Saturday, September 25, 2010

Description For Chinese people

 Osmanthus quite historical. Osmanthus mild, with the effect of nourishing the body, a cough and phlegm, lungs and the effect of health, relieve dry mouth, flatulence, gastrointestinal discomfort, laxative, beauty, whitening skin, the disintegration of endotoxin.

Performance: also known paniculata, spicy and warm, fresh and beautiful fragrance, with cough and phlegm, and health lungs and the effect, lift the dry mouth, flatulence, gastrointestinal discomfort; regular drinking, For bad breath, visual unclear, urticaria,UGGs, duodenal ulcer, cold stomach, have stomach pain prevention and treatment efficacy, to refreshment, and support voice and lungs, relieve stomach upset, in addition to bad breath, and can moisturize the skin. Osmanthus tea can relieve dry mouth, laxative, to reduce flatulence gastrointestinal discomfort. You can also whiten the skin, relieve toxins; scent is fresh and mentally happy and charming, An Xinning God! In particular, to get rid of body moisture, relaxed spirit of the Yin and lungs, can purify the mind and body, balance the nervous system. Provision of foul aroma, odor detoxification. For the product smell, wind, fire, toothache, stomach heat, and small-minded tooth toothache toothache.

Note: Please put a cool dry place indoors to avoid the children get on their own.

appropriate mix of: mint, when European orchids, roses, jasmine, marigold, etc..

brewing method: Osmanthus 3 grams, 5 grams of green tea, boiling. Osmanthus do more to sauce, add some cooked sweet time to increase the smell. In recent years, have put together Jianzhi osmanthus and tea made of Osmanthus Oolong.

nickname: lotus leaf

Description: Lotus have antipyretic, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect.

performance: After cooked taste bitter after the lotus leaf, slightly salty, sexual Xinliang, with Qingshu dampness, Sun divergence, the role of stasis to stop bleeding and so on, have a certain effect on a variety of ailments. Must be strong tea bubble tea without the second effect, although as long as the color of bubble out of how many times can be steep. But apart from the first bubble, the other can not have weight loss. There are signs of constipation drink four times a day lotus leaf tea, you can smooth stool, on weight loss helpful. Is best to drink when fasting. Before eating drinking. Do not diet. Because of drinking for some time, the natural food of love will change, many people do not eat Hunxing greasy food.

Note: Please put a cool dry place indoors to avoid the children get on their own.

appropriate mix: single bubble, or other herbal tea can be.

brewing method: lotus leaf tea without boiling. Tea on the teapot or large cup, pour boiling water can drink the. Best to stew for 5-6 minutes, so tea will be thicker. And even if the tea cool, its effect will not change, so can be cool in summer after the drink, taste better.

nickname: honeysuckle

Description: Honeysuckle has strong antibacterial ability on the treatment of influenza, and inflammation have a certain effect. The honeysuckle and the leaf contains chlorogenic acid oxidation resistant material, can promote human metabolism, regulating the balance of body functions ministries.

performance: of sweet, cold. The lung, heart, stomach. Qingrejiedu, cool casual style heat. For carbuncle swollen boils, Hou Bi, erysipelas, blood poisoning diarrhea, Fengreganmao, warm heat illness. Beauty Benefits: can regulating the female endocrine, gas and remove yellow stain, so Yung Yan Runze. Aroma of honeysuckle is an ancient Chinese medicine, have methadone detoxification, treatment of facial acne. Qinghuo throat, Qingrejiedu (sore throat, tonsillitis), lungs and sputum, blood and blood, through tendons active, cough anti-virus and other effects. The original impulse of honeysuckle flowers on behalf of the tea, the fragrant smell, after the refreshing drink. Honeysuckle tea, taking the summer and fall, both sunstroke, lipid-lowering diet, beauty beauty, but also detoxify, all diseases are not students, is a modern health epidemic disease prevention in excellent health and quality goods. Twentieth century, the eighties, the State Ministry of Health has conducted a chemical analysis of honeysuckle, the results showed that: honeysuckle contains many essential trace elements and chemical composition, also contains many beneficial enzymes to the human body substances anti-aging, anti cancer, the good effect Qingshenjianfei fitness.

Note: Spleen Qi Deficiency and septic sore clear who Jifu.

appropriate mix of: mint, Campanulaceae, Arctium, bamboo, SSP, licorice.

brewing method: a teaspoon of dry tea, boiling water with a cup of brew, stew, after about ten minutes you can; can Zhuojia rock sugar or honey; or boils water used to wash the prickly heat or acne have some effect.


performance: Indications functions Xuanfei, pharynx, expectorant, drainage and. For phlegm cough, chest tightness, poor, sore throat, bronchitis, lung abscess, pleurisy. Sore throat treatment, pimples, abscess; relieve cold or pain caused by the tonsils, cough expectorants, have emetic; treatment of bronchitis, bronchitis also have to pus the results; if the pimple or abscess that can be used decocted mouthwash or drinking the juice.

Note: Please put a cool dry place indoors to avoid the children get on their own.

appropriate mix of: Astragalus, Honeysuckle, Chrysanthemum, Radix, Liriope, licorice.

brewing method: the 2 teaspoons of dried Campanulaceae adding a cup of hot water, by immersion, after about ten minutes, filtered to drink. Seasonings: Add honey to increase the taste.

nickname: orange peel

Description: can promote appetite, skin texture and reduce fatigue. Yu fruity sweet, very suitable for drinking together with other plants. Chopped orange peel can be used as hand soap material.

Performance: Orange is nutritious fruit and one of the largest consumption. Excellent fruit flavor, juice, sweet America, and is often made of popular drinks. Orange peel can be made after processing such as candy and jelly, dried is commonly used in Chinese medicine, Pomace and fruit pectin and aromatic oils can also distil tea drink with orange peel, orange peel could be used width of Qi, Phlegm cough effectiveness, orange peel bubble tea, go pyrolysis sputum, bacterial inflammation, so cough and those who drink of beneficial.

Note: Please put a cool dry place indoors to avoid the children get on their own.

suitable match: roses, rose hips, hibiscus flowers, lemon grass, verbena, raspberry leaves, mint leaves, mate.

brewing methods: soaking time required is slightly longer, about 5 minutes.

nickname: Cassia

Description: Cassia bitter, sweet, salty, slightly cold, hepatic, kidney, large intestine through; laxative, lipid-lowering eyesight, treatment of constipation and high blood lipids, high blood pressure. Liver eyesight, Lee water purge, have laxative effects, blood lipid lowering blood pressure.

performance: Jiufu benefits naked, light-weight. . Able to Treatment of hepatitis, cirrhosis, hypertension, Malnutrition in children, night blindness, wind-heat eye pain, habitual constipation. Indications sore red eyes, tears of shame out more Qingmang, birds head, headaches and dizziness, visual dark, cirrhosis, dysuria, habitual constipation. Outside the drug treatment swelling, ringworm disease. Have asthma, gallbladder, liver, and blood pressure effects, and certain anti-bacterial,cheap UGG boots, anti-inflammatory effect. One emodin glucoside, emodin anthrone, emodin, has reduced the role of serum cholesterol and cardiac. Cassia factors with a-hydroxy, synthesis of complexes with metal elements, metal elements have a great impact absorption. Cassia modern clinical treatment of hyperlipidemia with effective satisfaction, cassia decoction or taking tablets made of. Common folk Cassia fried yellow into powder, on behalf of the tea, the prevention and treatment of disease to human health. To promote intestinal motility, defecation, lower blood lipids, blood pressure.

Note: Cassia herbal cold and cool, with diarrhea and the effect of lowering blood pressure, not suitable for spleen Deficiency, Spleen diarrhea, and hypotension were taking.

addition, cassia contains mostly chrysophanol, emodin and other compounds, long-term use can cause bowel disease or cause of refractory constipated.

appropriate mix: Chinese wolfberry, chrysanthemum and lotus leaves, fried cassia, rose.

brewing method: use fried red cassia seed tea

nickname: Bitter Tea

Description: bitter gourd, bitter because of its name, also known as Bitter Melon. Bitter melon is also used in summer to heat the vegetable bitter melon Qingshu cooked food and warm, raw diet cold, bitter cold; main hepatic, kidney, spleen, stomach all through, bitter melon is rich in vitamins B, C, calcium, iron, Li said, bitter melon has a

performance: a beauty President, can accelerate detoxification, attracted many women, On the heart, lungs, stomach quench their thirst with cool,cheap UGG boots, with Chuxie heat, fire, poison gas governance Dan, diarrhea 6 with actual fire, Qi and thirst, solution Laofa, pure heart and eyesight, can increase appetite, nourishing Zi liver, spleen Run kidney the effect. For metabolic and other effects. / Kidney diuretic, clearing and detoxifying, reducing blood fat, anti-virus. It is found that it has significant hidden blood sugar, diabetics have a certain effect. It also has some anti-virus capabilities and anti-cancer effect. Regular drinking can not only add a variety of vitamins, minerals, and can prevent diarrhea, solution heat stroke, fever, tumor, diabetes control. Mainly Qingshu heat, detoxification. Government fever, heat stroke, diarrhea, red eye pain, swelling and pain erysipelas, malignant sore. Attending liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, harmonious swollen erysipelas, constipation, internal external hemorrhoids, prostate hypertrophy, the wind hot red eyes, wind, fire, pain, heat dysentery, heat stroke fever various diseases. Bitter fruit to the liver, pure heart and eyesight, annealing, antipyretic, expel toxin, solution of fatigue, heat treatment dysentery, heat stroke; flower governance Stomach pain, sore carbuncle toxic mold; leaves dried to make powder, can cure a Cedan fire gas, boil swelling, stomach pain, fever dysentery, roots are better.

Note: Spleen cold stomach should not be eaten raw. In addition, pregnant women should Shensi.

appropriate mix: single bubble, or with green tea.

brewing method: 1 teaspoon dried flower slice, brew a cup of boiling water, stew, after about ten minutes you can; can Zhuojia brown sugar or honey.

nickname: Lotus core

Introduction: the core is a water lily lotus lotus plants mature dry seeds and young leaves radicle. Of cold, bitter, non-toxic, with a pure heart to the hot, harsh precision, hemostasis, thirst and other effects, treat heart failure, shock, impotence, irritability, thirst, vomiting blood, semen, red eyes, swelling and other symptoms.

performance: with a pure heart to the hot, harsh precision, hemostasis, thirst and other effects can cure heart failure, shock, impotence, irritability, thirst, vomiting blood, seminal emission, conjunctival congestion, swelling and other symptoms, a pure heart fire, Ping anger, diarrhea fire spleen, lung reduction fire, summer heat arrests restless, thirst, swollen head rule. Water to drink red with lotus seed core, can be treated constipation. Pure heart, to heat, stop bleeding, astringent fine; governance upset, thirst, vomiting blood, kidney Gujing effect, treating kidney deficiency. Historical records, Emperor Qianlong of total spend every summer resort core lotus lotus dew concocted tea cultivation of heart puzzle, adjust strength, pure heart and fire and detoxification. Lotus in the calcium, phosphorus and potassium content is very rich, in addition to bones and teeth can constitute the composition, there to promote blood clotting, so some of the activity of, the maintenance of nerve conduction, calm nerves, muscles, flexibility and heart rhythm such as role. Rich in phosphorus is a major component of nuclear protein to help the body to the protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, and maintain acid-base balance, on the formation of sperm also plays an important role. Lotus has the effect of raising heart calm. The elderly in particular, regular consumption of mental, can brain, enhance memory and improve work efficiency, and can prevent the occurrence of dementia. Taste very bitter lotus core, there significant cardiac effects, and can expand peripheral, lower blood pressure. Lin also a good core to the effectiveness of Firelight, can be treated tongue sores, and help to sleep.

Note: constipation, nausea and epigastric bloating were not suitable for drinking.

suitable pairing: Stevia, honeysuckle, Gongju.

brewing method: single bubble, 1 teaspoon dried petals, with a cup of hot boiling water, stew, after about ten minutes you can; can Zhuojia brown sugar or honey.

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