Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time is too thin, too wide fingers

1, hold your hand, know the Zichou, burst into tears, the child does not take me away.
2, Journey to the West to tell us: where there are monsters in the background have been picked up, those who have no background killed by a stick.
3, do you have any unhappy things? Say it to make us happy.
4, I am so fond of you, you will not die like my look.
5, I'm not the RMB, how to make everyone like me? !
6, is unable to extricate themselves, in addition to the teeth as well as love.
7, when life in the harbor vicious black humor, everything became engaged, I yielded to transform itself into a highly educated rogue.
8, time is too thin, too wide fingers.
9, little girls dreams are looking for a white horse, opened his eyes all over the world that does not slip autumn gray donkey, distraught, you can only pick from the donkeys in the able-bodied, this donkey to be named: affordable men.
10, I'm going to cry, I'm going downtown, night night without sleep, his hand a bottle of ***, hold a small rope to hang himself. Have to fall in love again ugly, talking about the world is full of love.
11, our goal: to money, to make thick.
12, I turned to forget you passerby, so how can accompany you to the horizon Love wasted?
13, no health insurance and life insurance, after dark, not courageous ... ...
14, crowded bus is included Sanda, yoga, judo, balance beam and many other sports and fitness programs in an integrated movement.
15, his aging mother Hogan opened an evildoer to know you had.
16, hand in my pocket, and who do not love.
17, holding a kitchen knife and cut the wire, all the way to spark with lightning.
18, single is not difficult, the difficulty is to cope with those who do want you to end the single.
19, What is happiness? happiness is what you eat fish, I eat meat, watching others Ken Gutou.
20, read a book ten years, think of it in kindergarten with better mix!
21, I was on a fool's seeds, the results under the rain ... ... drowned.
22, many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love can be buried corpses on the streets is better than violence.
23, free to study feng shui, accounting for a good death can be considered to make up for the tomb of his lifetime of regret can not afford good housing
24, said that with only two options, or get busy living or get busy dying I think I have a third choice: too busy to die.
25, Chunkun lack of autumn weak summer, the winter just sleep.
26, not their own thoughts, the pain can not take care of themselves, the results can not be self-created, since I can not be happy.
27, a child grow up, I thought I could save the world, and so grow up they discover that the whole world can not save me.
28, if you are destined to not give the response I expect. then kept at a safe distance outside of it.
29, please do not put me on your tolerance, your sense of shame as the capital.
30, a woman's virtue to be ignorant, I must be wicked out.
31, Zhuge Liang before coming out with a soldier did not, ah, you want me to have work experience Pingsha.
32, R & B with hip-hop's spirit came to life like the erhu.
33, ostrich happiness, just a bunch of sand.
34, God, too blue! The sea is too salty! Life is too difficult! Work, too tired! And you, and by chance! Miss you, insomnia! See you, too far!
35, woke up, the days are dark.
36, wash down medicine delivery bottles, hanging to the rope, jumping, waving a small handkerchief off.
37, Tiechu to ground into a needle, but can only be ground into toothpicks Mu Chu, material does not, more effort is useless.
38, you have to figure out the script of his life - not your parents sequel to the prequel is not your children, but not outside the articles of your friends.
39, the more quiet while the wind blows the tree, the more I love and he is not.
40, opened his eyes to think one day woke up and found myself sitting in the desk chair school classroom. Teachers just throw to first hit the chalk on his forehead.
41, adolescents are not Hu as rash, bold defiance, and ask where's the theme of old age, then the current year.
42, as a monster, my desire is to eliminate at least one Altman.
43, a few decades to the crematorium all of us to meet a bunch of my pile of ashes you who do not know who all sent to the countryside to do fertilizer ~
44, knowledge of the United States, is to make were confused; the beauty of poetry is to incite men and women derailment; women of the United States, is so stupid that no regrets; men of the United States, is lying right day hell.
45, I thought I was very decadent, today I learned that I had scrapped the original.
46, immature man is to the ideal symbol of heroic sacrifice, the mark of a mature man can be humble to the ideal alive.
47, life is like Zude's mouth, the next you never know who will be unlucky.
48, the sun warm, quiet days is good, you do not, I dare grow old?
49, were not smart, but also learn from others bald.
50, my attitude of God, shining moment in the United States. mortals if you're ...
51, was young, we often directed at the mirror and make faces; old age, the mirror be even.
52, to work! ! Audi to your My Dior.
53, I am a white-collar workers: Today I got paid, to pay the rent utilities, to buy the oil rice noodles, touching his pocket, sighed loudly, and white-collar wages this month, the ...
54, your hand, the child away. Child say no to go, well, close the dogs!
55, life is like that. never occupied the position of absolute leadership, when the numerous idiot shouted to control the living masters of destiny. did not see, living in the sky on a higher. exposed ridiculed mocking face.
56, he is a pot of water, poured into your pile of rice, a few years later, into a mellow wine with water, and you become a pile of discarded rotten rice, is not useless, but also The pigs used.
57, do not want to be slaves of the people, willing to be slaves of the yuan.
58, I am not a fortune teller on the bridge, the chatter not so much you want to hear the knock.
59, lives two decades of memorable words have my size of brain seizures, spinal cord spasm. Always to no avail.
60, true warriors, did not dare to face their own make-up face.
61, Tian tong lao - looks are too, there are three hundred sixty-five inner rift, every crack in a letter to seasons four words, the vicissitudes of life to the demon.
62, things often the case, but also it was too late to turn back, even if you are willing to become a horse, not necessarily look back, waiting for you.
63, who we all thought that he could die for love, in fact, people love die, it will only place in the Who Loved a needle on the bar, and then we tears, we toss and turn, and we long illness into health, We tempered into a steel. You are not the wind, I was not sand, and then also can not get tangled up the horizon, dried tears, tomorrow morning, we have to work.
64, was with friends looking at the stars, along with our tears, he had wanted to, it is because I sprained neck.
65, in fact, you and I are the same, everyone in the installation, the key is to be installed as, and loaded a round, there is a threshold, put forward to become to become the legendary Xingqingzhongren, not installed to stuck in there. Is Carmen.

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