Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ha, also said that a dream

 Friends of the text in a number of Bo see and dream of total related topics, can not help but also would like a few small words.
Remember chatting with a friend, the friend said I am a perfectionist, and I smiled and refused to admit: at most, an idealist, is not even idealistic, at best, but a little girl dreaming of love nothing more.
In fact, until today I can not really be such a clear distinction between the two concepts to . but always felt too much pursuit of perfection is a very painful thing, because wherever and whenever we encounter the reality is so incomplete and not perfect, but his life has never been able to make such defects become perfect, so a perfectionist is probably the fate of life and the pain is accompanied by a dependency. And people who love to dream is not true, maybe when you wake up that reality is not the case and you have to pay when so many efforts, of course feel pain, but because everything does not require perfection, so life will not bear the pain that is not perfect; just to have a dream to connect all the way, worked hard and woke up again, maybe not reality, it then why not? You can also continue to do the next update of the dream. and walked all the way there to accompany landscape, and you may also become the eyes of others along the way the scenery. so think about love to dream but is a very happy thing.
do not remember How much did dream, do not remember what the dream is, but I believe that those dreams are probably numerous fission with a dream, the dream is Nannai, sometimes tired, sometimes hungry Luk Luk, but if he has this dream with us even if that reality is still not perfect, happy feeling will remember with affection.
dreamers, especially love to do people with a dream, probably some self-willed and stubborn, but in the meantime do not seem to hide some of the name called is still a really good thing. these beautiful things, there is always some people inadvertently, on the road, slowly lost it; and I am willing to forever. maybe all of the wake of all get the job, perhaps under a new dream will wake up, painful, but do not have to regret it, if regret, that dream of ; is to be undermined.
if the will to remain, continue to the next is a beautiful dream.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The central bank on Tuesday to 300 billion treasury cash management bidding Bank deposit

 Operating volume of 30 billion yuan
China Economic Net Beijing January 24 hearing, according to the central bank website news, the central treasury to improve efficiency in the use of cash, strengthening fiscal policy and monetary policy coordination, the Ministry of Finance, The People's Bank of China is scheduled for January 25, 2011 (Tuesday) 9:00 am to 9:30 am, by People's Bank of China, the central treasury cash management business systems commercial bank deposits in 2011 the central treasury cash management commercial bank time deposits ( a) tender.

current term of 6 months (182 days), the value date is January 25, 2011, maturity date 26 July 2011 (postponement in case ), for 2009-2011, the central treasury cash management business of commercial bank time deposits to interest rate tender bidding group. Tendering related matters in accordance with the

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Women want to attack war the United States decided the fate of Li Xiaopeng will emphasize defense while

 Yongchuan newspaper this morning (Xinhuanet Liu Dawei) 6:35 tonight, the Chinese women's football in the Si Guosai final game against top-ranked U.S. team. After the first two wars, four teams with the plot 3, have aspirations to opportunity. However, opponents of the field of women's football team is no doubt the United States the most powerful Chinese team both offensively and defensively will face no small challenge.

reversed last game of Chinese Women beat Sweden ranked fourth in the world, adding to the team is not a small self-confidence. Be reversed from the first battle in particular, to reverse the victory, the Chinese women's football in the two war, gives a sense of the changes reborn. Although the Chinese team is not mature, but at least Li Xiaopeng's team started to let people see hope. However, the U.S. Women's opponent tonight is the best test. This defense balance against the United States team, we must first solve the defensive weakness. Chinese team's lack of stability in the back, against, and turned and defense are still not good enough. Especially the second half, with the decline in physical fitness, once suppressed by his opponent, then the Women's failures will increase dramatically. In addition, the U.S. Women's defense is very solid. Although the Chinese team coaching staff as Li Jinyu added to the forward players and improve their ability to grasp the opportunity, but an excellent defensive ability against the United States this team, Jia, Xu Yuan, who will face no small challenge.

yesterday's training, Li Xiaopeng, or for the U.S. team's defense to the attack and shot the special training. fate game, only to emphasize defense.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Eight Immortals main listed companies in transition

 Transition after weak capacity for sustainable development, the performance has significantly transformed the That is, transition and transformation of the company's performance showed some length of time a negative correlation.

Do panic! The main force is still diving? Stuck with the stock is likely to have saved! March the stock market changes are likely to occur? Tug of war behind the hidden financial trends!
According to our reporter statistics, performance improvement the transformation of companies, ST and * ST nearly 70% of the company to profitability; the transformation of poorly performing companies, more than 50% of the implementation of restructuring three years ago, is now a substantial part ;, again after three years in transition need to look into the plight of a new direction. Implemented by 2007 the main business transformation company, has little to re-financing, which, after transition from the side that

example * ST RoyalTek (former East electrician, security code 600139) in Sichuan RoyalTek Group entered later, has been committed to the transformation of the information industry, but long-term without success, in a highly confidential position, Shenzhen and Shanghai's first release will be delisting risks to the company special treatment; Mianyang High-Tech Investment (Holdings) Group took over the company after being forced through financial subsidy losses, and start a new round of infrastructure construction to , development, property management and the restructuring of municipal building trip.

Rockets shares (original Wuhan cable, 600,879) of the transformation and Aerospace Changfeng (formerly PT North Brigade, 600,855) was undoubtedly the exception to the transition: the former in the China Carrier Rocket Research Institute of steady growth after the White , when net profit of 122 million, an average of 0.35 yuan per share, and implemented a rights issue; the latter was suspended from trading by the end of the year so Changfeng Science and Technology Corporation completed a major reorganization of assets, the company was changed to digital applications based on of technology, not only stock listed for trading resumed, it also has a re-financing status.

of difference between company performance in transition do not

survey, according to our reporter, the majority of listed companies in transition, the main industry is the door, no turning back even after ST, began hastily re-transformation of this with the emergency, the fire transformation of the passive nature of the company accounts for about 80% of transition, restructuring and transformation of the natural effect is difficult to guarantee, even though many of the listed companies has nothing to do with the new primary industry profitability.

by the transformation of a few companies invest in new areas, start new projects, replacement of assets and other means to open another front, the new owners moving water test done. Such companies account for restructuring the company's main business less than 10%, but almost all post-transition steady performance achieved significant growth even with the passive transformation in stark contrast to the company. For example, Guangzhou Iron and Steel shares (600,894) and Guangzhou Iron and Steel Group, asset replacement, into the main processing and distribution of metallurgical products, gas production and gradually move towards the modern logistics industry

Shougang shares (000,959) of the progressive transformation has for several years, although there are still profits from a variety of goals, but the performance of the company to maintain a relatively stable development momentum, return on equity of 13% or more consecutive years; Chengxing shares (original tripod ball industry, 600,078) implementation of asset replacement and Chengxing Group, will be spinning, and paint stripping classes of assets and related liabilities equivalent phosphorus chemical assets into high-quality, performance, sound development; Shaanxi Jinye (000 812) raised by changing the investment direction, the means of merger main transition, the same stable performance; Fuxing Science and Technology (formerly Hubei Chuansheng, 000,926) by the main rope to real estate and get involved in fiber optics, biotechnology and other areas, performance has increased significantly.

are not a key to profitability

main results of a larger restructuring contrast, in addition to active transformation of the reason to win the active and passive lay hidden in transition and post transition performance

from statistical data, the transformation of the company's original owners concentrated in the integrated industry, commercial retail, electronics, chemicals that several traditional industries, especially in the commercial sector is most prominent, accounting for restructuring the company's 1 / 4 . In addition, capital-intensive, significant economies of scale machinery, metal and nonmetal industries, but also smaller companies stripped of their original owners business assets.

information technology, real estate, pharmaceutical companies invariably become nearly half of the choice of transition; followed by electricity, utilities, machinery industry. The industry brought together 2 / 3 of the transformation of the company, but the hot industry, medicine, information industry concentration and uneven quality of there profits. From the three quarterly perspective, restructuring the company results for the year 2010, the trend of significant differentiation, shows hot industry does not mean equal opportunity to enter.

ST for the transformation of companies, in the face suspension of listing or delisting of the specific context, relying solely on weak footing of the new primary industry in the thirst

major shareholders to decide success or failure of the main transition

proved, in the Whenever a new major shareholder of financial strength, technology leadership, channel development, strict management, the company's main business transformation and core competitiveness of the forging relatively smoothly, and with the major shareholder of a complementary, hand in hand with the situation.

example, SDIC Electric Power (formerly * ST Hua Jing, 600,886) was facing the risk of suspension of listing, but with the company, the State Development Investment Corporation and China Petrochemical (600028) asset exchange between three and three into play efficiency of power generation companies, the company realized main business income of the year transformation of 1.377 billion yuan, net profit of 215 million, 19.96% ROE, and thus into the blue chip camp; the next few years, the company is expected to open the country to vote with a strong strength, to seize the opportunity of electricity reform to achieve sustainable development.

Again Luyin Investment (formerly * ST Lu silver, 600,784), in Shandong Laiwu Steel Group's strong support from transforming itself into a steel cutting-edge, the company main business in transition year, and revenue jumped 7 times losses in one fell swoop; Haitai Development (formerly ST Haitai, 600,082) will be all business assets and liabilities set out Haitai high quality assets into the Group, in transition year to achieve earnings per share 0.19 yuan to 0.34 yuan after further ; Comprehensive Shu are (000584) is of Jiangsu Shuangliang technology acquisition, transition from the main business of the year the profitability of a strong new product sales spandex, forecasted; Nanjing SVT Group Swan indirect holding * ST (000418) After the main business to the IT industry restructuring, asset quality and profitability increased significantly.

According to our reporter statistics, achieved through the merger of the companies main business transformation results of differentiation occurs. Such as Qingdao Double Star (000,599) shares of Merger Huaqing, the current tire manufacturing industry has become an absolute mainstay of income and benefits; as a result of merger than the original ceramic paper leaving the main business of a company's performance has in recent years, significant downward trend. This is mainly because the operating mode of merger and more for local government-led merger at this time came in asset quality and profitability performance of the company as a key influence.

sharp contrast with the above is false re-transformation. Some established only a few months or even days, only a few million a year profit organizations or even a few thousand dollars, the name will be listed as a reorganization under the guise of speculative era of the then decreased until a huge loss. Teaching English as ST (600,672) from the history of a single Euro-Asia Agricultural, Kwong Wah fiber, Sichuan, Kwong Wah, Kennedy and science and technology titles, we can see how the company has experienced a transformation of Journey.

Thus, most frequently associated with major shareholders and frequent changes to the company transition is often more frustrating is the poorer, and to pay the final price can only be the majority of investors.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Household appliances,

 This, Heilongjiang Province, to remind the consumer associations, consumers should be safety, health, environmental, economic, scientific and other point of view recognizes the hazards of extended household appliances, carefully check and timely replacement of (Xinhua Li Jianping)

Ms. Lee recently
It is understood that the current popularity of household electrical appliances in China has basically, some consumers believe that household as long as no fault can always use. In fact, because the metal appliances, plastic has a life, corruption will occur over the life, oxidation, etc., it is generally safe use of household appliances have the time. The

According to appliance repair personnel, TV extended use, the radiation will increase, not only affect the person's eye health, but also prone to tube explosion; old refrigerator refrigerant will leak, and preservation of functional degradation, preserve foods and odor; old washing machine will be water seepage, and in severe leakage; microwave extended service is likely to cause an explosion, causing casualties and property losses.

people of Harbin at home watching TV, the TV screen suddenly turned red and some white horizontal lines, voice became very scared she was rushed to turn off the TV. After inspection by the professionals, this is because the TV

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The average age of millionaires in China 39 years the average annual consumption of 1.9 million

 Millionaires, the average annual consumption of 190 million, the average annual consumption of billionaire 250 million. Tourism remains the main consumer where the rich, followed by a daily luxury, child education, entertainment, gifts and collectibles. Concern is, entertainment, up from last year's sixth place to fourth.

Red Net Shanghai January 12 (Xiaoxiang Morning roll of journalists Xiao Zhongjie) Hurun 11, consumption of 190 million, the average annual consumption of billionaire 250 million. Annual consumption of 100 million - 300 million the richest 50%, 11% more than last year; the annual consumption of the richest 100 million or less, 37%, 8% lower than last year; annual consumption of 300 million more than the rich, 13%, 3% less than last year.

children to study preferred the United States

international education for the children to choose a destination, the United States continues to occupy the preferred position; followed by the UK; Canada ranked third in the top three in the past three years has remained unchanged. Select the United States and Britain remained at more than half the proportion of the rich. Concern is to select the richest Swiss and New Zealand, a significant increase over last year, ranking tenth, respectively, from last year, ninth to fourth, fifth. Last year, Singapore ranked fourth this year, relegated to eighth.

2010 年 4 months to 11 months, Hurun interviewed face to face personal assets of 401 thousand yuan of Chinese tycoons, including billions of dollars of assets 45. Finally, the statistical data from the wheat stone advisory assistance to complete.

Main menu of real estate investment
Regal China for the next two years, still very confident, 54% of wealthy respondents chose In the investment philosophy, the choice of the rich and active investment slight increase over last year, and the choice of the rich and avoid the risk of 6% less than last year.

in the international tourist destination of choice, this year, France ranked second last year, a slight advantage to replace the U.S. as the richest most popular international tourist destination. Australia to maintain third place. In addition, outstanding performance this year, the Maldives, from 11th last year, rose to fifth place.

in the domestic tourist destination of choice, Sanya, Hong Kong and Yunnan, is still the most popular rich top three domestic destinations. It is noteworthy that, Qingdao No. 11 from last year's rapid rise to fourth place. Shanghai ranked fifth, down one from last year. Ranked fifth last year in Beijing this year, relegated to the ninth.

In addition, the choice of investment works of art and the rich non-listed companies rising the fastest. Way in the collection, more than the rich choose to buy Qicheng, two into the rich choose to auction to buy; In addition, the choice by the way brokers and commission agents of the rich to buy an increase over last year.

Hurun side said that this year the average age of millionaires is 39 years old, average age of billionaires is 43 years; male to female ratio was 7:3; engaged in real estate and manufacturing industries to the majority; wealth mostly comes from return on investment and business ownership benefits; an average of 3.3 cars, 3.7 watch; the average annual consumption is 190 million; an average of 15 days holiday a year; leisure time, like travel, golf and reading; 60% of them do not smoke smoke; increasingly popular red wine and whiskey; to prefer investing in real estate and stock; like to collect watches, jewelry and ancient calligraphy in the majority, in addition, the wine collection of more than a car.

preferred domestic tourism in Sanya

In addition, five million or more assets of the rich are more likely to send their children sent to Britain. The survey also showed that multi-millionaires to run, choose to send their children to study abroad in high school the most; followed by a university, junior and primary schools and graduate programs. Billionaires are more inclined to send their children abroad in the primary school. Regal is also concerned about their own learning and education.

direction in personal investment, real estate, or dominant, more than 1 / 3 of the respondents chose to invest in real estate tycoons, the proportion has been on the rise over the past three years. Billionaire will choose to invest or old courtyard house; choose to invest in the stock of the rich and only 25%, although a slight increase over last year, but has not yet reached 33% three years ago.

millionaires an average of 15 days holiday, with an average frequency of 2.9 times to go abroad; billionaire average of 16 days holiday, with an average frequency of 3.5 times abroad.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Marbury fell in love with

 A good summary of watching videos, we will strike it right. Southern Reporter Fang Xiaodong

(This article Source: Southern Metropolis Daily)
recent days, Marbury singing in a variety of occasions, The bus to the stadium in the car, the last row and Marbury sounded singing: the tension will soon be facing a powerful enemy. Face the defending champion, shot a fearless Foshan team spirit, they almost did not get any cheaper to account for Big Brother, to send the game into a last-minute suspense.

Two hours later, Foshan, with a 6-point loss back to the locker room, the players sat quietly, do not see the sorrows and joys. And the defending champion in the duel, Baixinho scored 35 points 7 rebounds 6 assists, 21 points and Ben He, Zhao Yonggang 16 points, suffering from a cold YANG Wen-bo scored 16 points. After coming back from Xinjiang, Foshan, more and more players to the national team, and this is also the lone wolf and coaches most want to see.

freehand pass after Marbury had insisted that he will lead the team to the total champion, even if the team Lien game losing streak, and he never corrected himself. And than in the past, Foshan team will prepare a full long before the double time.

CBA 16th round: Foshan, Guangdong Hongyuan 120-114 Lion [Sports Photo Center] Marbury came to Foshan

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Financial products continued to play the

 2010   financial market New Year, from the first two weeks of financial products to open the market performance, financial products continue to hit the the theme of financial markets this year.

ultra-short-term Bank issued a total of 184 models of wealth management products, the risk-return characteristics from the product perspective, non-guaranteed income products issued floating a few fell, while its market share also declined; security products market is the increased proportion; period in terms of wealth management products , 1 month to 3 months (inclusive) of the total issue of 73 products, 10 last week to reduce the duration of the product market share of all is the highest, reaching 39.67%; In addition, 1 month (including ) issued the following number of financial products 34, 50 of substantially reduced last week, a sharp decline in market share last week; 3 months to 6 months (inclusive) of the product 52, an increase of 12 last week; 6 months to 1 year (inclusive) of the product 23, unchanged from last week; 1 year 2 of the above products.

Recommended reading end of the year Award Great traps high financial impact of the RMB exchange rate geometric outbound Chinese New Year as In this regard, a number of banks are holding the same financial planner view: Comparison of rate hike expectations in the case of a clear, investors tend to invest as we choose a relatively short period of financial products in order to raise interest rates in time to enjoy the benefits. But with the end of bank 14 days, many banks financial products, the expected decline in annual yield reached 30-40%. In this regard, the industry analysis that is normal. On the one hand, by 2010, raised the deposit reserve ratio several times, and the differential impact of the deposit reserve ratio, the end pressure of the bank deposits through the issuance of ultra-high-yield financial products to absorb short-term deposits are a necessity. The opening years later, the ultra-short-term financial product issuers reduce the number of lower yields but in fact is the

yield to maturity announced yield to maturity, paragraph 201, the yield to maturity announced the product to achieve the expected rate of return, which yields 15 products over 5.1%.

wealth of general interest, said researchers, product maturity because of high-yield financial products due the week of investments, mostly bonds and money market tools, credit class, these investments are sound-based assets, lower investment risk, these two types of published yield to maturity of the products to achieve the highest expected rate of return.

open years, Australian products, products in foreign currency earnings remained leader of the trend. To China Merchants Bank (600036, stock it) and due the week 3 products, for example, 2 is rate of return was 5.70% and 5.30%; other structured products as a maturity, yield 5.50% gain. Finance Web site, the maturity of financial products in the second week of earnings also show that the Bank of China (601988, shares) issued a the first week of the highest yield to maturity of financial products.

QDII products to continue to recover this year will usher in the net growth rate of 1.02%. Among them, Bank of East Asia rose a QDII product reached 5.27% this week, the biggest weekly gain.

are consistent with the world's major stock markets rise occurred in the New Year, many institutions have forecast trends in world economy this year the possibility of greatly increased strength to drive up the stock market investment opportunities. Accordingly experts believe that, QDII net worth rising trend expected to continue this year, beating the stock market and the CPI's products will continue to emerge.

According to statistics, over the past two years, the overall results of the actual QDII products are better than A-share market, investment in global resource set up by the end of March 2010, the year-end net worth has reached to 21.9%; Standard Chartered Bank Open Gold Index RMB UTSN003 With the global economy continues to the good, QDII products will receive more attention from investors.

In fact, last year set up China's first gold fund has received only investors the highest in three years.

wealth of general interest data also show that as of January 7, run in the 6 months to 2 years-52 QDII wealth management products, since the average cumulative return since the operation was 16.30%; run 200 models by more than 2 years total QDII product has 3.85% yield.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Aquilani to create exciting text commanders did not reach the world's best Boyou

 No one striker available, how to get the offense will not be affected? Del Neri had said before the interview, hope Aquilani offensive line can give more support, more should follow up to make up the threat of Juventus before the restricted area. Alberto Aquilani really understood by today's game in the Juve attack gave great help, but also with Aquilani before the end of the game win over opponents to grab the world Boyou literary talent their first league victory of the New Year.

Toni, Iaquinta, Amauri missed 3 major high-center the same time, almost reimbursement Quagliarella season. Beginning of the season was also thought to overcrowding You Wenfeng line but now reduced to only 36-year-old Del Piero 1 available embarrassment. Offensive line is extremely short of firepower, how should minimize the impact of the loss? Juve coach Del Neri is painstakingly described. Since Mello was suspended, Aquilani and understanding, and not quite enough to be the partner composition of the lumbar Sissoko. Before the game, Del Neri for the development of tactical Ewing stressed that he wants Aquilani to enhance the sense of forward, with Sissoko protection, Aquilani need the restricted area before the top of each other, even as the attacking midfielder role, hoping to make up for Juve in the attack point of outflanking the loss is not enough.

results in today's game, Del Neri Alberto Aquilani tactical arrangements and the implementation of the perfect combination of tactics, Juventus and thus tasted the sweetness. Match the first half, Sissoko and a lack of understanding between Aquilani, the two repeated misunderstanding at the defensive end, Alberto Aquilani often have to go back to Sissoko left empty when the position to make defense. This is to some extent affected the forward runs assists Aquilani time and space. Competition at work, only 1 Aquilani closed before the long-range, to basically all the other parties in the half to defend and, therefore, contributed 6 steals on defense data. Ex situ battles

the second half, set in the changing room 德尔内里肯 Sissoko confidential briefings on the clear between his and the responsibility of Aquilani. The second half game, Juve began to increase offensive threats, personal attacks Aquilani desire began to gradually improve. The second half game, Alberto Aquilani has completed 3 long-range in the restricted area, the first two as preparation is not sufficient, did not give the other side of the goalkeeper manufacturing threat. 79 minutes, Juve corner to the front of the other guard rescue, Aquilani to keep up with welcome break in the crowd burst shooting the ball, the ball flew like a bullet directly into the upper right corner of the door, Barry goalkeeper Gillett for Aquinas Rani's goal was stunned, so faster ball speed, even if the angle is a little further, I am afraid did not have time enough time to respond.

after the match capacity, but due to injuries last season Aquilani feet to head and self-confidence problems. Aquilani has not yet returned to his best, if Juventus qualify for the Champions League you want to hold, in addition to search for targets in the transfer market, the core of tapping the potential within the team is also very important.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rio Tinto spy door hit the soft underbelly of China's economic security

 Comics: Rio Tinto caught the confidentiality of the steel industry? Chinese steel enterprises why there are so many relevant in-depth reflection.
one big downgrade Rio spy gate qualitative case turned bribery
1, Rio Tinto big downgrade from the qualitative to the trade secrets of state secrets
Recently, Shanghai prosecutors on suspicion of violation of trade secrets, non-national staff of accepting bribes, on the Rio Tinto chief representative office in Shanghai formally arrested Hu, etc. 4. To provide the trade secret of Mr Hu and other Chinese steel companies involved about the suspect, the investigating authority has in a recent review of the arrest brought the prosecution. This is 60 years of New China's largest trade Spy case, but also from the economic reform and opening up the biggest shaking leak case.
occurs from Rio Tinto, to attract a great attention. The case also led to Australia's delicate relationship between the changes. This should be said that bilateral relations are very rare. and for the people stir in Australia when Kadeer, China formally arrest the Hu et al. However, from the initial charge was extension of abortion, and second, and Australia iron ore negotiations reached a stalemate. Chinese police have arrested people related to Rio Tinto, which are given a more political. must be pointed out that economic interests and political has always been inseparable, but diplomacy is the national interest service. from the macro level is concerned, the case does Rio Tinto had an impact on Sino-Australian relations. However, meso and micro level, the circumstances surrounding this case is not complicated, as long as charges are concerned the fact that Hu and other Chinese arrest and bring to justice any problem does not exist. China Hu and other prosecutors formally arrested four people, has mastered the certainty proves the fact that evidence.
2, foreign manager hidden rules
spy case, according to Rio Tinto's task force preliminary identification, in addition to large steel enterprises in the Mainland for business intelligence bribery charge, the representative in China, Mr Hu Rio Tinto also suspected of accepting bribes of small steel enterprises to help them achieve More iron ore import quotas. Mr Hu, by the fast money-making, only the value of billions of dollars of luxury villas to have internal staff, gather intelligence in the industry, stealing is not a year or two things. in the public, to get more ore for steel mills, first of all to meet their own production, the excess part of the then thrown into the spot market; in private, to give relevant information , an individual may receive benefits from.
conviction from the analysis of the judiciary, Mr Hu, who in addition to the domestic steel prices to steal trade secrets, but also to the domestic steel enterprises pay bribes to gain more market share, opened the industry's potential rules. It is understood that Mr Hu bribes to a number of small steel mills mainly in the Mainland, the purpose is to get more iron ore import quotas. in the Mainland, iron ore import quotas currently still rests in the hands of several large steel companies. Obviously, Rio Tinto iron ore sales in China, ;, accepted the Chinese steel industry in the various China's steel industry is the field of economic crime, if the Chinese steel industry as a very important industry to be characterized as leaking state secrets, the instant noodle industry is not a national strategy to deal with as an ordinary commercial crime? from a legal point of view, This is untenable. in legal language and legal means to defend their dignity and interests, rather than to a political style of conducive to safeguarding China's investment environment.
of a wall.
set this channel wall, no doubt dealing with a positive signal to foreign disputes. If defined as state secrets, spying, there may be a secret trial, convicted; and positioned as a commercial secret crime to publicly Court. Tinto case insisted on an open, just and fair trial given the suspect in the defense of opportunities, the public of their crimes in the world, the facts speak, heavier than a simple piece of paper or a lighter more convincing decision and deterrent role, but also better understanding of the international community and recognized.
two secrets to reveal any of seven hundred billion state-owned enterprises tuition too innocent
1, trade secrets exposed China's economic security frequently sounded the alarm recently
With the news media disclose the proof, originally from China and Baoshan Steel Association, River Steel, Wuhan Iron and Steel, saddle, sand Steel, Mountain Steel, Maanshan Iron & Steel, Shougang, Valin Steel, Bao Steel, Taiyuan Steel, totaling 16 rate negotiation team consisting of continuously regular meetings held to discuss progress in the negotiations and measures. However, it is the temptation of local interests, the relevant persons involved actually be where the steel industry or the industry on important confidential data leaked to the force Billiton Iron Ore negotiating partner, resulting in domestic iron ore negotiations, frequently exposed the team's bottom line, which not only seriously jeopardize the overall interests of the iron and steel enterprises, but also exposed the confusion in the management of iron and steel enterprises.
Everyone knows that the forces of Australia Rio Group is one of the world's three major mining companies, BHP Billiton it, along with Brazil's CVRD, a virtual monopoly on most of today's world iron ore production. In recent decades, China's steel production has grown rapidly to become the world The most important importer of iron ore (about 60%). Therefore, including the three Rio Tinto mining company, including theft of state secrets in China include: China's production capacity of the iron and steel enterprises, the state needs and plans for the steel iron and steel enterprises in the internal cost, production cycle and ore reserves and so on.
mastered these data, the three major iron ore mining enterprises will be able to negotiations, develop a clear pricing strategy for China. In fact, the understanding of China internal cost iron and steel enterprises, it can accurately grasp the iron ore price increases, if we understand the development of China's iron and steel for the entire policy and plans, more iron ore prices stuck the soft underbelly of China. However, Mr Hu, who is precisely the manipulation of the Chinese espionage case is equal to the commercial confidentiality of fully exposed to the opponent.
2, the State suffered huge losses, case data such as production scheduling, and even some large steel enterprises steel production per month, sales are also very clear. It is for these past 6 years commercial spy leaked confidential, forcing Chinese steel enterprises in the iron ore import bill pay more than 7,000 billion yuan, the Chinese equivalent to the sum of the national steel industry's profits more than doubled over the same period, more than Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Liaoning Province, together with four municipalities, the sum of revenue a year.
more Importantly, Mr Hu, who act as Usually the main task is to visit the country's iron and steel enterprises, exchange of information, and then write reports that information. In the course of the visit, steel mills, production status, production line start conditions, production costs, and production planning next month and other key data are displayed naked in front of these analysts. even with the steel mills cautious leadership, some Gongchoujiaocuo, the critical data is no longer a secret.
fact, for multinational corporations Chinese economic espionage, the Chinese experts have repeatedly issued warnings; arrested last year, the Ministry of Commerce Secretaries Guo Jingyi of China, but also because of bribery of foreign acquisitions of Chinese enterprises in the drafting of the Act specifically for the foreign-left when the was a serious threat to China's economic sovereignty, the arguments; and even news that the past 10 years, the survey in China, 500,000 cases of corruption, Liu Cheng and more concerned with international trade and foreign hh signs that entered the global economy, China has reached a lot of harm to heavy consolidation and investment in their environmental behavior of economic security the moment. can be expected in this and trade system and other aspects of economic espionage against corruption and its associated large efforts to make further reforms.
3, spy gate deep reflection required urgent need of legislative protection of economic security
said, security situation, from a more macro level view of our national economic security system and the economic development model to address the new global pattern of economic competition. hidden security system also will be revealed. domestic indifferent sense of confidentiality, absence of economic security legislation, lack of relevant regulatory authorities such as the objective reality, for multinational corporations to steal information to create a favorable environment, such as further supplemented by Development and Reform Commission has been set up under the Economic Security Department, but compared with the increasingly rampant industrial espionage, the related human, material and financial resources are not enough inputs.
addition to strengthening the legislation, strengthening law enforcement, it also should be noted that In contemporary China, with the introduction of the rapid expansion of foreign investment, foreign has become an important component of China's economy, many multinational companies account for more than half of China's market share of foreign-funded enterprises in many industries has been dominating the world even. a research report, This process breaks the law in the foreign-funded enterprises in China, the number of cases on the rise all the way, a large number of economic cases related to international trade and foreign. This situation can not be ignored. In the past the Chinese too much about protecting the interests of foreign companies, and now they are bound by legislation time.
III, Rio Tinto China spy gate complexity of the Australian mentality of worrying
1, Australian media reported that China has become the focus of pressure to make irresponsible remarks
5 months after the incident, China and Australia have already started a number of senior government confrontation, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and 5 were expressed on this matter of particular concern, and even brought back to Australia, Hu proposed to deal with the unreasonable requirements. And in this short period of time more than 1 month, the Australian side or the opposition, whether people are on government relations between China and Australia made a negative evaluation of bilateral relations quickly became the focus of world attention. < br> part of the Australian media reported from the start, Rio Tinto case, to seize and hold the Chinese judicial system. They emphasized how the judicial system in China is different from Australia, to take a big fuss. The implication of these reports is the immaturity of China's judicial system and backward. This argument not only meet the Australian system of national pride and vanity expansion, but also aroused the sympathy of Australian public opinion on Hu and the Chinese government's dissatisfaction.
more concern is the performance of the Australian Government out of the pan-political tendency, known as After careful observation of China launched anti-China chorus, 12, > This should be a simple deal, China has repeatedly come forward to clarify that Australia make great efforts to remedy, hh waste of a great political and economic costs. Clearly, the focus on efforts to expand the area of the case and other disputes twists and turns, has been quiet in the mix of the original Australian relations. At present, Australia's insight, but also the current situation of profound reflection. in the political and economic contacts in Australia showing a friction, in fact, back in Australia to China reflects the mentality and the typical complexity of a Western-style emotional loss.
2, behind Rio Tinto case must demonstrate responsible big country style Chinese
from the time point of view, , but it is likely to result ; place the real reason. In fact, door speculation and took the opportunity to attempt to interfere in China's internal affairs and sovereignty, and always maintain a sufficient self-restraint and rational argument and the outside world with ulterior motives to respond in a timely manner, to increase China's judicial, economic and other aspects of transparency and fairness to eliminate bias inherent in the outside world to China once again demonstrated a now being ignited Rio Tinto employees after spy case appeared to be accumulated in conflict to a climax. If you look at the Australian media in recent days on the Rio Tinto employees render the spy case, China-Australia relations is really a City Buildings To destroy the pressure aspects. He said Kevin Rudd-led Labor Party came to power for some time, but has not issued any guidance for China's diplomatic relations policies and documents. in terms of the geopolitical point of view or from the perspective of economic and trade ties, Australia needs China China needs Australia.
understand the operational processes of party politics in Australia, perhaps to a certain extent, ease of our topics, or in the current mm of the Liberal Party during the administration of the past 10 years. It also shows China policy and opposition Labor Party in Australia is not a big difference, now take the o geographic location and has had a long time with the parent core allies the United Kingdom and the U.S. alliance policy, which very few in Australia to face and deal with the relationship between a big country. But China's rising influence in the Asia Pacific region and Australia and China the close relationship between trade and economic complementarity Australia must adapt to the changes made in its relations with China out of infancy.
from historical experience, the interaction between the two countries, not to magnify the incident a case, to play did not know negotiations, through the spy case of Rio Tinto's embarrassing .8 17, the Steel Association announced third-largest iron ore Baosteel and Australian iron ore companies to achieve results of the negotiations FMG, powder ore price 35.02%, 50.42% lump ore prices, a decline of more than Japan and Australia had reached the starting price, contract period from 2009 July 1 to December 31, FMG Chinese steel companies will sell about 2,000 tons of iron ore. This is a welcome result, though still not immediately get rid of the monopoly of the three major suppliers, But for a unified iron ore import prices, differentiation of the Big Three negotiate a monopoly on the long association of great significance.
this result did not materialize in the Steel Association had made , taking into account Japan's Nippon Steel starting earlier, the spot ore prices rose sharply in the latter, can be reached now at this price, there is no doubt hard to come by, let the Chinese steel industry finally saw the br> As a long absence at the negotiating table, the right to speak, after years of China's steel prices will rise every talk, in which fine ore in 2005 rose 71.5% in 2008, up 79.88% fine ore (ore powder Bacheng total imports accounted for more) . from 2003 to September 2008, imports of iron ore prices rose by 5 times. According to statistics, China imported iron ore in 2008 443.6 million tons, an increase of the cost of 146 billion yuan, equivalent to annual profits of the national iron and steel enterprises the sum of a negotiation in a passive, the national 3.6 million workers would no use of steel a year of hard work. or from another point of calculation, we signed the agreement on the word is equivalent to one-third of GDP, Shenyang, more than a year by foreign oligarchs make a go. Thus, iron ore talks have not only business issues, industry issues, take public letter to Minister Li's words, the negotiations are far from reaching target FMG is overestimated the significance of the price. It is a little progress, but not the key to progress in a critical moment. Overall, neither the talks help future negotiations on a long association ore pricing mechanism, but also help to China regain pricing negotiations.
Obviously, this is a special price alone with the three major iron ore companies mm difficult negotiations will continue; contract period from 2009 July 1 to December 31, next year year kicked off a new round of talks soon, the new pricing mechanism is still negotiating with undetermined; China imported iron ore from FMG of the total 1 / 10; FMG's second-largest shareholder in China's Hunan Valin mm Iron and Steel Group holds FMG17% of the shares, making the negotiations can not be without influence.
Steel Association's goal is to develop a long association of iron ore prices for the international iron ore pricing, it seems that both without success.
Externally, the Steel Association subject to the iron mining monopoly, each break is not easy. not because of political or diplomatic, but rather the market. Because there is rigid demand for iron ore in China, Rio Tinto reduction of dependence means dependence on the increase in iron ore giants, therefore, want to get from Vale iron ore 40% expected decline, it was impossible. In fact, July 20, Vale publicity relevant person in charge RenataBellozi has confirmed the company is prepared to cooperate with some of the fact that Chinese steel enterprises, as 40% decline is not clear. If China wants to make a breakthrough, only to hurt the enemy a thousand, eight hundred of the move from loss surgery strict control of domestic steel production capacity, resulting in oversupply of iron ore in order to drive down prices. But the fact on the contrary, domestic steel prices in the case of excess production capacity rose, the first two months of imports of iron ore Diego high, so that the Chinese public letter Minister of August 13 issue representatives, the long association with the presence of the spot price, but also has a long association mining is the big steel mills, if the Association to try to unify the country in steel prices and quantities of iron ore, the first object is the big steel mills, this way, CISA can exist is unknown. Therefore, the Steel Association, they should be tight encirclement, the first peace within, and outside together. the internal market is the biggest risks is not reunification.
3, Made in China not achieved overnight. On the other hand, we should, through China to the world demand for iron ore, the amount of days, not so long deep reflection optimization model of economic development. If it is not preferred over the heavy chemical industry, the domestic iron As the ore demand will not reach 500 million tons a year to the extent of import of foreign iron ore giant that does not mean the soft underbelly of China to seize the significant price increases at every turn.
a long time, China's economic growth was primarily driven by the government-led investment, technological progress in the role of economic growth is far behind the developed countries and newly industrialized countries, rapid economic growth while making a lot of energy and raw materials consumption. In particular, the rapid development of heavy industry is swallowing large part of the energy and basic resources. At present, China's industrial sector energy consumption accounts for 70% of total energy consumption over the iron and steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, building materials, energy consumption, high energy-consuming industries, but also the total industrial terminal more than 70% of consumption. These growth despite high energy consumption industries driving the growth of GDP, but the amount of primary energy per capita is far below the world average of China, harm than good as.
as China in the international economy pattern is still in the bottom of the division of labor in the short term is difficult to challenge the developed countries in international commodity pricing of monopoly power, so even though China is a big buyer of commodity markets, it is difficult to make the international prices of primary products in the market place is conducive to their own change; Moreover, the vast majority of Chinese exports is processing, OEM manufacturing, pricing control in foreign hands, their processing can only earn a meager profit, most of the export profits are exported. Chinese workers still at a low level of income, but have to buy expensive imported energy. Obviously, the current state of this balance can not be sustained.
is difficult to overcome the short term because of supply bottlenecks of resources, there is reason to worry about China's current high-speed economic train will one day because of slow or even stop the above reasons. After all, China's current economic size is not large, only about 6% of the world's total, to greater reliance on the existence of the world's resources; if China par with the United States economies of scale, it is clear dependence on the world's resources more important. then the United States that China may not have the capacity of the global allocation of resources, economic development would have difficulty continuing.
Therefore, China should strive to gain international commodity pricing On the other hand, but also to improve the system and technology innovation to effectively change the mode of economic growth and firmly curb blind investment, low-level redundant construction, eliminate waste, reduce consumption and improve resource use efficiency, to form a favorable production patterns and resource conservation consumption.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

AB 2010, new energy vehicles to the line where the speed leader

 The past year, the national policy, energy companies and car manufacturers together under the new energy vehicles as the first electric cars were popular trend of rapid development, pilot cities to vigorously support the industry, energy companies spare no effort in building a network , auto manufacturers to accelerate market new products, new energy vehicles in the afterburner speed the entire industry.

the starting of new energy by the city

last year, following Shanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hefei five pilot cities start private purchase of new energy vehicles enjoy high subsidies, the Ministry of Finance and other four ministries have jointly announced the further expansion of public services, energy conservation and new energy vehicle demonstration and extension work. In the original Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Dalian, 13 on the basis of pilot cities, increase in Tianjin, Haikou, Zhengzhou, Xiamen, Suzhou, Tangshan and Guangzhou seven pilot cities, these cities have put the charging station and charge a large-scale construction of pile plan.

charging station leader

1 7 January, an active leader in new energy vehicles, the State Grid Corporation Liu Zhenya, general manager of Work Conference in 2011, said National Grid charge for electric vehicles The basic business model power plant for electricity identified as the main plug-in, giving the concentration of charge, uniform distribution. National Grid in 2011 in Beijing, Tianjin and other cities in building electric car charging network for electric service.

to replace battery-based electric car charging service model is station to replace the battery. State Grid Corporation will also be added to the chip in the battery, you can monitor the battery position, the remaining capacity, remaining distance, and even notify drivers of battery power for the next position. National Grid in the future will also recycle the old batteries, used as energy storage devices in the substation.

learned that the national power grid over last year in Hangzhou, the pilot model, completed in Beijing, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Hefei, Nanchang and other cities of the electric vehicle charging network for electric construction of the national grid in 2010 27 in the country cities of 75 power plants and 6209 charging cradle pile. National grid in the building charging stations shown by the industry to do the Used for power or charging of electric vehicles is now added two directions of energy, because the future depends on electricity grid and other key factors. Therefore, the construction of National Grid announced that its charging station for electric-based model adopted, will give the industry a direction.

pioneer of new energy vehicles

1 6, BYD electric bus in Shenzhen Futian District K9 202 passenger bus line was put into trial operation, the lowest in just 2 element can enjoy carbon-free electric buses and comfortable. It is understood that this bus for Shenzhen BYD Group K9 as a trial operation of the two cars, to the K9 and put into operation when the size of the Universiade will be expanded to 200. This put into operation in Shenzhen, BYD K9 full use of energy, no pollution, no noise, so that After calculation, BYD K9 in the case of air conditioning, power consumption per hundred kilometers to 120 degrees, operating costs only a hundred kilometers about 72 yuan. That is, if alternative fuel buses with electric buses, one year would save 157,000 fuel costs, fuel costs less than similar fuel consumption cars, 1 / 3, environmental and economical.

K9 work F3DM, e6 together become the forerunner of the future of electric transportation. BYD has thus become the only domestic company into private cars, taxis and buses of three electric vehicles the most widely used areas of the future of automotive brands, BYD is new energy in its batteries and electric vehicle research and development leading edge manufacturing.

2010 年 12 29, by the China Association of Automotive News and other units, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers and other units organized the Auto Industry Forum Tiger in the finale of this drama in the new energy, called Changan Automobile most

Changan Automobile adhere to in accordance with the hybrid, pure electric, fuel cell three-pronged model, Whether deep plowing in the field of hybrid or electric cars in the expansion of the field, even in the field of fuel cell exploration, Changan Auto with the new energy field for many years of accumulation, taking the leading position in the industry. Zhi Xiang winning moderate hybrid vehicles, called the field of Changan Automobile in hybrid for the masterpiece. As taxis and official cars have been launched in Chongqing and Nanchang demonstration run. The end of the Guangzhou Auto Show (microblogging), the Benben Mini electric cars have become the star of Changan Automobile booth. The maximum mileage of 150 kilometers, only 10 hundred kilometers of electricity consumption, world-class par. More meaningful industry benchmarking is applied Benni MINI modular, integrated platform for electric line, so that the industrialization of pure electric vehicles are no longer distant dream, deep technical strength makes the Chang'an Automobile R & D of electric vehicles is force.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Character, the quality of people, it is important

 To the people, the person's life is too much choice, some choose relationship to human well-being. Marriage is a great person's life very difficult choice, a good choice for well-being, whereas a bad choice to pain. saying about: Women are afraid to marry the wrong Lang, Lang afraid of the wrong. For women, as a face after years of leaving their home, a family select the Musical heart, there will always encounter a lot of practical problems and stress. of course must choose a good choice for people to live together, so that the children of parents on the family is good for the community are significant. least like to hear your marriage is bad, you really unfortunate, is Yeah, people choose the marriage is indeed difficult. parents make sure their children get good end, which is the expectation of parents, the children happy parents happy. For the girls, parents say, let the child find one, that is money virtuous Mr. Right, but in reality, such a person is really too small, especially in the worship of money and the right to worship the interests of society. wealthy Mr. Right, and their money are often the parents start family property , a world record by himself, and can not be said, except to say too little, a lot of young people are on the feelings between people will be very indifferent, imagine that their parents are able to focus on feelings? Of course, I said, not absolute. As for the boy's parents, the choice of his son's wishful wife, must be pleasing to the eye can understand the people, married, mouth ground Shouqin, the best there will be a woman's , in their choice of a husband (wife), please see the reason, after all, the elite few. Do not impulse of love, and carried away. What is love, marriage? first to find out. love bud so that the two met the individual contact, the resulting feelings, and love which is more love, care, responsibility, this responsibility is also sacred to each other. ; and, if so, what is the significance of love, marriage, what is the point. so I chose each other, more focused on human morality, human feelings of loyalty to the man on the family's responsibility, if I have the same above-mentioned , who If not, then I say that marriage is terrible, marriage will bring a lot of their own pain. human life is inseparable from the material life of course, we should first find out, material life can create. person who is for that person money away getting married, then marriage is not solid, the marriage together is based on money. Many people say he (she) is like money, marriage will be very happy, even if there is no love, marriage can be cultured, if that is the case, it loses the meaning of love in marriage, money will never last long, the fuse of that money is contradictory in the face of money, some people will give up when many of the principles. even if they are the chosen people very rich, but If you do not have good moral training, there is no sense of responsibility, not a good person, I want to choose the men will not be happy, but the slave of money only. Parents do not want to see their child's pain, when you see his daughter be reprimanded, be abusive, or black and blue, or mental destruction (to find a lover, despite the home), when his son saw no human dignity, not caring and considerate after marriage, I think of parents must have broken my heart infinite mercy, infinite regret. In short, the choice of marriage can not only see the material, and more should see human nature. materials can be created, if not human nature, alas! painful life, not just children, and parents. character, human quality, is very important.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tateishi sea view east

 Tateishi sea view east
relaxed, comfortable, and happy feelings to thoughts to wander in the sea breeze. Teachers, students, parents, travel together, communication, enhance understanding and friendship.
Original ecology of the harbor is full of walking, Tateishi swim in the beach, play in the water, barefoot in the shallows full of sand to catch the sea, Zhuoxie, living in the old corn and soybean growing in the yard, enjoy greeting seafood meal: conch, shrimp and other Phi.
Enjoy the sea breeze blowing fun ......< br> 【time】 July 15, 2006 - 16
【Destination】 million Suizhong County town of only Anchor Bay. Here is a small terminals, with the original natural and ecological features, has not yet been developed into a tourist area, a beautiful environment, clean, honest.
Tateishi, where relatively few people quiet beach is a good place to swim. near the harbor, sandy bottom , shallow and clear, is a good place to catch the sea Zhuoxie. not only enjoy the fun of playing in the water, but also bites and enjoy the seafood dinner. and because there away from the city, so it is particularly quiet, tales of a quiet, a calm. into this natural beach, you will feel away from the noise and found a peace of their own.
】 【prepare parents because this is the system of self-organized AA Zijia activities, participate in activities related to children and ensure safety as the most important issue. from all aspects of the preparation was meticulous, including:
1, the active plan, organize registration. sufficient to gather relevant information and to develop activity plans . By comparison, the selected accommodation a carpool, agreed to direct the vehicles to the Beijing-Shenyang White Deer toll collection.
3, in accordance with the principle of voluntary organizations, the collective purchase of personal accident insurance, 40 yuan / person, protection of four days.
4, the drafting of a group sign the agreement, the nature of the agreed activities, non-profit organizations of their own AA system of driving, their responsibility to provide lift to drive service does not bear the financial responsibility.
5, vehicle number and issued to each vehicle A team with the car moving and attention, ready to hand sets (the 8 car with four hand sets, basically meet the need. but the team has a road or should hand sets per car, more convenient, there were also informed in a timely manner ).
 Beijing-Shenyang route high-speed m Shanhaiguan - million export straight to that. travel about 300 kilometers, one-way high-speed costs 130 yuan.
Happy Journey 
2006   7  15 , 6:30 at the White Deer toll. vehicle collection, stick number, sign the agreement, confirmed that staff, parents, busy call for a pass. many days but not children, are pitching in, taking the time to play again.
7 : 10, the team through the toll station, all the way east. when the vehicle is not too much out of Beijing, the weather some cloudy, also appears to facilitate the traffic. the team to keep moving around in the 110 to 120, the Beijing sector pay 20 yuan, in the middle to Luan County service area take a rest. Shanhaiguan pay over 110. Link card to the exit million, the waiting charges, but the toll is only say thank you, you can go, be allowed to go. We all feel good .11: Having reached around 00.
rural guest houses, there is indeed a rural landscape, yard a lot of corn, soybean, peanut, unfortunately not the time to eat. from a small door to lobby, through a Qingsha Zhang , two, thirty meters at the condescending, that is, the sea was. in the yard, a lot of cars in Beijing are to play, and some Friday to go. stay in Beijing is basically the equivalent level of efficiency of agricultural homes. noon, to eat the rural guesthouse arranged group meals (you can own a la carte), 150 yuan / table, 10 people. felt that I could.
afternoon, drive to the beach not far from the Tateishi. There is a beach next to the Meng Jiang tall statue of the sea is far from two large stone and suddenly the sea is vast - m which is a Tateishi. and the Emperor's ; east - the sea, in order to observe - Tateishi, a few tents, in which put clothes. children were happy playing in the water, parents, playing water volleyball, Frisbee stepping on the sand, playing beach soccer barefoot, heart, relaxation is the topic today. had enough, can go to next to the bath house, 3 yuan / person.
the way to the edge of the beach ), looking in good condition, there are 2 people, there are 3 people, each bed 40. may be the publicity is not enough, not many people live. Contact Phone: 0429m6485273 (Designate)
dinner is open to eat in the yard , the breeze blowing, not the summer heat. children are likely to eat more snacks, more than a minute to play up their own. table male parents, they talked while eating, two bottles of liquor down front nine, but also to a few bottles of Harbin Brewery. children are a joy to play, parents are also happy to chat.
more than five points the next day'd woke up and go out a look, a fog, not to mention the sunrise, Even the sea and the days are visible. After breakfast on the beach to play, walk barefoot in the sandy bottom of the shallow water, he found a small sea of small crabs, own some different fun. Finally, in order Protection of the Marine, in order to teach children, we remind each other: mineral water bottles away garbage, released the catch of small crabs.
Although fishing is now closed (the end is said by the end of July), seafood and small, are still think of ways to come at noon Dayton seafood dinner. bought 20 pounds (3 million / kg), 10 pounds conch (10 yuan / kg, can eat away the shell to play), 9 kg Phi shrimp (6 yuan / pounds, the fish heard the rest of 3 yuan / kg), plus something else cooking, eating out on the enjoyment of all. Unfortunately, the afternoon to drive, if a little wine, eat up the better.
1 pm points, all the way to journey home. obviously the way back up vehicles, many service areas infested vehicles, fuel, rest is very inconvenient. especially on the service area in Luanxian as fuel in many cars crowded together, each side even get off a falling out, the stopper of the evil in some Beijingers drive performance is very full, and even gas station workers say: is a region, as it? Beijing sounds really feel lost face. Therefore, to remind friends to the beach, the best time to make up about oil, so as not to come back fuel, and time-consuming but also affect mood. At the same time, also thank a Jetta in Beijing, after overtaking a car that we did not shut the door.
about 6:00 or so, and his party returned to the White Deer 8 car charging station, a pleasant trip to the beach come to an end. parents waved goodbye, the children are even more reluctant to part Unforgettable. aftertaste, perhaps more is looking forward to ...... Tips
1, accommodation. idyllic place to stay until the Anchor Bay guest houses. better than the various facilities around the famous tourist destination, consider the expected value. Contact: He Changming ( SZ). Alternative accommodation: only Anchor Bay Wufu Villa (Tel:), rural guest houses (Tel:), Masters Villas (Tel: 4296486518). cabin: (0429m6485273 (Designate)).
2, bring: no local shops, try to get ready themselves to eat, wear, use, play and other items. seaside hot please bring your sunscreen and swimming equipment, anti-inflammatory, anti-mosquito drugs. Please bring your own toiletries, the best stripe large bath towels or towels point, destination to provide solar water shower.
3, to bring soccer, volleyball, kite, water guns and other fun things, DV, DC fully charged.
4, to facilitate contact, each the best car or truck with a hand table sets
5, Special Recommendations: The best way to make oil, fuel line to prevent the return service area.
6, pay attention to traffic safety (see 3 on the way to go from rear-end accident, definitely affects travel) 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Shanxi Poverty Alleviation in 15 years to 50 million people out of poverty Mountain

 Zhongguang Wang Taiyuan, Jan. 10 (Xinhuanet Li Fan) 1996, Shanxi Province, the first nationwide poverty reduction in immigration in 15 years not only 50 million out of the mountains, and make their lives change the world.

1996 in Shanxi Province took the lead in the new ideas proposed by poor immigrants, the 15-year anti-poverty funds across the province has invested 1.617 billion yuan, relocation Hill barracks 7382, the new village of 797 immigrants, poor people move out of 129,700 total 50.82 million. Combined output of labor, industry, poverty, social poverty and area development and other measures to enable poor villagers to completely pull out roots deep in the mountains, not back into poverty after poverty.

Shanxi Poverty Alleviation and Development Office
Liu Kunming was revealed at the Shanxi Province, more than 150 million people out of poverty, there is one-third to address poverty through immigration, a move come to realize, stability is maintained, to develop , to get rich goal. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bad fat actress starred Ray viewers

 Found Huan always thought that beauty is on and off stage stars have a look, people are always lamenting how students see how long it! Which used to seeing stars on the screen beauty hot body, suddenly surprised to find U.S. Female stars who have time to mine. It seems that God had also to be fair, let the years one by one notch unceremoniously also present in the beautiful star of the body. In this way, we as ordinary people, will not always his own face and body are no longer slim old to worry slightly. Anyway, as long as people there to grow old someday, right? So ha, happy days over each of the most important . Well, do not pick up Huan ado, we look at beautiful women with waist fat stars, entertainment one, then the world with confidence that, my body, my appearance, no better than these beauties difference where they go? hehe hh

familiar duo duo of people would say: She was not beautiful but she is very sexy! but is so sexy as a synonym for the actress, her figure also There are always a lot of be desired. good effect many times have affected the dance, dance when the fat sigh, intensity of such work, however, her diet will not help the cause. A duo that their work should have been taxing, so will a lot of food after each training session, the passage of time after the show to create the habit of overeating, many times to not be fat into tight-fitting dance clothes to wear. Finally, the coach had to smear her waist slimming products or plastic wrap and then exercise, weight loss to get rid of fat on the emergency. Fortunately, a few weeks after the insistence of her waist by decomposition of fat burning, more compact and solid, finally got to keep her sexy image enchanting.
Fan Bingbing Fan Bingbing
glamorous dream used to seeing the photo, suddenly pop out of the forum a large waist, legs round so that makeup can not meet the photo really. But Fan Bingbing In fact, you carefully check the photo you will find some are exposed waist, thigh, arm fat.
Fan Bingbing is the printing of the famous feisty, she loved Pinjiu, love to eat hot pot. These ; man version of the SPA. finished the game after the bath with drops of essential oil bath not only soothes the spirit, so to detoxify the skin. In addition, as with carthamin weight loss ingredients like essential oils can also play a role in weight loss, protection kill two birds with body weight.
glamorous occasionally stunned people because of small mistakes, when the film industry to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the reunification of the red carpet, wearing a tight Chen Hao Tube Top Dress, unfortunately skirt Mouth too tight, not only for breasts hide, more embarrassing ignorance once again, broke the layers of fat.
In fact, Chen Hao For the weight loss is very a set, you can say that she is very hard for artists. a time, would be Chen Hao to the gym, there are three kind of regular exercise: running, swimming and playing badminton. insist on jogging on a treadmill 40 minutes; adjusted she will take a swim in the pool of three round-trip, travel 10 to 15 minutes each time; and then go play Badminton relax. Every time she asked to lose weight insisted: After a lot with the nature of the mother. Children's Day at noon, Cecilia Cheung with his son, and sister, mother appear together in the pool, wearing a red and white bikini Cecilia went to the pool, Lucas has grown up a lot of fat around his waist still be seen Cecilia Cheung .
music-based child
a magazine in Hong Kong, the fiftieth anniversary of the reception, there are many stars to attend, but the surprise was undoubtedly the most music-based child, she wore Lu Qizhuang, but the waist was exposed out of the fat. A reporter joked that this is the dawn of one of the reasons has been reluctant to get married.

CoCo CoCo CoCo eggs successfully closed; CoCo superb dancing and a number of classic songs, ten thousand fans successfully captured the hearts of the audience, high performance three hours turning the Arena! But, after all, time is getting, has a sexy day After the fat is also really a handful of the audience stunned.
bikini sexy hot pants to a dress cool music festival finale performances staged Mei, live hard ecstasy, they get to excited when he bends over, fold the belly 3 layers of meat, greatly surprised the audience, suspected of body fat. In fact, it is said to be suspected and generous, and has always been fat do! Mei Although the name change, but Amit is also bold and daring spirit unchanged hh
Britney Spears < br> This female line Britney Spears. Spears is suddenly very famous skinny fat suddenly, by her sexy sultry hot, fat people are also shocked them. This photo is of Britney Spears (Britney Spears) Marriott Marina del Rey in Los Angeles unveiled the hotel swimming pool when the photo. her body in purple bikini in the swimming pool, waist fat significantly.
was now a woman into the transit in the day group SHE selina has also been is a large figure, but also for fear of her own in a program of obesity revealed excessive worry be imposed for the body caused the problem! But now the three women have maintained a small figure if the fire is very pleasing.
He Jie's body has been the focus of media attention, whether it is emptied during the previous popularity, fat photos, or today's cosmetic, sexy photo, do not know when she can say goodbye to the corner of speculation, the real image building.
Secret Divorce increasing rate of the amazing truth
who forced the woman into Jour?
alert: woman cheating man go to bed 10 famous
Canbei Primary Three killed 10 red star lover (Figure)
my relevant log:
2010-04-12 | entertainment experienced the passion play took the top ten male celebrities 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

simple plan's two brilliant album!

 Simple Plan (Simple Plan)
music style: PunkRock
singer describes:
punk band from Montreal, Canada Simple Plan, lead singer of the members Pierre Bouvier, Jeff Stinco and Seb Lefebvre double guitarist bassist and drummer David Derosiers Chunk Cormeau 5 位 young man, as early as their teenage years into the future of music will be the objective gravity of the energy of the young vent to loud tone light and humorous response to the strength of the rock and roll fun!
into the Army in 1998, a company launched by the Colombian comedy The New Guy  concert's first single, write a coupled with simple energetic punk energy, a Simple Plan's best-selling masterpiece! back in March 2002 issue of the debut album become a more prosperous the more sales, sales exceeded a million, and spread from 2002 to 2004 platinum album! through the album three singles ; the waves, so that the original list only the first three potential access to the Simple Plan, unsuccessful in the past 2 years to release into the U.S. Billboard Top40 of the forest! and by Blink-182, Sum 41, Sugar Ray, etc. respected seniors, sub-invited to the concert to perform!
wow! this amazing word not only with joy, the feeling of pleasure, but the group Simple Plan is a pop punk band exudes energy strong enough and deep rock strength happy to respond readily. If you fascinated by Blink 182 (Blink 182) is funny does not make sense, Sum 41 young fresh and dynamic or Green Day's punk rock smooth Italian style, that Simple Plan is that you must lock the next The goal??. formed in 1998 by lead singer Pierre Bouvier, guitarist Jeff Stinco and double Seb Lefebvre, bassist and drummer David Derosiers Chunk Cormeau other five, although the long-term young but seemingly all good music, laser blasting each other the music strength in both strongly praised and recommended by the sectors, the album has not yet released, had been Columbia's upcoming comedy lThe New Guyr inviting singing a song, is their first attack single Kid a stage show in their general demeanor kid afraid of tigers, really let the audience have to not do High Simple Plan fans feel the energy of punk with plenty of interesting.
smile is the name of the album Pads, No HelmetshJust Balls the words, sing a time when the hearts of the young adolescent concerns, dissatisfaction, longing for love, the value of life issues such as the opening song when the album smooth melody pleasant smell immediately makes an atmosphere of pleasure straight forehead, as if do not care whether the song over and over dead lover back to win the hearts and minds; echoed this strong feeling; first single, ; have brought in some hilarious stories, funny like a bad opera staged. naughty witty happy heat, people can not resist the rock interest is as simple, straightforward zero pressure in the music of Simple Plan emerge one by one. (Reprinted from VeryCD)
Album Title: No Pads, No HelmetshJust Balls
Issue date :2002-05-07
distribution companies: Warner Music
Album Description:
wow! this amazing word not only with joy, the feeling of pleasure, but the group Simple Plan is a pop punk band dynamic strong enough to rock exudes strength and deep joy, brisk response. If you are fascinated by Blink 182 (Blink 182) The funny does not make sense, Sum 41 young fresh and dynamic or Green Day's punk rock smooth Italian style, that Simple Plan is that you must lock the next target??. formed in 1998 by lead singer Pierre Bouvier , two guitarists Jeff Stinco and Seb Lefebvre, bassist and drummer David Derosiers Chunk Cormeau other five, although the long-term young but seemingly all good music, music in the burst strength of each shock, they all strongly praised and recommended by the sectors, album not yet been issued, had been Columbia's upcoming comedy lThe New Guyr inviting singing a song, is their first attack single on them they seem strong inexhaustible energy, together with Blink 182, Sum 41, American Hi-Fi, etc. by the majority of fans worship the singer, the orchestra on the stage a show in their general demeanor kid afraid of tigers, really let the audience have to not do High Simple Plan fans feel the energy of punk with plenty of interesting.
smile is the name of the album first meeting gift, and got the Aronld Lanni (Our Lady Peace, King's X) as the producer of this series, 12 single, simple and powerful to relaxed and humorous words, sing a time when the hearts of the young adolescent concerns , dissatisfaction, longing for love, the value of life issues such as the opening song when the album breath straight into the forehead, as if do not care whether the song over and over dead lover back to win the hearts and minds; 'm Just A Kid Comedy drama staged a hapless. mischievous humor happy heat, people can not resist the rock interest is as simple, straightforward zero pressure in the music of Simple Plan emerge one by one. (Reprinted from VeryCD)
album Tracks:
01. I'd Do Anything
02. The Worst Day Ever
03. You Don't Mean Anything
04. I'm Just a Kid
05. When I 'm With You
06. Meet You There
07. Addicted
08. My Alien
09. God Must Hate Me
10. I Won't Be There
11. One Day
12. Perfect
Album Title: Still Not Getting Any
issuer: Lava
Released: October 20, 2004
Album Description:
The rumors are true : Simple Plan just don't give a punk. Drummer Chuck Comeau says of their new album, -we just wanted to write good songs. of t say you're Still Not Getting Any ..., because we're hooking you up with Simple Plan's newest right now on The Leak.
like the punk who should be familiar to simple plan, right?? very good rock band, recently they are being hit mv. very interesting, much like the flash like Blink 182. flash recommended ~ (Reprinted from VeryCD)
1. Shut Up!
2. Welcome To My Life (Recommended Recommended!)
3. Perfect World
4. Thank You
5. Me Against The World
6. Crazy
7. Jump
8. Everytime
9. Promise
10. One
11. Untitled
12.Perfect (Live) (Japan Bonus Track)
(Reprinted from

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Flavors, how to force search engines in power

 When we network search engines increasingly become an integral part of his career when, just rely on pure skill spiders or crawlers to let the wrist to supply only the mass collected, but the machine does not take the side of too much information? Future How will the search engines like?
after all, today's Internet users are only required to search not only the proliferation of online information, on information extraction, they have a new request, modular look, for example, to find microblogging +2 days + authenticated users + l I r views on the site of the mass of information, many search engines seem beyond their grasp.
taste for such heavy demand for increasingly difficult for the user satisfaction with search engines where to go then? Not long ago, Tencent CTO Xiong Minghua put forward a rather boring thoughts, to complete the search engine's , these four aspects, just encompasses the realm of search engine should be sought. And Soso the function display to the extreme, in the industry information and classified information, information, and many other aspects of micro-Bo the function of strengthening himself, but also satisfied the user a variety of different tastes.
and the current search seems to go It is this search Road, not only to search only for the consequences, and the supply of information packages that reflect the characteristics of outstanding features, the first thing after I go online nowadays is no longer a browser message, but look at the Journal mailbox search in the search than at home and Nebula QQ's growth platform, Tencent always achieve the ultimate user experience, with QQ on the indirect search box to search for the inconvenience, but the search space, microblogging is also very inconvenient, and the consequences of the search, and now it seems, just can not be relatively accurate, but and peers, not much better the. more deeply to the crux of the problem is that it can control hundreds of millions of users, This is indeed a private secrets of the search search.
, of course, the trend of moving is also indispensable, Tencent this point there is a maximum disadvantage is that access to good performance mobile phone platform, the temporary working multi-platform multi-brand mobile phone QQ implant, so that can make use of this disadvantage Tencent will be implanted into the search search Among many phone can do, so that flavors and too empty of people search the Internet but need to be more slow McNair find the information you want. which as its latest career map search, it will move the search the use of features and user trends to do the best joint.
flavors nowadays in power on the needs of users, search engines, or destroy his career, in fact, that opponents can not grow, but that I can carefully, more carefully about search, specifically about the user experience, search engine capabilities of the user under the premise of flavors, straight to the force, the user will be bonding, reason is simple, but on the search engine firms, if the problem was a contrast tangled.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2009 13 April to 10 July

 Monday, April 13 12-26 degrees; April 9 -12 days to Changsha to meet; began floating the Yanghwa catkins; first school wind sound ; one to Le called br> I remember the former Beijing on Thursday to Changsha, no floating Yanghwa catkins, and today has begun to drift back to Beijing found out.
school today for the first time Le windy sound Dixi. Waving goodbye to Le Le Le Le times refused, only day I got off the phone ready to hang, the Lele grandmother said: Grandma said her mother just waved goodbye to the Lele, but my mother still can not see.
4 月 Thursday 16 eat chocolate pie; Lele Xie grandfather fed noodles; eat a lot of friends that like to bring grandma
Lele Le Le came back from playing outside, Lele patted his little belly, then to the chocolate pie, ha ha Little Pig hungry friends!
grandpa fed Lele Lele morning to eat noodles, Lele said: ! Lele Lele grandma said that Lele father bought four copies of a comic; help grandma Chuibei; noon, went to bed one hour play; skipping in the hall; bath and refused to sit
6:30 this morning my dad off and Lele, 8:00 Langfang parents went to the home it! 7:10 Lele Lele Grandma said get up, have not eaten breakfast yet!
10:00 am more lengthy father took me and Lele, Lele out to play, Konka Lele grandmother was out of the supermarket to buy things to go with the ocean. because of the large disk that has many older kids in the slip roller, I am concerned with the impact, Lele, Lele was brought to the East Gate of the Century Plaza area, the first time go! may be because there is far more than the large disk, and then the air next to the road is not very good, so people are particularly small. just arrived that I felt hungry, went to canteen next to the source of livelihood, click on see the ice cream, yeah, birth how Lele had never eaten ice cream on it! Hongbao Levin salesman recommended the taste, not bad! Le dad laugh at me: Lele did not dare to eat), the result may be Zhigu Pig looked around the small and did not eat enough of the, hey Zhenguai!
Lele dad bought a bookstall downstairs two of the , a Big music back, the result Lele to learn it! Le grandma every time you cough or choke will help Lele Lele grandmother burping, haha so cute! play in the hall this morning to hear Lele Lele grandmother cough a few times in the kitchen, and quickly went over to help Grandma burping Lele, Lele, but it stood grandmother, Lele out of reach, so symbolically took a few Lele grandma ass, ha ha good Wanla !
Lele 1:30 drinking coconut milk, lying in bed one hour play went to bed in the middle several times I feel like I fell asleep .4:20 Lele awake! fed drinking water Lele, ran to the couch to help me count, Lele afar off, ha ha worship is certainly very eyes! was often picked up Lele jumps rope jumping, it looks like can be fun friends!
fast 6:00, I and Le Le Le Le dad to take a bath. Lele Lele Dad said Grandma last week then some hot water, Lele would not sit still wah-wah cry a little today, I would not hot water, Lele or not willing to take, alas, also return went! But it's slowly come!
4 月 19 Sunday night, two of urine; rain; pointing to holes in my socks, ;; ground tea, fish; infinite sadness; afternoon after sleeping together make up their own standing in the doorway with her mother waved goodbye; first time, say lie down and drink the milk, went to bed half an hour to play. lay lifted up the middle also installed five or six pairs of socks in the cartons, crashed full deduction in the Lele face socks it! small Lele for a moment, Haha it looks like can be fun it! 12:00 to fast once the urine Lele, Lele is always late at night to sleep Debu flipped steadfast, Lele again soon when the urinary 5:00 a, 7:10 Lele awake!
12 to 25 degrees the day before yesterday, 12-21 degrees, rain last night and this morning, only 12 to 16 degrees today.
several times the past two days pointed to my socks Lele The hole does not taste too good (I think not good), spicy fish, and Dad can not eat chili and beans (ext, there are soy), but added Lele very favorite dad, we had another installed package back to Beijing.
1:00 meal at noon, the Lele grandmother said: . Goodbye Grandma asked whom it Lele, Lele said, br> Lele today for the first time called the > Le Le Le Le grandma said usually at night to drink the milk doubles and sleep under it! play, but last night went to bed one hour at 10:30, Saturday night may be affected by it!
4 月 21 日Tuesday noon-year-old bed-wetting taken eleven months; for the first time at the dinner table to eat; for the first time that Memorial to leave it!
Lele Lele grandmother fed normal food is generally away from the table to sit two meters Lele's big chair, Lele is always pointing to the chair ran to his brother want to go eat dinner table , grandmother for the first time at noon today at the dinner table to Lele, Lele can be happy it! down, but not a moment to Chuliu it! may be hard enough on the table so tired of it!
the first time today, Lele said play ; laughing, index finger, middle finger gesturing eating raw corn, tomatoes
while ago does not always eat well Lele Lele Lele grandpa training a few, Lele, refused to let grandpa fed the. Oh Well another two days! grandfather this morning are eating noodles, Lele Cou past, Grandpa asked not want to eat noodles Lele, Lele nodded, and then to the little finger outstretched seaweed, eggs, noodles and later ate a lot of it!
grandmother said Le Le Le Le particular favorite tender sweet corn, half of this noon to eat it!
Le grandma cooking a few days ago when the skin just peeled tomatoes, huh cried Lele to eat, eat the results of one and one, finally put the whole small tomatoes ate it! eat it almost every day these days!
4 月 Saturday, 25th 8 to 21 degrees; Lele Lele dad watching his back Langfang, ooo, ooo ; Lele Lele dad grew up friends
this morning took me to school on their own to go back to Langfang see Lele. I am in a school examiner, and the weekend had to prepare lessons, so I can not go back to see Lele of the , ooo, ooo hh Fortunately, next Friday is the basin refused urine, Lele Lele dad asked Do you want the toilet, Lele nod, the results on the urine to the toilet one it! Oh Little Pig must think: pots of it! parents home. Today is Dragon Boat Festival, and I am starting Lele dad 6:30, 8:00, Langfang parents went to the house it! Lele Lele grandma said to get up at 6:15, just after breakfast, riding In grandma legs fun too! every time we have just entered, not how the management Lele Mom and Dad, may not adapt after a while bobbing and followed the child to friends!
this morning in the nine districts with Le Le The large disk to play, there are only very small dog of a total age of two small children, flutter, Lele did not know scared puppy, dog approached, the Lele have to scrape together the past, Dad quickly put Le Le Le Le hold up. Today there is rain forecast, wind getting bigger, and some cool play with only an hour Lele home.
Lele and taller it! 92 cm.
5 月 29 Le Friday night is always churning; to the people of the park to play; ocean skipping school; cutting head is very nice
Lele Lele always tossed last night, but hum hum, I woke up numerous times, each time I asked Le urine is not urine, all shook their heads Lele, Lele woke up at 5:00 this morning urine after, I went to sleep making Lele, Lele not sleep I fell asleep, 5:45 Music fun getting up it! and the ocean this morning with Le Le to People's Park to play, I was sleepy, and kept yawning. Photo
afternoon, I play table tennis at the corridor, shuttlecock, rope skipping, the ocean with great interest ran out of view, but later jumped out of his rope, Oh ocean can now look at what jump, but even without it, Oh will slowly it! Lele quickly grow up I'm looking forward to ah! to when you can take together with Lele playing table tennis, shuttlecock, jumping rope, swimming it! Le dad will not be lazy like this, do not love sports friends!
I dance through ropes, Lele Lele grandmother began to cut head I help in the next, Lele Lele to see Dad turn on the TV for Teletubbies, cut about half an hour, Lele surprisingly good, ha ha may have attributed to the Teletubbies! Lele has become a small dash of it! < br> 5 月 30 Saturday to the natural park of the zoo; saying woke up only once. 6:15 am Le awake!
and the ocean this morning to go with Le Nature Park Wanla! there are a small zoo, a monkey mountain, just in time for many animals looked hh a circus, animal trainer of animals is very bad, let the puppy count arithmetic, hit the dog several times, counting on the no reward. zoo animals who are so poor! Lele may still be too small, They are not interested in the animals.
Lele particularly good to eat lunch, soon after eating it! good!
noon, the Lele Hongshui 2:00, my dad and Lele back to Beijing, I have to go to Qingdao to meet on Thursday next week and can not see Lele a, ooo, ooo hh
night call, ask Lele Lele grandma said:
really time water ah! today will be Juan Le-year-old sister's birthday baby! Lele Lele sister sister Happy Birthday!
Le Le Le Le grandmother said this morning, and the ocean with the East Gate of the century to the Ninth Region Square it! Le Le Diandian to chase the ball to run, play can be fun it! Lele sleepy during lunch and began refused to eat, one can see the spirit of octopus it! take a morsel of food a fish to eat can be a Hong it! haha really little Chanmao! ten at night to eat small dumplings, is an eating can take a Hong 啦!
Lele Lele grandmother said this morning wake up call , grandmother said: in the past.
6 月 10 Wednesday for the first time last night, his grandmother gave Lele Lele bath; to call my mother called my father side, so called grandmother called my brother
previous partial bath are generally two to Lele adults, Lele his grandmother for the first time last night to Lele bath it! Lele well behaved, standing in the bathtub wearing slippers, Lele Lele grandmother used to wash the pots. Lele grandmother to the ocean after a wash, not Lele willing to play outside with Grandpa, have to follow the grandmother, Grandma said to the ocean bath, stood beside the straight Leng Leng Lele looked at, ha ha really funny!
Lele grandmother last night I call, Lele Lele grandmother called to Mama, Papa Lele partial name, called after the last four or five sound of my father called out my mother, father Lele certainly happy to get lost it! letting Lele Lele grandmother called grandma, haha Lele partial name dede (elder brother), this little nasty!
6 月 11 Thursday to sleep Zhengsu feel; do not like to drink a bottle; wear sandals ocean would not spend for the previous < br> In recent months, said her grandmother Lele Lele is more than nine at night before going to sleep once the urine, more than eleven Lele Lele grandmother to grandmother went to bed after one of urine, after which no longer Lele no longer wake up in urine sleep Zhengsu feel, and nice!
Lele Lele grandmother said that from the day before yesterday was not easy to use bottle water, the total bite of the bottle nipple, a slow and each time left a lot of drinking, may because Lele grown up, but still not very good at Lele cup to drink, also drink very slowly. slowly come!
Lele Grandma said earlier today to find out the ocean flower sandals, Lele just put on, and especially like to play back from the outside, refused to change it!
6 月 12 Friday, then my mother calls; let grandma hug to sleep every night I call
Lele grandmother, Lele are generally not willing to listen to the phone, holding a quite a while tonight, but refused to call her grandmother, her mother called a lot of sound, bad music my friends ha ha!
Lele Lele grandma said not to before going to sleep now arms around her grandmother, if grandma did not, Lele grabbed grandma's hand will put himself, haha so cute!
6 月 13 Saturday grilled spicy flavored crabs in Qingdao, seaweed; to the people of the park to play; ocean wrapped around grandmother; in the wake of the wah-wah cry Let nap holding
bags I brought from Qingdao Xiang Laxie barbecue, seaweed, Lele, and especially love to eat seaweed on the ocean has been, and grilled spicy flavored crabs except I only ran to eat, music Music grandpa sick can not eat seafood, Lele grandmother did not eat meat, Lele said Dad was too fishy.
and the ocean this morning with Le Le to People's Park Wanla! a few photos:
Lele Grandma said Lele now eat much faster than before, certainly for half an hour after eating. But this afternoon I feed Lele, Lele, or lounged not good, I started feeding Lele eat after dinner, music sleepy music, but the father refused to coax sleep, non so grandma holding, ocean was unhappy wah-wah cry, grandpa a bad heart, a cry ran to grandfather to upset, so angry, I quickly took the music from her grandmother that music, ocean stopped crying. Grandma said Yang Yang said later: mother as well. the.
Lele in the nap for about an hour after the wah-wah cry and ask pee smell pull all shook their heads, Lele dad said last week like this, hold up after the cry, and hold for an hour does not fit , and sure enough I picked up the Lele Lele to cry, I probably hold more than half an hour trying to put down, Lele hum a few times, I took a while Lele, Lele to sleep on friends and whirring !
6 月 14 Sunday to the Art Park; downstairs to get my parents cry
Lele slept well last night, the night did not urine, ha ha I may have slept great, woke up only again. 5:40 am Le awake!
and the ocean this morning with Le Wanla to the art park! Le Granny lengthy bought a clear plastic hut, so there is little turtle ocean home it! plastic small plastic hut with coconut trees, an area of ocean that play to get out to Lele, Lele did not expect to particularly like, put it down, ocean want to go back, the result of a lengthy Lele to curl one's lip to cry, grandma with the ocean Lele said let play, ocean to be angry, wept.
father before me and Le Le are generally Sunday to Beijing after lunch, mainly because I have to go back to lesson planning, lesson last week, we end , and a little bit easier today. Lele dad for the first time I tried to eat dinner 7:30 to Beijing, with Lele Lele grandmother down the stairs and ran to give us a very nice Lele, grandmother, said: Mom and Dad to go back to work, come on, grandma hold! constantly called her mother; found Lele friends why would not drink water bottle; small Tan has strained knee ligaments, health is happiness; yesterday grandma and grandpa had a fight Lele
Lele grandmother said yesterday ooo, ooo We got home late while supplies, Lele always crying mother, alas, really is infinite sadness ah hh
Lele Lele finally found why the grandmother said, these days would not drink a bottle, the original Cross nipple is used for a long time, and become particularly large, a change today, as before Lele to like a drink Gudonggudong it! Oh, really, even forgot! This was true when the parents are incompetent.
invigilation morning, poor little Qin walk limped, and had his right leg last week accidentally pulled a knee ligament and small Qin said he used to be a sprinter, not the right knee ligament injury do not give up. Small Tan said her husband, she jokes, with a half years old baby with her in the back of learning to walk, Health is happiness! When have, please cherish!
sleep yesterday afternoon Lele Lele grandmother and grandfather had a fight, I did not hear earlier, just because grandpa said something like, grandmother and said something My grandfather got angry and called out, grandma cry, so I'm so distressed. Lele grandfather a bad temper, grandma always makes the last two years grandfather of poor health, bad temper, even. In contrast Lele Dad's temper was much better, but I always born in the fortunate, the total training Lele Dad. Lele dad came home from work today, go to the supermarket, I called Dad to buy bags of dates to Lele, before I Buy large bags are 1000g, Lele dad bought bags of 450g today, the price naturally is relatively high, I am very angry, while training to open the refrigerator side get Lele Lele dad dad bought back the yogurt, the results did not hold , yogurt fell to the floor above the sealed plastic bags being broken mouth, yogurt, sprinkle some on, I was so angry he turned to go back to the hut preparing lessons. After a child Lele yogurt Dad took my box to a new house , alas, moved ah!
6 月 16 thunder and lightning on Tuesday, the night was like night; lengthy proposals to Lele bath after her grandmother, really smart!
this morning under a lot of rain, at noon eleven more thunder and lightning, the night was like night, very scary, but they did not take long to turn on coming!
last week, give Lele Lele is a grandmother to wash each time, give the ocean to wash, to the ocean wash , the Lele have to follow the grandmother, standing next to the play in the water, the toilet was very hot, and sweating on Lele. Today he ran to give her grandmother suggested washing, wash Lele in the next play, sweat does not matter, washed After lengthy out brush your teeth, wash her grandmother and then to the Lele. haha ocean clever!
6   17, a Wednesday like holding a small plastic jar water; saw the meat to a connected one; just do not lick the dried fish floss Grandma said to eat bread
Lele Lele as before, with the exception of the glass bottle to drink water, but especially like holding a small plastic jar water, probably because not used before, I feel very fresh.
noon music Music began to refuse to bite Shiyou, grandma gave the folder a few Lele meat, cut into small pieces with a spoon, each port has a small piece of meat, Lele to take a bite to eat as fast as it! ha ha often is the case.
at Lele in the bread pieces on her grandmother put some dried fish floss, so that his hand to eat Lele, Lele bread to eat only dried fish floss licking, grandma took it quickly: Hey now! Saturday, June 20 to People's Park Wanla; back to his alma mater high school Rights
Pipeline Bureau this morning with the Lele and the ocean to the People's Park Wanla! before and Lele aunt went to my alma mater high school Pipeline Bureau, has nearly years did not go to a school change is very large, none of the previous building, the new campus is very beautiful!
6 月 slept well last night, Sunday 21; list of small hills; said Few friends shaking his head; noon, wah-wah cry to sleep or wake up before it is prepared to hold sleep; After dinner back to Beijing
Lele slept well last night, the night did not urine, I tried two of the Lele, Lele do not have to play quite the urine. 5:40 am Le awake, sat up, some cement, can be happy it! the first time we climbed to the highest point of the park mm small pavilion, ha ha Lele recorded a cell phone. may be too tired to go down when it refused his friends not let me hold!
Lele Lele said that since her grandmother would say shaking his head it! ha ha said Little Lai Lai it! are sleeping at noon yesterday and today for about an hour after the wah-wah cry and ask pee smell pull all shook their heads, I picked up the Lele Lele to cry, as with last week, probably hold After half an hour trying to put down, Lele hum a few times, I took a while Lele, Lele and whistling to sleepin!
Today, my dad dinner and Le Le, 7:30 back to Beijing Le Le Le Le and ocean with her grandmother to take us down the stairs, with the same last week, Lele very nice, did not cry. we got home 9:10.
6   22 Monday, the original is the attached to his little face to face, grandma, grandmother suddenly realize: Lele certainly good sad ah!
6   23 Tuesday, 22-37 degrees; the first time called ; ocean, telephone, yesterday said grandma can Lele 8:00 to play, because now day long, and less than 7:00 at night after dinner with two little one can go out and play while. 8:00 tonight, when I called, Lele grandmother said just the door.
6   Wednesday 24 22-39 degrees (said to be the maximum period of 58 years); grandfather answered the phone; will be spit a watermelon seed friends!
8:00 tonight, when I called Lele grandmother went out to play with two little one has not come back, grandpa answered the phone, grandpa is very simple words: said, done for a minute!
6 月 25 Thursday 22-37 degrees; or drink boiled water, as Lele father; temperature reached the maximum period of 58 years of history, said her grandmother
Lele too hot these days green beans to boil drinking water to Lele, Lele would not drink, but definitely think there is no taste, grandma can not put points on each crystal sugar, total sugar, but not good! each Lele saw no Transparent color is definitely not drink the water, and, alas, this is definitely not drink boiled water Lele genetic father.
observatory said the past few days the temperature reached the maximum period of 58 years of history.
6   27 Day Week Saturday at 3:00 to Langfang Institute of parents home
we met yesterday afternoon and this morning, at noon today to pick up my dad Lele, we 3:00 pm to Langfang parents home, Lele was taking a nap .3 : 40 Le opened his eyes, if it is then usually will definitely sleep, her mother must have seen today, suddenly coming to the spirit, and refused to sleep 啦!
6 月 28 hot sleep Sunday night bad; to the people of the park to play; afternoon
unprecedented four hours sleep did not sleep well last night was very hot Lele, the total turn to turn to go, the night did not urine, I asked two Lele, Lele all shook their heads. 5:50 am Lele awake, sat up, the highest point mm small pavilion it! sit in a small pavilion that for a moment, drinking, eating mangoes, probably because the mango is yellow, there is always the shape of the flying insects wasp flying around, I am scared cockroaches are not take the mango, then had to let Dad feed me Lele, haha enjoy the same treatment, and Lele! Lele may be sleepy after eating mango play for a while I hold the non-, and less than 11: 00, we came down to go home! time out to play, Lele is the time to go back to sleep in the car about five minutes, the car woke up, so good, when lunch is not the Thanksgivings!
I have to go home to write material for delivery tomorrow, and I finished eating lunch at 1:30 Lele dad is ready to return to Beijing, and before leaving the Lele Lele grandmother deliberately playing to the bedroom, my dad and Lele sneak away. night I called, the Lele Lele grandmother said we had gone out for a while called Mom and Dad, Grandma said Mom and Dad to work, Lele slippers not find the door to see Mom and Dad, and for a while to sleep it! Zhenguai!
6   29 on Monday night at 7:35 to constantly called : 35 (weather just ended) so call me on Wednesday to call after 8:00 to 7:35 to Lele a stop called the Rights!
Lele especially fond of corn, even after tonight, eat a half shouted Tuesday, January 30, the first is called But for the first time ah!
Today, I brought back from the sack of Qingdao, not to eat seaweed, and Lele Lele grandmother to empty the bag to play, holding an empty bag, cropped Lele words: No! Grandma put to bed Lele, Lele slept until three in the get up after lunch, is certainly hungry awake Oh!
7  1 Wednesday grandfather answered the telephone
Lele 8 tonight : 00 I call, Lele grandmother went out to play with two little one has not come back, grandpa answered the phone, grandpa is very simple words: said, done for!
7 月 2 Thursday would say Oh because the Le Le Le grandma said today would say eat Encyclopedia of Chinese Children Lele attenuated JE vaccine played, I do not know is that the art of high or Lele aunt grew up not painlessly, and Le did not even cry, and there is no hum about, Zhenguai!
to Le called aunt, sh did not sleep good sleep. Lele Lele with grandpa said yesterday that his brother had to return to Beijing, Lele said: Le kick vaccine, with Lele Lele dad grandma, aunt Lele, ocean away. Originally, I have to go take a look Lele Lele aunt's home, but then the weather is too hot Lele grandfather said, Lele car sat so long is not good, I mainly feel safe, because I have not bought Lele father child safety seats, only holding the Lele, said this is the most dangerous to children. Lele My grandfather did not go to motion sickness. noon, the Lele grandfather Cook ready, I fried a loofah, cook the noodles, Lele in the hall to see willing to let me feed themselves holding a pick a teaspoon, then finished eating chicken wings, and then only eat the gourd and noodles to eat in general is still relatively fast Oh! grandmother and Le Le Le Le at 3:30 pm Dad come back!
Chi Chi I bought a set of is the same as adults to keep up the toilet in the morning after I took the urine Lele, Lele to hand over the baby out into the toilet, said: Dad went out to play with Lele Lele, in the district saw a large disc that coaches teach children to Taekwondo, Oh fun! later also to learn with Lele, Lele Dad home so when the players but, hey!
7  5:00 am Sunday morning wake up 5; cut bald bald; morning slept, did not go out and play;
last night, I and Le Le in comparison ventilation, cooler and the south chambers sleep, Lele dad on the balcony of his house in the electric fan. Le ...