, and therefore could not feel pain. Because of their housing Hancang, rough walls, old furniture, clothing vulgar, she is very sad. All this, in another the same woman and her heart would not even pay attention, but she was so sad and so upset, who did her humble housework from Brittany servants like my daughter, had desolated her regrets and cranky. She dreams of those quiet vestibules, curtain oriental, how tall lamps of bronze candlestick, and how to send the two wearing short pants tall waiter pending instructions, and Glowing Air heaters are made of two waiters snooze in the large armchairs. She dreams of the ancient wall dressed in clothes that a large living room, those who valued them the porcelain of exquisite no furniture; she dreams that

more delicate and fragrant little living room, his five-point afternoon to the scene to connect and intimate friends, chat there, and the envy of all women who desire a care and well-known men in there chatting.

but in fact, she eats dinner, goes to a small round table in the front and sat down opposite her husband, a white cloth covered table for a return to three days, husband bird opened the lid of a Tangchi to air with a happy, said: containers, and dreams are full of fairy-like gardens and embroidered during the costume ladies clothes and strange birds in the wall; she was thinking of exquisite dishes bowl full of delicious food, and dreams of those who ate the flesh of a pink bass or when the wings of a quail with a smile of cool to listen to Lang's situation any more.

She had no clothes, no jewelry, nothing. But she happens to this one only joy, that he was born for this set. She would have liked to please people, to be envied, to be seductive and sought after.

She had a rich friend, a Women in the church where the female students, but is no longer wanted to see her, because after reading back, she would feel the pain. And she wept, as regret, disappointment, and from distress, a day after another evening she wanted to surprise her husband with an air triumphantly returned, holding a large envelope.

her husband wanted her being delighted surprise, she actually sad and angry with the invitation to throw on the table, murmuring:

to an invitation, it is difficult to get their hands on, but not many are given

colleagues. will see there all the official. types of rage eyes looked at him her impatience:


speak, surprised, confused mind. Two big tears from her eyes and slowly flow down toward the mouth; He stuttered:

awed by the patience of his own heart pain, rubbing his cheeks moistened askew, they use

a quiet voice answered:

So I can not go to this party. If you have a colleague, his wife could dress better than I, you put the invitation sent to him. :

She reflected a few seconds, her calculations, and also taking into account the sum which she requested, and will not cause the frugal clerk a cry of surprise and a crisp rejected.

last, she answered hesitatingly:

> He looks a bit blue because his hands are kept with a number of ready to buy a gun, making his Sunday in the summer, you can and a few hunting friends to the south of that area against the plain of Seoul places to shoot birds.

But he replied:

br> day of the party drew near,UGG boots clearance, and Madame Loisel seemed sad, uneasy, restless, anxious. But her new dress was ready. One evening her husband asked her:

, not a single precious stones, inserted and worn, a little bit no, it really taught me upset. is simply too cheap to. Now I would rather not go to this party. br>
not listen.



V to Madame Forestier was covered with tall mirror towards her front walk wardrobe, took out a large box, brought over to open, said to Madame Loisel:

Choose, my dear. She tried the ornaments before the mirror, hesitated, reluctant to put aside these things, the return of these things. She kept on asking.

satin small box and found a bunch of necklaces with diamond set into it down under the weight of all the things that really; then a luxury her heart jumped up gradually. Her hands trembled, her own dress, pressing it to the collar around the top of his neck, the front of their own shadow in the mirror of God out of the half.

Later, she hesitated with a look filled with concern and asked:

Sure, of course.

day of the party arrived, Madame Loisel been a great success, she must be beautiful than ladies, stylish, charming, constantly smiling, and happy to mad. Gentlemen are generally looking at her trance, inquired her name, trying to make their own lead to up to her introduction. Confidential personnel at headquarters want to dance with her, the Minister also paid attention to her.

intoxicated attitude she danced, danced with the excitement of the action, she indulged in pleasure, she satisfied with the victory in their appearance, satisfactory results in their own glory; satisfied with all that flattering praise and That makes women think that the sweet song of victory and a complete anomaly, a cloud of happiness with her. So she did not thought-out.

She is Zhong Guangjing four points early in the morning to leave. Since midnight her husband an hour, went with three other gentlemen left unattended in a small living room and fell asleep; these three gentlemen's wife is also a very happy dance.

he put on her shoulders who brought the clothes to take to the streets, the home of the frugal used clothes, these things will Hancang meant to be and dance in the luxurious style of clothing does not fit . She felt this layer, so in order to avoid those other ladies leather wrapped precious attention, she would want to escape the.

Loisel just hold her:

> But she did not listen to him, and hurried down the steps children. When they were on the street could not find a car; So they began to look far to chase what they could see the car. They

toward the Seine, two people are disappointed, shivering. Finally, they were even in the riverside night and found it a disease like those old cars - such as the car felt ashamed of the day in Paris, so after dark before going to see them.

car took them home to the street outside the gates of martyrdom, and They melancholy ground floor. In her, Is this the end. And he was thinking of his ten o'clock tomorrow morning should be to the department.

she took off before the mirror of those around the shoulders of the cloak and the like, looked again, looked very like their own glory. But suddenly she uttered a cry. She had no bundle of the diamond necklace around the neck! Her husband has been off by half this time clothes, quickly asked:

I've been ... ... ... ... I could not find V necklace to Madame Forestier had. Where is there such a thing! Can not find it anywhere.

he asked: br>
can anyone remember the number under the car? looked at each other. At last Loisel back with good clothes.

the. She does, even the air force did not sleep, the party has not replaced the set of clothes, leaning against a chair on top of the house did not fire, do not want anything in mind.

her husband to go home at seven o'clock. Nothing had found nothing.

He went to the Police Office and the newspaper to go a reward, but also walked around the cab companies, all in all, a place where there is a glimmer of hope to go one over.

She sings this terrible disaster, the state in dismay waited all day.

Loisel time in the evening with a thin face, gray back; he discovered that nothing.

week later, they lost all hope. And Loisel like five years old, exclaimed:

boxes, according to signs inside the box to the jewelry store, the store owner checked his books.

and lost a piece of jewelry that the same thing, with its own memory for reference, because the grief and sorrow They almost going to be sick.

them a shop in the Forbidden City to find a string of beads with a diamond set into, they feel just as they are looking for that string. It is worth forty thousand francs. Give the store They can be used for thirty-six thousand.

they begged the jeweler so within three days the owner not to sell it. And also that good conditions: if the original string of get it back before the end of February, the store for thirty four thousand to buy this series back when Lang.

Loisel before his father left him eighteen thousand francs. Have to borrow the remaining number.

borrow money from his hands,UGG boots, to borrow a thousand francs this one, by five hundred to that, here by five to Italy, Jin and Yuan Lu, from another, by three. He signed a lot of IOU, set a number of insolvency of the contract, and those who exploit the materialistic people, all kinds of lenders dealing with different nationalities. He hurt his future later life, regardless of success or failure of Lidun he signed his adventures in the canning, and, thinking of future distress, thought the dark would be pressure on the body of poverty, think of the whole material deprivation and all the mental torture caused by the vision, he felt horrible, and finally went to the jeweler's counter thirty thousand six thousand francs down, take a bundle of new necklace. If she had noticed the substitution, she was going to think? Do not take her as she was a thief? In addition,UGGs, the suddenly clicking with the heroic spirit made up his mind, that sum appalling debt must be repaid. She would pay it. They dismissed the maid; moved home; rent somewhere in an attic under the roof under. By her underwear and cloth and then washed the air to the rope; up early every day, she was carrying garbage downstairs, then upstairs to the water that, every finish floor, you have to take a break sitting on the stairs . And dress like a civilian woman, and her arm went to the basket of vegetables shop, grocery store and butcher shop to go bargain, to be scolded, strongly a copper to a copper coin to the poor protective of her little change . Now she has become a poor people's strong resistance to harsh and bitter woman. Chaos arm hair, Wai Waide tied skirt, one pair of bare red hand, loud talking, big tub washing the floor. But sometimes her husband go to the office, she sat alone in the window, so that evening to recall the past, the dance will be, where she had been so beautiful, so happy. Who knows? Who knows? Life is really strange, really fickle ah. That is, V to Madame Forestier, and she is always young, always beautiful, always tempting. Should she speak to her? Right, of course. And now that she had paid, she would tell her. Why not? She approached to go out. To now, we have spent ten years and only paying for it. We did not like people, you know it is not easy ... ... and now accounts be paid off, I was satisfied, and ado. It was originally two strings of the same thing.